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The following species are described from fishes in deep-waters of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean: Fellodistomidae: Steringophorus furciger from Antimora rostrata, Coryphaenoides (Lionurus) carapinus, Lycenchelys paxillus, L. verrillii and Lycodes atlanticus; S. blackeri from Xenodermichthys copei, S. haedrichi n. sp. from Porogadus milesi, characterised by its lobate testes, sucker-ratio and long vitelline fields Megenteron crassum from Dicrolene intronigra; Zoogonidae: Brachyenteron rissoanum n. sp. from Polyacanthonotus rissoanus, characterised by the ovary position, the saccular seminal vesicle, the marginal genital pore and egg-size; Koiea notacanthi n. g., n. sp. from Notacanthus (?) chemnitzi, characterised by the Y-shaped excretory vesicle and the posteriorly placed testes.  相似文献   

Abstract.  A total of 246 marine bryozoan species was recorded within an area of the south-west Atlantic between 35° and 56°S, and between the coast of Argentina and 50°W. The distribution pattern of benthic stations surveyed during the most important cruises in the area shows that the sampling effort has been biased towards southern shelf areas off Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego, as well as around the Malvinas (Falkland) islands. The littoral zone, Patagonian gulfs and the continental shelf off Chubut, Río Negro and Buenos Aires state received less attention, and should be surveyed more intensively in the future. Only 2% of the species can be regarded as non-indigenous, all of them inhabiting biofouling communities in harbour environments. With the exception of some thoroughly surveyed localities, the number of species recorded for different areas of the coast, shelf and slope is estimated to be just a small fraction of the actual number of species present. A distinct diversity gradient was found, with species-rich stations located only in the southern shelf. Highest diversity occurred in shelf areas dominated by coarse sediments, and along a high-productivity shelf-break front. A remarkable decrease in species richness was found in inner and middle shelf areas off Chubut, Río Negro and Buenos Aires state. This pattern may be related to the Pacific origin of the Magellanic fauna, since the diversity of bryozoans is higher in the Pacific than in the Atlantic Ocean. The trend of species richness is, however, overemphasized by the fact that the least diverse faunistic assemblage occurs in areas where surveys have been relatively less frequent. An up-to-date checklist of species recorded for the study area is included.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》1988,13(3):265-289
Deep-sea benthic foraminifera of the region of water exchange between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean, at the Gibraltar Strait, show significant water-mass relationships for the past 18,000 years.Cores used in this benthic foraminifera analysis were selected, according to the context of the distribution of various deep bottom water masses, on each side of the Gibraltar Strait:
  • 1.(1) on the Atlantic side of the Strait, two cores (KS 8228, KS 8229) are located in the present day NADW, and one (KC 8221) in the upper part of the present Mediterranean outflow water,
  • 2.(2) on the Mediterranean side of Gibraltar, two cores (KC 8241, SU 8107) are located in the deep water mass, and one (KS 8230) in the intermediate water mass.
In the two deep basins (1500–2800 m depth in the Gulf of Cadiz, 1200–1300 m depth in the Alboran Sea), the paleooceanographic changes appear to be in an opposite way for the past 18,000 years. The Alboran basin shows a paleooceanographic evolution from a well-oxygenated, nutrient-rich environment at about 18,000 yr B.P. to a nutrient-poor, oxygen-depleted environment from 13,000 to the present time; moreover, for the time-span synchronous with the well-known development of sapropels in the eastern Mediterranean basins between 10,000 and 7000 yr B.P., the faunal assemblage shows most unusual characteristics implying drastic environmental conditions. Conversely, in the Gulf of Cadiz, the environment pass as from a biotope occupied by an oxygen-depleted, nutrient-poor water mass at about 18,000 years B.P. to a biotope occupied by NADW since the Younger Dryas; this agrees with previous data obtained in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean (Caralp, 1987).In the epibathyal zones (550–800 m depth), on both sides of the Gibraltar Strait, paleohydrographic changes do not seem so important. According to the present and very late Holocene assemblages, which are similar on both sides of the Strait with a strong east-west flow, two other stratigraphic episodes have shown the same conditions of water exchanges: the end of the isotopic stage 2 and the Younger Dryas. Conversely, during the last glacial maximum, the Bølling-Allerød and the lower Holocene, westward water fluxes were probably lower. At no time, the hypothesis of a reversal or a stop in the east-west exchanges between Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean may be justified.  相似文献   

This paper presents length‐weight relationships (LWR) for four fish species from the continental shelf of Yucatán, at the Sonda de Campeche (southwestern Gulf of México). Samples were taken using shrimp trawl nets (5.71 cm squared mesh size in the cod‐end) in the mid‐summer of 2016. All LWRs were significant with r2 values ranged from .946 to .994 and the values of exponent b, estimated using simple linear least squares of log‐transformed weight and length data, ranged from 2.54 to 3.10 (p < .001).  相似文献   

Walter H. Adey 《Hydrobiologia》1965,26(3-4):539-573
Summary This paper is the second of a series covering the crustose corallines of the Gulf of Maine. Information on anatomy, cytology and the development of the reproductive structures is presented to show that Clathromorphum is a genus distinct from both Phymatolithon and the branching members of Lithothamnium. Also, for the two species of this genus present in the region, reproductive cycles and geographic and bathymetric distributions are presented and discussed.Part of a study undertaken while working on a Ph. D. program at the University of Michigan. The necessary field work was made possible by the generous support of: the American Petroleum Institute (Grant-in-aid No. 85), the Geological Society of America (Penrose Grant No. 912-62), the Office of Naval Research (Nonr 1841 (74), through the Department of Geology and Geophysics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.  相似文献   

Walter H. Adey 《Hydrobiologia》1966,27(3-4):479-497
Summary This is the third of a series of papers covering the anatomy, morphology, systematics and ecology of the crustose corallines of the Gulf of Maine. Pseudolithophyllum orbiculatum, the only species of this genus in the region, is treated in this paper.Part of a study undertaken while working on a Ph. D. program at the University of Michigan. The necessary field work was made possible by the generous support of: the American Petroleum Institute (Grant-in-aid No. 85), the Geological Society of America (Penrose Grant No. 912-62), the Office of Naval Research (Nonr 1841-74), through the Department of Geology and Geophysics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.  相似文献   

Marine sediments account for up to 66% of the loss of nitrogen load to coastal areas. Sedimentary denitrification is the main sink for fixed nitrogen in the global nitrogen budget, and thus it is important to understand the structure and composition of denitrifying communities. To understand the structure and composition of denitrifying communities, the diversity of nitrite reductase (nirS) genes from sediments along the Gulf of Mexico was examined using a PCR-based cloning approach. Sediments were collected at three different depths (0-0.5, 4-5 and 19-21 cm). Geochemical analysis revealed decreasing nitrate and oxygen concentrations with increasing sediment depth. This trend coincided with the decrease in diversity of denitrifying bacteria. LIBSHUFF analysis indicated that the clone library in the shallowest sediment (depth, 0-0.5 cm) was significantly different from that in the deepest sediment (depth, 19-21 cm), and that the deeper sediments (depths of 4-5 and 19-21 cm) were significantly similar. Community structural shifts were evident between the shallowest (oxic zone) and deepest (anoxic zone) sediments. Community changes within the deepest sediments were more subtle, with the presence of different nirS clone sequences gradually becoming dominant or, alternatively, decreasing with depth. The changes in community structure at this depth are possibly driven by nutrient availability, with lower quality sources of carbon and energy leading to the disappearance of nirS sequences common in the top layer. The majority of recovered nirS sequences were phylogenetically divergent relative to known denitrifying bacteria in the database.  相似文献   

Five species are described from fishes in deep waters of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean: Lepidapedon gaevskayae n. sp. from Coryphaenoides (Nematonurus) armatus; L. merretti n. sp. from Phycis chesteri; L. zubchenkoi n. sp. from Coryphaenoides (Chalinura) leptolepis; L. beveridgei n. sp. from C. (N.) armatus; and Lepidapedon sp. innom. from Antimora rostrata. The genus Lepidapedon is discussed and divided into groups of species distinguished by the vitelline distribution and the extent of excretory vesicle. The new species are placed in their appropriate groups and differentiated from the other species in the group.  相似文献   

Depth-related patterns of macrobenthic community structure and composition have been studied from box-core samples from the Scottish continental slope where deep-sea trawling and oil exploration are becoming increasingly important. There is a strong pattern of declining biomass and faunal abundance with increasing depth, but results also indicate reduced biomass and numbers of macrobenthos in the shallowest samples from just below the shelf edge where there are coarse sediments and a regime of strong bottom currents. There is also reduced species diversity at the shallowest stations, probably caused by hydrodynamic disturbance, but no clear mid-slope peak in species diversity as described from the northwest Atlantic. Taxonomic composition of the macrobenthic community shows most change between about 1000 and 1200 m, expressed as a major dichotomy in multivariate analysis by cluster analysis and ordination. It also shows up as a step-like increase in the rate of accumulation of new macrofaunal species. This corresponds to a change in hydrodynamic regime, from a seabed rich in suspension- and interface-feeding epifauna, to one where biogenic traces from large, burrowing deposit feeders are well developed, and visible epifauna rare in seabed photographs. It also corresponds to the depth zone where earlier study of megafaunal echinoderms in trawl and epibenthic sled samples also shows a clear peak in across-slope rate of change in faunal composition.  相似文献   

The inshore lizardfish, Synodus foetens, is one of the most common coastal demersal predators on the continental shelf of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), but the biology and feeding ecology of this species is virtually unknown. Between November 2001 and January 2003 (10 collections), 603 individuals of S. foetens ranging from 112 to 420 mm standard length (SL) and 13 to 630 g (wet weight) were collected from the continental shelf of Alvarado, Veracruz, Mexico. About 60% of the individuals had empty stomachs with the stomach fullness of the remaining individuals being distributed as follows: 5% full (24.8%), 50–75% full (13.5%), and completely full (1.7%). The mean (± SD) wet weight of stomach contents was 12.1 ± 10.8 g during the rainy season, and 19.0 ± 13.0 g during the nortes season. Seventeen prey items were identified, with the majority thereof being fish. The most important prey items were Upeneus parvus, Loligo pealei, Engyophrys senta, Trachurus lathami, and Anchoa hepsetus. Seasonal changes in the diet were observed, with U. parvus and L. pealei being the most important prey during the nortes season, whereas E. senta and L. pealei were the main items during the rainy season. Prey size selection was evident among size classes of S. foetens, although no trophic overlap was observed among size classes (Cik ≤ 0.004). High trophic level values were determined for all size classes by season (rainy season = 4.67, nortes season = 4.84), and indicated this species belongs to the piscivorous trophic guild that preys upon both demersal and pelagic species.  相似文献   

The deep-water macroalgal community of the continental shelf off the east coast of Florida was sampled by lock-out divers from two research submersibles as part of the most detailed year-round study of a macroalgal community extending below routine SCUBA depths. A total of 208 taxa (excluding crustose corallines) were recorded; of these, 42 (20.2%), 19 (9.1%), and 147 (70.7%) belonged to the Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, and Rhodophyta, respectively. Taxonomic diversity was maximal during late spring and summer and minimal during late fall and winter. The number of reproductive taxa closely followed the number of taxa present; when reproductive frequency was expressed as a percentage of the species present during each month, two peaks (January and August) were observed. Most perennial species had considerable depth ranges, with the greatest number of taxa observed from 31 to 40 m in depth. Although most of the taxa present also grow in shallow water (i.e. <10 m), there were some species whose distribution is limited to deeper water. The latter are strongly dominated by rhodophytes. This community has a strong tropical affinity, but over half the taxa occur in warm-temperate areas. Forty-two new records (20% of the taxa identified) for Florida were listed; this includes 15 taxa which previously had been considered distributional disjuncts in this area. The phaeophyteHalopteris filicina is a new addition to the flora of the western Atlantic. Although more studies are needed, it appears that the deep-water flora may be relatively continuous over a large portion of the tropical and subtropical western North Atlantic. The traditional practice of considering Cape Canaveral as a biogeographical boundary may only be appropriate for shallow water. This study demonstrates the need for additional floristic work on macroalgal communities, especially from deep water, before more detailed biogeographical analyses can be performed and suggests that deep-water species could be important in experimental approaches to macroalgal biogeography.  相似文献   

Three new species of digenean are described from demersal fishes taken in deep waters of the northwestern and northeastern Atlantic Ocean: Podocotyle schistotesticulata n. sp. from Antimora rostrata; P. harrisae n. sp. from Coryphaenoides (Lionurus) carapinus; and Gaevskajatrema halosauropsi n. sp. from Halosauropsis macrochir. The status of the nominal species of the genus Podocotyle Dujardin, 1845 is presented in annotated summary, along with a tabulation of the distinctive characteristics of recognised species of the genus. Gaevskajatrema Gibson & Bray, 1982 is discussed and its diagnosis amended.  相似文献   

The present study uses stable isotopes of nitrogen and carbon (δ15Nandδ13C) as trophic indicators for Atlantic bluefin tuna larvae (BFT) (6–10 mm standard length) in the highly contrasting environmental conditions of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and the Balearic Sea (MED). These regions are differentiated by their temperature regime and relative productivity, with the GOM being significantly warmer and more productive. MED BFT larvae showed the highest δ15N signatures, implying an elevated trophic position above the underlying microzooplankton baseline. Ontogenetic dietary shifts were observed in the BFT larvae from the GOM and MED which indicates early life trophodynamics differences between these spawning habitats. Significant trophic differences between the GOM and MED larvae were observed in relation to δ15N signatures in favour of the MED larvae, which may have important implications in their growth during their early life stages.These low δ15N levels in the zooplankton from the GOM may be an indication of a shifting isotopic baseline in pelagic food webs due to diatrophic inputs by cyanobacteria. Lack of enrichment for δ15N in BFT larvae compared to zooplankton implies an alternative grazing pathway from the traditional food chain of phytoplankton—zooplankton—larval fish. Results provide insight for a comparative characterization of the trophic pathways variability of the two main spawning grounds for BFT larvae.  相似文献   

Hyalinoecia artifex is an abundant species on the US Atlantic margin, although little is known about its behavior, ecology, or reproduction. We provide field notes and high‐resolution in situ imagery of this species observed and collected in 2013 and 2015. Hyalinoecia artifex occurred primarily on soft sediment at a density of 10.9±0.95 individuals m?2 (mean±standard error). Although they were found adjacent to mussel beds associated with methane seeps, worms were negatively associated with authigenic carbonate and other epibenthic megafauna in the study area. Quill worms moved across the sediment by extending their heads from the tubes and dragging the tubes forward. Stable isotope analysis indicated that H. artifex is a secondary consumer. Most individuals collected in 2015 were ripe, with mature oocytes up to 400 μm. Oocytes were yolky, yellow in color and positively buoyant; no brooding was observed.  相似文献   

Bay cod, Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) that over-winter in the deep-water bays of northeastern Newfoundland, have historically been regarded as distinct in migration and spawning behaviour from offshore (Grand Bank) cod stocks. To investigate their genetic relationships, we determined the DNA sequence of a 307-base-pair portion of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene for 236 adult cod taken from the waters off northeastern Newfoundland, including fish found over-wintering and spawning in Trinity Bay. Although 17 genotypes were found, a single common genotype occurs at a frequency of greater than 80% in all samples, and no alternative genotype occurs at a frequency of greater than 3%. Genotype proportions did not differ significantly among samples. Measures of genetic subdivision among sampling locations are nil. Cod over-wintering in Trinity Bay are not genetically distinct from offshore cod. In combination with tagging and physiological studies, these data suggest that there is sufficient movement of cod between bay and offshore locations to prevent the development or maintenance of independent inshore stocks. Adult cod that over-winter in Trinity Bay appear to represent an assemblage of temporarily nonmigratory fish that have become physiologically acclimated to cold-water inshore environments. The pattern of genetic variation in northern cod suggests a recent population structure characterized by extensive movement of contemporary individuals superimposed on an older structure characterized by a bottleneck in the population size of cod in the north-western Atlantic.  相似文献   

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