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Aphanius fasciatus is a cyprinodont distributed in the salty coastal water of the central and eastern Mediterranean Sea and occasionally in internal fresh water. In this work, the authors have investigated the genetic structure of eight populations of the killifish A. fasciatus from Sardinia and Sicily. The comparison of the mtDNA control region of 237 individuals revealed a total of 49 haplotypes. Several unique haplotypes were present in each population, and no common haplotype was found among Sicilian and Sardinian populations. Almost all Sardinian populations shared a common haplotype, and indeed the four Sicilian populations examined did not share any as determined by the parsimony network analysis. The analysis of molecular variance showed that the percentage of variation among populations is much higher than within each population of A. fasciatus . The overall F ST value is very high (0·78) and supports an extensive genetic structure of the populations. The observed genetic differentiations of A. fasciatus populations were discussed taking into account the palaeogeographic and palaeoclimatic events that interested the Mediterranean area from Miocenic to Pleistocenic age. The results provide new insight into the knowledge of the pattern of genetic structure and of evolutionary processes occurring in this species.  相似文献   

Frenkel  Victor  Goren  Menachem 《Hydrobiologia》1997,347(1-3):197-207
In order to determine the suitability of thecyprinodont fish Aphanius dispar as a biologicalcontrol agent for mosquito larvae, the effects oftemperature, salinity, feeding rate and photoperiod onits reproductive condition were studied. The factorsexamined were the gonado-somatic index (GSI) and fourdistinct stages of cell maturation in the ovaries(oogonia, primary oocytes, secondary oocytes andmature ova). The fish were found to be tolerant to awide range of the examined factors. GSI's were notaffected by ambient temperatures over the range of18 °C to 37 °C. However, oocyte maturationstages increased as temperatures rose from 18 °Cto 27 °C, with mature ova first being found at thelatter temperature. No significant differences amongmaturation stages were found between27 °C–37 °C. At salinities ranging from of0 ppt to 56 ppt, no significant differences were found betweenmean GSI's, except for the two extremes of the testrange. The ovaries of fish kept in distilled watercontained primordial germ cells only. In feedingexperiments, significant differences were found onlybetween the ovaries (GSI's and oocyte maturationstages) of fish deprived of food and those fed at1% body weight per day. Regarding photoperiod,a decrease in day length from 14L:10D (the longest dayof the year) to 10L:14D (the shortest) caused adecrease in oocyte maturation stages. Fish at theintermediate level (12L:12D) still had ovariessuitable for spawning, whereas those at 10L:14D didnot. The results of this study show that limitinglevels for adequate reproductive condition were foundfor some of the factors investigated, however, rangesof the factors above these levels were relativelylarge. That Aphanius dispar's reproductivecondition may be controlled in an artificialenvironment is essential for it to be mass produced,and a prerequisite for its use in the biologicalcontrol of mosquito larvae.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in resource‐use traits can have profound ecological and evolutionary implications. Among the most striking examples are resource polymorphisms, where alternative morphs that utilize different resources evolve within a population. An underappreciated aspect of their evolution is that the same conditions that favor resource polymorphism—competition and ecological opportunity—might foster additional rounds of diversification within already existing morphs. We examined these issues in spadefoot toad tadpoles that develop into either a generalist \"omnivore\" or a specialist \"carnivore\" morph. Specifically, we assessed the morphological diversity of tadpoles from natural ponds and experimentally induced carnivores reared on alternative diets. We also surveyed natural ponds to determine if the strength of intramorph competition and the diversity and abundance of dietary resources (measures of ecological opportunity) influenced the diversity of within‐morph variation. We found that five omnivore and four carnivore types were present in natural ponds; alternative diets led to shape differences, some of which mirrored variation in the wild; and both competition and ecological opportunity were associated with enhanced morphological diversity in natural ponds. Such fine‐scale intraspecific variation might represent an underappreciated form of biodiversity and might constitute a crucible of evolutionary innovation and diversification.  相似文献   

Todd  P. A.  Sanderson  P. G.  Chou  L. M. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,444(1-3):227-235
A photographic technique was used to examine morphological differences in the living polyps of Favia speciosa sampled from three sites around Singapore. Eight characters were measured, seven of which differed significantly between the three study sites. Sedimentation rates and character size were much higher at the site closest to the mainland than at the two sites further from shore. Land reclamation and dredging contribute to high sediment rates in Singapore waters; these rates decrease with increasing distance from shore. Large polyps close to the main island of Singapore are possibly a plastic, or selected for, response to high levels of sediment.  相似文献   

The relationships between ontogenetic and sexual factors with otolith morphology are poorly studied in killifish genus Aphanius Nardo, 1827. We studied the ontogeny, morphological sexual and side dimorphism in the saccular otolith of a scaleless killifish Aphanius furcatus inhabiting a high‐salinity environment in Southern Iran. The results highlighted growth‐dependent variability in the otolith of A. furcatus, which might be useful to define its certain developmental stages. We underlined those characters that were consistent during fish development, which could be valuable to identify the species. Considering the ontogenetic pattern of otolith in A. furcatus, it was found that the otoliths of young individuals have largely been influenced by sexes and that it was reduced during the fish development. Morphological side dimorphism in the otolith of A. furcatus tends to be increased during fish development. The outcomes of this study are essential since they have provided new information on ontogenetic changes and the sexual and side dimorphism of Aphanius otolith.  相似文献   

Captive broad snouted crocodylians are generally thought to have wider, shorter rostra than their wild counterparts. Interpreted to reflect morphological change in response to the conditions of captivity, this qualitative pattern could affect the utility of these animals in a variety of fields of research. However, due to relative ease of access and availability of life history data, captive animals are often utilized in actualistic research. Thus, this issue should be addressed in more detail. Here we explore snout shape variation between captive and wild members of Alligator mississippiensis using two‐dimensional (2D) morphometric techniques. Several landmark schemesare used to assess the utility of different aspects of morphology in distinguishing the groups. While statistical analyses consistently differentiated between the groups, the area of morphospace occupied by wild members of A. mississippiensis generally overlapped with the larger area encompassing the captive specimens. This indicates that the captive condition is not as uniform as previously thought and instead encompasses a large spectrum of morphologies, ranging from the stereotypical broad, shortened snouts to outlines that are indistinguishable from the wild morphotype. These results align well with the interpretation that this change reflects an extreme example of ecophenotypy, since ranched, farmed, or zoo organisms are held in an array of enclosures, ranging from indoor, climate controlled pens to outdoor, more natural areas. This variation in environments should be reflected in different reactions to the animals' surroundings, resulting in a broad spectrum of morphotypes. While wild specimens are still preferred, especially for fine scale analyses, these results indicate that not all captive members of A. mississippiensis exhibit the extreme morphological alterations often cited in the literature. Weighing the conditions in which the animals are held and exploring the possibility of morphological differences against the benefits of using captive specimens should be part of any actualistic study. J. Morphol. 277:866–878, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The question of whether there are shape differences between populations of Littorina saxatilis living in different environments is examined by multivariate analyses of 13 morphological characters. Principal component analysis reveals that morphologic differences between populations from habitats with contrasting degrees of wave exposure are mainly due to a general size factor, including shell thickness. Utilizing the group structure among the snails, canonical variate analysis discloses that the main character excluding size that influences subpopulation differentiation is pointedness.  相似文献   

Some fish species, such as killifish, that normally inhabit temperate water environments are also found in extreme thermal environments such as thermal springs. The extent of the adaptations involved is not known. In the present laboratory study, we exposed killifish (Aphanius dispar) acclimated to a normal thermal environment to elevated temperatures (37–40 °C) in which related killifish species live permanently. Our objective was to determine whether there is evidence that killifish have heat-shock characteristics that make permanent adaptation likely. The fish was exposed to this temperature for a period of 44 days and then compared with control fish kept at their normal temperature (24 °C) with respect to growth, survival and histopathology of gill and heart tissues. At the end of the experimental time, the percentage of body weight gain and specific growth rate were significantly lower in fish kept in thermal stress compared with the control group. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) was also significantly affected by water temperature, so that during thermal stress the values of FCR were negative. Fish condition (Condition factor: CF) did not differ significantly between both groups at the end of the experiment. On days 11 and 33, however, CF was significantly lower in the thermal stress group. The gill showed blood congestion in primary lamellae and shortened secondary lamellae in fish kept at 37–40 °C. No specific alterations were found in the cardiac tissue of fish kept in thermal stress conditions. Under thermal stress, 40% of fish survived until the end of the experiment. A preliminary conclusion drawn from this work is that A. dispar, which lives at normal temperatures, shows evidence of adaptability to elevated temperatures that could be a factor in the ability of killifish to adapt permanently over time to thermal environment.  相似文献   

Bever, G.S. 2007. Comparative growth in the postnatal skull of the extant North American turtle Pseudemys texana (Testudinoidea: Emydidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 88 : 000–000 Postnatal growth is one of the many aspects of developmental morphology that remains distinctly understudied in reptiles. Variation and ontogenetic scaling within the skull of the extant emydid turtle, Pseudemys texana is described based on 25 continuous characters. Results indicate that skull shape in this species changes little during postnatal growth relative to the only cryptodire taxa for which comparable datasets are available (Apalone ferox and Sternotherus odoratus). This relative lack of change results in the paedomorphic retention of a largely juvenile appearance in the adult form of P. texana. The skulls of males and females, despite the presence of distinct sexual dimorphism in size, grow with similar scaling patterns, and the few observed differences appear to reflect alteration of the male growth trajectory. Comparisons with A. ferox and S. odoratus reveal a number of similarities and differences that are here interpreted within a phylogenetic context. These preliminary hypotheses constitute predictive statements that phylogenetically bracket the majority of extant cryptodire species and provide baseline comparative data that are necessary for the future recognition of apomorphic transformations. Plasticity of ontogenetic scaling as a response to the homeostatic needs and behaviour of individuals commonly is evoked as a limitation of ontogenetic scaling as a means to inform phylogenetic studies. These evocations are largely unfounded considering that variability itself can evolve and thus be phylogenetically informative.  相似文献   

1. This study investigated how phytochemical variation among clones of quaking aspen Populus tremuloides, growing in a common habitat, affects the growth and fecundity of a model herbivore. 2. Gypsy moth Lymantria dispar larvae were reared from egg hatch to pupation on 10 aspen clones in the field or on excised foliage in the laboratory. Foliage was collected from each clone, and concentrations of phenolic glycosides, condensed tannins, nitrogen, and water were determined. 3. Herbivore fitness parameters and aspen phytochemical concentrations varied significantly among clones. In both the field and laboratory, larvae reared on clones containing high concentrations of phenolic glycosides exhibited prolonged developmental times and reduced pupal weights and fecundity. Herbivore performance parameters were also related positively to foliar nitrogen concentrations in the laboratory. Food consumption, but neither growth nor reproductive parameters, were related positively to condensed tannin concentrations. 4. In this study, foliar concentrations of phenolic glycosides were implicated as a significant determinant of food quality for gypsy moths, consistent with results of previous laboratory experiments. Additionally, this study documents a case in which host plant variation at a local level influences the performance and possibly the distribution and abundance of an important herbivore.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict can drive rapid intersexual arms races, and lead to pronounced sexual dimorphism. Such dimorphism is frequent in diving beetles, where males typically possess expanded front and middle tarsi, supplied with adhesive setae to grasp females during mating, and females often have rough dorsal surfaces which hinder male attachment. In a number of species, females are dimorphic, being either smooth and male-like, or heavily sculptured dorsally. Smooth and sculptured females often have distinct biogeographies, and may be expected to be associated with specific counter-adaptations in males. The European diving beetle, Hydroporus memnonius Nicolai, includes a smooth male-like female, and a matt morph, var. castaneus Aubé, which are largely allopatric in distribution. We show that the two morphs differ in the density and intensity of their surface microreticulation, and that matt females are associated with morphologically distinct males, which have developed specific countermeasures on their tarsi, including a greater number of large adhesive setae, individually larger in area. Such males are expected to be more successful in pairing with both matt and shining females, and it is suggested that a process of population replacement, partly driven by sexual interactions, may occur where the two forms overlap in range.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 685–697.  相似文献   

Identifying the factors that promote or preclude the evolution of resource polymorphism is essential for understanding the origins of diversity. Although such polymorphisms have long been viewed as an adaptive response to intraspecific competition, they are by no means ubiquitous, even in populations experiencing strong competition. In the present study, we examined a potentially important cost of resource polymorphism. Specifically, resource polymorphism typically entails the evolution of one or more resource‐use specialists, and these specialists may suffer more from competition with other specialists than generalists would with other generalists. Using spadefoot toad tadpoles as a model system, we combined stable isotope analyses with an experiment aiming to characterize dietary differences between alternative carnivore and omnivore morphs and to assess the potential ecological consequences of any such differences. We found that carnivores and omnivores represent alternative trophic specialists and generalists, respectively. We also established that the specialist morph (carnivores) experienced greater intramorph competition than the generalist morph (omnivores). We hypothesize that the greater intramorph competition faced by specialists stems ultimately from functional limitations associated with trophic specialization, which prevent specialists from switching to alternative resources when their resource is depleted. These costs may even preclude the evolution of distinct resource‐use specialists, and hence resource polymorphism, in certain populations. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ??, ??–??.  相似文献   

Three populations of Pratylenchus coffeae and two of P. brachyurus, each originating from a single female, were maintained on Citrus spp. or Solanum nigrum L. for several years under greenhouse conditions. Nematodes were extracted from roots, and adult female specimens were killed, fixed, and mounted in glycerine for microscopic study. Variables measured were distance between vulva and anus and lengths of the stylet, posterior uterine sac, and tail. The mean data and coefficients of variability suggest that styler length had the least variability, and length of posterior uterine sac the most. When males and distinct spermathecae are not evident in P. coffeae populations, the species can he distinguished from P. brachyurus by a shorter mean stylet length, longer mean posterior uterine sac length, and much longer distance between the vulva and anus.  相似文献   

To test whether patches of papyrus swamp contribute to diversification of populations of non-air-breathing fishes, the gill morphology of Barbus neumayeri was compared between a papyrus swamp and several tributaries which differed in oxygen regime. Total gill filament length differed among sites and was negatively related to dissolved oxygen availability, supporting strong selection pressure for low-oxygen tolerance in the swamp interior. Among recaptures of marked B. neumayeri over a 4·5-year period among the focal swamp and connected stream and river sites, 93% of fish were recovered at the site of capture. Some of the individuals that moved crossed physicochemical gradients and traversed long distances within the swamp/stream system. This movement rate would theoretically be sufficient to homogenize gene frequencies among populations. However, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers indicated significant genetic differentiation among sites and no relationship between genetic differences and geographical distances among sites suggesting habitat-specific selection pressures on dispersers, rather than insufficient dispersal.  相似文献   

The skull osteology of Hierophis viridiflavus is here described and figured in detail on the basis of 18 specimens. The sample includes specimens from the ranges of both H. viridiflavus viridiflavus and H. viridiflavus carbonarius as well as specimens not identified at sub-specific level. The main characters that define H. viridiflavus in comparison to the parapatric congeneric species Hierophis gemonensis are wide maxillary diastema, basioccipital crest well distinct in three lobes and basioccipital process well marked. The foramina of the otoccipital and prootic, and the basioccipital process of the basioccipital are among the most ontogenetically variable characters, as indicated by two juvenile specimens included in the sample. A specimen-level phylogenetic analysis including H. gemonensis and other outgroups (overall 6 species, 26 specimens, 64 skull characters) recovered all H. viridiflavus specimens in one clade, indicating the presence of a clear phylogenetic signal in the applied characters. However, the resolution within the H. viridiflavus clade is poor the monophyly of H. viridiflavus carbonarius was retrieved, but not that of Hierophis v. viridiflavus. Probably due to the relatively high variability, the skull morphology does not support the recently proposed specific status of the two subspecies.  相似文献   

Mikael Svensson 《Hydrobiologia》1993,266(1-3):239-246
Previous studies on the palaeonemertean Tubulanus annulatus have hinted on possible geographic variation, or even a species complex. This study describes the variation in morphology, focusing on the characters that have been supposed to vary geographically. Specimens from the Swedish west coast (Tjärnö and Kristineberg), Scottish west coast (Millport), and the Mediterranean (Naples and Split) were included in the study. It is concluded that the pattern of variation in the studied characters do not correspond to geography and most of the character states previously thought to vary geographically are in fact found within one and the same population.  相似文献   

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