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This study examined the reproduction and population structure of the blue-spotted maskray Neotrygon kuhlii within Moreton Bay, a subtropical embayment in south-east Queensland, Australia. Mean sizes at maturity were 314 mm disc width ( W D) in females ( n = 140, 115–465 mm W D) and 294 mm W D in males ( n = 123, 129–381 mm W D). Female N. kuhlii had a synchronous annual reproductive cycle, with one litter of one to three pups (mean ± s.d . 1·67 ± 0·71) produced per year. Mating behaviours were observed in October and November, and ovulation occurred early in the Austral summer, overlapping with the start of embryonic development. Gestation took c. 4 months with parturition occurring in late February and March. Size at birth was 115–170 mm W D. The population showed a significant female bias, particularly in larger size classes. Tagging studies produced a total recapture rate of 16·1% and indicated that N. kuhlii were site resident for up to 1081 days.  相似文献   

Here, we use vertebral microchemistry to investigate the habitat use patterns of the longnose stingray Hypanus guttatus in the northern and northeastern regions of Brazil, and to evaluate the existence of potential nurseries of the species. Samples were collected in Maranhão, Rio Grande do Norte and Pernambuco states between 2008 and 2019. Trace element concentrations of Ba:Ca, Mg:Ca, Mn:Ca and Sr:Ca in vertebrae were determined through laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. We used one-step permutational ANOVAs to evaluate multi and single-element differences in element:Ca ratios among life stages and sexes across and within sites. Element signatures differed among all sites for both single and multi-element settings. However, there were few differences among life stages within sites, except for Mn:Ca between life stages for Maranhão state, and between sexes for Sr:Ca for both Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte, and Ba:Ca for Rio Grande do Norte. Furthermore, all multi and single-element analyses across locations were significant and highlight the strong differences by sites. We also performed a nonmetric multidimensional scaling analysis, which demonstrated the strong differences for samples from Rio Grande do Norte and the other two sites. By analysing the lifetime transects of each sample, we observed that there was little variation in all element:Ca ratios within sites. Therefore, we argue that the longnose stingray likely does not display extensive habitat use shifts and fulfils much of its life cycle within each area. Finally, we obtained no evidence of nurseries for any site and suggest this is likely a pattern across the species distribution. Future studies investigating habitat use with samples from larger specimens (disc width > 90 cm, >15 years) are needed to better understand the species habitat use patterns across all size ranges.  相似文献   

The age and growth of the round stingray Urobatis halleri was determined using vertebral sections from animals collected at Seal Beach, California from 2002 to 2005. Annual periodicity was validated from U. halleri injected with oxytetracycline and maintained in captivity over a 2 year period ( n = 7). The coefficients estimated by the von Bertalanffy growth model were the disc width asymptote ( W D∞) (286 mm for males and 224 mm for females) and K (0·09 year−1 for males and 0·15 year−1 for females). The age structure of the population consisted of mostly older, mature males and females. Age at maturity was estimated at 3·80 years for females and 3·75 years for males, and the maximum assessed age was 14 years old. Males were more numerous than females throughout the year; however, from May to September, females outnumbered males. The U. halleri age and growth coefficients were comparable to other species in the family Urolophidae. Based on the seasonality and age structure of this population, Seal Beach offers warm-water refuge for U. halleri of reproductive maturity, and the U. halleri at Seal Beach may garner some behavioural thermoregulation benefit.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A new neosuchian crocodylomorph, Susisuchus jaguaribensis sp. nov., is described based on fragmentary but diagnostic material. It was found in fluvial-braided sediments of the Lima Campos Basin, north-eastern Brazil, 115 km from where Susisuchus anatoceps was found, in rocks of the Crato Formation, Araripe Basin. S. jaguaribensis and S. anatoceps share a squamosal–parietal contact in the posterior wall of the supratemporal fenestra. A phylogenetic analysis places the genus Susisuchus as the sister group to Eusuchia, confirming earlier studies. Because of its position, we recovered the family name Susisuchidae, but with a new definition, being node-based group including the last common ancestor of Susisuchus anatoceps and Susisuchus jaguaribensis and all of its descendents. This new species corroborates the idea that the origin of eusuchians was a complex evolutionary event and that the fossil record is still very incomplete.  相似文献   

Understanding the ecological role of species with overlapping distributions is central to inform ecosystem management. Here we describe the diet, trophic level and habitat use of three sympatric stingrays, Hypanus guttatus, H. marianae and H. berthalutzae, through combined stomach content and stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) analyses. Our integrated approach revealed that H. guttatus is a mesopredator that feeds on a diverse diet of benthic and epibenthic marine and estuarine organisms, principally bivalve molluscs, Alpheus shrimp and teleost fishes. Isotopic data supported movement of this species between marine and estuarine environments. H. berthalutzae is also a marine generalist feeder, but feeds primarily on teleost fishes and cephalopods, and consequently occupies a higher trophic level. In contrast, H. marianae is a mesopredator specialized on shrimps and polychaetas occurring only in the marine environment and occupying a low niche breadth. While niche overlap occurred, the three stingrays utilized the same prey resources at different rates and occupied distinct trophic niches, potentially limiting competition for resources and promoting coexistence. These combined data demonstrate that these three mesopredators perform different ecological roles in the ecosystems they occupy, limiting functional redundancy.  相似文献   

The light microscopic structure of the testis and genital duct system of the freshwater stingray Himantura signifer was observed. The testis is composed of lobes having numerous spermatocysts in a dorsoventral zonated arrangement. The germinal papilla at the middorsal surface of the testicular lobe is the origin site of spermatocyst development, where mesenchymal-like cells are predominantly found. The association of a Sertoli cell precursor with a spermatogonium marks the onset of spermatocyst formation and development. The newly formed spermatocysts at the dorsal end of the germinal zone replace the older ones, which are sequentially moved to the ventral side and are termed spermatogonial, spermatocyte, spermatid, spermatozoal, and degenerate zones. In the degenerate zone, the spermatocysts deteriorate after releasing the spermatozoa into the intratesticular duct, where they are further transported through the extratesticular duct system and finally stored at the seminal vesicle. The epithelial lining of the genital duct is a pseudostratified ciliated columnar with no muscular layer underneath; thus, sperm are conveyed through ciliary activity. The interesting features of the present study are the finding of mesenchymal-like cells in the germinal papilla and the nonaggregated formation of sperm in the seminal vesicle.  相似文献   

Creek chub Semotilus atromaculatus from two PCB contaminated streams (Clear Creek and Richland Creek) at three locations and a reference stream (Little Indian Creek), Indiana, U.S.A., were examined to determine if age class structure and growth variables were correlated with in‐situ PCB exposure. Approximately five to 15 fish were captured weekly during the spring spawning season and monthly thereafter for a 12 month period. Fish collected ranged from 25 to 267 mm total length (LT). Throughout the course of this study, no spawning activity was observed at either location in Clear Creek, although some very small young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) creek chub fry were observed at the downstream location by late summer. Creek chub nests were observed in both Richland Creek and Little Indian Creek but YOY were common only in Little Indian Creek. Exposure to PCBs was shown to both enhance and decrease growth in varied laboratory tests; subtle but significant gender‐specific differences in the growth of creek chub populations between the sites were observed. Creek chub up to 24 months in age from Clear Creek and Richland Creek were significantly larger (both LT and mass for males and LT for females) than reference site creek chub. This trend was reversed for creek chub aged ≥24 months as the reference site fish were consistently larger with reference males weighing significantly more. Older age classes of creek chub were missing in areas of higher PCB contamination. Female population growth rates and individual instantaneous growth rates were consistently higher at the reference site in comparison to the PCB‐contaminated sites. Calculation of ‘functional b’(as a condition factor) did indicate that growth enhancement in young males did occur at the most contaminated site and reductions in growth (mass relative to LT) occurred in females from all contaminated sites. Furthermore, long‐term survivorship for females was reduced in the PCB‐contaminated streams. All of these subtle alterations in growth would not have been observed if males and females had not been analysed separately.  相似文献   

栲树种群的年龄结构及其生长特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为了了解栲树的更新方式和更新动态,研究了栲树的生长特征和种群年龄结构.结果表明:栲树种群的年龄结构呈“间歇型”,经历了两个死亡高峰,并存在一个长达30年的断层;栲树的生长受光照的影响,具有很强的可塑性;由于林下光照弱且在垂直空间上不存在差异,栲树生长5~8年后进入生长的第1个抑制期,其年高生长速度可小于0.1 m,并可维持10年;栲树生长的第1个抑制期的起始时间对应着种群第1个死亡高峰期的结束时间,而其结束时间对应着种群第2个死亡高峰期的起始时间,表明栲树生长特征是影响其种群年龄结构的关键因素.  相似文献   

Cichla temensis collected in Venezuela attained a mean standard length of 440 mm, and C. orinocensis and C. intermedia mean lengths of 309 and 321 mm, respectively. There was little evidence of size differences between sexes. Opaque zones on otoliths corresponded to the period of peak of reproductive activity and low fish body condition ( K ). When aggregated across sites, linear estimates for growth of fish >age I were 57·5, 27·6, and 19·6 mm year1 for C. temensis , C. orinocensis , and C. intermedia , respectively. Fish from the Cinaruco River appeared to spawn at age I, and prior to first maturation had grown 25, 21, and 23 mm month1, respectively, for C. temensis , C. orinocensis , and C. intermedia . There was little intersite variation in growth rates, and differences in sizes of conspecifics from different sizes were due to age differences. Cichla in captivity spawn several times per year. The present results indicate that the annual cycle or tropical wet/dry seasonality promotes reproductive seasonality in Cichla . The energetic cost of reproduction and brood defence probably constrains most individuals to one spawn per year. Conversely, populations living in relatively aseasonal reservoir environments may have several spawns per year, in which case growth zones on hard structures are difficult to interpret.  相似文献   

Age and growth of early-life-stage Atlantic tarpon Megalops atlanticus collected from Mississippi coastal waters in the northcentral Gulf of Mexico (GOM) are described using otolith microstructure analysis. Tarpon leptocephali (n = 95, 16.0—27.8 mm standard length, LS) collected from June throughOctober 2013—2018, ranged in age from 22 to 43 days (mean = 30.9 ± 0.5 days). Leptocephalus somatic growth rates ranged 0.46—1.24 mm day−1 (mean = 0.76 ± 0.02 mm day−1), and leptocephalus otolith growth rates ranged 1.78—3.97 μm day−1 (mean = 2.58 ± 0.04 μm day−1). Growth rates were inversely correlated to leptocephalus age, indicating the shrinkage phase associated with leptocephalus metamorphosis. Juvenile tarpon (n = 358, 50—359 mm fork length, LF) were collected from August through December 2007—2018. Juveniles exhibited a positive allometric relationship (adjusted R2 = 0.99, P < 0.001) between length and mass. The age of 100 juveniles (71—277 mm LF) ranged from 76 to 174 days. Juvenile growth rate was estimated as 1.56 ± 0.11 mm day−1. Significant (P < 0.001) linear relationships were found between juvenile age and otolith metrics, including otolith mass (R2 = 0.81) and radius (R2 = 0.68). Evaluation of the backcalculated hatch dates suggests that specimens in the collection hatched from late May through mid-September with slight peaks during July and August. A Rao's Spacing Test of Uniformity indicates the presence of significant lunar periodicity in leptocephalus hatch dates (n = 95, U = 250.1, P < 0.05), with 50% of the leptocephali hatched within 5 days (before or after) of the full moon. This study fills critical gaps in the scientific knowledge of tarpon and provides estimates of early-life-history metrics for an iconic game fish at the northernmost extent of its GOM range.  相似文献   

The otolith microstructures of the leptocephali of Saurenchelys stylura and Dysomma sp., collected in November and December 2000 in the East China Sea, were examined to determine their larval ages and growth rates, and the spawning times of these two species of outer shelf and slope marine eels. Leptocephali ranging in size from 8 to 48 mm total length were examined, and the nettastomatid, S. stylura , and the synaphobranchid, Dysomma sp., had estimated ages that ranged from 16 to 75 days and 17 to 66 days, respectively. The overall growth rate of S. stylura was 0·68 mm day−1( n  = 21), and of Dysomma sp. was 0·44 mm day−1( n  = 22). These growth rates were similar or slightly faster than those observed for anguillid leptocephali in offshore areas of the western Pacific. The backcalculated hatching dates for these two species were from September to November. The otolith increment widths of S. stylura showed an increase before 20 to 30 days that were similar to those in anguillid species, but in Dysomma sp. there were no remarkable increases.  相似文献   

The age and growth of the dusky grouper, Epinephelus marginatus , in the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean) were studied by otolith analysis from a sample of 358 specimens ranging in total length ( L T) from 6·6 to 105·6 cm. The specimens came from commercial artisanal and recreational spear fisheries between 1999 and 2003. Otoliths grew asymmetrically throughout the range of L T studied, showing a clear pattern of alternating translucent and opaque bands. Marginal increment analysis of specimens up to 8 years-old indicated that a single opaque band was formed each year during spring and summer. Whole otoliths allowed ageing specimens up to 10 years old, but above that age whole otoliths yielded lower age estimates than sectioned otoliths. The maximum estimated age was 61 years, which significantly extends the estimated life span of the species from a maximum of 36 years in a previous study. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated as L = 95·5 cm L T, K = 0·087 and T O=−1·12. The study revealed differences in mean L T at age and age structure between the shallow- and deep-water samples which may be attributed to different fishing pressure and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

为了解国家Ⅱ级渐危植物新疆野核桃不同年龄幼苗的数量组成及生长特性,在野核桃自然保护区不同坡向上设置4个2-hm2样地,应用相邻格子样方法对野核桃幼苗进行逐株调查,分析了野核桃幼苗种群的数量组成、基径和株高的生长特征及各性状间的生长关系.结果表明: 阳坡、半阳坡、阴坡和半阴坡野核桃1龄幼苗均较丰富,1~3龄幼苗数量均占绝对优势,不同坡向野核桃幼苗种群均呈增长型年龄结构.各坡向野核桃1龄幼苗平均5.7%可存活到4龄,平均1.7%可以存活到7龄.3龄是野核桃幼苗数量的一个转折点,幼苗种群在生活史中采用的是r对策.野核桃幼苗的基径和株高在3龄前生长缓慢,3龄后加快生长;基径平均生长速率为3.6 mm·a-1,按阴坡、阳坡、半阴坡、半阳坡顺序减小;株高平均生长速率为9.0 cm·a-1,按阳坡、半阳坡、半阴坡、阴坡顺序减小.不同坡向野核桃幼苗的基径与株高均随年龄的增加呈指数函数生长,株高与基径呈幂函数异速生长,幼苗各性状间的生长快慢可通过函数的性质和参数反映出来.  相似文献   

Culaea inconstans in delta Area, Lake Manitoba matures in the second summer of life, when between 29 and 65 mm in total length and one year of age. Spawning starts at the end of May after migration into the creeks and channels in the marsh. By June 11–12 the yearlings are under 20 mm in total length. The greatest part of growth is completed in the first summer of life. The asymptotic or average maximum length, L was 89.06 mm. Aging of fish was done by reading otoliths and plotting length frequency histograms. Fish set the first ring, a false check, in otoliths within the first month of life and the annual ring is set by the adults on June 1 of the second summer of life. Culaea inconstans was generally found to be an annual fish which died after spawning in the second summer of life. A high positive correlation coefficient was found for body-otolith relationship. The length-weight regression lines were significantly different from one another and from zero, the F-value being significant at 1% level. The condition factor was found to be variable.  相似文献   

Age, growth and reproduction of the R. lemmingii population of the River Huebra, Duero basin are analysed. Females dominated older age classes and lived up to 6 years (5+) while males only reached 5 years (4+). The growing season extended from April to September; growth rates were similar for both sexes. 0+ fish condition increased during their first summer and spring. In older fish, condition cycle was related to gonad development and showed some differences between sexes. The number of females reaching maturity at age 1 + almost doubled that of males; females also matured at smaller size. Both fecundity and egg size increased with female length: mean egg counts varied between 974 for 1 + individuals and an estimated 10491 for 5+ fish. Eggs were produced as a single batch, but were released fractionally during April and May.  相似文献   

Data were obtained on the population structure and reproduction of Atlantoscia floridana, one of the most common species of terrestrial isopods in the restinga (coastal dune) forests of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. During a 19-month period, a total of 7833 individuals were sampled: 2792 males, 3400 females and 1691 mancas. There was a significant difference between the size of both males and females collected in 2000 and 2001: the mean size was smaller in the second year when individuals in the larger size classes were lacking. Population density varied with season. The minimum population was 131 ind per m2 individuals, the maximum 1040 ind per m2 and the mean 450  per m2. While the overall sex ratio was clearly female biased, the operational sex ratio favored males, and showed no changes with season. Because both ovigerous and post-ovigerous females were present throughout the year, reproduction is considered continuous; however, reproduction peaked during autumn and spring. Ovigerous females were measured (CW = cephalothorax width) and the number of eggs was counted. Fecundity (F) varied from 5 to 23 eggs ( = 11.18 ± 4) per female, and was expressed by the regression F = –18.48 + 22.59 CW, with the female cephalothorax width varying from 1.04 to 1.68 mm. Marsupial mortality was only 0.9%. Egg production was 588 eggs per m2 in spring and 660 eggs per m2 in autumn. Recruitment occurred in all months, and eggs, embryos and marsupial mancas were also present year-round. A. floridana is the dominant species of terrestrial isopod in the study area. Its most remarkable characteristic is its high reproductive investment.  相似文献   

This study describes the age structure and sex-specific growth patterns of Lahille's bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus gephyreus), a subspecies endemic to the Southwest Atlantic Ocean (SWAO). The ages of 120 animals collected in southern Brazil between 1976 and 2017 were determined. We found high frequencies of young animals, mostly males, with no sex bias among adults. A temporal change in the age structure of strandings was observed, and we conclude it is a consequence of increased bycatch rates of young dolphins after 2000. The oldest male and female were 27 and 44 years old, respectively, suggesting that females live longer than males in southern Brazil. Growth curve analysis using Gompertz and Laird-Gompertz growth models estimated asymptotic lengths of 316.5 cm for females and 351.6 cm for males, (reached around 13 and 18 years old, respectively), supporting sexual size dimorphism for the subspecies. A second growth pulse was identified for males. Our work highlights the benefit of long-term studies and contributes valuable information toward understanding the life history of Lahille's bottlenose dolphin. It will serve as baseline for future studies that seek to understand mortality patterns of bottlenose dolphins elsewhere and the effects of anthropogenic actions on the survival of these animals.  相似文献   

The age and growth of an Asturian population of the bib Trisopterus luscus L. were studied based on 990 bibs from monthly catches from October 1986 until October 1988.Using the estimates of age taken from otolith readings, it was possible to construct a growth curve for the whole range of ages and demonstrate that most growth takes place during the first two years of life. The maximum age was found to be 5 years. The largest fish caught during the investigation measured 430 mm in standard length.The different growth rates of males and females show that in most cases the mean standard length of females was equal to or greater than that of the males.  相似文献   

Age, growth and mortality of red bandfish, Cepola macrophrhalma (L.), from the western Aegean Sea were studied using the otoliths from 1113 fish and the length and weight of 3351 fish. Two regions were established (north and south of the Euripos Strait). The red bandfish grows allometrically (slope of length-weight regressions ≤2) and relatively rapidly until age 4 or 5 years. It is proposed that this rapid linear growth represents an adaptation which evolved to reduce the vulnerability of red bandfish to whole-fish swallowers. Back-calculated lengths-at-age showed significant differences between regions and between sexes. Males were larger than females after age 2 years. Maximum age of northern fish was also higher than southern fish (8 and 5 years respectively). Southern fish grow at a faster rate (K=0.379) but to a significantly smaller size (Lx=424.8mm t.l. , Wx=25.1 g) than northern fish (K=0.214, Lx=676.1 mm t.l. , Wx=90.9 g). Mortality rates (total and natural instantaneous mortalities) of southern fish were also higher than northern fish. We suggest that these variations represent responses to the different conditions of temperature and food availability prevailing in the two regions.  相似文献   

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