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The development of multiterminal innervation from a single identifiable excitatory motoneuron to the lobster distal accessory flexor muscle (DAFM) was studied by serial section electron microscopy. The number, size, and location of neuromuscular synapses and presynaptic dense bars within the peripheral branching pattern of the axon was determined in cross sections of the DAFM in 1st (24-hr-old)-, 4th (2-week-old)-, and 12th (1-year-old)-stage lobsters. The mean size of synapses remains fairly constant in these three stages but synaptic density, i.e., the number of synapses per unit length of fiber, increased more than 20-fold between the 1st and 4th stages and more than 5-fold between the 4th and 12th stages. Synaptic surface area per fiber length showed a parallel increase. Consequently there is a proliferation of synapses along the length of individual muscle fibers during primary development. Furthermore from the 1st stage where only a few fibers are innervated, synapses proliferate to many more fibers in the 4th and to all fibers in the 12th stage. The neuromuscular synapses are distributed in different proportions within the axonal branching pattern in the three stages. Based on the number and size of synapses and presynaptic dense bars, the main axon and primary branches provide almost equal amounts of innervation in the 1st stage. With further branching in the 4th stage, the main axon accounts for only 20–25% of the innervation; the primary branches for 45% and other finer branches the remainder. By the 12th-stage synapses are found only on branches other than the main axon and its primary offshoots. There is therefore a shift in innervation from the main axon to the primary branches and then to the finer branches during primary development. This shift in innervation involves the formation of new synaptic terminals and the restructuring of existing ones into axonal areas. In this way the multiterminal innervation arising from an identifiable motoneuron is remodeled.  相似文献   

Summary The threedimensional ultrastructure of presynaptic dense bars was examined by serial section electron microscopy in the excitatory neuromuscular synapses of the accessory flexor muscle in the limbs of larval, juvenile, and adult lobsters. The cross-sectional profile of the dense bar resembles an asymmetric hourglass, the part contacting the presynaptic membrane being larger than that projecting into the terminal. The bar has a height of 55–65 nm and varies in length from 75–600 nm. In its dimensions it resembles the dense projections in the synapses of the CNS of insects and vertebrates. The usual location of these dense bars is at well defined synapses, though a few are found at extrasynaptic sites either in the axon or terminal. In the latter case the bars are close to synapse-bearing regions, particularly in the larval terminals, suggesting that the extrasynaptic bars denote early events in synapse formation. In all cases the bars are intimately associated with electron lucent, synaptic vesicles located on either side, in the indentation of its hourglass-shaped cross sectional profile. The vesicles occur along the length of the bar and contact the presynaptic membrane. Consequently the dense bar may serve to align the vesicles at the presynaptic membrane prior to exocytosis. A similar role has been suggested for the presynaptic dense bodies at the neuromuscular junction of the frog, where synaptic vesicles form a row on either side of this structure.Supported by Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada and NSERCC. Generous use of laboratory facilities at Woods Hole was provided by the late Fred Lang  相似文献   

The developing neuromuscular junction has provided an important paradigm for studying synapse formation. An outstanding feature of neuromuscular differentiation is the aggregation of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) at high density in the postsynaptic membrane. While AChR aggregation is generally believed to be induced by the nerve, the mechanisms underlying aggregation remain to be clarified. A 43-kD protein (43k) normally associated with the cytoplasmic aspect of AChR clusters has long been suspected of immobilizing AChRs by linking them to the cytoskeleton. In recent studies, the AChR clustering activity of 43k has, at last, been demonstrated by expressing recombinant AChR and 43k in non-muscle cells. Mutagenesis of 43k has revealed distinct domains within the primary structure which may be responsible for plasma membrane targeting and AChR binding. Other lines of study have provided clues as to how nerve-derived (extracellular) AChR-cluster inducing factors such as agrin might activate 43k-driven postsynaptic membrane specialization.  相似文献   

Summary Representative examples of lowand high-output neuromuscular synapses between motoneuron and distal accessory flexor muscle of the lobster were selected on the basis of their mean quantal content, and subsequently analysed by serial section electron microscopy. The high-output terminal has twice as many synapses as the low-output terminal. However, since the mean surface area of synapses is significantly smaller in the high-output terminal than in the low-output one, the total synaptic surface area between the two types of terminals is similar. Also, though the high-output terminal possesses a greater number of presynaptic dense bodies than its low-output counterpart, the mean number per synapse is similar for the two terminals. The terminals, however, differ significantly in the size of their dense bodies. Thus both the mean and total surface area of these bodies is greater in the high-output terminal than in the low-output one. Moreover, the mean ratio of dense body area to synaptic area is significantly greater for the high-output terminal than for its low-output counterpart. This difference in dense body area parallels the difference in quantal content of synaptic transmission between the lowand high-output terminals and supports the hypothesis that presynaptic densities represent the ultrastructural correlates of transmitter mobilization and/or release.Supported by grants from the National Research Council and Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada to C.K. Govind. D.E. Meiss is a post-doctoral fellow of the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada. We thank Eva Yap-Chung for her expert and unfailing technical assistance  相似文献   

Ganglionic transmission: electrophysiology and pharmacology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N J Dun 《Federation proceedings》1980,39(12):2982-2989

At developing neuromuscular synapses in vertebrates, different motor axon inputs to muscle fibers compete for maintenance of their synapses. Competition results in progressive changes in synaptic structure and strength that lead to the weakening and loss of some inputs, a process that has been called synapse elimination. At the same time, a single input is strengthened and maintained throughout adult life, consistently recruiting muscle fibers to contract even at rapid firing rates. Work over the last decade has led to an understanding of some of the cell biological mechanisms that underlie competition and how these culminate in synapse elimination. We discuss current ideas about how activity modulates neuromuscular synaptic competition, how competition leads to synapse loss, and how these processes are modulated by cell-cell signaling. A common feature of competition at neuromuscular as well as CNS synapses is that temporally correlated activity seems to slow or prevent competition, while uncorrelated activity seems to trigger or enhance competition. Important questions that remain to be addressed include how patterns of motor neuron activity affect synaptic strength, what is the temporal relationship between changes in synaptic strength and structure, and what cellular signals mediate synapse loss. Answers to these questions will expand our understanding of the mechanisms by which activity edits synaptic structure and function, writing permanent changes in neural circuitry.  相似文献   

Monoamine agonists and antagonists were applied to the lobster cardiac ganglion in an attempt to clarify the different actions of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) and dopamine (DA) on this rhythmic pattern generator. Experiments were designed to determine whether the similar responses to 5HT and DA applied to the anterior region of the ganglion could be separated by pharmacological approaches, and whether the different responses to 5HT applied to the anterior and posterior regions of the ganglion could be attributed to mediation by different receptors. A small number of the 5HT agonists which were tested mimic the effects of 5HT, in that they increase the frequency of bursting and decrease burst duration when applied to the whole ganglion, but decrease burst frequency and increase burst duration when applied only to the posterior half. Other 5HT agonists decrease frequency and prolong bursts when applied to the whole ganglion. Of the DA agonists tested, none acts as DA itself does. Rather, they mimic the effects of 5HT applied to the posterior ganglion, by slowing bursting and prolonging bursts. The actions of agonists do not correspond in any clear way to the receptor specificities as defined in vertebrates. Most antagonists tested do not show similar specificities to their effects in vertebrates. In particular, most of the DA antagonists tested are more effective in blocking exogenous 5HT than DA. One monoamine agonist directly alters the properties of endogenous burst-organizing potentials (driver potentials) in the motorneurons of the ganglion.  相似文献   

Patton  Bruce L. 《Brain Cell Biology》2003,32(5-8):883-903
Fast chemical synapses are comprised of presynaptic and postsynaptic specializations precisely aligned across a protein-filled synaptic cleft. At the vertebrate neuromuscular junction (NMJ), the synaptic cleft contains a structured form of extracellular matrix known as a basal lamina (BL). Synaptic BL is molecularly differentiated from the BL that covers the extrasynaptic region of the myofiber. This review summarizes current understanding of the morphology, composition, and function of the synaptic BL at the vertebrate NMJ. Considerable evidence supports the conclusion that the synaptic BL organizes and maintains pre- and postsynaptic specializations during development and regeneration, and promotes robust neurotransmission in the adult.  相似文献   

Structural plasticity at crustacean neuromuscular synapses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crustacean motor axons innervate muscle fibers via a multiplicity of synaptic terminals which release small but variable amounts of transmitter. Differences in release performance appear to be correlated with the size of synaptic contacts and presynaptic dense bars (active zones). These structural parameters proliferate via sprouting from existing synaptic terminals and relocate to ever more distal sites during development and growth of an identified axon. Moreover, alterations in number of synaptic contacts and active zones occur in adults following stimulation or decentralization, demonstrating structural plasticity of crustacean neuromuscular synapses.  相似文献   

The neuromuscular system of Drosophila has been widely used in studies on synaptic development. In the embryo, the cellular components of this model system are well established, with uniquely identified motoneurons displaying specific connectivity with distinct muscles. Such knowledge is essential to analyzing axon guidance and synaptic matching mechanisms with single-cell resolution. In contrast, to date the cellular identities of the larval neuromuscular synapses are hardly established. It is not known whether synaptic connections seen in the embryo persist, nor is it known how individual motor endings may differentiate through the larval stages. In this study, we combine single-cell dye labeling of individual synaptic boutons and counterstaining of the entire nervous system to characterize the synaptic partners and bouton differentiation of the 30 motoneuron axons from four nerve branches (ISN, SNa, SNb, and SNd). We also show the cell body locations of 4 larval motoneurons (RP3, RP5, V, and MN13-Ib) and the types of innervation they develop. Our observations support the following: (1) Only 1 motoneuron axon of a given bouton type innervates a single muscle, while up to 4 motoneuron axons of different bouton types can innervate the same muscle. (2) The type of boutons which each motoneuron axon forms is likely influenced by cell-autonomous factors. The data offer a basis for studying the properties of synaptic differentiation, maintenance, and plasticity with a high cellular resolution.  相似文献   

1. Single channel activity was recorded from muscle membranes of the lobster Panulirus penicillatus using the patch-clamp technique. 2. Cell-attached, outside-out and inside-out patches were prepared from the deep abdominal extensor muscle. 3. Low amplitude single channel currents were observed in most patches, and were identified as being chloride-currents. 4. The chloride channel was active spontaneously, and tended to desensitize when outside-out patches were exposed to a small jet of glutamate. 5. Amplitude histograms of single channel currents presented a well defined peak of 8 pA at a membrane potential of -160 mV, while open and closed time histograms were fit to single exponential functions with tau open of 3.27 msec and tau closed of 31.58 msec.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide proctolin causes a sustained contraction of the opener muscle of the dactyl of the lobster walking leg. This substance acts directly on the muscle at concentrations as low as 10?10M. The contraction is dependent on extracellular calcium. Neither a significant depolarization nor a detectable change in the input resistance accompanies the response. No presynaptic action of proctolin is indicated; excitatory and inhibitory junctional potential sizes and the frequency of spontaneous miniature excitatory junctional potentials are unaffected.  相似文献   

Dexamethasone administration to rats at a dose of 100 micrograms/100 g body weight for 10 days resulted in the appearance of large synaptic vesicles in axon terminals, migration of synaptic vesicles to synaptic slits, local broadening of synaptic slit, proliferation of mitochondria in pre- and postsynaptic zones of the axomuscular synapses, destruction of myofibrils and other organelles in the postsynaptic area and the presence of lysosomes in this region.  相似文献   

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