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Soil fertility and precipitation are major factors regulating transitions from grasslands to forests. Biotic regulation may influence the effects of these abiotic drivers. In this study, we examined the effects of extreme rainfall events, anthropogenic nutrient loading and insect herbivory on the ability of Chinese tallow tree ( Sapium sebiferum ) to invade coastal prairie to determine how these factors may influence woody invasion of a grassland. We manipulated soil fertility (NPK addition) and simulated variation in frequency of extreme rainfall events in a three growing season, full factorial field experiment. Adding water to or pumping water out of plots simulated increased and decreased rainfall frequencies. We added Sapium seeds and seedlings to each plot and manipulated insect herbivory on transplanted Sapium seedlings with insecticide. We measured soil moisture, Sapium performance, vegetation mass, and carbon and nitrogen in vegetation and soils (0–10 cm deep, 10–20 cm deep). Fertilization increased Sapium invasion intensity by increasing seedling survival, height growth and biomass. Insect damage was low and insect suppression had little effect in all conditions. Recruitment of Sapium from seed was very low and independent of treatments. Vegetation mass was increased by fertilization in both rainfall treatments but not in the ambient moisture treatment. The amount of carbon and nitrogen in plants was increased by fertilization, especially in modified moisture plots. Soil carbon and nitrogen were independent of all treatments. These results suggest that coastal tallgrass prairies are more likely to be impacted by nutrient loading, in terms of invasion severity and nutrient cycling, than by changes in the frequency of extreme rainfall events.  相似文献   

Micropropagation of mature Chinese tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum Roxb.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An in vitro propagation technique based on axillary bud proliferation has been developed for matureSapium sebiferum trees. Nodal segments cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with benzyl adenine (1–10 m and -naphthaleneacetic acid (0–0.5 m showed axillary bud proliferation. Shoots proliferated in vitro were multiplied on Murashige and Skoog medium containing 2.5 m benzyl adenine and 0.25 m -naphthaleneacetic acid. Seasonal changes affected the shoot proliferation potential of the initial explant. Shoots were rooted on a half-strength, growth-regulator-free, agar-gelled, MS medium after a 48-h treatment on half-strength MS liquid medium with 10 m indole-3-butyric acid. Rooted plantlets were potted and acclimatized in a growth chamber and then moved to the greenhouse. Four-month-old plants were transplanted to the field.Abbreviations BA Benzyl adenine - IBA Indole-3-butyric acid - 2-ip N6-(-dimethylallylamino)purine - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium - NAA -Naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

两种热带树种在弱光条件下的生长和表型可塑性 根据耐荫性筛选热带雨林树种,对于在次生林富集区域中更有效地管理具有经济意义的本土树种非常重要。本研究旨在确定全株的光补偿点,比较弱光条件下Cariniana legalis和Gallesia integrifolia 幼苗生长和碳分配有关的表型可塑性。实验所用幼苗在5种光合有效辐射条件下(0.02、1.1、2.3、4.5 和5.9 mol photons m−2 day−1)培养77天,设置3个重复,并分析了生长和碳分配变量指标。结果显示,在 1.1 mol photons m−2 day−1 条件下,C. legalis 的生长速率高于G. integrifolia,而在5.9 mol photons m−2 day−1 条件下,C. legalis的生长速率低于G. integrifolia。不同物种间的光补偿点差异显著。根据耐阴分类标准对这两种热带树种进行分类,我们的研究结果表明,C. legalis相对较低的光补偿点和表型可塑性与生长速率有关,比G. integrifolia具有更强的耐荫性。从实际的角度来看,我们证明了两种树种之间生长和光合有效辐射变化的不同关系可以成为在森林丰富工程中比较和选择种植树种的可行工具  相似文献   

Soil organisms influence plant species coexistence and invasion potential. Plant-soil feedbacks occur when plants change soil community composition such that interactions with that soil community in turn may positively or negatively affect the performance of conspecifics. Theories predict and studies show that invasions may be promoted by stronger negative soil feedbacks for native compared with exotic species. We present a counter-example of a successful invader with strong negative soil feedbacks apparently caused by host-specific, pathogenic soil fungi. Using a feedback experiment in pots, we investigated whether the relative strength of plant-soil feedbacks experienced by a non-native woody invader, Sapium sebiferum, differed from several native tree species by examining their performance in soils collected near conspecifics ('home soils') or heterospecifics ('away soils') in the introduced range. Sapium seedlings, but no native seedlings, had lower survival and biomass in its home soils compared with soils of other species (negative feedback'). To investigate biotic agents potentially responsible for the observed negative feedbacks, we conducted two additional experiments designed to eliminate different soil taxa ('rescue experiments'). We found that soil sterilization (pot experiment ) or soil fungicide applications (pot and field experiments) restored Sapium performance in home soil thereby eliminating the negative feedbacks we observed in the original experiment. Such negative feedbacks apparently mediated by soil fungi could have important effects on persistence of this invader by limiting Sapium seedling success in Sapium dominated forests (home soils) though their weak effects in heterospecific (away) soils suggest a weak role in limiting initial establishment.  相似文献   

Genetic differences in growth of an invasive tree species   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Invasive plants are often more vigorous in their introduced ranges than in their native ranges. This may reflect an innate superiority of plants from some habitats or an escape from their enemies. Another hypothesis proposes that invasive plants evolve increased competitive ability in their introduced range. We present the results of a 14-year common garden experiment with the Chinese Tallow Tree ( Sapium sebiferum ) from its native range (Asia), place of introduction to North America (Georgia) and areas colonized a century later (Louisiana and Texas). Invasive genotypes, especially those from recently colonized areas, were larger than native genotypes and more likely to produce seeds but had lower quality, poorly defended leaves. Our results demonstrate significant post-invasion genetic differences in an invasive plant species. Post-introduction adaptation by introduced plants may contribute to their invasive success and make it difficult to predict problem species.  相似文献   

Nitrogen distribution within a leaf canopy is an important determinant of canopy carbon gain. Previous theoretical studies have predicted that canopy photosynthesis is maximized when the amount of photosynthetic nitrogen is proportionally allocated to the absorbed light. However, most of such studies used a simple Beer's law for light extinction to calculate optimal distribution, and it is not known whether this holds true when direct and diffuse light are considered together. Here, using an analytical solution and model simulations, optimal nitrogen distribution is shown to be very different between models using Beer's law and direct–diffuse light. The presented results demonstrate that optimal nitrogen distribution under direct–diffuse light is steeper than that under diffuse light only. The whole‐canopy carbon gain is considerably increased by optimizing nitrogen distribution compared with that in actual canopies in which nitrogen distribution is not optimized. This suggests that optimization of nitrogen distribution can be an effective target trait for improving plant productivity.  相似文献   

土壤-植物系统中光照与氮素的相互关系研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
运用盆栽试验,以莴笋为材料,在人工气候箱内进行研究,其结果表明:光照强度的变化,不仅会引起莴笋生物量和养分吸收量的改变,而且也将导致土壤养分状况的差异,不同肥力的3种紫色土,其养分含量受光照强度变化影响的状况是,NH^+4-N和NO^-3-N的含量均在大眼泥土〉沙土〉石骨子土,而碱解氮含量的变化则以沙土〉石骨子土〉大眼泥土。光照强度的变化亦影响氮肥的施用效果,在试验光强(80-320μmol/m2  相似文献   

1. Increased ammonium concentrations and decreased light availability in a water column have been reported to adversely affect submersed vegetation in eutrophic waters worldwide. 2. We studied the chronic effects of moderate enrichment (NH4–N: 0.16–0.25 mg L?1) on the growth and carbon and nitrogen metabolism of three macrophytes (Ceratophyllum demersum, Myriophyllum spicatum and Vallisneria natans) under contrasting light availability in a 2‐month experiment. 3. The enrichment greatly increased the contents of free amino acids and nitrogen in the shoot / leaf of the macrophytes. This indicates that was the dominant N source for the macrophytes. 4. Soluble carbohydrate contents remained relatively stable in the shoot / leaf of the macrophytes irrespective of the treatments. Under ambient light, the starch contents in the shoot / leaf of C. demersum and M. spicatum increased with enrichment, whereas V. natans did not exhibit any change. The starch contents decreased in C. demersum, increased in M. spicatum and remained unchanged in V. natans after the combined treatment of enrichment and reduced light. 5. The enrichment did not affect the growth of the three macrophytes under the ambient light. However, it did suppress the growth of C. demersum and M. spicatum under the reduced light. The results indicate that a moderate enrichment was not directly toxic to the macrophytes although it might change their viability in eutrophic lakes in terms of the carbon and nitrogen metabolism.  相似文献   

深入理解土壤及团聚体元素有效性对氮沉降的响应机制,是研究全球变化背景下土壤养分供应及生态系统结构和功能的关键.本研究综合评述了草地生态系统土壤表土及团聚体内元素分布及其对氮沉降的响应机制.总体而言,草地表土内碳、氮、磷、硫有效性研究较多,且研究结果因氮添加形态、添加时间及生态系统类型而异.氮沉降通过改变碳、氮、磷、硫等生源要素的转化过程及其在土壤团聚体内的再分配,而影响这些元素的生物有效性.然而,氮沉降影响草地土壤交换性盐基及有效态微量元素的研究较少.氮沉降促进土壤酸化,导致各团聚体内钙、镁差异性流失,其中大粒径团聚体内盐基元素更易流失;酸化还有助于提高团聚体内铁、锰、铜、锌有效性.土壤小粒径团聚体内的养分对外界环境变化响应不敏感.当前研究的不足之处在于,较少关注氮沉降对土壤团聚作用及团聚体元素有效性的影响.今后应加强团聚体元素有效性与土壤酶活性耦合变化关系的研究,并分析氮沉降背景下土壤物理结构和化学组成的变化对植物群落的反馈作用.  相似文献   

4种阔叶树种叶中氮和磷的季节动态及其转移   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
薛立  徐燕  吴敏  李燕 《生态学报》2005,25(3):520-526
从叶完全展开到生长季结束 ,对常绿阔叶树种日本米槠 (Castanopsis cuspidata(Thunb.) Schottky)和具柄冬青 (Ilexpedunculosa Miq)及落叶阔叶树种栎 (Quercus serrata Murr.)和栓皮栎 (Quercus variabilis Blume)叶片的 N和 P浓度、含量和养分转移进行了测定 .在生长期中日本米槠新叶的 N浓度在 5月为 36 .6 g/ kg,然后降到 15 .5和 17.5 g/ kg之间 ,其老叶的N浓度波动于 10 .4和 13.1g/ kg的范围内 ,而具柄冬青新叶的 N浓度从 2 7.3下降到 16 .0 g/ kg,接着上升到 18.3g/ kg,其老叶的 N浓度在 12 .0到 15 .5 g/ kg的范围内。栎和栓皮栎的叶 N浓度分别从 2 8.8下降到 18.1g/ kg和从 2 8.5下降到17.5 g/ kg。日本米槠新叶的 N含量从 1.5 4下降到 1.35 g/ m2 ,接着上升到 1.5 0 g/ m2 ,其老叶 N含量从 1.36下降到1.0 0 g/ m2 ,接着上升到 1.2 1g/ m2 ,而具柄冬青新叶的 N含量从 2 .2 5下降到 1.6 0 g/ m2 ,接着上升到 2 .2 0 g/ m2 ,其老叶的 N含量从 2 .13下降到 1.6 5 g/ m2。栎和栓皮栎的叶 N含量分别从 2 .10下降到 1.2 8g/ m2和从 2 .95下降到 2 .13g/ m2。日本米槠新叶的 P浓度由 3.39g/ kg降到 1.12和 1.15 g/ kg之间 ,其老叶的 P浓度变化于 0 .6 6和 0 .88g/ kg的范围内 ,而具柄冬青新叶的  相似文献   

Marine phytoplankton have conserved elemental stoichiometry, but there can be significant deviations from this Redfield ratio. Moreover, phytoplankton allocate reduced carbon (C) to different biochemical pools based on nutritional status and light availability, adding complexity to this relationship. This allocation influences physiology, ecology, and biogeochemistry. Here, we present results on the physiological and biochemical properties of two evolutionarily distinct model marine phytoplankton, a diatom (cf. Staurosira sp. Ehrenberg) and a chlorophyte (Chlorella sp. M. Beijerinck) grown under light and nitrogen resource gradients to characterize how carbon is allocated under different energy and substrate conditions. We found that nitrogen (N)‐replete growth rate increased monotonically with light until it reached a threshold intensity (~200 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1). For Chlorella sp., the nitrogen quota (pg · μm?3) was greatest below this threshold, beyond which it was reduced by the effect of N‐stress, while for Staurosira sp. there was no trend. Both species maintained constant maximum quantum yield of photosynthesis (mol C · mol photons?1) over the range of light and N‐gradients studied (although each species used different photophysiological strategies). In both species, C:chl a (g · g?1) increased as a function of light and N‐stress, while C:N (mol · mol?1) and relative neutral lipid:C (rel. lipid · g?1) were most strongly influenced by N‐stress above the threshold light intensity. These results demonstrated that the interaction of substrate (N‐availability) and energy gradients influenced C‐allocation, and that general patterns of biochemical responses may be conserved among phytoplankton; they provided a framework for predicting phytoplankton biochemical composition in ecological, biogeochemical, or biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

氮肥运筹对小麦产量、氮素利用效率和光能利用率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
连续2年在西南冬麦区的重庆、仁寿、广汉、西昌4个地点,开展3种施氮水平(每公顷纯氮0、120、180 kg,简写为N0、N120、N180)和3种氮肥分配模式(NA:底肥100%;NB:底肥70%+苗肥30%;NC:底肥60%+拔节肥40%)的田间试验,监测小麦花后冠层叶片SPAD值、群体光合速率(CAP)、光能利用等生理参数和籽粒产量,计算氮素利用效率、光能利用率等.结果表明: 随施氮水平增加,小麦上三叶SPAD值、CAP、光合有效辐射(PAR)截获率和产量均呈增加趋势,而氮肥农学利用效率、生产效率、吸收效率和利用效率呈降低趋势.氮肥后移的增效作用因施氮水平而异,SPAD于N180增效明显,而CAP于N120增效明显,不同氮肥管理模式的光能利用率因地点而异.氮肥后移能明显提高小麦氮肥农学效率、生产效率、吸收效率和氮素表观回收率,但氮肥利用效率则略有减少.氮肥后移效果NC总体优于NB处理.不同地点比较,广汉的SPAD值、CAP、PAR截获率、氮肥利用参数较高,其产量也相应最高;西昌的产量、SPAD值及氮素利用效率较高,但其光能利用率和CAP较低;重庆和仁寿的SPAD值、光能利用率及氮素利用效率均较低,其产量也最低.小麦生物产量与各地点的籽粒产量、CAP、SPAD值和PAR累积截获量均呈显著或极显著的正相关关系.表明不同生态区域增施氮肥都能促进小麦增产,氮肥后移可进一步优化产量结构、改善氮肥和光能利用效率,但存在年份和地点差异,各地需要制定有针对性的氮肥管理模式.  相似文献   

We used path analysis to ask whether leaf position or leaf light level was a better predictor of within-plant variation in leaf nitrogen concentration in five species of rain forest pioneer trees (Cecropia obtusifolia, Ficus insipida, Heliocarpus appendiculatus, Piper auritum, and Urera caracasana) from the Los Tuxtlas Biological Station, Veracruz, Mexico. Three hundred seventy-five leaves on 28 plants of the five species were analyzed for leaf nitrogen concentration, leaf mass per area, and leaf light interception at different positions (= nodes) along a shoot. Mean values of leaf nitrogen concentration ranged from 0.697 to 0.993 g/m2 in the five species, and varied by as much as 2.24 g/m2 among leaves on individual plants. Leaf position on the shoot explained significantly more of the within-plant variation in leaf nitrogen concentration than did leaf light level in four of the five species: Cecropia obtusifolia, Heliocarpus appendiculatus, Piper auritum (branch leaves only), and Urera caracasana. However, individual species differed considerably in the patterns of nitrogen allocation and leaf mass per area among leaves on a shoot. These results suggest that leaf nitrogen deployment in these plants is, in part, developmentally constrained and related to the predictability of canopy light distribution associated with plant growth form.  相似文献   

利用田间小区试验,设计生物炭用量为0(B0)、1 kg·m-2(B1)、2 kg·m-2(B2)3个水平,氮肥用量为0(N0)、40 g·m-2(N1)、60 g·m-2(N2)3个水平, 即B0N0、B0N1、B0N2、B1N0、B1N1、B1N2、B2N0、B2N1和B2N2共9个处理,研究了生物炭与氮肥配施对牡丹叶片的氮素积累、叶片氮素向籽粒转移、籽粒蛋白氮、氨基酸和脂肪酸含量,以及籽粒产量和品质的影响.结果表明: 生物炭与氮肥配施增加了牡丹不同发育时期叶片中蛋白氮和非蛋白氮含量,以及叶片氮素向籽粒的转移量和籽粒氮素积累量.与B0N0处理相比,B1N1处理叶片氮素转移量和籽粒氮素积累量分别增加27.6%和27.1%;B1N1和B2N1处理牡丹籽粒百粒重和籽粒产量分别增加13.6%和16.4%,其中籽粒产量在B1N1、B1N2、B2N1和B2N2处理间差异不显著;B2N1和B1N2处理牡丹籽粒蛋白氮和总氨基酸含量较高,分别增加29.3%和36.2%.生物炭与氮肥配施增加了牡丹籽粒中总脂肪酸和不饱和脂肪酸的含量,其中,B2N1处理总脂肪酸含量较高, 比B0N0处理增加了17.4%.生物炭与氮肥配施能够增加牡丹叶片氮素积累量和叶片氮素向籽粒的转移量,增加籽粒产量,提高牡丹籽粒蛋白氮、氨基酸和脂肪酸的含量,其中以生物炭1 kg·m-2与氮肥40 g·m-2配施效果较好.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acclimation of photosynthesis to light and its connection with canopy nitrogen (N) distribution are considered. An interpretation of a proportionality between light-saturated photosynthesis and local averaged leaf irradiance is proposed by means of a simple model. MODEL: The model assumes (a) local irradiance drives synthesis of photosynthetic protein from metabolic N; (b) photosynthetic N is slowly degraded over approx. 5-7 d; (c) metabolic N is equally available through the canopy. CONCLUSIONS: The kinetics of acclimation at different light levels may provide a way of parameterizing and testing the model. The model provides a rationale for the proportionality assumption mentioned above, which, while it is consistent with much experimental work, is valuable because it allows canopy photosynthesis to be calculated analytically.  相似文献   

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