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The T‐cell antigen receptor is a heterodimeric αβ protein (TCR) expressed on the surface of T‐lymphocytes, with each chain of the TCR comprising three complementarity‐determining regions (CDRs) that collectively form the antigen‐binding site. Unlike antibodies, which are closely related proteins that recognize intact protein antigens, TCRs classically bind, via their CDR loops, to peptides (p) that are presented by molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). This TCR‐pMHC interaction is crucially important in cell‐mediated immunity, with the specificity in the cellular immune response being attributable to MHC polymorphism, an extensive TCR repertoire and a variable peptide cargo. The ensuing structural and biophysical studies within the TCR‐pMHC axis have been highly informative in understanding the fundamental events that underpin protective immunity and dysfunctional T‐cell responses that occur during autoimmunity. In addition, TCRs can recognize the CD1 family, a family of MHC‐related molecules that instead of presenting peptides are ideally suited to bind lipid‐based antigens. Structural studies within the CD1‐lipid antigen system are beginning to inform us how lipid antigens are specifically presented by CD1, and how such CD1‐lipid antigen complexes are recognized by the TCR. Moreover, it has recently been shown that certain TCRs can bind to vitamin B based metabolites that are bound to an MHC‐like molecule termed MR1. Thus, TCRs can recognize peptides, lipids, and small molecule metabolites, and here we review the basic principles underpinning this versatile and fascinating receptor recognition system that is vital to a host's survival.  相似文献   

I propose a T‐cell receptor (TcR)‐based mechanism by which immunity mediates both “genetic self” and “microbial self” thereby, connecting microbiome disease with autoimmunity. The hypothesis is based on simple principles. First, TcR are selected to avoid strong cross‐reactivity with “self,” resulting in selection for a TcR repertoire mimicking “genetic self.” Second, evolution has selected for a “microbial self” that mimics “genetic self” so as to share tolerance. In consequence, our TcR repertoire also mimics microbiome antigenicity, providing a novel mechanism for modulating tolerance to it. Also, the microbiome mimics the TcR repertoire, acting as a secondary immune system. I call this TcR‐microbiome mimicry “holoimmunity” to denote immune tolerance to the “holobiont self.” Logically, microbiome‐host mimicry means that autoimmunity directed at host antigens will also attack components of the microbiome, and conversely, an immunological attack on the microbiome may cross‐react with host antigens producing “holoautoimmunity.”

Insulin regulates blood glucose levels in higher organisms by binding to and activating insulin receptor (IR), a constitutively homodimeric glycoprotein of the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) superfamily. Therapeutic efforts in treating diabetes have been significantly impeded by the absence of structural information on the activated form of the insulin/IR complex. Mutagenesis and photo‐crosslinking experiments and structural information on insulin and apo‐IR strongly suggest that the dual‐chain insulin molecule, unlike the related single‐chain insulin‐like growth factors, binds to IR in a very different conformation than what is displayed in storage forms of the hormone. In particular, hydrophobic residues buried in the core of the folded insulin molecule engage the receptor. There is also the possibility of plasticity in the receptor structure based on these data, which may in part be due to rearrangement of the so‐called CT‐peptide, a tandem hormone‐binding element of IR. These possibilities provide opportunity for large‐scale molecular modeling to contribute to our understanding of this system. Using various atomistic simulation approaches, we have constructed all‐atom structural models of hormone/receptor complexes in the presence of CT in its crystallographic position and a thermodynamically favorable displaced position. In the “displaced‐CT” complex, many more insulin–receptor contacts suggested by experiments are satisfied, and our simulations also suggest that R‐insulin potentially represents the receptor‐bound form of hormone. The results presented in this work have further implications for the design of receptor‐specific agonists/antagonists. Proteins 2013; © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

hESC (human embryonic stem cells), when differentiated into pancreatic β ILC (islet‐like clusters), have enormous potential for the cell transplantation therapy for Type 1 diabetes. We have developed a five‐step protocol in which the EBs (embryoid bodies) were first differentiated into definitive endoderm and subsequently into pancreatic lineage followed by formation of functional endocrine β islets, which were finally matured efficiently under 3D conditions. The conventional cytokines activin A and RA (retinoic acid) were used initially to obtain definitive endoderm. In the last step, ILC were further matured under 3D conditions using amino acid rich media (CMRL media) supplemented with anti‐hyperglycaemic hormone‐Glp1 (glucagon‐like peptide 1) analogue Liraglutide with prolonged t½ and Exendin 4. The differentiated islet‐like 3D clusters expressed bonafide mature and functional β‐cell markers‐PDX1 (pancreatic and duodenal homoeobox‐1), C‐peptide, insulin and MafA. Insulin synthesis de novo was confirmed by C‐peptide ELISA of culture supernatant in response to varying concentrations of glucose as well as agonist and antagonist of functional 3D β islet cells in vitro. Our results indicate the presence of almost 65% of insulin producing cells in 3D clusters. The cells were also found to ameliorate hyperglycaemia in STZ (streptozotocin) induced diabetic NOD/SCID (non‐obese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficiency) mouse up to 96 days of transplantation. This protocol provides a basis for 3D in vitro generation of long‐term in vivo functionally viable islets from hESC.  相似文献   

Because of the long‐term co‐evolution of TCR and MHC molecules, numerous nucleotide substitutions have accumulated within the domains of TCRβ genes. We previously found that nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions occurred more frequently in complementarity determining region (CDR)β than in CDRα, even though only a limited number of common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) and human T‐cell receptor β variable (TRBV) sequences were compared. This interesting finding raised the question of whether the increased selective pressure within CDRβ was species‐specific. In this study, we identified 21 TRBV region sequences from the common marmoset and performed comparative sequence analyses of the T‐cell receptor α variable (TRAV) and TRBV regions from human, chimpanzee, rhesus monkey, cotton‐top tamarin, Ma's night monkey, and common marmoset. The ratios of the number of nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions per site (dN) to the dS values (dN/dS) were less than 1 within the framework regions (FRs) of TRAV and TRBV region sequences, suggesting that purifying selection is largely dominant within the FRs. In contrast, the dN values were statistically significantly greater for CDRβ than for CDRα only in New World monkeys. Also, increased dN/dS ratios (dN/dS>1) were observed within CDRβ between humans and New World monkeys and, interestingly, between New World monkeys, which share a relatively recent common ancestor. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihood analysis provided firm evidence to support that positive selection occurred within CDRβ along New World monkey lineages. These results suggest that increased positive selection pressure within CDRβ is common in New World monkeys rather than being species‐specific. This study provides an intriguing insight into the co‐evolution of TCR and MHC molecules within primates. Am. J. Primatol. 73:1082–1092, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Inflammation and hyperglycaemia are associated with a prothrombotic state. Cell‐derived microparticles (MPs) are the conveyors of active procoagulant tissue factor (TF) and circulate at high concentration in diabetic patients. Liraglutide, a glucagon‐like peptide (GLP)‐1 analogue, is known to promote insulin secretion and β‐cell preservation. In this in vitro study, we examined the link between insulin impairment, procoagulant activity and plasma membrane remodelling, under inflammatory conditions. Rin‐m5f β‐cell function, TF activity mediated by MPs and their modulation by 1 μM liraglutide were examined in a cell cross‐talk model. Methyl‐β‐cyclodextrine (MCD), a cholesterol depletor, was used to evaluate the involvement of raft on TF activity, MP shedding and insulin secretion as well as Soluble N‐éthylmaleimide‐sensitive‐factor Attachment protein Receptor (SNARE)‐dependent exocytosis. Cytokines induced a two‐fold increase in TF activity at MP surface that was counteracted by liraglutide. Microparticles prompted TF activity on the target cells and a two‐fold decrease in insulin secretion via protein kinase A (PKA) and p38 signalling, that was also abolished by liraglutide. Large lipid raft clusters were formed in response to cytokines and liraglutide or MCD‐treated cells showed similar patterns. Cells pre‐treated by saturating concentration of the GLP‐1r antagonist exendin (9‐39), showed a partial abolishment of the liraglutide‐driven insulin secretion and liraglutide‐decreased TF activity. Measurement of caspase 3 cleavage and MP shedding confirmed the contribution of GLP‐1r‐dependent and ‐independent pathways. Our results confirm an integrative β‐cell response to GLP‐1 that targets receptor‐mediated signalling and membrane remodelling pointing at the coupling of insulin secretion and inflammation‐driven procoagulant events.  相似文献   

Two γ-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) receptor chimeras were designed in order to elucidate the structural requirements for GABAA receptor desensitization and assembly. The (α1/γ2) and (γ2/α1) chimeric subunits representing the extracellular N-terminal domain of α1 or γ2 and the remainder of the γ2 or α1 subunits, respectively, were expressed with β2 and β2γ2 in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf-9) cells using the baculovirus expression system. The (α1/γ2)β2 and (α1/γ2)β2γ2 but not the (γ2/α1)β2 and (γ2/α1)β2γ2 subunit combinations formed functional receptor complexes as shown by whole-cell patch–clamp recordings and [3H]muscimol and [3H]flunitrazepam binding. Moreover, the surface immunofluorescence staining of Sf-9 cells expressing the (α1/γ2)-containing receptors was pronounced, as opposed to the staining of the (γ2/α1)-containing receptors, which was only slightly higher than background. To explain this, the (α1/γ2) and (γ2/α1) chimeras may act like α1 and γ2 subunits, respectively, indicating that the extracellular N-terminal segment is important for assembly. However, the (α1/γ2) chimeric subunit had characteristics different from the α1 subunit, since the (α1/γ2) chimera gave rise to no desensitization after GABA stimulation in whole-cell patch–clamp recordings, which was independent of whether the chimera was expressed in combination with β2 or β2γ2. Surprisingly, the (α1/γ2)(γ2/α1)β2 subunit combination did desensitize, indicating that the C-terminal segment of the α1 subunit may be important for desensitization. Moreover, desensitization was observed for the (α1/γ2)β2γ2 receptor with respect to the direct activation by pentobarbital. This suggests differences in the mechanism of channel activation for pentobarbital and GABA.  相似文献   

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is known as different degree glucose intolerance that is initially identified during pregnancy. MicroRNAs (miRs) may be a potential candidate for treatment of GDM. Herein, we suggested that miR‐351 could be an inhibitor in the progression of GDM via the phosphoinositide 3‐kinase/protein kinase B (PI3K/AKT) pathway. Microarray analysis was used to identify differentially expressed genes and predict miRs regulating flotillin 2 (FLOT2). Target relationship between miR‐351 and FLOT2 was verified. Gestational diabetes mellitus mice were treated with a series of mimic, inhibitor and small interfering RNA to explore the effect of miR‐351 on insulin resistance (IR), cell apoptosis in pancreatic tissues and liver gluconeogenesis through evaluating GDM‐related biochemical indexes, as well as expression of miR‐351, FLOT2, PI3K/AKT pathway‐, IR‐ and liver gluconeogenesis‐related genes. MiR‐351 and FLOT2 were reported to be involved in GDM. FLOT2 was the target gene of miR‐351. Gestational diabetes mellitus mice exhibited IR and liver gluconeogenesis, up‐regulated FLOT2, activated PI3K/AKT pathway and down‐regulated miR‐351 in liver tissues. Additionally, miR‐351 overexpression and FLOT2 silencing decreased the levels of FLOT2, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, glucose‐6‐phosphatase, fasting blood glucose, fasting insulin, total cholesterol, triglyceride, glyeosylated haemoglobin and homeostasis model of assessment for IR index (HOMA‐IR), extent of PI3K and AKT phosphorylation, yet increased the levels of HOMA for islet β‐cell function, HOMA for insulin sensitivity index and glucose transporter 2 expression, indicating reduced cell apoptosis in pancreatic tissues and alleviated IR and liver gluconeogenesis. Our results reveal that up‐regulation of miR‐351 protects against IR and liver gluconeogenesis by repressing the PI3K/AKT pathway through regulating FLOT2 in GDM mice, which identifies miR‐351 as a potential therapeutic target for the clinical management of GDM.  相似文献   

Prolonged stimulation of the β2‐adrenergic receptor (β2AR) leads to receptor ubiquitination and downregulation. Using a genome‐wide RNA interference screen, we identified arrestin domain‐containing 3 (ARRDC3) as a gene required for β2AR regulation. The ARRDC3 protein interacts with ubiquitin ligase neural precursor development downregulated protein 4 (NEDD4) through two conserved PPXY motifs and recruits NEDD4 to the activated receptor. The ARRDC3 protein also interacts and co‐localizes with activated β2AR. Knockdown of ARRDC3 expression abolishes the association between NEDD4 and β2AR. Furthermore, functional inactivation of ARRDC3, either through small interfering RNA (siRNA)‐mediated knockdown or overexpression of a mutant that does not interact with NEDD4, blocks receptor ubiquitination and degradation. Our results establish ARRDC3 as an essential adaptor for β2AR ubiquitination.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of callitrichine primates have been determined by DNA sequence analyses of exons 1, 2, and 3 of the β2‐microglobulin gene. Parsimony, distance, and maximum likelihood analyses of ca. 900 base pairs of 21 taxa, representing all callitrichine genera, indicated that Saguinus was the most basal offshoot. Within Saguinus, S. fuscicollis appeared as the first divergent lineage followed by an unresolved trichotomy formed by S. mystax/S. imperator, S. midas/S. bicolor, and S. oedipus. A second callitrichine lineage was formed by Leontopithecus; each of the three species studied showed identical nucleotide sequences. Callimico appeared as the sister taxon of Callithrix/Cebuella. Genetic distances within this latter group were very small, although a stronger association between Cebuella and species of the Callithrix argentata group was observed. The inclusion of Cebuella in the genus Callithrix is suggested. These studies indicated that tamarins are more plesiomorphic than marmosets in agreement with the phyletic dwarfism hypothesis. Am. J. Primatol. 48:225–236, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Dimerization of G protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs) is crucial for receptor function including agonist affinity, efficacy, trafficking and specificity of signal transduction, including G protein coupling. Emerging data suggest that the cardiovascular system is the main target of apelin, which exerts an overall neuroprotective role, and is a positive regulator of angiotensin‐converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in heart failure. Moreover, ACE2 cleaves off C‐terminal residues of vasoactive peptides including apelin‐13, and neurotensin that activate the apelin receptor (APJ) and neurotensin receptor 1 (NTSR1) respectively, that belong to the A class of GPCRs. Therefore, based on the similar mode of modification by ACE2 at peptide level, the homology at amino acid level and the capability of forming dimers with other GPCRs, we have been suggested that APJ and NTSR1 can form a functional heterodimer. Using co‐immunoprecipitation, BRET and FRET, we provided conclusive evidence of heterodimerization between APJ and NTSR1 in a constitutive and induced form. Upon agonist stimulation, hetrodimerization enhanced ERK1/2 activation and increased proliferation via activation of Gq α‐subunits. These novel data provide evidence for a physiological role of APJ/NTSR1 heterodimers in terms of ERK1/2 activation and increased intracellular calcium and induced cell proliferation and provide potential new pharmaceutical targets for cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dynamics—fission and fusion—are associated with ischaemic heart disease (IHD). This study explored the protective effect of vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) against isoproterenol (ISO)‐induced myocardial ischaemia in a rat model and tested whether VNS plays a role in preventing disorders of mitochondrial dynamics and function. Isoproterenol not only caused cardiac injury but also increased the expression of mitochondrial fission proteins [dynamin‐related peptide1 (Drp1) and mitochondrial fission protein1 (Fis‐1)) and decreased the expression of fusion proteins (optic atrophy‐1 (OPA1) and mitofusins1/2 (Mfn1/2)], thereby disrupting mitochondrial dynamics and leading to increase in mitochondrial fragments. Interestingly, VNS restored mitochondrial dynamics through regulation of Drp1, Fis‐1, OPA1 and Mfn1/2; enhanced ATP content and mitochondrial membrane potential; reduced mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) opening; and improved mitochondrial ultrastructure and size. Furthermore, VNS reduced the size of the myocardial infarction and ameliorated cardiomyocyte apoptosis and cardiac dysfunction induced by ISO. Moreover, VNS activated AMP‐activated protein kinase (AMPK), which was accompanied by phosphorylation of Ca2+/calmodulin‐dependent protein kinase kinase β (CaMKKβ) during myocardial ischaemia. Treatment with subtype‐3 of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (M3R) antagonist 4‐diphenylacetoxy‐N‐methylpiperidine methiodide or AMPK inhibitor Compound C abolished the protective effects of VNS on mitochondrial dynamics and function, suggesting that M3R/CaMKKβ/AMPK signalling are involved in mediating beneficial effects of VNS. This study demonstrates that VNS modulates mitochondrial dynamics and improves mitochondrial function, possibly through the M3R/CaMKKβ/AMPK pathway, to attenuate ISO‐induced cardiac damage in rats. Targeting mitochondrial dynamics may provide a novel therapeutic strategy in IHD.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the protective effect of ferulic acid at different doses (50 mg kg?1 alternative day and 50 mg kg?1 daily) on the streptozotocin (STZ)‐induced post‐diabetes rat testicular damage. Diabetes was induced by a single intraperitoneal injection of STZ (50 mg/kg). Rats treated with ferulic acid were given once a day orally for 10 weeks, starting 3 days after STZ injection. Testis tissue and blood samples were collected for investigating biochemical analysis, antioxidant status, sperm parameters, and histopathological, immunohistochemical and apoptotic studies. Treatment with ferulic acid to diabetic rats significantly improved the body weight, testis weight, serum insulin level, serum testosterone level and sperm parameters (viability, motility and count). Histopathological study also revealed that ferulic acid‐treated diabetic rats showed an improved histological appearance. Our data indicated that significant reduction in the activity of apoptosis by using terminal deoxyuridine triphosphate nick end‐labelling and reduced expression of transforming growth factor‐β1 and interleukin‐1β in the testis tissue of ferulic acid‐treated diabetic rats. Conversely, it was also revealed that ferulic acid‐treated diabetic rats markedly enhanced the serine/threonine protein kinase protein expression in the testis tissue. Our result suggests that ferulic acid inhibits testicular damage in diabetic rats by declining oxidative stress. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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