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Eukaryotic DNA replication is tightly restricted to only once per cell cycle in order to maintain genome stability. Cells use multiple mechanisms to control the assembly of the prereplication complex (pre-RC), a process known as replication licensing. This review focuses on the regulation of replication licensing by posttranslational modifications of the licensing factors, including phosphorylation, ubiquitylation and acetylation. These modifications are critical in establishing the pre-RC complexes as well as preventing rereplication in each cell cycle. The relationship between rereplication and diseases, including cancer and virus infection, is discussed as well.  相似文献   

WUJIARUI 《Cell research》1999,9(3):163-170
In eukaryote,nuclear structure is a key component for the functions of eukaryotic cells.More and more evidences show that the nuclear structure plays important role in regulating DNA replication.The nuclear structure provides a physical barrier for the replication licensing,participates in the decision where DNA replication initiates,and organizes replication proteins as replication factory for DNA replication.Through these works,new concepts on the regulation of DNA replication have emerged,which will be discussed in this minireview.  相似文献   

Noc3p (Nucleolar Complex-associated protein) is an essential protein in budding yeast DNA replication licensing. Noc3p mediates the loading of Cdc6p and MCM proteins onto replication origins during the M-to-G1 transition by interacting with ORC (Origin Recognition Complex) and MCM (Minichromosome Maintenance) proteins. FAD24 (Factor for Adipocyte Differentiation, clone number 24), the human homolog of Noc3p (hNOC3), was previously reported to play roles in the regulation of DNA replication and proliferation in human cells. However, the role of hNOC3 in replication licensing was unclear. Here we report that hNOC3 physically interacts with multiple human pre-replicative complex (pre-RC) proteins and associates with known replication origins throughout the cell cycle. Moreover, knockdown of hNOC3 in HeLa cells abrogates the chromatin association of other pre-RC proteins including hCDC6 and hMCM, leading to DNA replication defects and eventual apoptosis in an abortive S-phase. In comparison, specific inhibition of the ribosome biogenesis pathway by preventing pre-rRNA synthesis, does not lead to any cell cycle or DNA replication defect or apoptosis in the same timeframe as the hNOC3 knockdown experiments. Our findings strongly suggest that hNOC3 plays an essential role in pre-RC formation and the initiation of DNA replication independent of its potential role in ribosome biogenesis in human cells.  相似文献   

This report provides a global view of how gene expression is affected by DNA replication. We analyzed synchronized cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under conditions that prevent DNA replication initiation without delaying cell cycle progression. We use a higher‐order singular value decomposition to integrate the global mRNA expression measured in the multiple time courses, detect and remove experimental artifacts and identify significant combinations of patterns of expression variation across the genes, time points and conditions. We find that, first, ~88% of the global mRNA expression is independent of DNA replication. Second, the requirement of DNA replication for efficient histone gene expression is independent of conditions that elicit DNA damage checkpoint responses. Third, origin licensing decreases the expression of genes with origins near their 3′ ends, revealing that downstream origins can regulate the expression of upstream genes. This confirms previous predictions from mathematical modeling of a global causal coordination between DNA replication origin activity and mRNA expression, and shows that mathematical modeling of DNA microarray data can be used to correctly predict previously unknown biological modes of regulation.  相似文献   

Summary When tobacco suspension culture line BY2 cells in stationary phase are transferred into fresh medium, replication of proplastid DNA proceeds for 24 h in the absence of nuclear DNA replication. Replicative intermediates of the proplastid DNA concentrated by benzoylated, naphthoylated DEAE cellulose chromatography, were radioactively labelled and hybridized to several sets of restriction endonuclease fragments of tobacco chloroplast DNA. The intermediates hybridized preferentially to restriction fragments in the two large inverted repeats. Mapping of D-loops and of restriction fragment lengths by electron microscopy permitted the localization of the replication origin, which was close to the 23S rRNA gene in the inverted repeats. The replication origins in both segments of the inverted repeat in tobacco proplastid DNA were active in vivo.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic replication licensing, Cdt1 plays a key role by recruiting the MCM2‐7 complex onto the origin of chromosome. The C‐terminal domain of mouse Cdt1 (mCdt1C), the most conserved region in Cdt1, is essential for licensing and directly interacts with the MCM2‐7 complex. We have determined the structures of mCdt1CS (mCdt1C_small; residues 452 to 557) and mCdt1CL (mCdt1C_large; residues 420 to 557) using X‐ray crystallography and solution NMR spectroscopy, respectively. While the N‐terminal 31 residues of mCdt1CL form a flexible loop with a short helix near the middle, the rest of mCdt1C folds into a winged helix structure. Together with the middle domain of mouse Cdt1 (mCdt1M, residues 172–368), this study reveals that Cdt1 is formed with a tandem repeat of the winged helix domain. The winged helix fold is also conserved in other licensing factors including archaeal ORC and Cdc6, which supports an idea that these replication initiators may have evolved from a common ancestor. Based on the structure of mCdt1C, in conjunction with the biochemical analysis, we propose a binding site for the MCM complex within the mCdt1C.  相似文献   

The human RIF1 protein controls DNA replication, but the molecular mechanism is largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that human RIF1 negatively regulates DNA replication by forming a complex with protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) that limits phosphorylation‐mediated activation of the MCM replicative helicase. We identify specific residues on four MCM helicase subunits that show hyperphosphorylation upon RIF1 depletion, with the regulatory N‐terminal domain of MCM4 being particularly strongly affected. In addition to this role in limiting origin activation, we discover an unexpected new role for human RIF1‐PP1 in mediating efficient origin licensing. Specifically, during the G1 phase of the cell cycle, RIF1‐PP1 protects the origin‐binding ORC1 protein from untimely phosphorylation and consequent degradation by the proteasome. Depletion of RIF1 or inhibition of PP1 destabilizes ORC1, thereby reducing origin licensing. Consistent with reduced origin licensing, RIF1‐depleted cells exhibit increased spacing between active origins. Human RIF1 therefore acts as a PP1‐targeting subunit that regulates DNA replication positively by stimulating the origin licensing step, and then negatively by counteracting replication origin activation.  相似文献   

To maintain genome stability, the thousands of replication origins of mammalian genomes must only initiate replication once per cell cycle. This is achieved by a strict temporal separation of ongoing replication in S phase, and the formation of pre-replicative complexes in the preceding G1 phase, which "licenses" each origin competent for replication. The contribution of the loading factor Cdc6 to the timing of the licensing process remained however elusive due to seemingly contradictory findings concerning stabilization, degradation and nuclear export of Cdc6. Using fluorescently tagged Cdc6 (Cdc6-YFP) expressed in living cycling cells, we demonstrate here that Cdc6-YFP is stable and chromatin-associated during mitosis and G1 phase. It undergoes rapid proteasomal degradation during S phase initiation followed by active export to the cytosol during S and G2 phases. Biochemical fractionation abolishes this nuclear exclusion, causing aberrant chromatin association of Cdc6-YFP and, likely, endogenous Cdc6, too. In addition, we demonstrate association of Cdc6 with centrosomes in late G2 and during mitosis. These results show that multiple Cdc6-regulatory mechanisms coexist but are tightly controlled in a cell cycle-specific manner.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe how, in a model embryonic system, cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) activity controls the efficiency of DNA replication by determining the frequency of origin activation. Using independent approaches of protein depletion and selective chemical inhibition of a single Cdk, we find that both Cdk1 and Cdk2 are necessary for efficient DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts. Eliminating Cdk1, Cdk2 or their associated cyclins changes replication origin spacing, mainly by decreasing frequency of activation of origin clusters. Although there is no absolute requirement for a specific Cdk or cyclin, Cdk2 and cyclin E contribute more to origin cluster efficiency than Cdk1 and cyclin A. Relative Cdk activity required for DNA replication is very low, and even when both Cdk1 and Cdk2 are strongly inhibited, some origins are activated. However, at low levels, Cdk activity is limiting for the pre-replication complex to pre-initiation complex transition, origin activation and replication efficiency. As such, unlike mitosis, initiation of DNA replication responds progressively to changes in Cdk activity at low activity levels.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2023,83(1):26-42.e13
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Cdc7 is an S‐phase‐promoting kinase (SPK) that is required for the activation of replication initiation complex assembly because it phosphorylates the MCM protein complex serving as the replicative helicase in eukaryotic organisms. Cdc7 activity is undetectable in immature mouse GV oocytes, although Cdc7 protein is already expressed at the same level as in mature oocytes or early one‐cell embryos at zygotic S‐phase, in which Cdc7 kinase activity is clearly detectable. Dbf4 is a regulatory subunit of Cdc7 and is required for Cdc7 kinase activity. Dbf4 is not readily detectable in immature GV oocytes but accumulates to a level similar to that in one‐cell embryos during oocyte maturation, suggesting that Cdc7 is already activated in unfertilized eggs (metaphase II). RNAi‐mediated knockdown of maternal Dbf4 expression prevents the maturation‐associated increase in Dbf4 protein, abolishes the activation of Cdc7, and leads to the failure of DNA replication in one‐cell embryos, demonstrating that Dbf4 expression is the key regulator of Cdc7 activity in mouse oocytes. Dormant Dbf4 mRNA in immature GV oocytes is recruited by cytoplasmic polyadenylation during oocyte maturation and is dependent on MPF activity via its cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE) upstream of the hexanucleotide (HEX) in the 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR). Our results suggest that Cdc7 is inactivated in immature oocytes, preventing it from the unwanted phosphorylation of MCM proteins, and the oocyte is qualified by proper maturation to proceed following embryogenesis after fertilization through zygotic DNA replication.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic DNA replication initiates from multiple replication origins. To ensure each origin fires just once per cell cycle, initiation is divided into two biochemically discrete steps: the Mcm2‐7 helicase is first loaded into prereplicative complexes (pre‐RCs) as an inactive double hexamer by the origin recognition complex (ORC), Cdt1 and Cdc6; the helicase is then activated by a set of “firing factors.” Here, we show that plasmids containing pre‐RCs assembled with purified proteins support complete and semi‐conservative replication in extracts from budding yeast cells overexpressing firing factors. Replication requires cyclin‐dependent kinase (CDK) and Dbf4‐dependent kinase (DDK). DDK phosphorylation of Mcm2‐7 does not by itself promote separation of the double hexamer, but is required for the recruitment of firing factors and replisome components in the extract. Plasmid replication does not require a functional replication origin; however, in the presence of competitor DNA and limiting ORC concentrations, replication becomes origin‐dependent in this system. These experiments indicate that Mcm2‐7 double hexamers can be precursors of replication and provide insight into the nature of eukaryotic DNA replication origins.  相似文献   

John A. Bryant 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4-6):855-863

The initiation of DNA replication is a key step in the cell division cycle and in DNA endoreduplication. Initiation of replication takes place at specific places in chromosomes known as replication origins. These are subject to temporal regulation within the cell cycle and may also be regulated as a function of plant development. In yeast, replication origins are recognised and bound by three different groups of proteins at different stages of the cell cycle. Of these, the MCM proteins are the most likely to be involved in activating the origins in order to facilitate initiation. MCM-like proteins also occur in plants, but have not been characterised in detail. Other proteins which bind to origins have been identified, as has a protein with a strong affinity for ds-ss junctions in DNA molecules.  相似文献   

Comment on: Madge LA, et al. J Biol Chem 2010; 285:38069–77.  相似文献   

A monkey cell factor that interacts specifically with double- and single-stranded DNA sequences in the early domain of the simian virus 40 (SV40) core origin of replication was identified using gel-retention assays. The protein was enriched over 1200-fold using ion-exchange and affinity chromatography on single-strand DNA cellulose. Binding of protein to mutant origin DNA restriction fragments was correlated with replication activity of the mutant DNAs. Exonuclease footprint experiments on single-stranded DNA revealed prominent pause sites in the early domain of the core origin. The results suggest that this cellular protein may be involved in SV40 DNA replication.  相似文献   

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