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Summary This study was aimed at the detection of the Count Medium Diameter (CMD) of airborne bacterial and fungal particles with the Andersen's six-stage viable air-sampler at four sites over Beijing and Tianjin area. The results were as follows: in the first period (1984–1985) the CMDs annual average were 5.6, 6.6, 5.5, 7.1 µm at Xi-Dan, Feng-Tai, Tang-Gu and Huai-Rou respectively. The CMDs annual average of the airborne fungal particles were 3.9 µm at Feng-Tai and Xi-Dan. In the second period (1987–1988), the CMD annual average of airborne bacteria was 7.3, that of airborne fungi was 3.9 µm at Xi-Dan. At Huai-Rou, the CMD of airborne-bacteria was 7.1.  相似文献   

北京市三个功能区空气微生物中值直径及粒径分布特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
空气中微生物对人类健康的危害除了与微生物的种类和浓度有关外,还与微生物粒子的大小密切相关,并且不同粒径的空气微生物对人们健康影响的作用机理不同。通过定点试验调查,运用国产安德森生物粒子取样器着重研究北京市3个功能区(文教区-中国科学院生态环境研究中心所在区域、交通干线-西直门和公园绿地-北京植物园)空气微生物的中值直径和粒径分布。结果表明,不同功能区空气微生物的粒径分布相同,空气细菌,真菌与放线菌的粒径分布各不相同。空气细菌粒径呈偏态分布,空气真菌呈对数正态分布,空气放线菌的分布特征与空气真菌相反,主要分布在>8.2μm和<2.0μm级中。不同属真菌的粒径分布也不相同,枝孢属、青霉属和曲霉属呈对数正态分布,链格孢属和无孢菌为偏态分布。空气细菌的中值直径明显大于空气真菌和放线菌。交通干线和公园绿地空气细菌和真菌粒子中值直径明显大于文教区,放线菌粒子中值直径交通干线明显高于文教区和公园绿地。空气微生物中值直径在一年各月中没有明显的变化规律。  相似文献   

A volumetric aeropalynological sampling was carried out for the first time in MontevideoUruguay, from October 2000 to September 2001, using a Rotorod sampler Model 40. During the year 76 pollen types were identified. Airborne pollen was recorded over the year but a maximum pollen period was observed from August to April. For the rest of the months, pollen concentration was below 1% of the total annual pollen (TP). The pollen spectrum was characterized by the dominance of herbaceous pollen (NAP), which represented 68% of the TP and dominates the spectrum from November to March. Poaceae was the most frequent and abundant pollen type accounting for 45% of TP. The pollen spectrum reflected the floristic diversity of the city and most of the sources of airborne pollen are present in local and regional flora. Fourteen pollen types reach more than 1% of the TP and most of them are cited as allergenic pollen in other regions. These results may prove important for future medical research.  相似文献   

AIMS: This study was designed to evaluate potential effects of sampling duration on observed concentrations of airborne culturable mould and bacteria on selected media. METHODS AND RESULTS: Airborne culturable mould and bacteria from lightly to moderately contaminated environments were collected on selected culture media using two co-located, concurrently operated, Andersen N-6 samplers for five sampling durations in the range of 1-10 min. Differences in mean concentrations, as well as linear relationships between sampling duration and both concentration and variability, were evaluated using nonparametric procedures. For the five sampling durations, there were no significant differences in mean concentrations of mould; for bacteria, there were significant differences, with a trend of decreasing concentrations as sampling duration increased. Data variability decreased with increasing sampling duration for both mould and bacteria. CONCLUSIONS: Airborne culturable mould concentrations were similar for sampling durations in the range of 1-10 min. Airborne bacteria concentrations tended to trend downwards with sampling durations exceeding 3 min. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study has shown that sampling durations of 1-10 min are appropriate for collection of airborne culturable mould on malt extract agar (MEA) and dichloran glycerol agar (DG-18); based on the apparent trend of decreasing bacterial sample concentrations associated with increasing sampling duration, sampling durations of 相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to compare three different methods for the aerodynamic assessment of (1) chloroflurocarbon (CFC)-fluticasone propionate (Flovent), (2) CFC-sodium cromoglycate (Intal), and (3) hydrofluoroalkane (HFA)-beclomethasone dipropionate (Qvar) delivered by pressurized metered dose inhaler. Particle size distributions were compared determining mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD), geometric standard deviation (GSD), and fine particle fraction <4.7 μm aerodynamic diameter (FPF<4.7 μm). Next Generation Pharmaceutical Impactor (NGI)-size distributions for Flovent comprised finer particles than determined by Andersen 8-stage impactor (ACI) (MMAD=2.0±0.05 μm [NGI]; 2.8±0.07 μm [ACI]); however FPF<4.7 μm by both impactors was in the narrow range 88% to 93%. Size distribution agreement for Intal was better (MMAD=4.3±0.19 μm (NGI), 4.2±0.13 μm (ACI), with FPF<4.7 μm ranging from 52% to 60%. The Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS) undersized aerosols produced with either formulation (MMAD=1.8±0.07 μm and 3.2±0.02 μm for Flovent and Intal, respectively), but values of FPF<4.7 μm from the single-stage impactor (SSI) located at the inlet to the APS (82.9%±2.1% [Flovent], 46.4%±2.4% [Intal]) were fairly close to corresponding data from the multi-stage impactors. APS-measured size distributions for Qvar (MMAD=1.0±0.03 μm; FPF<4.7 μm=96.4% ±2.5%), were in fair agreement with both NGI (MMAD=0.9±0.03 μm; FPF<4.7 μm=96.7%±0.7%), and ACI (MMAD=1.2±0.02 μm, FPF<4.7 μm=98%±0.5%), but FPF<4.7 μm from the SSI (67.1%±4.1%) was lower than expected, based on equivalent data obtained by the other techniques. Particle bounce, incomplete evaporation of volatile constituents and the presence of surfactant particles are factors that may be responsible for discrepancies between the techniques.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed at the isolation and identification of indoor airborne fungal contaminants of 16 different food production facilities and warehouses located in Bursa province (Turkey). Numbers and kinds of microfungi were investigated by exposing a Petri dish of malt extract agar medium for 15 minutes and then counting the number of colonies which develop. Sampling procedure for microfungi was performed 8 times at an interval of 45 days between Dec. 1st 1995--Oct. 15th 1996. A total of 3152 colonies was counted on 864 petri plates in a one year period. As a result, 63 mould species and 4 varieties belonging to 20 genera were isolated by means of pure culture methods. Of these, 7 species and 1 variety belonging to Aspergillus and Penicillium genera are new records for Turkey.  相似文献   

The viable bacterial particle size distribution in the atmosphere at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, Richland, WA during two, 1-week periods in June 1992, was observed at three intervals during the day (morning, midday and evening) and at three heights (2, 4, and 8 m) above ground level. The distributions were significantly different (P=0.01) between the two, 1-week sampling periods and between morning, midday, and evening observations, but not between the three heights. Approximately 30 to 50% fell into the largest particle size category; 7.0µm aerodynamic diameter. All particle size categories were at their minimum bacterial concentration at around noon, with the lowest concentrations in the smaller size categories (<2.1µm aerodynamic diameter). This suggests, that at this high desert location, solar radiation (SR) damage to airborne bacteria is particle size discriminatory. There is a relatively greater effect on the smaller size categories at midday and a relatively lesser effect in the morning and evening.  相似文献   

Aim: To investigate the antimicrobial effect of ionization on bacteria in household refrigerators. Methods and Results: Ionizer prototypes were tested with respect to their technical requirements and their ability to reduce surface and airborne contamination in household refrigerators. Ion and ozone production of the tested prototypes were measured online by an ion meter and an ozone analyser. The produced negative air ion (NAI) and ozone amounts were between 1·2 and 3·7 × 106 NAI cm?3 and 11 and 19 ppb O3, respectively. To test the influence of ionization on surface contamination, different materials like plastic, glass and nutrient agar for simulation of food were inoculated with bacterial suspensions. The reduction rate was dependent on surface properties. The effect on airborne bacteria was tested by nebulization of Bacillus subtilis– suspension (containing spores) aerosols in refrigerators with and without an ionizer. A clear reduction in air contamination because of ionization was measured. The antimicrobial effect is dependent on several factors, such as surface construction and airflow patterns within the refrigerator. Conclusions: Ionization seems to be an effective method for reduction in surface and airborne bacteria. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study is an initiation for a new consumer tool to decontaminate domestic refrigerators.  相似文献   

There are practical and valid reasons topresent biological field trial referenceresults as agent containing particles per literof air (ACPLA). However, workers in biologicalaerosol research have a need to know how manyviable individual organisms are contained in asingle particle of a given diameter. Anecdotalevidence may exist suggesting that the task hasbeen accomplished but without a way toreplicate the measurements, it is difficult toaccept unsubstantiated claims. It is verydifficult to declare a finite number thatsatisfies all the experimental requirements, asthe problem is a statistical probability issue. This paper describes a method for estimatingthe number with practical instructions forreplicating the work in other laboratories.The test aerosol was contained in a 90 m3chamber at concentrations as low as 5 ACPLA. Amodified version of slit sampler collectedviable particles. A statistical method was usedto demonstrate sampling predictability at 95%confidence level. By using glass fiber filtersmounted in a dichotomous sampler, samplingefficiencies were estimated for a variety ofcommon aerosol collectors. The accumulated datapermitted the estimation of the number ofviable spores per particle. For a 2.5 to4 µm particle, arguments have beenpresented for considering 4.5 as the mostprobable ACPLA value.  相似文献   

热带牧草种质圃资源收集、保存及分发利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了农业部儋州热带牧草种质圃概况,介绍了热带牧草种质资源收集、保存及分发利用状况。截止到2013年底,共收集国内外热带牧草种质7760份,先后从中选育出22个牧草及饲料作物新品种通过全国牧草品审会审定。圃内无性繁殖材料活体保存草种质1552份,隶属3科68属202种,其中禾本科牧草种质有60属186种,豆科牧草资源有6属42种,莎草科有4属5种,引进种质有378份。每年向国内外相关科研院所、大专院校及企业和个人提供实物草种质材料300余份,提供种质数据信息400余条,指出了今后热带牧草种质圃在热带牧草资源收集、保存、分发利用方面的研究重点和研究方向。  相似文献   

Summary Airborne pollen studies were carried out, by means of Burkard volumetric spore traps, at two different sites (the city of Stockholm and the suburb Huddinge) 15 km apart in the Stockholm region. Within the city of Stockholm the study was carried out in 1973–89 while in Huddinge the investigation period was 1977–82. In all the years under investigation the total pollen catch and the number of pollen types were higher in Stockholm than in Huddinge. The reason for this is not explained by the composition of the local vegetation surrounding the traps. It is concluded that parameters such as qualitative changes in the daily catches and occurrence during the main pollen season are more important than the absolute daily figures. The cyclic trends in the local annual sums over a long period of years do not show any periodicity that is altogether regular and reliable.  相似文献   

北京城乡结合部气溶胶中水溶性离子粒径分布和季节变化   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
陈永桥  张逸  张晓山 《生态学报》2005,25(12):3231-3236
利用离子色谱分析北京市大气气溶胶中的水溶性无机离子,结果表明,北京城乡结合部TSP中水溶性离子的年均浓度为54.97μg.m-3,其中SO42-、NO3-、C a2 、NH4 4种组分占总离子浓度的85%。TSP中总离子浓度冬季最高、夏季最低。K 浓度夏季最高,C a2 和M g2 秋季浓度明显比其他季节高。NH4 和SO42-的浓度变化趋势相似,相关系数为0.97。大气气溶胶中水溶性离子的粒径分布各不相同,F-、M g2 和C a2 呈粗模态分布,NH4 是细模态分布,其余离子呈双模态分布。F-、NH4 、M g2 和C a2 4种离子粒径分布的季节变化不明显,冬季NO3-在细颗粒中的比例最大,春季N a 在粗颗粒中的比例最大,采暖期前后SO42-的粒径分布有明显变化。  相似文献   

This study sets out a novel method to determine dispersal distances in lichens. Direct measurement of dispersal often remains difficult for lichens and other small inconspicuous species because of the need to track microscopic reproductive propagules, which even if they can be captured, cannot be identified using traditional morphological approaches. A low‐cost device (<£200) was developed to trap the reproductive propagules of lichens, capable of sampling around 0.1 m3 of air per minute. In parallel, molecular techniques were developed to enable species‐specific detection of propagules caught by the devices, with identification using novel species‐specific primers and optimization of a standard DNA extraction and nested PCR protocol. The methods were tested for both their sensitivity and specificity against a suite of lichen epiphytes, differing in their reproductive mechanisms, dispersal structures and rarity. Sensitivity tests showed that the molecular techniques could detect a single asexual propagule (soredium or isidium), or as few as 10 sexual spores. As proof of concept, propagule traps were deployed into a wooded landscape where the target epiphytes were present. Extractions from deployed propagule traps were sequenced, showing that the method was able to detect the presence of the target species in the atmosphere. As far as we are aware, this is the first attempt to use mechanized propagule traps in combination with DNA diagnostics to detect dispersal of lichens. The tests carried out here point the way for future dispersal studies of lichen epiphytes and other passively dispersed microscopic organisms including fungi or bryophytes.  相似文献   

The exposure to spores causing health effects is usually assessed by determining the concentration of viable spores per cubic meter of air (CFU/m3).Since allergens might also be present in dead spores or smaller particles, the objective of this study was to investigate the correlation between the viable spores of Alternaria and Cladosporium at different indoor and outdoor sites and the corresponding allergen concentration detected with a specially developed ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay). In outdoor air, the results show a strong correlation between the different sampling techniques applied for viable spores (Slit-Sampler and Multistage Liquid Impinger) and between the viable spores and the allergen concentrations detected in the liquid samples of the impingers. Indoors, the number of viable spores and the allergen concentration do not correlate and the allergen load is underestimated if colony counting methods are used. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The air mycoflora of six indoor environments in Madras city (India) has been investigated by sampling air with an Andersen sampler and a Burkard personal sampler. Forty-eight species assignable to 24 genera were recorded by Andersen sampler. Spores belonging to 14 genera in addition toPenicillium andAspergillus were identified from Burkard trap slides. Species ofAspergillus, Penicillium, Mucor andRhizopus were most frequently isolated in considerable numbers. As a single genusAspergillus ranked first followed byPenicillium at some sites, andCladosporium at some other sites. The predominance ofPenicillium andAspergillus was also confirmed by Burkard trap data. Spores belonging toGanoderma, Nigrospora, Epicoccum, andTetraploa were recorded only by Burkard sampler, thereby suggesting the necessity of using two complimentary spore traps, cultural and non-cultural, in any aerobiological investigation.  相似文献   

Avian influenza A virus continues to pose a global threat with occasional H5N1 human infections, which is emphasized by a recent severe human infection caused by avian-origin H7N9 in China. Luckily these viruses do not transmit efficiently in human populations. With a few amino acid substitutions of the hemagglutinin H5 protein in the laboratory, two H5 mutants have been shown to obtain an air-borne transmission in a mammalian ferret model. Here in this study one of the mutant H5 proteins developed by Kawaoka’s group (VN1203mut) was expressed in a baculovirus system and its receptor-binding properties were assessed. We herein show that the VN1203mut had a dramatically reduced binding affinity for the avian α2,3- linkage receptor compared to wild type but showed no detectable increase in affinity for the human α2,6-linkage receptor, using Surface Plasmon Resonance techonology. Further, the crystal structures of the VN1203mut and its complexes with either human or avian receptors demonstrate that the VN1203mut binds the human receptor in the same binding manner (cis conformation) as seen for the HAs of previously reported 1957 and 1968 pandemic influenza viruses. Our receptor binding and crystallographic data shown here further confirm that the ability to bind the avian receptor has to decrease for a higher human receptor binding affinity. As the Q226L substitution is shown important for obtaining human receptor binding, we suspect that the newly emerged H7N9 binds human receptor as H7 has a Q226L substitution.  相似文献   

This study investigates electrostatic fields surrounding the human head and particle deposition onto facial skin and eyes caused by the combined effect of electrostatic and wind fields. The electrostatic fields are calculated by a three-dimensional numerical model calculating the field strength between a field source and a human head. The deposition velocity can be viewed as determined by the sum of two contributions: that of an electrostatic field and that of a wind field. Deposition velocities are calculated by a semiempirical particle deposition model that considers particle transport from the free stream to the human face. The particle deposition model uses the electrostatic field model results as input parameters and is applied to the forehead and eyes of two facial shapes for two different turbulence conditions and aerosol charge distributions. The results of different practical working conditions, under which the potential difference between head (person) and source ranges from 5.6 to 15.0 kV, indicates that the presence of electrostatic fields always increases particle deposition for industrial aerosols. For aged aerosols an effect is only present for submicron particles. Bioelectromagnetics 19:246–258, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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