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On the shoulders of giants: p63, p73 and the rise of p53   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
The discoveries of the p53 homologs, p63 and p73, have both fueled new insights and exposed enigmas in our understanding of the iconic p53 tumor suppressor. Although the pivotal role of p53 in cancer pathways remains unchallenged, because p63 and p73 are now implicated in stem cell identity, neurogenesis, natural immunity and homeostatic control. Despite their seemingly separate tasks, there are hints that the p53 family members both collaborate and interfere with one another. The question remains, therefore, as to whether these genes evolved to function independently or whether their familial ties still bind them in pathways of cell proliferation, death and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Medicine: the public good and one's own   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Physicians, like all citizens, have communal and private identities, each attending various associated roles and fulfilling diverse obligations. In light of these dual personae, we seek a moral philosophy which encompasses the responsibility for providing care to the patient and at the same time acknowledges the physician's role of arbiter of distributed care. In the traditional doctor/patient relationship, rationing, the admission that health resources are limited and must be distributed equitably by universally accepted criteria, is essentially ignored. When the physician assumes a population-based system of ethics to optimize care for all patients within a group, rationing is embraced as the realistic admission that any social action resides within boundaries--in this case health care resources--and that such restraints have economic consequences that present ethical choices. A common ground to accommodate these dual allegiances is offered by communitarian philosophy, whose outline and applicability is presented here as an alternative to the apparent moral opposition of optimized individual care and the requirement of community-wide distribution of limited health resources.  相似文献   

When cooperation is critical for survival, cheating can lead to population collapse. One mechanism of cooperation that permits the coexistence of cooperators and cheaters is an impure public good, whose public benefits are shared, but with a private benefit retained by the cooperator. It has yet to be determined how the contributions of the public and private benefit affect population survival. Using simulations and experiments with β-lactamase-expressing bacteria, we found that for a given amount of public and private benefit, the population was most sensitive to collapse when initiated from an intermediate fraction of cooperators due to the near-concurrent collapse of the cooperator and cheater populations. We found that increasing the ratio of public to private benefit increased sensitivity to collapse. A low ratio allowed cooperators to survive on their private benefit after the public benefit could not rescue the cheaters. A high ratio allowed the cheaters to survive to high concentrations of ampicillin due to the high public benefit. However, small increases in ampicillin caused a rapid decline in the entire population as the private benefit was insufficient to allow self-rescue of the cooperators. Our findings have implications in the persistence of populations that rely on cooperation for survival.  相似文献   

Dangerous liaisons: the ecology of private interest and common good   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many ecological interactions that are called mutualistic are in fact mixtures of antagonistic and mutualistic aspects. For example, plasmids exploit their bacterial hosts but also protect them against external threats. In this study, we analyse the conditions for the evolution of what we call 'dangerous liaisons': interactions combining mutualistic and antagonistic aspects. Starting point of our analysis is a model that was proposed as early as 1934. In this model, partners have to form a complex (either temporary or long lasting) in order to interact. Using this model framework we then set out to define and tease apart private interests of the interacting partners from their common good. This dichotomy provides a unifying perspective to classify ecological interactions. We discuss some examples to illustrate how the outcome of the interaction may depend on densities or on other contextual variables. Finally, we note that having a common good is not a necessary condition for partners to have aligned interests. In a dangerous liaison partners may have interest to cooperate even when this does not bolster the common good.  相似文献   

Storage of human biological samples and personal data associated with them is organised in Biobanks. In spite of expectation given by biobanks in medicine, their management involved some ethical questions, for example, the need for policies to regulate economic interests, potential commercial use of data (including patents), private sector financing, ownership of samples and benefit sharing. In the context of contributing to the general public interest, we can consider the act of giving biological material to biobanks as a donation, in which the donation constitutes part of a generalised form of reciprocity in which the act of donation contributes to society's common good. Starting from this perspective, we move into a different situation represented by the biobanking of umbilical cord blood for personal use. We used the example of the private biobanking of umbilical cords to demonstrate the restrictive utility of the collection and preservation of cord blood for personal use in private biobanks, in the context of society's common good. In summary, a system based on solidarity seems to be able to guarantee necessary levels of supply for the donation of biological material to biobanks.  相似文献   

This study uses aggregate data for 23 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries over the 1960-1997 period to examine the relationship between macroeconomic conditions and deaths. The main finding is that total mortality and deaths from several common causes rise when labor markets strengthen. For instance, controlling for year effects, location fixed-effects (FE), country-specific time trends and demographic characteristics, a 1% point decrease in the national unemployment rate is associated with growth of 0.4% in total mortality and the following increases in cause-specific mortality: 0.4% for cardiovascular disease, 1.1% for influenza/pneumonia, 1.8% for liver disease, 2.1% for motor vehicle deaths, and 0.8% for other accidents. These effects are particularly pronounced for countries with weak social insurance systems, as proxied by public social expenditure as a share of GDP. The findings are consistent with evidence provided by other recent research and cast doubt on the hypothesis that economic downturns have negative effects on physical health.  相似文献   

Over the last three decades, the development of new genome editing techniques, such as ODM, TALENs, ZFNs and the CRISPR‐Cas system, has led to significant progress in the field of plant and animal breeding. The CRISPR‐Cas system is the most versatile genome editing tool discovered in the history of molecular biology because it can be used to alter diverse genomes (e.g. genomes from both plants and animals) including human genomes with unprecedented ease, accuracy and high efficiency. The recent development and scope of CRISPR‐Cas system have raised new regulatory challenges around the world due to moral, ethical, safety and technical concerns associated with its applications in pre‐clinical and clinical research, biomedicine and agriculture. Here, we review the art, applications and potential risks of CRISPR‐Cas system in genome editing. We also highlight the patent and ethical issues of this technology along with regulatory frameworks established by various nations to regulate CRISPR‐Cas‐modified organisms/products.  相似文献   

Concerns about bioethical issues raised by scientific developments in genetics are a common feature of both public and policy debates in the UK. This article sets out how one such body, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, contributes to public and policy debates, and provides information about similar bodies in the UK and around the world.  相似文献   

The UK's publically available blood stem cell infrastructure has undergone significant transformation in recent years as umbilical cord blood has joined adult donors as a viable clinical stem cell source. This paper describes the development of a collaborative governance arrangement between the UK's two domestic providers of blood stem cells: a public body and a charity. The paper argues that the collaborators, who stand to benefit from the alignment, legitimize their work through appeals to public good. It suggests that appeals to buy British obscure an inevitable requirement to cultivate international, networked stem cell exchange; the paper also explores collaborators' reinforcement of a supposed connection between human leukocyte antigen tissue type and ethnicity through claiming that the UK's ethnic minorities face an “unmet need.” By way of this, the paper demonstrates the interconnection of collaborators' institutional interests with concerns for national health equity.  相似文献   

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