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Ferredoxins, the major distributors for electrons to various acceptor systems in plastids, contribute to redox regulation and antioxidant defence in plants. However, their function in plant immunity is not fully understood. In this study, we show that the expression of the major leaf ferredoxin gene Fd2 is suppressed by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) DC3000 infection, and that knockout of Fd2 (Fd2‐KO) in Arabidopsis increases the plant's susceptibility to both Pst DC3000 and Golovinomyces cichoracearum. On Pst DC3000 infection, the Fd2‐KO mutant accumulates increased levels of jasmonic acid and displays compromised salicylic acid‐related immune responses. Fd2‐KO also shows defects in the accumulation of reactive oxygen species induced by pathogen‐associated molecular pattern‐triggered immunity. However, Fd2‐KO shows enhanced R‐protein‐mediated resistance to Pst DC3000/AvrRpt2 infection, suggesting that Fd2 plays a negative role in effector‐triggered immunity. Furthermore, Fd2 interacts with FIBRILLIN4 (FIB4), a harpin‐binding protein localized in chloroplasts. Interestingly, Fd2, but not FIB4, localizes to stromules that extend from chloroplasts. Taken together, our results demonstrate that Fd2 plays an important role in plant immunity.  相似文献   

The natural variation in leaf and plant longevity in Arabidopsis thaliana was analysed in a set of 45 ecotypes and 155 recombinant inbred lines derived from a Cape Verde Islands (Cvi) x Landsberg erecta (Ler) cross. Post-bolting longevity was inversely related to time to flowering and rosette leaf number in the set of 45 ecotypes, with Cvi having the longest and Ler the shortest post-bolting longevity. The recombinant inbred line population was tested under low or high soil nutrient levels (LN or HN, respectively). Three quantitative trait loci (QTL), one in chromosome 3 and two in chromosomes 1 and 5, were associated with longevity of the 6th rosette leaf under LN and HN, respectively. Four QTL for post-bolting longevity were found in chromosomes 1, 3, 4, and 5, and two in chromosomes 1 and 5 under LN and HN, respectively. An epistatic interaction affecting post-bolting longevity under LN, but not HN, was detected. Ler and Cvi carry a mix of increasing and decreasing alleles for the QTL affecting longevity of the 6th leaf and post-bolting longevity. Longevity of the 6th rosette leaf was associated with different QTL than post-bolting longevity, and it was affected by different QTL depending on nutrient availability. By contrast, the major QTL affecting post-bolting longevity exerted significant effects irrespective of soil nutrient availability.  相似文献   

Plants, unlike animals, have plastic organ growth that is largely dependent on environmental information. However, so far, little is known about how this information is perceived and transduced into coherent growth and developmental decisions. Here, we report that the growth of Arabidopsis is positively correlated with the level of expression of the TARGET OF RAPAMYCIN (TOR) kinase. Diminished or augmented expression of the AtTOR gene results in a dose-dependent decrease or increase, respectively, in organ and cell size, seed production and resistance to osmotic stress. Strong downregulation of AtTOR expression by inducible RNA interference also leads to a post-germinative halt in growth and development, which phenocopies the action of the plant hormone abscisic acid, to an early senescence and to a reduction in the amount of translated messenger RNA. Thus, we propose that the AtTOR kinase is one of the contributors to the link between environmental cues and growth processes in plants.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the development of leaf shape and vascular pattern in leaves mutant for ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) or AS2 and compared the timing of developmental landmarks to cellular response to auxin, as measured by expression of the DR5:beta-glucuronidase (GUS) transgene and to cell division, as measured by expression of the cycB1:GUS transgene. We found that the earliest visible defect in both as1 and as2 first leaves is the asymmetric placement of auxin response at the distal leaf tip. This precedes visible changes in leaf morphology, asymmetric placement of the distal margin gap, formation of margin gaps along the leaf border, asymmetric distribution of marginal auxin, and asymmetry in cell division patterns. Moreover, treatment of developing leaves with either exogenous auxin or an auxin transport inhibitor eliminates asymmetric auxin response and subsequent asymmetric leaf development. We propose that the initial asymmetric placement of auxin at the leaf tip gives rise to later asymmetries in the internal auxin sources, which subsequently result in asymmetrical cell differentiation and division patterns.  相似文献   

TIP GROWTH DEFECTIVE1 (TIP1) of Arabidopsis thaliana affects cell growth throughout the plant and has a particularly strong effect on root hair growth. We have identified TIP1 by map-based cloning and complementation of the mutant phenotype. TIP1 encodes an ankyrin repeat protein with a DHHC Cys-rich domain that is expressed in roots, leaves, inflorescence stems, and floral tissue. Two homologues of TIP1 in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and human (Homo sapiens) have been shown to have S-acyl transferase (also known as palmitoyl transferase) activity. S-acylation is a reversible hydrophobic protein modification that offers swift, flexible control of protein hydrophobicity and affects protein association with membranes, signal transduction, and vesicle trafficking within cells. We show that TIP1 binds the acyl group palmitate, that it can rescue the morphological, temperature sensitivity, and yeast casein kinase2 localization defects of the yeast S-acyl transferase mutant akr1Delta, and that inhibition of acylation in wild-type Arabidopsis roots reproduces the Tip1- mutant phenotype. Our results demonstrate that S-acylation is essential for normal plant cell growth and identify a plant S-acyl transferase, an essential research tool if we are to understand how this important, reversible lipid modification operates in plant cells.  相似文献   

This report describes the characterisation of ATHB16, a novel Arabidopsis thaliana homeobox gene, which encodes a homeodomain-leucine zipper class I (HDZip I) protein. We demonstrate that ATHB16 functions as a growth regulator, potentially as a component in the light-sensing mechanism of the plant. Endogenous ATHB16 mRNA was detected in all organs of Arabidopsis, at highest abundance in rosette leaves. Reduced levels of ATHB16 expression in transgenic Arabidopsis plants caused an increase in leaf cell expansion and consequently an increased size of the leaves, whereas leaf shape was unaffected. Transgenic plants with increased ATHB16 mRNA levels developed leaves that were smaller than wild-type leaves. Therefore, we suggest ATHB16 to act as a negative regulator of leaf cell expansion. Furthermore, the flowering time response to photoperiod was increased in plants with reduced ATHB16 levels but reduced in plants with elevated ATHB16 levels, indicating that ATHB16 has an additional role as a suppressor of the flowering time sensitivity to photoperiod in wild-type Arabidopsis. As deduced from the response of transgenic plants with altered levels of ATHB16 expression in hypocotyl elongation assays, the gene may act to regulate plant development as a mediator of a blue light response.  相似文献   

The voltage-dependent anion channels (VDACs), known as a major group of outer mitochondrial membrane proteins, are present in all eukaryotic species. In mammalian cells, they have been established as a key player in mitochondrial metabolism and apoptosis regulation. By contrast, little is known about the function of plant VDACs. Recently, we performed functional analysis of all VDAC gene members in Arabidopsis thaliana, and revealed that each AtVDAC member has a specialized function. Especially, in spite of similar subcellular localization and expression profiling of AtVDAC2 and AtVDAC4, both the T-DNA insertion knockout mutants of them, vdac2–2 and vdac4–2, showed severe growth retardation. These results suggest that AtVDAC2 and AtVDAC4 proteins clearly have distinct functions. Here, we introduced the AtVDAC2 gene into the vdac2–2 mutant, and demonstrated that the miniature phenotype of vdac2–2 plant is abolished by AtVDAC2 expression.  相似文献   

Ethylene signalling regulates plant growth and development. However, its roles in salt stress response are less known. Here we studied functions of EIN2, a central membrane protein of ethylene signalling, and its interacting protein ECIP1 in salt stress responses. Mutation of EIN2 led to extreme salt sensitivity as revealed by phenotypic and physiological changes, and overexpression of C-terminus of EIN2 suppressed salt sensitivity in ein2-5, indicating that EIN2 is required for salt tolerance. Downstream components EIN3 and EIL1 are also essential for salt tolerance because ein3-1eil1-1 double mutant showed extreme salt-sensitive phenotype. A MA3 domain-containing protein ECIP1 was further identified to interact with EIN2 in yeast two-hybrid assay and GST pull-down assay. Loss-of-function of ECIP1 resulted in enhanced ethylene response but altered salt response during seed germination and plant growth. Double mutant analysis revealed that ein2-1 was epistatic to ecip1, and ecip1 mutation partially suppressed ethylene-insensitivity of etr2-1 and ein4-1. These studies strengthen that interactions between ECIP1 and EIN2 or ethylene receptors regulate ethylene response and stress response.  相似文献   

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