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Summary The rat hypothalamus was studied at the light microscopic level with the use of single and double immunocytochemical staining methods. It was shown that the rat supraoptic and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei, and their accessory neurosecretory nuclei, do not contain magnocellular somatostatin neurons. The distribution of the hypothalamic parvocellular somatostatin cells is described. The parvocellular component of the rat hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus is, at least partly, composed of somatostatin cells: they form a fairly well circumscribed periventricular cell mass. The rat suprachiasmatic nuclei contain separate somatostatin neurons and vasopressin neurons. Scattered somatostatin cells are present in the entire arcuate nucleus. In addition to the periventricular somatostatin cells located in the preopticanterior hypothalamic area and in the arcuate nucleus, the rat hypothalamus also contains numerous scattered somatostatin cells located distant from the third ventricle.This investigation was supported by a grant from the Belgian Nationaal Fonds voor Geneeskundig Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek  相似文献   

Mesencephalic fragments from 14 day old embryonic rat brain were transplanted into the third ventricle of adult rats neonatally treated with monosodium glutamate. From two to twelve months after grafting, the implanted tissue was still present in the ventricle and contained TH immunoreactive neurons which displayed a normal appearance at ultrastructural level. While endogenous TH containing neurons were still present in dopaminergic regions of the recipient hypothalamus, grafted mesencephalic fragments could survive and develop. They contained TH immunopositive most probably dopaminergic neurons which are able, in some cases, to innervate the host brain. This model should be of interest in the study of neuroendocrine functions of dopaminergic neurons.  相似文献   

Summary In the hypothalamus of the adult domestic mallard, small to medium-sized perikarya are stained specifically with rabbit antiserum against cyclic somatostatin (PAP technique of Sternberger). The somatostatin-immunoreactive material is located in neurons different from those containing immunoreactive LHRH, vasotocin or mesotocin. Somatostatin-containing perikarya are observed 1) in a chain-like arrangement extending from the area of the median division of the supraoptic nucleus to the caudal end of the paraventricular nucleus; 2) as single cells in the preoptic region; and 3) as a conspicuous formation in the optic tract division of the supraoptic nucleus. In the rostral portion of the median eminence, somatostatin-immunoreactive axons penetrate into the external zone. Fine accessory fiber bundles project to the neural lobe.  相似文献   

The expression of class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens on alveolar epithelial cells and macrophages was investigated immunocytochemically in paraquat-induced alveolitis in the rat lung. Until 2 days after paraquat injection, class II MHC antigens were expressed on the type II alveolar epithelium without any inflammatory cellular infiltration. From the 4th to the 7th day after paraquat injection, class II MHC antigen-positive macrophages increased in the alveolar spaces, whereas the expression on the type II alveolar epithelium became obscure. Over 10 days after the injection, interstitial fibrosis progressed and the intra-alveolar inflammatory infiltrates decreased. Epithelial cells lining the thickened fibrous septa no longer expressed class II MHC antigens. These results suggest that chemical stimuli can induce class II MHC antigen expression on the type II alveolar epithelium in the early stage of cellular injury, followed by inflammatory infiltration and interstitial fibrosis.  相似文献   

Summary With the use of immunocytochemistry, it was shown that both the supraoptic and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei in humans contain at least two different neurophysins. These two human neurophysins are immunologically related to bovine neurophysin I and neurophysin II, respectively. One human neurophysin is associated with vasopressin, the other with oxytocin. Human vasopressin-neurophysin and oxytocin-neurophysin are located separately in two different types of neurons, which correspond respectively to the vasopressinergic and oxytocinergic neurons of both the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei. The neurophysin of the human vasopressinergic suprachiasmatic neurons appears to be closely related to or identical with neurophysin of the vasopressinergic neurons of the human magnocellular hypothalamic nuclei.This investigation was supported by a grant from the Belgian Nationaal Fonds voor Geneeskundig Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek  相似文献   

Purified antisera against GABA were prepared. A few small GABAergic neurons in the rat locus coeruleus were immunohistochemically demonstrated by both the unlabeled peroxidase-antiperoxidase method and the avidin-biotin peroxidase complex method using affinity-purified GABA antibodies. The glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity in this nucleus was localized by the latter method in the astrocytal framework encircling medium-sized and small neurons as well as in straight processes. Astrocytes may play a role as energy donors to these neurons.  相似文献   

Summary The immunoreactive CRF-neurons of the rat hypothalamus have been examined immunohistochemically employing anti-rat CRF serum. These neurons are confined to the paraventricular nucleus, dorsomedial-lateral hypothalamic area, and suprachiasmatic nucleus, and are, respectively, also immunoreactive to anti-Met-enk, -alpha-MSH, and -VIP sera. Intraventricular administration of colchicine (50 g/5 l/rat) induces a dramatic enhancement of the immunostainability of the cell somata, and also accelerates the development of immunoreactivity of other stored peptides, especially in the paraventricular nucleus.The CRF-neurons respond to adrenalectomy by showing increased immunoreactivity and an increase in the number of cell bodies; in the dorsomedial-lateral area and suprachiasmatic nucleus, there is also an enhanced immunoreactivity for alpha-MSH and VIP, respectively. CRF-cells in the paraventricular nucleus become markedly hypertrophied, but do not show any enhanced immunoreactivity for Met-enk. Since the axons of the paraventricular neurons run to the median eminence, it is probable that they are involved with the endocrine control of hypophysial ACTH release. It is concluded that the CRF-containing neurons in rat hypothalamus consist of three types which are functionally and morphologically different.  相似文献   

Summary GnRH-associated peptide (GAP)-like immunoreactive elements located in the human hypothalamus were investigated by PAP immunocytochemistry using specific antiserum against [pro-GnRH (14–69) OH]. Immunoreactive neuronal perikarya were distributed in the MPOA, PVN and infundibular nucleus, with the largest numbers of GAP-like immunoreactive perikarya found in the infundibular nucleus. We also detected the coexistence of GAP-like and GnRH-like immunoreactivities in the same neuronal perikarya in the MPOA by using a double immunolabelling procedure. In addition to the above regions immunoreactive neuronal perikarya were present in the region dorsal to the medial mammillary nucleus. GAP-like immunoreactive fibers were distributed in same areas that immunoreactive perikarya were observed. Many immunoreactive terminals were found adjacent to capillaries in the infundibulum. Immunoreactive dots, presumably terminals, were observed in the posterior pituitary and these were particularly evident along the margin adjacent to the anterior pituitary. The distribution pattern and density of GAP-like immunoreactive neuronal elements are compared with those of other mammalian species. We also compared GAP-like immunoreactive elements with that of GnRH as has been previously observed in the human hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Summary The human hypothalamic-neurohypophysial hormone-producing nuclei were investigated with the unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex (PAP) technique at the light microscopic level. The size, shape and location of the supraoptic, paraventricular, accesssory supraoptic and suprachiasmatic nuclei were determined. It was demonstrated in the human hypothalamus, as well as in the hypothalamus of other mammals, that vasopressin and oxytocin are synthesized in separate neurons. In each of the nuclei of the magnocellular neurosecretory system, the distribution, ratios and structural features of the vasopressinergic and oxytocinergic neurons were determined. It was shown that the human suprachiasmatic nuclei contain numerous neurophysin-vasopressin-producing neurons.This investigation was supported by a grant from the Belgian Nationaal Fonds voor Geneeskundig Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek  相似文献   

GnRH-associated peptide (GAP)-like immunonreactive elements located in the human hypothalamus were investigated by PAP immunocytochemistry using specific antiserum against [pro-GnRH (14-69) OH]. Immunoreactive neuronal perikarya were distributed in the MPOA, PVN and infundibular nucleus, with the largest numbers of GAP-like immunoreactive perikarya found in the infundibular nucleus. We also detected the coexistence of GAP-like and GnRH-like immunoreactivities in the same neuronal perikarya in the MPOA by using a double immunolabelling procedure. In addition to the above regions immunoreactive neuronal perikarya were present in the region dorsal to the medial mammillary nucleus. GAP-like immunoreactive fibers were distributed in same areas that immunoreactive perikarya were observed. Many immunoreactive terminals were found adjacent to capillaries in the infundibulum. Immunoreactive dots, presumably terminals, were observed in the posterior pituitary and these were particularly evident along the margin adjacent to the anterior pituitary. The distribution pattern and density of GAP-like immunoreactive neuronal elements are compared with those of other mammalian species. We also compared GAP-like immunoreactive elements with that of GnRH as has been previously observed in the human hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Our immunocytochemical investigation of the magnocellular neuroendocrine cells in the cat hypothalamus reveals a mixture of vasopressin (VP)- and oxytocin (OT)-containing neurons in the supraoptic (NSO), the paraventricular (NPV) and in five accessory nuclei (NAC). We describe the lateral hypothalamic nucleus (NLH), a new accessory nucleus, lying at the junction of the internal capsule and pallidum, and possibly involved in drinking behavior. Previously characterized incompletely in mammals, the four other accessory nuclei consist of the circularis (NC), anterior fornical (NAF), posterior fornical (NPF) and retrochiasmatic (NRC). The two peptidergic cell types, VP and OT, are equally mixed in the NPV and the NAC, but in the NSO VP neurons predominate. The perikarya of these VP and OT neurons do not show distinct morphological differences at the level of light microscopy. The organization of magnocellular neuroscretory neurons in the cat hypothalamus closely resembles that described in other mammals with the exception of the unique presence of the lateral hypothalamic accessory nucleus.  相似文献   

Summary In an attempt to optimize the immunohistochemical procedure for visualizing neuronal markers, such as neuropeptides, in the human skin, different alternatives in all steps of the process were compared. We have studied the influence of type of immunohistochemical method, the biopsy technique, including the size of the punch biopsy, anaesthesia, the choice of fixative and the time of fixation, the storage process, the sectioning parameters, incubation procedure, the type of fluorophore-conjugated antibody and its dilution, mounting and storage, and, finally, microscopical examination.The following procedure was found to give the best result: punch biopsies of 3 mm, taken under local anaesthesia using lidocaine injected into the dermis-subcutis at the place of biopsy; fixation by a buffered 10% formalin solution containing 14% of saturated picric acid for 2 h at 4°C; storage in 10% sucrose buffer for at least 24 h up to 1 month at 4°C or deep-frozen to -70°C for 2 months (with only a minor structural deterioration); cryostat sectioning of the biopsies with a section thickness of 14 m and with the cutting edge perpendicular to the skin surface; rhodamine (TRITC)-conjugated, instead of fluorescein-isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated, secondary antiserum, since it gives a lower background fluorescence; and for the incubation and mounting procedures, our standard laboratory routines were applied. The result is an optimal indirect immunofluorescence technique, to be applied in dermatology. We also found that biopsies taken under local anaesthesia with chlorethyl spray lost almost all immunofluorescence for several neuronal markers in the epidermis-upper dermis.  相似文献   

Amphibians, specially anurans, are excellent model systems for studying acoustic communication. After hatching, anurans exist in two forms; these have two distinct mode of sound perception. Aquatic larvae are perceptive to waterborne sound stimuli; then, following metamorphosis, as terrestrial adults, perceptive to airborne sound stimuli. Added to this, the metamorphosing tadpole presents an equally interesting study as it could recapitulate the events which occurred during the evolution of hearing in vertebrates at the lime of the transition from aquatic to terrestrial life. Metamorphosis entails the loss of a prominent aquatic sensory system—the lateral line system—and the simultaneous gain of another, the inner ear, along with the coevolution of the tympanic middle ear, a basilar papilla and a periotic labyrinth in the inner ear. Another interesting feature is that anurans are believed to be the first terrestrial vertebrates to use vocalization as a part of their reproductive behaviour. Vocal communication plays an important role in behaviour, ranging from territorial defense to reproduction, and calls are classified according to the particular behaviors that they subserve. Adult male anurans produce a species-specific mating call which is used to attract conspecific females dung their mating season, and this call serves as a mechanism in maintaining reproductive isolation from other sympatric species.  相似文献   

The expression of class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens on alveolar epithelial cells and macrophages was investigated immunocytochemically in paraquat-induced alveolitis in the rat lung. Until 2 days after paraquat injection, class II MHC antigens were expressed on the type II alveolar epithelium without any inflammatory cellular infiltration. From the 4th to the 7th day after paraquat injection, class II MHC antigen-positive macrophages increased in the alveolar spaces, whereas the expression on the type II alveolar epithelium became obscure. Over 10 days after the injection, interstitial fibrosis progressed and the intra-alveolar inflammatory infiltrates decreased. Epithelial cells lining the thickened fibrous septa no longer expressed class II MHC antigens. These results suggest that chemical stimuli can induce class II MHC antigen expression on the type II alveolar epithelium in the early stage of cellular injury, followed by inflammatory infiltration and interstitial fibrosis.  相似文献   

Summary Using a specific polyclonal antibody raised against rat pancreatic phospholipase A2 (PLA2), we investigated the localization of the enzyme in the rat pancreas and stomach by light and electron microscopy. In the pancreas, the enzyme was localized in the acinar cells, whereas the pancreatic islets showed no immunoreaction. In the stomach, the PLA2 reactive with the anti-pancreatic PLA2 antibody was distributed exclusively in the gastric glands, but not in the gastric pits or the pyloric glands. On the section of the stomach subjected to immuno- and PAS-staining, immunopositive cells were not the PAS-positive cells located in the gastric pit and the neck region of the gastric gland. Immunopositive cells were present from the neck to the bottom of the gastric gland. Immunoelectron microscopic observation revealed that the immunogold-labeled cell had a highly-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum in the basal cytoplasm and characteristic zymogen granules in the apical cytoplasm. Taking into account the cell position in the gastric gland, the immunopositive cell could therefore be identified as a chief cell. Since no double stainability with PLA2 and PAS was observed in the same cell, it is suggested that PLA2 could be used cytochemically as a marker enzyme of the chief cell in the gastric gland at the light-microscopic level. From the immunoelectron microscopic findings, we believe that the PLA2 in the stomach is released into the lumen of the stomach by exocytosis and could function as a digestive enzyme in the alimentary tract, like the PLA2 secreted from the pancreas. Other possible roles of the PLA2 in the stomach are discussed.  相似文献   

Using a specific polyclonal antibody raised against rat pancreatic phospholipase A2 (PLA2), we investigated the localization of the enzyme in the rat pancreas and stomach by light and electron microscopy. In the pancreas, the enzyme was localized in the acinar cells, whereas the pancreatic islets showed no immunoreaction. In the stomach, the PLA2 reactive with the anti-pancreatic PLA2 antibody was distributed exclusively in the gastric glands, but not in the gastric pits or the pyloric glands. On the section of the stomach subjected to immuno- and PAS-staining, immunopositive cells were not the PAS-positive cells located in the gastric pit and the neck region of the gastric gland. Immunopositive cells were present from the neck to the bottom of the gastric gland. Immunoelectron microscopic observation revealed that the immunogold-labeled cell had a highly-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum in the basal cytoplasm and characteristic zymogen granules in the apical cytoplasm. Taking into account the cell position in the gastric gland, the immunopositive cell could therefore be identified as a chief cell. Since no double stainability with PLA2 and PAS was observed in the same cell, it is suggested that PLA2 could be used cytochemically as a marker enzyme of the chief cell in the gastric gland at the light-microscopic level. From the immunoelectron microscopic findings, we believe that the PLA2 in the stomach is released into the lumen of the stomach by exocytosis and could function as a digestive enzyme in the alimentary tract, like the PLA2 secreted from the pancreas. Other possible roles of the PLA2 in the stomach are discussed.  相似文献   

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