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The surface ultrastructure of the gill arches and the gill rakers of an herbivorous fish, Cirrhinus mrigala was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. These structures show significant adaptive modifications associated with the food and feeding ecology of the fish. Closely lying short gill rakers and narrow inter-raker channels on the gill arches are associated to filter and retain food particles. Prominent epithelial protuberances on the gill rakers and the gill arches enable the taste buds, located at their summit, to project well above the surface of the epithelium. This could increase the efficiency of the taste buds in selective sorting of palatable food. Surface specializations of the postlingual organ are recognized adaptive modifications for selecting, trapping or holding food particles. Prominent molariform teeth born on the lower pharyngeal jaw, and the chewing pad opposite it, are associated to work together as an efficient pharyngeal mill. Mucous goblet cells are considered to elaborate mucus secretions to trap, glue and lubricate food particles for their smooth transport for swallowing.  相似文献   

The food and feeding ecology of Mugilidae in the St. Lucia lake system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The diet and feeding interrelationships of ten species of Mugilidae were studied over a two-year period in the St. Lucia lake system of South Africa. Qualitative stomach analyses were performed on over 1000 fish of more than 5 cm (standard length). All are soft bottom substrate feeders ingesting inorganic particles mixed with food items. The food of most species is the same and consists of Assiminea bifasciata , foraminifera, the large centric diatom Aptinoptychus splendens , small centric and pennate diatoms, and filamentous algae. Individual species of mullet however, differ, in the size of inorganic particles ingested and exhibit marked sand grain size preferences. The consumption of the various food items may depend upon their occurrence on substrates of the preferred particle size. There is no apparent change in diet and particle size preference according to age in any of the species and no seasonal variation was recorded in the diet. It is suggested that interspecific competition for food is reduced by substrate particle size selection and perhaps by differences in feeding periodicity. Where there is an apparent overlap in diet, as in the case of Assiminea bifasciata , on substrates of the same size then there is a superabundance of the food organism which serves to minimize competitive interactions.  相似文献   

This study was performed to assess the extent to which an intermandibular angle sensor (IMASEN) may be used to elucidate the behaviour of six captive loggerhead turtles. The measuring system was glued to the beak of turtles and set to measure the intermandibular distance at 5 Hz while the turtles fed (on anchovies, squid, and live crabs), swam, rested, and breathed. The behaviour of the equipped turtles was filmed and compared afterwards to the sensor readings. The IMASEN output data allowed quantification of the number of food items ingested as well as the time between food seizure and deglutition and the type of food ingested. However, nonfeeding turtles exhibited regular jaw movements with a reduced amplitude of ca. 2.2 mm, which clearly differed from feeding movements and were caused by buccal oscillations. Such movements of the base of the buccal cavity generate a steady flow of water pass the chemosensory organs and were interrupted only during food ingestion, resting, and breathing. Breathing was clearly distinguishable by the IMASEN. The beak sensor is thus a reliable system to investigate a number of behaviours in sea turtles which encompass foraging, buccal oscillation, and respiratory frequency. It has potential for allocating time to different activities in free-ranging sea turtles and thus allows us to gain insight to their foraging and diving strategies.  相似文献   

Tadpoles of several different genera were fed graded suspensions of uniform polystyrene particles to determine the lower size limit of particles that could be ingested. Certain tadpoles can extract suspended particles as small as 0.126 μ in diameter from the water. In terms of particle size, this is an efficiency comparable to the best mechanical sieves that can currently be produced by man. A mechanism for ultrasplanktonic entrapment is proposed on the basis of scanning electron micrographs of the secretory ridges in the branchial food traps of Rana catesbeiana before and after feeding. Xenopus tadpoles in yeast suspensions modify their clearance and buccal pumping rates in response to varying food concentrations. This may be an adaptation for maintaining a constant input of food mass to the tissues that extract the food from the water. Variability in the lower size limit of filterable particles among tadpoles of different genera correlates with the availability of suspended matter in the microhabitat where these tadpoles may be found.  相似文献   

The buccal cavity of an herbivorous fish Oreochromis niloticus was investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy. The buccal cavity distinguished into the roof and the floor. Three different types of taste buds (type I, II and III) are distributed in the buccal cavity. The proximal part of the buccal cavity bears relatively high epidermal papillae in which type I TBs was found. The middle region of the buccal cavity is mostly occupied by low epidermal papillae containing type II TBs. Type III TBs which are present within the metabranchial buccal cavity; never rise above the normal level of the epithelium.The different types of TBs are useful for ensuring full utilization of the gustatory ability of the fish. It is postulated that the TBs serve different functions: TBs type I and II may act as chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors. TBs type III acts predominantly as a chemoreceptors. TBs of each type show two kinds of receptor villi within their receptor areas: tall villi and small villi. The surface of the lining epithelial cells shows a delicate microridge system. These structures protect against physical abrasion potentially caused during food maneuvering and swallowing. Furthermore, protection of the epithelium from abrasion is enhanced with goblet cells secretion.  相似文献   

Evolution of two novel feeding strategies among caenogastropod molluscs, suspension feeding in calyptraeids such as Crepidula fornicata and predatory feeding with a pleurembolic proboscis among neogastropods, may have both involved elongation of the anterior esophagus. Emergence of predatory feeding with a proboscis is particularly significant because it correlates with the rapid adaptive radiation of buccinoidean and muricoidean neogastropods during the Cretaceous. However, the notion that this important evolutionary transition involved elongation of the anterior esophagus to extend down a long proboscis has been disputed by evidence that it may have been the wall of the buccal cavity that elongated. We undertook a comparative study on foregut morphogenesis during larval and metamorphic development in C. fornicata and in three species of neogastropods with a pleurembolic proboscis to examine the hypothesis that the same region of foregut has elongated in all. We approached this by identifying a conserved marker for the boundary between buccal cavity and anterior esophagus, which was recognizable before the developing foregut showed regional differences in length. A survey of four species of littorinimorph caenogastropods suggested that the site of neurogenic placodes for the buccal ganglia could serve as this marker. Results showed that foregut lengthening in C. fornicata involved elongation posterior to neurogenic placodes for buccal ganglia, an area that corresponded to the anterior esophagus in the other littorinimorphs. However, foregut elongation occurred anterior to neurogenic placodes for buccal ganglia in two buccinoidean and one muricoidean neogastropod. The elongated foregut within the pleurembolic proboscis of these neogastropods qualifies as anterior esophagus only if the definition of the anterior esophagus is expanded to include the dorsal folds that run down the roof of the buccal cavity. Regardless of how the anterior esophagus is defined, comparative developmental data do not support the hypothesis of homology between the elongated adult foregut regions in C. fornicata and in neogastropods with a pleurembolic proboscis.  相似文献   

黄尾鲴仔幼鱼阶段的食性是随着鳃耙和肠管形态的变化而变化。体长11.8—12.3mm,鳃耙形状开始分化,肠呈1—2弯曲,仔鱼吞食小型枝角类,主要是裸腹溞;体长15.8—17.4mm,口端位,鳃耙成筛网,肠呈4—8弯曲,前肠膨大,主要食物是腐屑,摇蚊幼虫,“水华”型的裸藻与蓝绿藻。体长18mm的幼鱼,口下位,鳃耙与肠管进一步发育,幼鱼转入底栖,其前肠内含物主要为泥沙、腐屑、摇蚊幼虫,浮游动物与浮游植物。黄尾鲴成鱼的主要食物为大量的腐屑和极少数的着生硅藻、颤藻。成鱼食物营养价值很差,其总N含量为0.372%,有机质为4.8%,每克湿重的热值为146.35卡,成鱼周年摄食,摄食量大,这是黄尾鲴摄食的特点。    相似文献   

Several surfperches (Embiotocidae), including the black surfperch, Embiotoca jacksoni, exhibit a specialized prey handling behavior known as winnowing, in which ingested food and non-nutritive debris are separated within the oropharyngeal cavity. Prey items are swallowed, and unpalatable material is ejected from the mouth. Winnowing is believed to play an important role in the partitioning of food resources among sympatric embiotocids. We present a mechanistic model for this separative prey processing based on high-speed video analysis, cineradiography, electromyography, and buccal and opercular cavity pressure transducer recording. Winnowing by embiotocids is characterized by premaxillary protrusions repeated cyclically with reduced oral gape. Protrusion is accompanied by depression of the hyoid apparatus and adduction of the opercula. Alternating expansion and contraction of the buccal and opercular cavities generate regular pressure waveforms that indicate bidirectional water flow during processing. Separation of food from debris by Embiotoca jacksoni occurs in three phases. The prey-debris bolus is transported anteriorly and posteriorly within the oropharyngeal cavity and is then sheared by the pharyngeal jaws. Mechanical processing is complemented by the rinsing action of water currents during hydraulic prey transport. The feeding apparatus of Embiotoca jacksoni is functionally versatile, although not obviously specialized relative to that of nonwinnowing surfperches. Protrusion of the premaxillae and depression of the hyoid apparatus are critical to both prey capture and subsequent prey processing. The pharyngeal jaws exhibit kinematic patterns during separation of food from debris distinct from those observed during mastication of uncontaminated prey. This behavioral flexibility facilitates resource partitioning and the coexistence of E. jacksoni in sympatric embiotocid assemblages.  相似文献   

Larvae of the neotropical frogs Phyllomedusa are distinctive in that they feed normally in mid-water on phytoplankton, maintaining neutral buoyancy by means of an independently beating tail filament. The feeding mechanism of larval Phyllomedusa trinitatis was studied morphologically and experimentally. The primary feeding mechanism involves a buccal rasp which may in some circumstances render food into small particles, a pumping mechanism which forces water through the buccal cavity and the gill filters, an entanglement system which traps particles in mucous strings produced in special organs, and the formation of mucous cords which transport particles to the oesophagus. In mid-water feeding and surface feeding the buccal rasp serves only its other function in preventing backflow of the respiratory stream. The primary feeding mechanism is discussed and compared with schemes proposed for Rana temporaria and R. agilis. Little agreement exists between these schemes and that which is here proposed. It is concluded that the primary feeding mechanism is the same in the three forms but that there are behavioural differences in feeding generally. Some comment is made on the primary feeding mechanism in the Microhylidae.  相似文献   

Aquarium observations and gut analyses of the spined loach, Cobitis taenia , suggested the use of a technique by which small items of food could be removed from an almost constant stream of substrate, taken in through the mouth and passed out through the gills. The small amount of indigestible substrate present in the gut contents indicated a very high efficiency level for the process. Photographic investigation revealed a two phased feeding cycle based on the respiratory pumps, consisting of an induction/separation phase and an expulsion/swallowing phase. A morphological study showed large concentrations of mucus secreting goblet cells on the roof of the anterior buccopharyngeal cavity. Other morphological adaptations were noted which resulted in a narrowing of the anterior buccal cavity and a widening of the posterior part along with an increase in the distance between the gill rakers. In the light of this information a method of separation based on differential densities of particles being trapped in a constant stream of mucus is postulated.  相似文献   

The pressures in the buccal cavities of Golden orfe (Idus idus) have been recorded as the fish took food from a tube connected to a pressure transducer. Pressures 50–105 cm water below the pressure of the surrounding water were recorded as the buccal cavity expanded to suck the food in. Calculations based on the dimensions of the muscles lead to the conclusion that the levatores hyoidei, sternohyoideus, rectus abdominis, epaxial trunk muscles and obliquus internus probably all had to exert almost their maximum isometric tensions, to produce the largest reductions of pressure. These muscles seem nicely balanced in strength for their functions in feeding.  相似文献   

Food selection and consumption by estuarine nematodes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The feeding strategies and feeding techniques of 12 nematode species, isolated from the Ems-Dollard estuary, were investigated in agar cultures. In the consumption of bacteria, algae, diatoms, protozoa and small metazoa, two main strategies are distinghuished: the non-selective strategy, characteristic of species living on the surface of macrophytes, and the selective strategy, characteristic of sediment-inhabiting species. The selective strategists showed various ingestion techniques, depending on the size and armature of the buccal cavity; food items could be ingested whole, or pierced or cracked and the contents sucked out.Publication No. A 73 of the project Biological Research in the Ems-Dollard estuary.  相似文献   

The selection of food particles by Abra tenuis (Montagu), A. alba (Wood) and A. nitida (Müller) has been investigated.Material for ingestion smaller than 30μm is not selected according to size by A. tenius. Particles smaller than 0.5 μm are retained by the palliai organs and ingested but only particles larger than 1 μm appear to be retained with an efficiency approaching 100 %. The mesh size of the gill filter is found to be ≈ 3.0 × 0.5 μm.A. tenuis does not appear able to discriminate between particles smaller than 20 μm by their food value; however, relatively large silica particles which are devoid of food are partially rejected by the labial palps in favour of particles of similar size but having a bacterial coating. To a lesser extent the physical nature of particles seems to influence their selection by A. tenuis; clean angular particles are rejected in favour of clean rounded ones.Small, light particles appear to be transported on the gills directly to the mouth without coming into contact with the palps. Larger, heavier particles tend to drop from the gill to be caught by the palps which extend posteriorly to cup the entire ventral margin of the inner demibranch when the animal is feeding.The material ingested by A. alba is significantly finer than that taken into the mantle cavity indicating that the pallial organs actively select food by size. Selection of material for ingestion by size in A. nitida appears to be optional since only some of the animals examined had stomach contents significantly finer than material from the mantle cavity.  相似文献   

本文对玛曲渔场几种裂腹鱼类消化道的大体形态及显微结构进行了观察与比较,并对其结构与食性的关系作了初步探讨,结果如下:(1)这几种裂腹鱼类消化道的大体形态同林浩然(1962)报道的鲤科鱼类者一致,但显微结构差异甚大。与Mohsin(1961)报道的G.giurus鱼的显微结构相似。(2)各种硬骨鱼类分泌粘液的细胞组成不同,这种组成与食性有关。食道上皮除复层鳞形上皮外,还有复层柱状上皮。食道肌层的纤维走向与肠部者相反。(3)鱼类消化道的形态结构与其食性一致,主要表现在口腔、咽、食道和肠的长短方面。肠的显微结构,几乎没有对特有食性的适应变化。    相似文献   

High resolution video-microscopy was used to observe grazing patterns of the heterotrophic nanoflagellates Cafeteria roenbergensis, Bodo saltans, Spumella sp., and Ochromonas sp. Spumella and Ochromonas enclose food particles with pseudopodia while Cafeteria and Bodo engulf particles by invagination of the cell surface. The following parameters of the feeding process were quantified: frequency of flagellar beating, speed of particles in different positions of the feeding current, food size selection, feeding rate, and the time budget for the handling of particles. The mean handling times differed between 94 s for Cafeteria and 4 s for Ochromonas for ingested particles. Handling times for ingested particles were significantly longer than for non-captured particles. Long handling times were calculated to be disadvantageous only for flagellates which propel a high water volume per hour (esp. Ochromonas) or live in a bacteria-rich environment. Our model calculations may provide a reasonable theoretical explanation for a concentration-dependent behavioural variability of the feeding strategy of different heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) species.  相似文献   

The paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) is one of the most primitive and unique freshwater fishes of North America. It is adapted as a plankton filter-feeder. The wide mouth and greatly expansible pharyngeal cavity allows it to process a large quantity of water. Numerous setiform gillrakers, which operate against the flattened surfaces of the gill arches and opercula, are capable of filtering out small food particles. The abundance of taste buds and mucus secreting cells in the buccal cavity and pharynx probably aids in selecting and entangling the food. The first segment of the stomach is provided with peculiar, large longitudinal rods of fat which may help in selecting food from water by causing occlusion of the small lumen when the striated fibers of the muscularis contract. Teeth, unnecessary for microphagous fishes, are absent in adults. The digestive tube is one of the most complex present in fishes. It has two distinct divisions of the stomach and four distinct divisions of the intestine besides possessing a large caecum. Ciliated epithelial cells occur in many parts of the gut and may be an aid in moving or processing the small items of food. Besides the presence of cilia, other primitive features of the digestive tract include the lack of distinction between the esophagus and stomach, the presence of a spiral valve, and the presence of some of the diffuse pancreatic tissue within the wall of the gut. The numerous Peyer's patches in the wall of much of the intestine may be an immunological response to the heavy parasitic infestation.  相似文献   

Gary L. Taghon 《Oecologia》1982,52(3):295-304
Summary Feeding experiments were conducted on marine, deposit-feeding benthic invertebrates to test the predictions of an optimal foraging model. Food item selection based on sediment particle size and presence or absence of an organic coating on particles was investigated. Animals displaying a wide range of feeding mechanisms were studied in particle size-selection experiments using artificial sediment of closely controlled size composition. Nine of 10 species from 4 phyla ingested smaller particles in greater proportions than the particles were present in the sediment. In experiments where animals fed on a mixture of two particle types, one with and one without a surface protein coating, 6 of 7 species from 3 phyla ingested preferentially the protein-coated beads. While these trends of selection of smaller particles and protein-coated particles follow qualitatively the predictions of the optimal foraging model, the animals did not ingest exclusively the preferred particle types. Mechanics of particle handling rather than behavioral responses to particle characteristics appear to offer the better explanation for the observed selection patterns. In particular, the results support strongly the recently proposed role of mucous adhesion in particle selection by deposit feeders.These and other results from studies of deposit feeders suggest that factors in addition to food item selection must be considered when testing the assumptions and predictions of optimal foraging theory. Specifically, feeding energetics are also affected by postfood-selection processes such as variation of ingestion rate. Furthermore, the effects of abiotic environmental factors on foraging behavior cannot be overlooked in evaluating the optimality of foraging behavior; variable water velocity affected differently the particle size selectivity of 3 sympatric polychaete species in these studies.Contribution No. 1239 from the School of Oceanography, University of Washington  相似文献   

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