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This paper provides data on the skeleton, musculature, buccal apparatus, buccopharyngeal cavity and diet of Ceratophrys cranwelli tadpoles, and attempts to contribute to the knowledge of relations between morphology and ecology in anuran larvae. Both in morphological characters and feeding habits, these tadpoles are very similar to other species within the genus. They possess many of the structural features usually found in predaceous tadpoles: strong, keratinized jaw sheaths and keratodonts, reduced buccal papillation, high values of in‐lever arm proportion and buccal floor area, well‐developed ceratohyals, and hypertrophied jaw muscles. Food sources consist of other tadpoles, microcrustaceans, larvae of insects, plant fragments, as well as rotifers and microalgae. As facultative carnivores, they are likely to play an important role in regulating the aquatic communities of the ephemeral ponds where they develop.  相似文献   

Six larval forms of the bufonid genus Ansonia from Borneo share the following synapomorphies: cup-like, ventral oral disc; an expanded post-dental portion of the lower lip, which has a papillate margin; upper keratinized jaw sheath divided; body markedly flattened ventrally; eyes set relatively far back on the body. All of these tadpoles live on the bottom in strong currents, except for larval Ansonia leptopus , which lives in drifts of dead leaves that accumulate in eddies within streams. These larval forms differ among themselves in body shape, development of inframarginal papillae on the lower lip, size of the gap between the keratinized parts of the upper jaw sheath, width of the post-dental portion of the lower lip, relative lengths of upper and lower rows of labial teeth, and arrangement of the gut coils. One form has an abdominal sucker. Changes in these characters are not correlated; the derived condition in one character is not always associated with the derived state in another. Consequently, these tadpoles cannot be arranged in a simple morphocline from least to most derived, again with the exception of A. leptopus , which is the least modified in all respects. Although tadpoles of Ansonia resemble those of the neotropical bufonid genus Atelopus in general specialization for benthic life in flowing water, they differ from that group in body form and details of the oral disc.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive review of larval morphology in the Neotropical toad genus Melanophryniscus. The taxa studied included 23 species with representatives of recognized phenetic groups and different larval ecomorphological guilds: pond, stream, and phytotelm‐dwelling tadpoles. Their external morphology variation is congruent with current phenetic arrangement based on adult features, but also reflects the habitat where larvae develop. Lotic tadpoles (i.e. M. tumifrons group and M. krauczuki) in general exhibit a more depressed body, a longer tail with lower fins, and larger oral discs than lentic forms (i.e. M. stelzneri group, M. moreirae, M. sanmartini, and M. langonei). Despite their peculiar, confined microhabitat, phytotelm larvae do not diverge markedly from non‐arboreal species. The distinctive features of all species are the presence of a pineal end organ and the placement of the intestinal reversal point at the left of the abdomen in typical larval stages. The buccal cavity and musculoskeletal anatomy are quite conserved between species, yet some characteristics differ from those of other bufonids. The presence of one pair of subhyoid muscles is apparently an exclusive trait of Melanophryniscus among Bufonidae. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 417–441.  相似文献   

We studied the morphology and shape variation of the palatal organ and chewing pad of sucker fishes, family Catostomidae. The palatal organ is a muscularized structure that forms a large mass on the roof of the posterior part of the buccopharyngeal cavity in cypriniform fishes. It functions in coordination with the branchial arches to separate food items from inorganic debris during feeding. The palatal organ exhibits considerable variability in morphology among catostomids. It is shorter, narrower, and thinner in species of the subfamily Cycleptinae (e.g., Cycleptus elongatus) than in other catostomid subfamilies. The thickest and widest palatal organ is seen in species of the subfamily Ictiobinae (e.g., Ictiobus cyprinellus). The shape and size of the palatal organ generally varies between these extremes in species of subfamily Catostominae (e.g., Catostomus and Moxostoma species). Principal components analysis and analysis of variance has differentiated means of various palatal organ measurements for each monophyletic subfamily and tribe of Catostomidae with statistical significance. These results corroborate previously established typological classification of catostomids based on pharyngeal tooth count, pharyngeal tooth morphology, and diet. A keratinized chewing pad forms on the posterior surface of the palatal organ in catostomids or on a skeletal process in cyprinids and serves as an occlusion surface for pharyngeal teeth. The chewing pad is lunate in catostomids and generally ovoid in cyprinids. It is absent from the species of loaches (e.g., botiids, cobitids, and nemacheilids) and gyrinocheilids examined. A synonymy of terms used in the past to describe the palatal organ and chewing pad of Cypriniformes is provided. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The structure of the larynx of the toad Rhinella arenarum was exhaustively studied. The laryngeal skeleton consists of three bilaterally symmetrical cartilages: the cricoid and two arytenoids. Internally, each half‐larynx has an anterior and a posterior chamber. The first chamber is delimited by the epithelium covering the arytenoid cartilage and the anterior membrane. The latter consists of fibro‐elastic tissue and contains blood capillaries that, judging by their location and distribution, might serve to maintain vocal cord turgidity. At the level of the cricoid cartilage, two structures are reported here for the first time: the posterodorsal and the anteroventral processes. Both processes are associated with the insertion of the posterior membrane. A cartilaginous rod is located at the free margin of the posterior membrane. This rod appears to support the membrane when the air flows. The distal portion of the larynx communicates with the proximal region of the lung. The epithelium of the laryngeal mucosa contains ciliated cells, goblet cells, secretory cells with short microvilli and neuroendocrine cells immunopositive to PGP 9.5. The results obtained in this study provide new information about the internal organization of the larynx in anurans, which could serve as additional morphological characters for phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

Rock‐dwelling lizards are hypothesized to be highly constrained in the evolution of head morphology and, consequently, bite force. Because the ability to generate a high bite force might be advantageous for a species' dietary ecology, morphological changes in head configuration that allow individuals to maintain or improve their bite force under the constraint of crevice‐dwelling behaviour are to be expected. The present study addressed this issue by examining head morphology, bite force, and a number of dietary traits in the rock‐dwelling cordylid lizards Ouroborus cataphractus and Karusasaurus polyzonus. The results obtained show that O. cataphractus has a larger head and higher bite force than K. polyzonus. In K. polyzonus, head width, lower jaw length, and jaw closing‐in lever are the best predictors of bite force, whereas head height is the main determinant of bite force in O. cataphractus. Although the observed difference in bite force between the species does not appear to be related to dietary patterns or prey handling, the prey spectrum available for intake was greater in O. cataphractus compared to K. polyzonus. We discuss the influence of interspecific differences in anti‐predator morphology on head morphology and bite force in these rock‐dwelling species. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111, 823–833.  相似文献   

Hydrophilidae (water scavenger beetles) is well known as an aquatic beetle family; however, it contains ca. 1,000 secondarily terrestrial species derived from aquatic ancestors. The New Zealand endemic genus Rygmodus White is a member of the hydrophilid subfamily Cylominae, which is the early‐diverging taxon of the largest terrestrial lineage (Cylominae + Sphaeridiinae) within the Hydrophilidae. In this paper we report that Rygmodus beetles are pollen‐feeding flower visitors as adults, but aquatic predators as larvae. Based on analyses of gut contents and a summary of collecting records reported on museum specimen labels, adult Rygmodus beetles are generalists feeding on pollen of at least 13 plant families. Rygmodus adult mouthparts differ from those of other (saprophagous) hydrophilid beetles in having the simple scoop‐like apex and mola with roughly denticulate surface, resembling the morphology found in pollen‐feeding staphylinid beetles. Larvae were found along the sides of streams, under stones and in algal mats and water‐soaked moss; one collected larval specimen was identified using DNA barcoding of two molecular markers, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 (cox1) and nuclear histone 3 (H3). Larvae of two species, Rygmodus modestus and Rygmodus sp., are described in detail and illustrated; they closely resemble ambush‐type predatory larvae of the hydrophilid tribe Hydrophilini in the head morphology. Rygmodus is the only known hydrophilid beetle with adults and larvae inhabiting different environments.  相似文献   

The ability of Perciform fishes to protrude their jaw has likely been critical to the trophic diversification of this group, which includes approximately 20% of all vertebrates. The length of the ascending process of the premaxilla is thought to influence the maximum extent that cichlids and other Perciforms protrude their oral jaw. Using a combination of morphometrics, kinematics, and new phylogenetic hypotheses for 20 Heroine cichlid species, we tested the evolutionary relationship between the length of the premaxillary ascending process and maximum jaw protrusion. In this clade, the length of the ascending process of the premaxilla ranged from 11.6–32.7% with respect to standard length whereas maximum jaw protrusion ranged from 3.5–23.4% with respect to standard length. The evolutionary relationships among the Heroine cichlids obtained from the genetic partitions cytochrome b, S7, and RAG1 showed limited concordance. However, correlations between the length of the ascending process and maximum jaw protrusion were highly significant when examined as independent contrasts using all three topologies. Evolutionary change in the length of the ascending process of the premaxilla is likely critical for determining the amount of jaw protrusion in Perciform groups such as cichlid fishes. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 619–629.  相似文献   

Herein, we provide external and internal morphological data of Scinax skuki tadpoles from its type locality. The benthic tadpole of S. skuki has eyes and nostrils positioned dorsally, vent tube dextral and reaching the free margin of the ventral fin, oral disk ventral with posterior margin concave when partially closed, labial tooth row formula 2/3, and the presence of nonpigmented spurs behind the lower jaw. These characters, together with the absence of a tectum parietale, and the shapes of the pars articularis quadrati and suprarostral, are useful for species identification and may be informative for systematic purposes.  相似文献   

花背蟾蜍蝌蚪胃的发育形态学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用大体解剖、组织切片和扫描电镜3种形态学方法对花背蟾蜍(Bufo raddei)蝌蚪在生长发育和变态过程中胃的形态结构变化进行了观察。结果显示,在蝌蚪发育24期(即G24)消化道呈简单的管状结构,胃与小肠等区分不明显,胃壁由内层矮柱状黏膜上皮细胞和其外的扁平上皮细胞层构成;直到26期胃略膨大,呈短粗管状,与小肠和食道可明显区分,胃壁内层的黏膜上皮细胞呈高柱状,上皮细胞间出现少量杯状细胞;36期的胃管明显膨大,其壁已具有胃的4层基本组织结构,杯状细胞数量增加,黏膜上皮细胞游离面有细长的微绒毛交织成网状覆盖;42期胃发育呈"C"字形,胃壁具备了消化道典型的4层结构,有胃腺芽出现,黏膜细胞的微绒毛短而直立,仅极少数细胞有长的微绒毛;蝌蚪发育到46期,肠道缩短,胃呈"J"字状,占消化道大部分,胃体中胃腺发达。在临近肝一侧,黏膜上皮细胞的微绒毛较短,胃腺少而小;而在相反一侧,微绒毛较长,胃腺多而大。基于上述结果说明,花背蟾蜍蝌蚪胃在36期已经基本完成了组织结构的分化,在变态发育期间结构和功能得到进一步完善,以适应变态后陆地生活的食性变化。  相似文献   

粉尘螨消化系统的形态学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光镜下观察了粉尘螨Dermatophagoides farinae消化系统结构,其组成包括:口前腔、前肠、中肠、后肠、肛门和唾液腺。口前腔由颚体围绕而成;前肠包括一个肌肉的咽和食道,食道从脑中穿过;中肠分为前中肠(包括一对盲肠)和后中肠,中肠的上皮细胞呈现多种形态; 后肠包括相对大的结肠和狭窄的直肠;消化腺为不规则形,位于脑前方。本文阐述了消化道的分支情况、显微结构及细胞形态。  相似文献   

Melanophryniscus is a genus of small toads inhabiting the southern portion of South America. This genus is considered basal within the family Bufonidae. Data on larval chondrocranial morphology do not exist for the genus and larval internal oral anatomy has only been described for a single species. Here, we describe chondrocranial and internal oral morphology in Melanophryniscus montevidensis , M. orejasmirandai and M. sanmartini . Chondrocranial morphology is similar among the species examined. Comparisons with other bufonids and with outgroup taxa suggest that the following chondrocranial characters may represent synapomorphies for the Bufonidae: free (or absent) ceratobranchial IV, a reduced or absent larval crista parotica, the lack of a larval otic process, and late development of thin, poorly chondrified orbital cartilages. The presence of an elongated processus anterior dorsalis of the suprarostral alae and the absence of a chondrified commissura quadratoorbitalis appear to be unique in Melanophryniscus among bufonids. Internal oral anatomy is conserved in Melanophryniscus , and among bufonids in general.  相似文献   

Pocket gophers (family Geomyidae) are the dominant burrowing rodents in North America today. Their fossil record is also incredibly rich; in particular, entoptychine gophers, a diverse extinct subfamily of the Geomyidae, are known from countless teeth and jaws from Oligocene and Miocene-aged deposits of the western United States and Mexico. Their postcranial remains, however, are much rarer and little studied. Yet, they offer the opportunity to investigate the locomotion of fossil gophers, shed light on the evolution of fossoriality, and enable ecomorphological comparisons with contemporaneous rodents. We present herein a quantitative study of the cranial and postcranial remains of eight different species of entoptychine gophers as well as many contemporary rodent species. We find a range of burrowing capabilities within Entoptychinae, including semifossorial scratch-digging animals and fossorial taxa with cranial adaptations to burrowing. Our results suggest the repeated evolution of chisel-tooth digging across genera. Comparisons between entoptychine gophers and contemporaneous rodent taxa show little ecomorphological overlap and suggest that the succession of burrowing rodent taxa on the landscape may have had more to do with habitat partitioning than competition.  相似文献   

Odontophoral cartilages are located in the molluscan buccal mass and support the movement of the radula during feeding. The structural diversity of odontophoral cartilages is currently known only from limited taxa, but this information is important for interpreting phylogeny and for understanding the biomechanical operation of the buccal mass. Caenogastropods exhibit a wide variety of feeding strategies, but there is little comparative information on cartilage morphology within this group. The morphology of caenogastropod odontophoral cartilages is currently known only from dissection and histology, although preliminary results suggest that they may be structurally diverse. A comparative morphological survey of 18 caenogastropods and three noncaenogastropods has been conducted, sampling most major caenogastropod superfamilies. Three‐dimensional models of the odontophoral cartilages were generated using X‐ray microscopy (micro‐CT) and reconstruction by image segmentation. Considerable morphological diversity of the odontophoral cartilages was found within Caenogastropoda, including the presence of thin cartilaginous appendages, asymmetrically overlapping cartilages, and reflexed cartilage margins. Many basal caenogastropod taxa possess previously unidentified cartilaginous support structures below the radula (subradular cartilages), which may be homologous to the dorsal cartilages of other gastropods. As subradular cartilages were absent in carnivorous caenogastropods, adaptation to trophic specialization is likely. However, incongruence with specific feeding strategies or body size suggests that the morphology of odontophoral cartilages is constrained by phylogeny, representing a new source of morphological characters to improve the phylogenetic resolution of this group. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies have shown the feeding diversity of teleostean fish, which is conditioned by environmental characteristics or the biology of the different species. Analysis on the morphology of the digestive system (DS) of fish made it possible for researchers to know the food regimen of several species at different stages of life. On the other hand, it is known that food habits may lead to morphological changes in the DS the same way that different food habits may be imposed by morphological limitations of this system. Among the species of greater commercial importance in Brazil, Micropogonias furnieri is highly representative of fish in south‐eastern Brazil. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyse the morphology of the DS of M. furnieri. Results on the morphology of the DS observed in this study were similar to the patterns determined for the morphology of teleostean fish. In this study, it was observed that the DS of the Whitemouth croaker is directly related with the shape of the peritoneal cavity; these fish showed oesophagus, stomach, pyloric caeca and intestines. The pyloric caeca showed morphological adaptations in relation to sexual maturation, with well‐developed caeca found in sexually mature animals.  相似文献   

Although differential selective pressures on males and females of the same species may result in sex‐specific evolutionary trajectories, comparative studies of adaptive radiations have largely neglected within‐species variation. In this study, we explore the potential effects of natural selection, sexual selection, or a combination of both, on bite performance in males and females of 19 species of Liolaemus lizards. More specifically, we study the evolution of bite performance, and compare evolutionary relationships between the variation in head morphology, bite performance, ecological variation and sexual dimorphism between males and females. Our results suggest that in male Liolaemus, the variation in bite force is at least partly explained by the variation in the degree of sexual dimorphism in head width (i.e. our estimate of the intensity of sexual selection), and neither bite force nor the morphological variables were correlated with diet (i.e. our proxy for natural selection). On the contrary, in females, the variation in bite force and head size can, to a certain extent, be explained by variation in diet. These results suggest that whereas in males, sexual selection seems to be operating on bite performance, in the case of females, natural selection seems to be the most likely and most important selective pressure driving the variation in head size. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 461–475.  相似文献   

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