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In spite of their dominance in meltwater environments in the Polar Regions, little is known about conditions that control community structure and production in microbial mats. Microbial mats were sampled at 13 recently separated ponds on the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica, with the aim to determine microbial mat community response to shifts in deterministic processes. Community structure in ponds of different size classes responded to different environmental variables, with conductivity as a common theme. Biomass and net oxygen exchange did not vary across the pond conditions and may reflect the very slow turnover rates characteristic of Antarctic microbial communities. Microbial mat communities on the MIS appear unresponsive to large intra-annual variability, while the long-term inter-annual physiochemical environment of the overlying appears to be influencing the community dynamics.  相似文献   

The planktonic community of 20 melt ponds on the McMurdo Ice Shelf was investigated to determine taxa abundance and diversity and the controlling environmental variables. Grazing rates were measured using fluorescent beads to examine trophic interactions between ciliates, bacteria and phytoplankton. The melt ponds contained a surprisingly varied planktonic community with relatively high abundance compared with Antarctic continental lakes. There was a clear distinction between small, productive ponds dominated by bactivorous small ciliates, hymenostomes and heterotrophic cryptophytes and the larger, less productive ponds where these taxa were less abundant. The benthic mats of cyanobacteria and diatoms were potentially a source of food for some ciliate species but the majority were bacterivores. The lack of large herbivorous ciliates, the heterotrophic capabilities of cryptophytes and the broad ecological tolerances contributed to a planktonic community dominated by cryptophytes.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structures of two types of cyanobacterium-dominated microbial mats from meltwater ponds on the McMurdo Ice Shelf were as determined by using a broad suite of complementary techniques, including optical and fluorescence microscopy, confocal scanning laser microscopy, scanning electron microscopy with back-scattered electron-imaging mode, low-temperature scanning electron microscopy, and microanalyitical X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy. By using a combination of the different in situ microscopic techniques, the Antarctic microbial mats were found to be structures with vertical stratification of groups of cyanobacteria and mineral sediments, high contents of extracellular polymeric substances, and large void spaces occupied by water. In cyanobacterium-rich layers, heterocystous nostocalean and nonheterocystous oscillatorialean taxa were the most abundant taxa and appeared to be intermixed with fine-size deposits of epicellular silica and calcium carbonate. Most of the cyanobacterial filaments had similar orientations in zones without sediment particles, but thin filaments were tangled among thicker filaments. The combination of the microscopic techniques used showed the relative positions of biological and mineral entities within the microbial mats and enabled some speculation about their interactions.  相似文献   

 The zooplankton of the under-shelf-ice ecosystem at White Island (78°10′ S, 167°30′ E), McMurdo Sound, Antarctica was investigated during December 1976 and January 1977. The water column was sampled through a hole in the McMurdo Ice Shelf over a water depth of 67 m. Seawater temperatures under the ice shelf ranged from −1.91 to 1.96°C. Dissolved oxygen levels ranged from 5.0–6.05 ml l-1 in early December to 4.65–4.8 ml l-1 in late January. Current speeds of up to 0.13 m s-1 were recorded at a depth of 50 m and a predominantly northward flow was detected. Light levels under the shelf ice were low with less than 1% of the incident light being transmitted to a depth of 3 m. No chlorophyll a was detected within the water column throughout the investigation. Mean zooplankton biomass values in the water column ranged from 12 to 447 mg wet weight m-3 and were similar to values recorded elsewhere from Antarctic inshore waters, but were very much higher than those recorded from under seasonal sea ice in McMurdo Sound. Thirty-two zooplankton species were recorded including 1 ostracod, 21 copepods (10 calanoids, 3 cyclopoids and 8 harpacticoids), 4 amphipods, 2 euphausiids, a chaetognath and 3 pteropods. Larvae of polychaetes and fish were found on some occasions. The species composition in general was similar to that recorded from McMurdo Sound and other Antarctic inshore localities. Among the Copepoda, however, there were a number of species, especially among the Harpacticoidea, that have not been found previously in McMurdo Sound and the Ross Sea, but that are known to be associated with ice in other localities in Antarctica. Two recently described species are known only from White Island. They were present in the water column but were most abundant in the surface water of the tide crack where they were the most abundant zooplankters. The tide crack, which probably is an extension of the under-ice habitat, is apparently a significant nursery area for amphipods and copepod species. Received: 23 November 1994/Accepted 7 May 1995  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structures of two types of cyanobacterium-dominated microbial mats from meltwater ponds on the McMurdo Ice Shelf were as determined by using a broad suite of complementary techniques, including optical and fluorescence microscopy, confocal scanning laser microscopy, scanning electron microscopy with back-scattered electron-imaging mode, low-temperature scanning electron microscopy, and microanalyitical X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy. By using a combination of the different in situ microscopic techniques, the Antarctic microbial mats were found to be structures with vertical stratification of groups of cyanobacteria and mineral sediments, high contents of extracellular polymeric substances, and large void spaces occupied by water. In cyanobacterium-rich layers, heterocystous nostocalean and nonheterocystous oscillatorialean taxa were the most abundant taxa and appeared to be intermixed with fine-size deposits of epicellular silica and calcium carbonate. Most of the cyanobacterial filaments had similar orientations in zones without sediment particles, but thin filaments were tangled among thicker filaments. The combination of the microscopic techniques used showed the relative positions of biological and mineral entities within the microbial mats and enabled some speculation about their interactions.  相似文献   

A study of anaerobic sediments below cyanobacterial mats of a low-salinity meltwater pond called Orange Pond on the McMurdo Ice Shelf at temperatures simulating those in the summer season (<5 degrees C) revealed that both sulfate reduction and methane production were important terminal anaerobic processes. Addition of [2-(14)C]acetate to sediment samples resulted in the passage of label mainly to CO(2). Acetate addition (0 to 27 mM) had little effect on methanogenesis (a 1.1-fold increase), and while the rate of acetate dissimilation was greater than the rate of methane production (6.4 nmol cm(-3) h(-1) compared to 2.5 to 6 nmol cm(-3) h(-1)), the portion of methane production attributed to acetate cleavage was <2%. Substantial increases in the methane production rate were observed with H(2) (2.4-fold), and H(2) uptake was totally accounted for by methane production under physiological conditions. Formate also stimulated methane production (twofold), presumably through H(2) release mediated through hydrogen lyase. Addition of sulfate up to 50-fold the natural levels in the sediment (interstitial concentration, approximately 0.3 mM) did not substantially inhibit methanogenesis, but the process was inhibited by 50-fold chloride (36 mM). No net rate of methane oxidation was observed when sediments were incubated anaerobically, and denitrification rates were substantially lower than rates for sulfate reduction and methanogenesis. The results indicate that carbon flow from acetate is coupled mainly to sulfate reduction and that methane is largely generated from H(2) and CO(2) where chloride, but not sulfate, has a modulating role. Rates of methanogenesis at in situ temperatures were four- to fivefold less than maximal rates found at 20 degrees C.  相似文献   

We have investigated the ecological importance of N2-fixation in cyanobacterial mats, dominated by oscillatorean species, in ponds of the Bratina Island area of the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica (78°S, 166°E). Nitrogenase activity, estimated as acetylene reducing activity (ARA), was found in all the mats investigated (n = 16). The average ARA was 75.9 mmol ethylene m-2 h-1, ranging from 6 to 201 mmol ethylene m-2 h-1. Nitrogenase activity was positively correlated with dissolved reactive phosphorus concentration in pondwater and the C/N ratio of the mat, and was negatively correlated with pondwater NH4+-N concentrations and natural abundance of 15N in the mats. ARA was restricted to the upper, oxic layer of the mats. Experiments conducted to ascribe ARA to different groups of prokaryotes suggested that ARA was mainly conducted by heterocystous cyanobacteria, since no activity was found in the dark and the activity was inhibited by the photosystem II inhibitor DCMU (3-[3,4-dichlorophenyl]-1,1-dimethyl urea). In spite of 24 h of daylight, nitrogenase activity showed a diel cycle with maximum activity at midday (10-18 h) and minimal activity at early morning (6-10 h) when pond temperatures were at their minima. Light dependency of nitrogenase activity for three cyanobacterial communities showed that the irradiance required for saturating ARA was low, in every case lower than 100 mmol photon m-2s-1. Irradiance rarely fell below 100 mmol photon m-2s-1 during Antarctic summer days and ARA was likely to be light saturated for much of the time. We estimate that N2 fixation represented on average a N input into the ponds of over 1 g m-2y-1. This value appears to be the highest N input to this Antarctic ecosystem.  相似文献   

An abundant and diverse bacterial community was found within brine channels of annual sea ice and at the ice-seawater interface in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, in 1980. The mean bacterial standing crop was 1.4 × 1011 cells m−2 (9.8 mg of C m−2); bacterial concentrations as high as 1.02 × 1012 cells m−3 were observed in ice core melt water. Vertical profiles of ice cores 1.3 to 2.5 m long showed that 47% of the bacterial numbers and 93% of the bacterial biomass were located in the bottom 20 cm of sea ice. Ice bacterial biomass concentration was more than 10 times higher than bacterioplankton from the water column. Scanning electron micrographs showed a variety of morphologically distinct cell types, including coccoid, rod, fusiform, filamentous, and prosthecate forms; dividing cells were commonly observed. Approximately 70% of the ice bacteria were free-living, whereas 30% were attached to either living algal cells or detritus. Interactions between ice bacteria and microalgae were suggested by a positive correlation between bacterial numbers and chlorophyll a content of the ice. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed a close physical association between epibacteria and a dominant ice alga of the genus Amphiprora. We propose that sea ice microbial communities are not only sources of primary production but also sources of secondary microbial production in polar ecosystems. Furthermore, we propose that a detrital food web may be associated with polar sea ice.  相似文献   

The effects of freeze-thaw, freezing and sediment geochemistry on terminal anaerobic processes occurring in sediments taken from below cyanobacterial mats in meltwater ponds of the McMurdo Ice Shelf in Antarctica were investigated. Depending on the geochemical and physical status of the sediments (i.e., frozen or thawed), as well as passage of sediment through a freeze-thaw cycle, terminal carbon and electron flow shifted in which the proportions of hydrogen and acetate utilized for methanogenesis and sulfate reduction changed. Thus, in low-sulfate (or chloride) sediment which was thawed and incubated at 4 degrees C, total carbon and electron flow were mediated by acetate-driven sulfate reduction and H(2)-driven methanogenesis. When the same sediments were incubated frozen, both methanogenesis and sulfate reduction decreased. However, under these conditions methanogenesis was favored over sulfate reduction, and carbon flow from acetate to methane increased relative to sulfate reduction; >70% of methane was contributed by acetate, and more than 80% of acetate was oxidized by pathways not coupled to sulfate reduction. In high-sulfate pond sediments, sulfate reduction was a major process mediating terminal carbon and electron flow in both unfrozen and frozen incubations. However, as with low-sulfate sediments, acetate oxidation became uncoupled from sulfate reduction with freezing. Geochemical and temperature effects could be expressed by linear models in which the log (methanogenesis to sulfate reduction) was negative log linear with respect to either temperature or the log of the sulfate (or chloride) concentration. From these relationships it was possible to predict the ratio for a given temperature (low-sulfate sediments) or sulfate (chloride) concentration. Small transitory changes, such as elevated sulfate reduction coupled to increased acetate turnover, resulted from application of a freeze-thaw cycle to low-salinity pond sediments. The results demonstrate how ecophysiological processes may change in anaerobic systems under extreme conditions (e.g., freezing) and provide new insights into microbial events occurring under these conditions.  相似文献   

A study of anaerobic sediments below cyanobacterial mats of a low-salinity meltwater pond called Orange Pond on the McMurdo Ice Shelf at temperatures simulating those in the summer season (<5°C) revealed that both sulfate reduction and methane production were important terminal anaerobic processes. Addition of [2-14C]acetate to sediment samples resulted in the passage of label mainly to CO2. Acetate addition (0 to 27 mM) had little effect on methanogenesis (a 1.1-fold increase), and while the rate of acetate dissimilation was greater than the rate of methane production (6.4 nmol cm−3 h−1 compared to 2.5 to 6 nmol cm−3 h−1), the portion of methane production attributed to acetate cleavage was <2%. Substantial increases in the methane production rate were observed with H2 (2.4-fold), and H2 uptake was totally accounted for by methane production under physiological conditions. Formate also stimulated methane production (twofold), presumably through H2 release mediated through hydrogen lyase. Addition of sulfate up to 50-fold the natural levels in the sediment (interstitial concentration, ~0.3 mM) did not substantially inhibit methanogenesis, but the process was inhibited by 50-fold chloride (36 mM). No net rate of methane oxidation was observed when sediments were incubated anaerobically, and denitrification rates were substantially lower than rates for sulfate reduction and methanogenesis. The results indicate that carbon flow from acetate is coupled mainly to sulfate reduction and that methane is largely generated from H2 and CO2 where chloride, but not sulfate, has a modulating role. Rates of methanogenesis at in situ temperatures were four- to fivefold less than maximal rates found at 20°C.  相似文献   

In the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, microorganisms colonize the pore spaces of exposed rocks and are thereby protected from the desiccating environmental conditions on the surface. These cryptoendolithic communities have received attention in microscopy and culture-based studies but have not been examined by molecular approaches. We surveyed the microbial biodiversity of selected cryptoendolithic communities by analyzing clone libraries of rRNA genes amplified from environmental DNA. Over 1,100 individual clones from two types of cryptoendolithic communities, cyanobacterium dominated and lichen dominated, were analyzed. Clones fell into 51 relatedness groups (phylotypes) with > or =98% rRNA sequence identity (46 bacterial and 5 eucaryal). No representatives of Archaea were detected. No phylotypes were shared between the two classes of endolithic communities studied. Clone libraries based on both types of communities were dominated by a relatively small number of phylotypes that, because of their relative abundance, presumably represent the main primary producers in these communities. In the lichen-dominated community, three rRNA sequences, from a fungus, a green alga, and a chloroplast, of the types known to be associated with lichens, accounted for over 70% of the clones. This high abundance confirms the dominance of lichens in this community. In contrast, analysis of the supposedly cyanobacterium-dominated community indicated, in addition to cyanobacteria, at least two unsuspected organisms that, because of their abundance, may play important roles in the community. These included a member of the alpha subdivision of the Proteobacteria that potentially is capable of aerobic anoxygenic photosynthesis and a distant relative of Deinococcus that defines, along with other Deinococcus-related sequences from Antarctica, a new clade within the Thermus-Deinococcus bacterial phylogenetic division.  相似文献   

Summary Current speed and direction measurements collected during summer (January–February) and sping (November–December) of 1984 indicated that currents in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica were dominated by oscillatory flow associated with diurnal tidal components (O1, K1, P1). Net flow was southward in the eastern Sound, mixed in the central Sound, and northward in the western Sound. Short term observations (<5 days) from nearshore stations indicated a similar but more sluggish pattern of tidal and mean flow. Hydrographic data collected during the same period indicated a similar pattern of cold water with low chlorophyll a content flowing northward from under the Ross Ice Shelf in the western Sound and denser, slightly warmer water with higher chlorophyll a content flowing southward in the eastern Sound. Previous studies have shown that productivity is higher in the eastern Sound than in the west, apparently due to the circulation pattern. The western Sound consists of waters from beneath the Ross Ice Shelf which have a lower phytoplankton standing stock than eastern Sound waters which enter from the north. More sluggish current speeds in the western Sound result in even lower particle fluxes past benthic consumers. Finally, more persistent ice cover in the west further inhibits in situ primary productivity.  相似文献   

We have examined the biosynthesis and accumulation of cyanobacterial sunscreening pigment scytonemin within intertidal microbial mat communities using a combination of chemical, molecular, and phylogenetic approaches. Both laminated (layered) and nonlaminated mats contained scytonemin, with morphologically distinct mats having different cyanobacterial community compositions. Within laminated microbial mats, regions with and without scytonemin had different dominant oxygenic phototrophs, with scytonemin-producing areas consisting primarily of Lyngbya aestuarii and scytonemin-deficient areas dominated by a eukaryotic alga. The nonlaminated mat was populated by a diverse group of cyanobacteria and did not contain algae. The amplification and phylogenetic assignment of scytonemin biosynthetic gene scyC from laminated mat samples confirmed that the dominant cyanobacterium in these areas, L. aestuarii, is likely responsible for sunscreen production. This study is the first to utilize an understanding of the molecular basis of scytonemin assembly to explore its synthesis and function within natural microbial communities.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial 16S ribosomal RNA gene diversity was examined in a benthic mat on Fildes Peninsula of King George Island (62o09′54.4′′S, 58o57′20.9′′W), maritime Antarctica. Environmental DNA was isolated from the mat, a clone library of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments was prepared, and amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) was done to assign clones to seven groups. Low cyanobacterial diversity in the mat was suggested in that 83% of the clones were represented by one ARDRA group. DNA sequences from this group had high similarity with 16S rRNA genes of Tychonema bourrellyi and T. bornetii isolates, whose geographic origins were southern Norway and Northern Ireland. Cyanobacterial morphotypes corresponding to Tychonema have not been reported in Antarctica, however, this morphotype was previously found at Ward Hunt Lake (83oN), and in western Europe (52oN). DNA sequences of three of the ARDRA groups had highest similarity with 16S rDNA sequences of the Tychonema group accounting for 9.4% of the clones. Sequences of the remaining three groups (7.6%) had highest similarity with 16S rRNA genes of uncultured cyanobacteria clones from benthic mats of Lake Fryxell and fresh meltwater on the McMurdo Ice Shelf.  相似文献   

Samples of marine ice were collected from the Amery Ice Shelf, a large embayed ice shelf in East Antarctica, during the Austral summer of 2001–2002. The samples came from a site ∼90 km from the iceberg calving front of the shelf, where the ice is 479 m thick and the lower 203 m is composed of accreted marine ice. Protists identified within the marine ice layer of the Amery Ice Shelf include diatoms, chrysophytes, silicoflagellates and dinoflagellates. The numerical dominance of sea ice indicator diatoms such as Fragilariopsis curta, Fragilariopsis cylindrus, Fragilariopsis rhombica and Chaetoceros resting spores, and the presence of cold open water diatoms such as Fragilariopsis kerguelensis and species of Thalassiosira suggest the protist composition of the Amery marine ice is attributable to seeding from melting pack and/or fast ice protist communities in the highly productive waters of Prydz Bay to the north.  相似文献   

J. P. Barry 《Polar Biology》1988,8(5):377-391
Summary Measurements of hydrographic parameters (temperature, salinity, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, chlorophyll a, phaeophytin, and oxygen) in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica during spring, 1984, before the regional phytoplankton bloom, and summer, 1984, after the peak of the bloom, indicate the several processes contribute to changes in the vertical and horizontal structure of the water column. Regional variation in the source of water masses within the Sound, ice cover patterns, and meltwater from the Ross Ice Shelf and nearby continental glaciers result in east-west and north-south gradients in the thermohaline, nutrient, and productivity characteristics of the Sound. These patterns are also related to the extremely variable structure and productivity of shallow water benthic macrofaunal communities in McMurdo Sound. Hydrographic patterns during Spring (November) were indicative of conditions at the end of winter prior to the spring phytoplankton bloom. The water column was nearly isothermal with temperatures near or below the surface freezing point of seawater with only a slight salinity increase with depth. Salinity was lower in the west Sound than in the east, probably in response to glacial meltwater input from the Ross Ice Shelf and/or terrestrial sources. Nutrient levels were high and nearly homogenous throughout the Sound. Chlorophyll a was low (<1.0 g/l) throughout most of the Sound, but was lowest in the western sound, as expected from the circulation pattern (Barry and Dayton 1988). Oxygen was uniformly low during spring. The summer hydrographic distributions, estimated from samples collected during the decline of the regional plankton bloom, were dramatically different than in during spring. Both the salinity and temperature were vertically stratified at all sites, particularly in the west Sound. Temperatures near the surface were well above the freezing point and occasionally near or above 0°C. Near surface salinity in the western Sound was nearly fresh (0.4 ppt) at some locations in the southwestern Sound. Chlorophyll a was high throughout the Sound relative to spring concentrations, and nutrient levels (NO3, PO4) were strongly depressed near the surface, due mainly to phytoplankton uptake rather than by dilution. Primary productivity estimates based on the summer nitrate and phosphate deficits over 90 days were 1.96–2.02 and 0.39–1.02 gCm-2d-1 for the east and west sound, respectively. Nutrient ratios indicated that glacial meltwater from the Ross Ice Shelf and/or nearby terrestrial sources may be an important component of the summer meltwater input to the western Sound. Enhanced water column stability due to this input may prolong the maintenance of high water column stability as this water mass flows northward and result in particularly high productivity in northern McMurdo Sound.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic bacteria isolated from five aquatic microbial mat samples from different locations in continental Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula were compared to assess their biodiversity. A total of 2,225 isolates obtained on different media and at different temperatures were included. After an initial grouping by whole-genome fingerprinting, partial 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis was used for further identification. These results were compared with previously published data obtained with the same methodology from terrestrial and aquatic microbial mat samples from two additional Antarctic regions. The phylotypes recovered in all these samples belonged to five major phyla, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Deinococcus-Thermus, and included several potentially new taxa. Ordination analyses were performed in order to explore the variance in the diversity of the samples at genus level. Habitat type (terrestrial vs. aquatic) and specific conductivity in the lacustrine systems significantly explained the variation in bacterial community structure. Comparison of the phylotypes with sequences from public databases showed that a considerable proportion (36.9%) is currently known only from Antarctica. This suggests that in Antarctica, both cosmopolitan taxa and taxa with limited dispersal and a history of long-term isolated evolution occur.  相似文献   

Bacterial and archaeal diversity was examined in a sediment core from Lake Bonney, Antarctica. Members of the Archaea showed both low abundance and diversity, whereas bacterial diversity was moderately high and some phyla were fairly abundant, even in geologically old samples. Microbial diversity correlated with sample texture and differed in silty and coarse samples.  相似文献   

The McMurdo Dry Valleys region of eastern Antarctica is a cold desert that presents extreme challenges to life. Hypolithic microbial colonisation of the subsoil surfaces of translucent quartz rocks represent a significant source of terrestrial biomass and productivity in this region. Previous studies have described hypoliths as dominated by cyanobacteria. However, hypoliths that occur in the lower Dry Valleys such as the Miers, Garwood and Marshall Valleys are unusual as they are not necessarily cyanobacteria-dominated. These hypoliths support significant eukaryal colonisation by fungi and mosses in addition to cyanobacteria-dominated bacterial assemblages and so have considerable ecological value in this barren landscape. Here, we characterise these novel hypoliths by analysis of environmental rRNA gene sequences. The hypolithic community was demonstrated to be distinct from the surrounding soil and non-translucent rocks. Hypoliths supported cyanobacterial signatures from the Oscillatoriales and Nostocales. Other heterotrophic bacterial signatures were also recovered, and these were phylogenetically diverse and spanned 8 other bacterial phyla. Archaeal phylotypes recovered were phylogenetically affiliated with the large group of unclassified, uncultured Crenarcheota. Eukaryal phylotypes indicated that free-living ascomycetous fungi, chlorophytes and mosses (Bryum sp.) were all supported by these hypoliths, and these are thought to be responsible for the extensive eukaryotic biomass that develops around quartz rocks.  相似文献   

Community structure and diversity are influenced by patterns of disturbance and input of food. In Antarctica, the marine ecosystem undergoes highly seasonal changes in availability of light and in primary production. Near research stations, organic input from human activities can disturb the regular productivity regime with a consistent input of sewage. McMurdo Sound has both high-productivity and low-productivity habitats, thereby providing an ideal test bed for community recovery dynamics under polar conditions. We used experimental manipulations of the subtidal communities to test the hypotheses that (1) benthic communities respond differently to disturbance from organic enrichment versus burial and (2) community response also varies in areas with different natural patterns of food supply. Both in low- and high-food habitats, the strongest community response was to organic enrichment and resulted in dominance of typical organic-enrichment specialists. In habitats with highly seasonal productivity, community response was predictable and recovery was rapid. In habitats with low productivity, community variability was high and caging treatments suggested that inconsistencies were due to patchy impacts by scavengers. In areas normally subject to regular organic enrichment, either from primary production or from further up the food web (defecation by marine mammals), recovery of benthic communities takes only years even in a polar system. However, a low-productivity regime is as common in near shore habitats around the continent; under these conditions, recovery of benthic communities from disturbance is likely to be much slower and follow a variable ecological trajectory.  相似文献   

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