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This study reports cloning and characterization of a human cDNA encoding a novel human zinc finger protein, ZFD25. ZFD25 cDNA is 6118 bp long and has an open reading frame of 2352 bp that encodes a 783 amino acid protein with 25 C2H2-type zinc fingers. The ZFD25 cDNA also contains a region with high sequence similarity to the Krüppel-associated box A and B domain in the 5'-untranslated region, suggesting that ZFD25 belongs to the Krüppel-associated box zinc finger protein family. The ZFD25 gene was localized to chromosome 7q11.2. Northern blot analysis showed that ZFD25 was expressed in a wide range of human organs. In cultured endothelial cells, the mRNA level was decreased upon serum starvation.  相似文献   

A chloroplast gene encoding a protein with one zinc finger.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

A novel human KRAB (Krüppel associated box) type zinc finger protein encoding gene, ZNF463, was obtained by mRNA differential display and RACE. It consists of 1904 nucleotides and encodes a protein of 463 amino acids with an amino-terminal KRAB domain and 12 carboxy-terminal C2H2 zinc finger units. The gene is mapped to chromosome 19q13.3 approximately 4 by FISH. As from Northern blot analysis ZNF463 is only expressed in testis, RT-PCR indicates that ZNF463 is expressed more highly in normal fertile adults than in fetus and azoospermic patients suggesting that it may play a role in human spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

We report here the cloning and characterization of a novel human SPRYD4 gene which encodes a SPRY domain containing protein. The SPRYD4 gene is isolated from the human brain cDNA library, and mapped to 12q13.2 by searching the UCSC genomic database. The SPRYD4 cDNA is 1201 base pairs in length and contains an open reading frame encoding 207 amino acids. The SPRYD4 gene consists of two exons and encodes a putative protein with a SPRY domain ranging from 86 to 203 amino acids. The RT-PCR analysis reveals that SPRYD4 is ubiquitously expressed in 18 human tissues. However, it is strongly expressed in kidney, bladder, brain, thymus and stomach, while weakly expressed liver, testis, uterus, spleen and lung. Subcellular localization demonstrates that SPRYD4 protein is localized in the nuclear when overexpressed in COS-7 cell.  相似文献   

The SP-RING or Miz zinc finger domain that is related to the classical RING-finger motif, defines a class of proteins that can act as E3-like factors in the pathway of small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) conjugation. This family includes the mammalian protein inhibitor of activated STAT (PIAS) proteins and related proteins from lower eukaryotes. Here we report the existence of a gene in Leishmania infantum, present as two identical copies placed upstream of each MAT2 gene copy, and transcribed as a single approximately 2.2 kb mRNA both in the logarithmic and stationary phases of the promastigote stage. This gene encodes a 47 kDa protein that has been named LORIEN. LORIEN is circumscribed to the cell periphery and it is antigenic during L. infantum infection of dogs and hamsters. Strikingly, this novel protein contains a highly conserved SP-RING/Miz zinc finger domain, raising the possibility that a SUMO or ubiquitin-like system may exist in this microorganism.  相似文献   

We report here the cloning and characterization of a novel human cytoplasm-distribution zinc finger protein (CDZFP) gene, isolated from human ovary cDNA library, and mapped to 4p12 by searching the UCSC genomic database. The CDZFP cDNA is 1793 base pairs in length and contains an open reading frame (ORF) encoding 236 amino acids. The CDZFP gene consists of 7 exons and encodes a putative zinc finger protein with a transmembrane region and two zinc finger motifs. Subcellular localization demonstrated that CDZFP protein was located in the cytoplasm when overexpressed in Hela cells and northern blot analysis revealed that CDZFP was ubiquitously expressed in 16 human tissues.  相似文献   

Interleukin-33 (IL-33) is a dual-function molecule that regulates gene expression in nuclei and, as a cytokine, conveys proinflammatory signals from outside of cells via its specific receptor ST2L. There are still a lot of questions about localization and processing of IL-33 gene products. In the course of re-evaluating human IL-33 gene, we found distinct promoter usage depending on the cell type, similar to the case in the ST2 gene. Furthermore, we found a novel exon 2E in the conventional intron 2 whose open reading frame corresponded to a transmembrane protein of 131 amino acids. Dependence of exon 2E expression on differentiation of HUVEC cells is of great interest in relation to human IL-33 function.  相似文献   

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