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Modelling groundwater depths in floodplains and peatlands remains a basic approach to assessing hydrological conditions of habitats. Groundwater flow models used to compute groundwater heads are known for their uncertainties, and the calibration of these models and the uncertainty assessments of parameters remain fundamental steps in providing reliable data. However, the elevation data used to determine the geometry of model domains are frequently considered deterministic and hence are seldom considered a source of uncertainty in model-based groundwater level estimations. Knowing that even the cutting-edge laser-scanning-based digital elevation models have errors due to vegetation effects and scanning procedure failures, we provide an assessment of uncertainty of water level estimations that remain basic data for wetland ecosystem assessment and management. We found that the uncertainty of the digital elevation model (DEM) significantly influenced the results of the assessment of the habitat’s hydrological conditions expressed as groundwater depths. In extreme cases, although the average habitat suitability index (HSI) assessed in a deterministic manner was defined as ‘unsuitable’, in a probabilistic approach (grid-cell-scale estimation), it reached a value of 40% probability, signifying ‘optimum’ or ‘tolerant’. For the 24 habitats analysed, we revealed vast differences between HSI scores calculated for individual grid cells of the model and HSI scores computed as average values from the set of grid cells located within the habitat patches. We conclude that groundwater-modelling-based decision support approaches to wetland assessment can result in incorrect management if the quality of DEM has not been addressed in studies referring to groundwater depths.  相似文献   

This essay explores the phenomenon known as ‘orphaned wells’, meaning unprofitable oil and gas wells (‘legacy wells’) that have become disentangled from their corporate owners owing to insolvency, or owing to a failure to comply with local regulations. Drawing from an ethnographic example of a near-insolvent oil and gas corporation in Alberta, Canada, and its strategies of refinancing, the essay explores how value creation and the moral force of the obligation to create a financial return give rise to a ‘durational ethics’ that shapes corporate and financial performativities and prolongs the ‘life’ of legacy oil and gas assets. Legacy assets, understood as potential orphans, are thus caught up in a lively corporate practice of asset circulation and recombination often deployed by producers for the moral work of ‘cleaning balance sheets’. This essay calls for ‘thinking with orphans’ to recognize the competing ethical registers which produce them in addition to the growing need for responsibility and corporate care for legacy oil and gas assets.  相似文献   

The question of value is fundamental to contexts of resource scarcity given that contest over use and distribution of scarce resources centres on judgments about rights, interests and access. In mining processes, the use and extraction of water in great volumes commodifies and threatens supplies of what others understand to be a substance essential to all forms of life. In the Atacama, while industrial extraction and commodification by the mining industry are the basis for indigenous people's contestations over water resources, an analysis of everyday water practice and performance (as ‘ordinary ethics’) demonstrates that an indigenous ethics of resources includes commodity values under certain conditions. This paper examines a field of competing actors engaging in extraction and use of scarce waters in order to make an argument for the importance of considering the complexities and dynamics of ethical practice and water value.  相似文献   

Increased global demand for groundwater has resulted in the need to measure and monitor this resource. Rather than monitoring groundwater simply though water chemistry and levels, which provides a ‘snapshot’ of the conditions at any given time, a more holistic approach to managing groundwater resources and their changes over time is needed. Korbel & Hose (2011) introduced the first structured framework for measuring groundwater health – the Groundwater Health Index (GHI). This multimetric, two-tiered framework uses biotic and abiotic components of the groundwater ecosystem to measure and identify ecosystem health. The framework can be used to classify impacted from non-impacted groundwaters, however it has certain limitations. With increased research and associated knowledge of groundwater ecosystems in recent times, it is now timely to attempt to build on the GHI framework.This paper refines and improves the GHI by incorporating a weighting system to account for natural factors contributing to variations in biotic distribution and is tested on data within four geologically similar alluvial aquifers in intensively irrigated agricultural areas of New South Wales and Queensland, Australia. Using a combination of microbial, stygofaunal, water chemistry and environmental indicators, the ‘weighted GHI’ framework was able to discriminate three distinct ecosystem health classifications; that of ‘similar to reference’(displaying reference-like condition) ‘mild deviation from reference’ (sites failing to meet between 2 and 3 benchmarks) and ‘major deviation from reference’ (sites with more than four benchmarks exceeded). The framework indicated that groundwater health deviated from reference condition in all four catchments studied, with irrigated sites consistently displaying deviations from reference ecosystem health. Tier 2 benchmarks were set using results from the Gwydir River, and were tested on the adjacent Namoi River catchment, the Condamine and Lower Macquarie catchments. Results indicated that ecosystem health benchmarks may be associate with aquifer typology, rather than being applicable only for local areas.  相似文献   

Inland fishery ecosystems in Africa are characterized by patterns of overexploitation, environmental degradation and exotic species introductions. Ecological complexity and diversity of aquatic habitats dictate that fishes in general are not evenly distributed in a water body. However, fisheries management regimes tend to ignore this basic principle, assume generalized conditions in a water body, and focus more on ‘desired’ objectives such as maximizing catch. The result is to disregard fish habitat boundaries and anthropogenic influences from the catchment that influence fish production. Overexploitation and environmental degradation disrupt sustainable socioeconomic benefits from the fisheries, create uncertainty among investors, but leave some managers calling for more information with the expectation that the fisheries will recover with time. Open access to the fisheries and full control of fishing effort remain challenges for managers. Exotic species introductions and fish farming can increase production, but such interventions require firm commitment to sound ecological principles and strict enforcement of recommended conservation and co‐management measures in capture fisheries. The general tendency to downplay fishing effort issues, other ecosystem values and functions or rely on temperate fisheries models until a new cycle of overexploitation emerges, characterizes many management patterns in inland fisheries. Aquaculture is not an option to challenges in capture fisheries management. Aquaculture should be developed to increase fish production but even this practice may have negative environmental impacts depending on practice and scale. Decades of information on Lake Victoria fisheries trends and aquaculture development did not stop the collapse of native fisheries. The successfully introduced Nile perch (Lates niloticus) has shown signs of overexploitation and aquaculture has again been considered as the option. By reviewing significant trends associated with Nile perch and its feasibility in aquaculture this paper uses Lake Victoria to illustrate ‘special interest management’ targeting selected species of fish rather than the fisheries.  相似文献   

The hydrologic model is the foundation of water resource management and planning. Conceptual model is the essential component of groundwater model. Due to limited understanding of natural hydrogeological conditions, the conceptual model is always constructed incompletely. Therefore, the uncertainty in the model's output is evitable when natural groundwater field is simulated by a single groundwater model. A synthetic groundwater model is built and regarded as the true model, and three alternative conceptual models are constructed by considering incomplete hydrogeological conditions. The outputs (groundwater budget terms from boundary conditions) of these groundwater models are analyzed statistically. The results show that when the conceptual model is closer to the true hydrogeological conditions, the distributions of outputs of the groundwater model are more concentrated on the true outputs. Therefore, the more reliable the structure of the conceptual model is, the more reliable the output of the groundwater model is. Moreover, the uncertainty caused by the conceptual model cannot be compensated by parameter uncertainty.  相似文献   

The water curtain (WC) system has been applied to the greenhouse agricultural practice as an additional heat source during the cold season in South Korea. Thus, heavy groundwater extraction induces a drawdown of the groundwater level and an influx of adjacent surface water into the aquifers. Along with many reports on physicochemical transitions caused by groundwater–surface water mixing, not much knowledge exists about the resulting possible shifts and/or transitions of the subsurface and/or groundwater microbial community structures. Here, we studied a WC system's active site during a winter season to evaluate potential shifts of microbial community structures across the groundwater and surface water by next generation sequencing in combination with conventional physicochemical monitoring of groundwater. We found that there were shifts of groundwater microbial communities at groundwater (WJ-1 and WJ-2) near the adjacent stream, but there was a relatively delayed response of the community in the groundwater (WJ-3) located at some distance from surface water despite proximity to the wells of heavy groundwater extraction.  相似文献   

The boundaries of river systems: the metazoan perspective   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
1. This overview of metazoans associated with the riparian/groundwater interface focuses on the fauna inhabiting substratum interstices within the stream bed and in alluvial aquifers beneath the floodplain. The objective is to integrate knowledge of habitat conditions and ecology of the interstitial fauna into a broad spatiotemporal perspective of lotic ecosystems. 2. Most aquatic metazoans of terrestrial ancestry, secondarily aquatic forms including insects and water mites (Hydracarina), are largely confined to surface waters (epigean), most of the time penetrating only the superficial interstices of the stream bed. 3. Primary aquatic metazoans include crustaceans and other groups whose entire evolutionary histories took place in water. Some species are epigean, whereas other members of the primary aquatic fauna are true subterranean forms (hypogean ) , residing deep within the stream bed and in alluvial aquifers some distance laterally from the channel. 4. The hypogean/epigean affinities of interstitial animals are reflected in repetitive gradients of species distribution patterns along vertical (depth within the stream bed), longitudinal (riffle/pool), and lateral (across the floodplain) spatial dimensions, as well as along recovery trajectories following floods (temporal dimension). 5. Fluvial dynamics and sediment characteristics interact to determine hydraulic conductivity, oxygen levels, pore space, particle size heterogeneity, organic content and other habitat conditions within the interstitial milieu. 6. Multidimensional environmental gradients occur at various scales across riparian/groundwater boundary zones. The spatiotemporal variability of hydrogeomorphological processes plays an important role in determining habitat heterogeneity, habitat stability, and connectivity between habitat patches, thereby structuring biodiversity patterns across the riverine landscape. 7. The erosive action of flooding maintains a diversity of hydrarch and riparian successional stages in alluvial floodplains. The patchy distribution patterns of interstitial communities at the floodplain scale reflect, in part, the spatial heterogeneity engendered by successional processes. 8. Interstitial metazoans engage in passive and active movements between surface waters and ground waters, between aquatic and riparian habitats, and between different habitat types within the lotic system. Some of these are extensive migrations that involve significant exchange of organic matter and energy between ecosystem compartments. 9. The generally high resilience of lotic ecosystems to disturbance is attributable, in part, to high spatiotemporal heterogeneity. Habitat patches less affected by a particular perturbation may serve as ’refugia ‘; from which survivors recolonize more severely affected areas. Mechanisms of refugium use may also occur within habitats, as, for example, through ontogenetic shifts in microhabitat use. Rigorous investigations of interstitial habitats as refugia should lead to a clearer understanding of the roles of disturbance and stochasticity in lotic ecosystems. 10. Development of realistic ’whole river ‘; food webs have been constrained by the exclusion of interstitial metazoans, which may in fact contribute the majority of energy flow in lotic ecosystems. A related problem is failure to include groundwater/riparian habitats as integral components of alluvial rivers. A conceptual model is presented that integrates groundwater and riparian systems into riverine food webs and that reflects the spatiotemporal complexity of the physical system and connectivity between different components. 11. Interstitial metazoans also serve as ’ecosystem engineers, ‘; by influencing the availability of resouces to other species and by modifying habitat conditions within the sediment. For example, by grazing on biofilm, interstitial animals may markedly stimulate bacterial growth rates and nutrient dynamics. 12. Although there has been a recent surge of interest in the role of interstitial animals in running waters, the knowledge gaps are vast. For example, basic environmental requirements of the majority of groundwater metazoans remain uninvestigated. Virtually nothing is known regarding the role of biotic interactions in structuring faunal distribution patterns across groundwater/riparian boundary zones. Interstitial metazoans may contribute significantly to the total productivity and energy flow of the biosphere, but such data are not available. Nor are sufficient data available to determine the contribution of groundwater animals to estimates of global biodiversity. 13. Effective ecosystem management must include groundwater/riparian ecotones and interstitial metazoans in monitoring and restoration efforts. Evidence suggests that a ’connected ‘; groundwater/riparian system provides natural pollution control, prevents clogging of sediment interstices and maintains high levels of habitat heterogeneity and successional stage diversity. River protection and restoration should maintain or re-establish at least a portion of the natural fluvial dynamics that sustains the ecological integrity of the entire riverine–floodplain–aquifer ecosystem. Keywords: groundwater/riparian ecotones, hyporheic habitat, epigean, hypogean, interstitial fauna, biodiversity, food webs  相似文献   

The activities of extractive industry have recently been framed by a language of corporate social responsibility that relies on a system of legibility and objectification. This process reifies ‘cultural units’, abstracting them from the rules of kinship, migration, and exchange that ensure social and economic security. I refer to this process and the ideology of ‘development’ that accompanies it as culturization and examine it in the context of oil extraction in Papua New Guinea's Kutubu region. Drawing on debates on the indigenization and politicization of ‘culture’, I present culturization as a process that relies on rules of inheritance and property to impose a structure of difference in contexts of extractive industry that ignores the intricacies of sociality that ultimately give life meaning. The aim of the paper is to both illustrate the consequences of this process and consider cognate ideas of ‘culture’ vis‐à‐vis ‘sociality’ to emphasize their mutual theoretical importance to contemporary anthropological inquiry.  相似文献   

We forecasted potential impacts of climate change on the ability of a network of key sites for bird conservation (Important Bird Areas; IBAs) to provide suitable climate for 370 bird species of current conservation concern in two Asian biodiversity hotspots: the Eastern Himalaya and Lower Mekong. Comparable studies have largely not accounted for uncertainty, which may lead to inappropriate conclusions. We quantified the contribution of four sources of variation (choice of general circulation models, emission scenarios and species distribution modelling methods and variation in species distribution data) to uncertainty in forecasts and tested if our projections were robust to these uncertainties. Declines in the availability of suitable climate within the IBA network by 2100 were forecast as ‘extremely likely’ for 45% of species, whereas increases were projected for only 2%. Thus, we predict almost 24 times as many ‘losers’ as ‘winners’. However, for no species was suitable climate ‘extremely likely’ to be completely lost from the network. Considerable turnover (median = 43%, 95% CI = 35–69%) in species compositions of most IBAs were projected by 2100. Climatic conditions in 47% of IBAs were projected as ‘extremely likely’ to become suitable for fewer priority species. However, no IBA was forecast to become suitable for more species. Variation among General Circulation Models and Species Distribution Models contributed most to uncertainty among forecasts. This uncertainty precluded firm conclusions for 53% of species and IBAs because 95% confidence intervals included projections of no change. Considering this uncertainty, however, allows robust recommendations concerning the remaining species and IBAs. Overall, while the IBA network will continue to sustain bird conservation, climate change will modify which species each site will be suitable for. Thus, adaptive management of the network, including modified site conservation strategies and facilitating species' movement among sites, is critical to ensure effective future conservation.  相似文献   

The collation of citizen science data in open-access biodiversity databases makes temporally and spatially extensive species’ observation data available to a wide range of users. Such data are an invaluable resource but contain inherent limitations, such as sampling bias in favour of recorder distribution, lack of survey effort assessment, and lack of coverage of the distribution of all organisms. Any technical assessment, monitoring program or scientific research applying citizen science data should therefore include an evaluation of the uncertainty of its results. We use ‘ignorance’ scores, i.e. spatially explicit indices of sampling bias across a study region, to further understand spatial patterns of observation behaviour for 13 reference taxonomic groups. The data is based on voluntary observations made in Sweden between 2000 and 2014. We compared the effect of six geographical variables (elevation, steepness, population density, log population density, road density and footpath density) on the ignorance scores of each group. We found substantial variation among taxonomic groups in the relative importance of different geographic variables for explaining ignorance scores. In general, road access and logged population density were consistently important variables explaining bias in sampling effort, indicating that access at a landscape-scale facilitates voluntary reporting by citizen scientists. Also, small increases in population density can produce a substantial reduction in ignorance score. However the between-taxa variation in the importance of geographic variables for explaining ignorance scores demonstrated that different taxa suffer from different spatial biases. We suggest that conservationists and researchers should use ignorance scores to acknowledge uncertainty in their analyses and conclusions, because they may simultaneously include many correlated variables that are difficult to disentangle.  相似文献   

城市化对流域生态水文过程的影响研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郝璐  孙阁 《生态学报》2021,41(1):13-26
了解流域水文过程(水量和水质)是流域综合管理的基础。城市化引起的生态环境问题已成为目前和未来一段相当长的时期内人类社会面临的重大问题。然而,城市化(土地利用/覆被变化、新污染物产生)、水文(降水、入渗、蒸散、径流过程)和生态系统服务(产水服务、调节气候、土壤保持、初级生产力、维持生物多样性等)在不同时空尺度之间的相互作用还存在知识空白。从城市化对流域生态系统结构和功能的影响、城市化对地表能量平衡与水量平衡的影响、城市化对水质和水生生物的影响、以及城市土地利用/覆被变化的大气环境效应等多方面系统总结了城市化影响流域生态水文过程的研究进展。研究发现,城市"热岛"、"干岛"、暴雨径流引起的城市内涝、水污染等环境现象都与生态水文过程密切相关。强调现代城市规划需要遵循生态水文学规律,从全流域生态系统角度认识近年来新出现的不同尺度的城市环境效应。城市最佳管理措施应以流域为单元实施,以调节土地利用/覆被、保护湿地(包括自然与人工湿地)为手段,充分发挥自然生态系统调节功能(如植被蒸散和净化水质)。未来城市生态水文学应围绕"低影响开发"以及"基于自然的解决方案"等城市流域管理措施,在稳定城市小气候、缓解洪涝干旱等极端水文气象灾害风险以及减轻城市水污染等方面开展多尺度综合研究。  相似文献   



Devices that condense and disinfect water vapour to provide chilled drinking water in office environments, so-called ‘air water generators’ (AWGs), are being marketed as environmentally friendly alternatives to the traditional bottled water cooler. We sought to examine this claim.


The approach adopted was a preliminary life cycle assessment with performance indicators for the use of energy and water and the emission of greenhouse gases. We compared an AWG with its main market competitor, the traditional bottled water cooler and a simple refrigerator containing a jug of water. Modelling was based on Australian conditions and energy supply. To manage possible scope uncertainty, we borrowed the idea of ‘triangulation’ as defined in the social sciences.

Results and discussion

We found that without a renewable energy supply, the claim of environmental superiority is not supported by quantitative analysis. For each indicator, the AWG's score was typically two to four times higher than the alternatives. Energy consumption was the key issue driving all three indicators.


Considering the principal environmental issues related to these systems, air-to-water machines significantly underperform bottled water coolers. A simple refrigerator has the capacity to perform multiple functions and therefore outperform both the bottled and atmospheric water options once allocation of burdens is considered. These conclusions are supported by all three perspectives examined to manage uncertainty.  相似文献   

This paper speaks against tolerance as an instrument of institutionalized anti-racism within academia where collegiality is a minimal expectation in interpersonal interactions. Through auto-ethnographic readings, the discussion focuses on the racial affective economies produced in universities as tolerance ‘makes race ordinary’. Within this reading, ‘making race ordinary’ is shown to produce unliveable lives because of its racial affective economies animated by contemptuous tolerance, disgust and disattendability. These negative affects emerge within the epistemology of ignorance produced by the racial contract and have affective and career consequences for racialized others placed outside of organizational networks. The paper argues that to destabilize the white power in networks that decide on access, tenure and promotion and to enable liveable lives within universities, the transformative potential of the transracial intimacy of friendship must be engaged. This entails ‘race made ordinary’ through disalienation-estrangement from the ‘raced’ subject positionings of the racial contract.  相似文献   

随着我国城市面积不断扩张,我国许多城市面临着水资源短缺、地下水储量不足、水质污染和内涝的问题.针对这些城市水环境问题,我国2015年提出“海绵城市”建设.本文以辽宁省盘锦市辽东湾新区为例,依据《海绵城市建设技术指南-低影响开发雨水系统构建(试行)》,通过对典型区进行下垫面及各地块用地类型分析,结合研究区地形、水文、降雨强度等因素,选取低影响开发(LID)措施对研究区海绵城市规划进行设计.结果表明: 研究区达到整体目标控制率(年径流总量控制率大于75%)时,下沉式绿地率为1%~31%,下沉式绿地总面积达13.73 km2;透水铺装率为1%~13%,透水铺装总面积达2.29 km2.本研究能够为海绵城市规划设计提供案例,对景观格局与过程研究也提供了新的思路和方法.  相似文献   

The vast amount of occurrence records currently available offers increasing opportunities for biodiversity data analyses. This amount of data poses new challenges for the reliability and correct interpretation of the results. Indeed, to safely deal with occurrence records, their uncertainty and associated biases should be taken into account. We developed an R package to explicitly include spatial and temporal uncertainties during the mapping and listing of plant occurrence records for a given study area. Our workflow returns two objects: (a) a ‘Map of Relative Floristic Ignorance’ (MRFI), which represents the spatial distribution of the lack of floristic knowledge; (b) a ‘Virtual Floristic List’ (VFL), i.e. a list of taxa potentially occurring in the area with an associated probability of occurrence. The method implemented in the package can manage a large amount of occurrence data and represents relative floristic ignorance across a study area with a sustainable computational effort. Several parameters can be set by the user, conferring high flexibility to the method. Uncertainty is not avoided, but incorporated into biodiversity analyses through appropriate methodological approaches and innovative spatial representations. Our study introduces a workflow that pushes forward the analytical capacities to deal with uncertainty in biological occurrence records, allowing to produce more accurate outputs.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe corosolic acid (CA), also known as plant insulin, is a pentacyclic triterpenoid extracted from plants such as Lagerstroemia speciosa. It has been shown to have anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects. Its structural analogs ursolic acid (UA), oleanolic acid (OA), maslinic acid (MA), asiatic acid (AA) and betulinic acid (BA) display similar individual pharmacological activities to those of CA. However, there is no systematic review documenting pharmacological activities of CA and its structural analogues. This study aims to fill this gap in literature.PurposeThis systematic review aims to summarize the medical applications of CA and its analogues.MethodsA systematic review summarizes and compares the extraction techniques, pharmacokinetic parameters, and pharmacological effects of CA and its structural analogs. Hypoglycemic effect is one of the key inclusion criteria for searching Web of Science, PubMed, Embase and Cochrane databases up to October 2020 without language restrictions. ‘corosolic acid’, ‘ursolic acid’, ‘oleanolic acid’, ‘maslinic acid’, ‘asiatic acid’, ‘betulinic acid’, ‘extraction’, ‘pharmacokinetic’, ‘pharmacological’ were used to extract relevant literature. The PRISMA guidelines were followed.ResultsAt the end of the searching process, 140 articles were selected for the systematic review. Information of CA and five of its structural analogs including UA, OA, MA, AA and BA were included in this review. CA and its structural analogs are pentacyclic triterpenes extracted from plants and they have low solubilities in water due to their rigid scaffold and hydrophobic properties. The introduction of water-soluble groups such as sugar or amino groups could increase the solubility of CA and its structural analogs. Their biological activities and underlying mechanism of action are reviewed and compared.ConclusionCA and its structural analogs UA, OA, MA, AA and BA are demonstrated to show activities in lowering blood sugar, anti-inflammation and anti-tumor. Their oral absorption and bioavailability can be improved through structural modification and formulation design. CA and its structural analogs are promising natural product-based lead compounds for further development and mechanistic studies.  相似文献   

1. Regulation of rivers for human demands has led to extensive forest dieback on many floodplains. If these important ecosystems are to be maintained under future drier climates, we need accurate tools for predicting forest dieback. In the absence of spatially explicit flooding histories for many floodplains, changes in groundwater conditions may be a good indicator of water availability and, therefore, an important environmental indicator. 2. Eucalyptus camaldulensis forests of Australia are an acute example of forest dieback, with 70% of the Victorian Murray River floodplain dying back. We quantified the relationship between forest dieback and ground water across this extensive floodplain (c. 100 000 ha of forest over 1500 km of river length). 3. A combination of extensive ground surveys, remotely sensed data and modelling methods was used to predict forest dieback at the time of the survey and in the past. This approach provides a valuable tool for accurately monitoring forest condition over large spatial scales. Forest dieback was estimated to have increased from 45 to 70% of the floodplain between 1990 and 2006. 4. Accurate groundwater data (depth and salinity) over a 20‐year period were obtained for 289 bores and summarised using nonlinear regression. Groundwater depth and salinity were strong predictors of stand condition. This suggests that changes in groundwater conditions could be used to signal areas vulnerable to forest dieback and prioritise the limited water available for managed flooding. 5. In the upper Murray, where ground water is predominantly fresh (<15 mS cm?2), dieback increased with increasing groundwater depth. In contrast, the condition of stands in the lower Murray improved with increases in groundwater depth due its high salinity (>30 mS cm?2). These regional differences in response of the same tree species to groundwater conditions show that our understanding of the drivers of forest dieback is best achieved at spatial and temporal scales representative of the problem.  相似文献   

Amanda Kearney 《Ethnos》2018,83(1):172-191
Among the strategies employed by colonial authorities to ‘manage’ Indigenous people, forced removal and centralisation to townships was a deliberate attempt to fragment relationships to home territories. For Yanyuwa, an Indigenous group in northern Australia, this meant being removed from their saltwater ‘country’ in the Gulf of Carpentaria and resettled 60?km inland. Despite this violent act Yanyuwa saltwater identity has remained strong. Whilst enduring, it has however undergone changes in the way relationships to place are established and maintained. Travelling through saltwater country with younger and middle generation Yanyuwa has revealed that sometimes relationships to place are marked by conditions of fear, nervousness and uncertainty. Not classically held to be dispositions of a ‘proper’ Indigenous person, these reveal that states of intimacy require time and certain conditions to flourish. So too, distance, signalled by fear and uncertainty, is a relational state that defines a vitally important relationship with country.  相似文献   

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