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Late Neogene stable isotope stratigraphy and planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy have been examined in a high sedimentation rate core (E67-135, Shell Oil Co.) drilled at 725 m water depth in the De Soto Canyon, Gulf of Mexico. The 305 m core contains sections that are Late Miocene, Early Pliocene, Late Pliocene, and Quaternary in age, and is rich in well-preserved assemblages of planktonic foraminifera.A biostratigraphy has been established based on the ranges of 34 selected species of foraminifera. The core 3orrelates with sections from the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, and the subtropical North and South Atlantic Oceans using, as datums, the evolutionary appearances of Globorotalia miocenica Palmer and Globorotalia margaritae evoluta Cita, the extinction of Globorotalia miocenica and the first appearance of Globorotalia truncatulinoides (d'Orbigny).Oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy is based on analysis of the benthonic foraminifer, Uvigerina d'Orbigny. Isotopic trends are similar to those observed in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. From Early Pliocene to Late Pleistocene time, average δ18O values increase (2.42‰ to 3.36‰) and exhibit a wider range of values (0.71‰ in Early Pliocene compared to 1.65‰ in Late Pleistocene sediments), probably reflecting Late Neogene climatic deterioration. The ratio 13C12C decreases significantly by ?0.21‰ from the Late Miocene to the Early Pliocene. A decrease in δ13C is observed in other cores and is probably related to changing oceanic circulation patterns in Late Miocene time.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Millions of birds migrate across the Gulf of Mexico each year. However, most studies of migration in this region involve sampling onshore locations during the day, potentially underrepresenting the diversity and abundance of migrants passing the region. We evaluated a potential solution to this problem by recording the flight calls of passing migrants from an oil platform located southeast of the Alabama coast in the Gulf of Mexico. We detected 2762 calls during 30 nights from 9 September to 2 November 1999, and were able to identify 2329 calls to species. Flight calls by nine species of birds represented 23% of all identified calls. The greatest number of calls during one night (1017 calls) and during a 1-h period (257 calls) were recorded on 10 September. The greatest number of calls was recorded 8 h after sunset, with a secondary peak 2 h after sunset. The peak prior to sunrise may indicate the formation of flocks at dawn, and the peak after sunset may have been caused by the first wave of migrants reaching the platform. However, call counts varied extensively, with 98% of all calls recorded during 13 nights and 40% on a single night, possibly resulting from hourly and nightly differences in bird numbers aloft, atmospheric conditions, and artificial lighting conditions. Although recording on oil platforms can be difficult because of mechanical, wind, and wave noise, our results suggest great potential for describing the species composition of passing vocal migrants and the temporal patterns of flight-calling behavior if quiet recording locations can be found. Moreover, flight call monitoring could be a critically important tool for bird conservation in this region, given recent proposals to develop wind power and the potential bird mortality associated with such developments.  相似文献   

In experiments with living meiofauna, sediment is often sieved prior to incubation. This is primarily to remove macrofauna and to increase reproducibility among replicates. At the onset of the experiment, the bacteria are severely disturbed. The effects of these disturbances are ill-known but might affect the outcome of the experimental meiofaunal and biogeochemical studies substantially.We compared the disturbance induced by sieving with the disturbance in microcosms from which meiofauna was removed by flushing with argon. Both experimental situations were compared with untreated cores and the field situation. Neither sieving nor flushing induced changes in the composition of the foraminiferal community compared with the natural situation; the four most abundant species found in the field remained dominant during the experiment. Sieving led to a pronounced disturbance in both bacterial as well as foraminiferal abundance patterns. The depth distribution of some species seems to be related to food, although bacteria might play a regulating role as well.  相似文献   

Phenotypic similarities between distantly related marsupials and placentals are commonly presented as examples of convergence and support for the role of adaptive evolution in shaping morphological and ecological diversity. Here we compare skull shape in a wide range of carnivoran placentals (Carnivora) and nonherbivorous marsupials using a three-dimensional (3-D) geometric morphometric approach. Morphological and ecological diversity among extant carnivorans is considerably greater than is evident in the marsupial order Dasyuromorphia with which they have most commonly been compared. To examine convergence across a wider, but broadly comparable range of feeding ecologies, a dataset inclusive of nondasyuromorphian marsupials and extinct taxa representing morphotypes no longer present was assembled. We found support for the adaptive paradigm, with correlations between morphology, feeding behavior, and bite force, although skull shape better predicted feeding ecology in the phylogenetically diverse marsupial sample than in carnivorans. However, we also show that remarkably consistent but differing constraints have influenced the evolution of cranial shape in both groups. These differences between carnivorans and marsupials, which correlate with brain size and bite force, are maintained across the full gamut of morphologies and feeding categories, from small insectivores and omnivores to large meat-specialists.  相似文献   

Gulf Menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) are a species of commercial and ecological importance in the northern Gulf of Mexico, provisioning the second largest fishery by weight, in the United States, and providing critical ecosystem services in the coastal region. The recruitment and productivity dynamics of the stock are influenced by a suite of environmental factors but an understanding of the factors that determine individual variation in oil content (an indicator of an individual’s commercial value to the fishery and its dietary value to predators) has not been well described. In this work I describe the temporal dynamics of oil content and determine the demographic characteristics that provide predictive power to describe annual contrasts. I relate the predicted patterns in oil yield to a suite of seasonal environmental data series including: the magnitude of spring Mississippi River discharge, spring wind vectors, and the preceding winter El Nino conditions. Two uncorrelated (r = 0.06, p = 0.81) population-level predictor variables were identified that have explanatory power to describe temporal patterns in oil content (L kg−1); a weight-at-length power function parameter (a) and the von Bertalanffy asymptotic fork length (L, mm FL): L kg−1 =  0.158  0.026*a  0.00163*L (p < 0.05, R2 = 0.42). Analysis of the impacts of environmental variables on the oil content of Gulf Menhaden was evaluated comprehensively in a Bayesian framework by transforming the observed oil content information from two sources to a common scale. Parameters relating oil content to spring Mississippi River discharge and the preceding winter (December–February) El Nino Southern Oscillation index resulted in sample distributions from the posterior where zero was outside the 95% credible interval. This work contributes to the understanding of Gulf Menhaden as a prey species in the Gulf of Mexico and indicates that the value of the species to both the fishery and predators exhibits relatively large inter-annual variability controlled, in part, by seasonal environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Law CJ  Yang Q  Soudant C  Maloney PC  Wang DN 《Biochemistry》2007,46(43):12190-12197
Secondary active transport of substrate across the cell membrane is crucial to many cellular and physiological processes. The crystal structure of one member of the secondary active transporter family, the sn-glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P) transporter (GlpT) of the inner membrane of Escherichia coli, suggests a mechanism for substrate translocation across the membrane that involves a rocker-switch-type movement of the protein. This rocker-switch mechanism makes two specific predictions with respect to kinetic behavior: the transport rate increases with the temperature, whereas the binding affinity of the transporter to a substrate is temperature-independent. In this work, we directly tested these two predictions by transport kinetics and substrate-binding experiments, integrating the data on this single system into a coherent set of observations. The transport kinetics of the physiologically relevant G3P-phosphate antiport reaction were characterized at different temperatures using both E. coli whole cells and GlpT reconstituted into proteoliposomes. Substrate-binding affinity of the transporter was measured using tryptophan fluorescence quenching in detergent solution. Indeed, the substrate transport velocity of GlpT increased dramatically with temperature. In contrast, neither the apparent Michaelis constant (Km) nor the apparent substrate-binding dissociation constant (Kd) showed temperature dependence. Moreover, GlpT-catalyzed G3P translocation exhibited a completely linear Arrhenius function with an activation energy of 35.2 kJ mol-1 for the transporter reconstituted into proteoliposomes, suggesting that the substrate-loaded transporter is delicately poised between the inward- and outward-facing conformations. When these results are taken together, they are in agreement with a rocker-switch mechanism for GlpT.  相似文献   

The microbial communities thriving in deep‐sea brines are sustained largely by energy rich substrates supplied through active seepage. Geochemical, microbial activity, and microbial community composition data from different habitats at a Gulf of Mexico brine lake in Alaminos Canyon revealed habitat‐linked variability in geochemistry that in turn drove patterns in microbial community composition and activity. The bottom of the brine lake was the most geochemically extreme (highest salinity and nutrient concentrations) habitat and its microbial community exhibited the highest diversity and richness indices. The habitat at the upper halocline of the lake hosted the highest rates of sulfate reduction and methane oxidation, and the largest inventories of dissolved inorganic carbon, particulate organic carbon, and hydrogen sulfide. Statistical analyses indicated a significant positive correlation between the bacterial and archaeal diversity in the bottom brine sample and inventories. Other environmental factors with positive correlation with microbial diversity indices were DOC, H2S, and DIC concentrations. The geochemical regime of different sites within this deep seafloor extreme environment exerts a clear selective force on microbial communities and on patterns of microbial activity.  相似文献   

Scleractinian corals are assumed to be stenohaline osmoconformers, although they are frequently subjected to variations in seawater salinity due to precipitation, freshwater run‐off and other processes. Observed responses to altered salinity levels include differences in photosynthetic performance, respiration and increased bleaching and mortality of the coral host and its algal symbiont, but a study looking at bacterial community changes is lacking. Here, we exposed the coral Fungia granulosa to strongly increased salinity levels in short‐ and long‐term experiments to disentangle temporal and compartment effects of the coral holobiont (i.e. coral host, symbiotic algae and associated bacteria). Our results show a significant reduction in calcification and photosynthesis, but a stable microbiome after short‐term exposure to high‐salinity levels. By comparison, long‐term exposure yielded unchanged photosynthesis levels and visually healthy coral colonies indicating long‐term acclimation to high‐salinity levels that were accompanied by a major coral microbiome restructuring. Importantly, a bacterium in the family Rhodobacteraceae was succeeded by Pseudomonas veronii as the numerically most abundant taxon. Further, taxonomy‐based functional profiling indicates a shift in the bacterial community towards increased osmolyte production, sulphur oxidation and nitrogen fixation. Our study highlights that bacterial community composition in corals can change within days to weeks under altered environmental conditions, where shifts in the microbiome may enable adjustment of the coral to a more advantageous holobiont composition.  相似文献   

? Soil aggregate stability is an important ecosystem property that is altered by anthropogenic disturbance. Yet, the generalization of these alterations and the identification of the main contributors are limited by the absence of cross-site comparisons and the application of inconsistent methodologies across regions. ? We assessed aggregate stability in paired remnant and post-disturbance grasslands across California, shortgrass and tallgrass prairies, and in manipulative experiments of plant composition and soil microbial inoculation. ? Grasslands recovering from anthropogenic disturbance consistently had lower aggregate stability than remnants. Across all grasslands, non-native plant diversity was significantly associated with reduced soil aggregate stability. A negative effect of non-native plants on aggregate stability was also observed in a mesocosm experiment comparing native and non-native plants from California grasslands. Moreover, an inoculation study demonstrated that the degradation of the microbial community also contributes to the decline in soil aggregate stability in disturbed grasslands. ? Anthropogenic disturbance consistently reduced water-stable aggregates. The stability of aggregates was reduced by non-native plants and the degradation of the native soil microbial community. This latter effect might contribute to the sustained decline in aggregate stability following anthropogenic disturbance. Further exploration is advocated to understand the generality of these potential mechanisms.  相似文献   

The acylphosphatase from Escherichia coli (EcoAcP) is the first AcP so far studied with a disulfide bond. A mutational variant of the enzyme lacking the disulfide bond has been produced by substituting the two cysteine residues with alanine (EcoAcP mutational variant C5A/C49A, mutEcoAcP). The native states of the two protein variants are similar, as shown by far-UV and near-UV circular dichroism and dynamic light-scattering measurements. From unfolding experiments at equilibrium using intrinsic fluorescence and far-UV circular dichroism as probes, EcoAcP shows an increased conformational stability as compared with mutEcoAcP. The wild-type protein folds according to a two-state model with a very fast rate constant (kFH2O = 72,600 s− 1), while mutEcoAcP folds ca 1500-fold slower, via the accumulation of a partially folded species. The correlation between the hydrophobicity of the polypeptide chain and the folding rate, found previously in the AcP-like structural family, is maintained only when considering the mutant but not the wild-type protein, which folds much faster than expected from this correlation. Similarly, the correlation between the relative contact order and the folding rate holds only for mutEcoAcP. The correlation also holds for EcoAcP, provided the relative contact order value is recalculated by considering the disulfide bridge as an alternate path for the backbone to determine the shortest sequence separation between contacting residues. These results indicate that the presence of a disulfide bond in a protein is an important determinant of the folding rate and allows its contribution to be determined in quantitative terms.  相似文献   

The feeding deterrent effects of echinoderm body-wall tissues and ethanolic extracts containing mid-polarity compounds were evaluated utilizing generalist fish and crabs as model predators. The body-wall tissues of the echinoderms examined ranged 10-fold from 0.9–9.4 mm in thickness, and four and a half-fold in level of mineralization (17.8–82.7% ash content). Holothuroids had the thickest body-wall tissues and contained the lowest levels of mineralization in their body-walls. Crinoids and ophiuroids had high levels of mineralization in their arms. Asteroid body-wall tissues varied the most in thickness and ash content (0.9–3.9 mm in thickness and 29.2–55.5% in ash content). Body-wall tissues of 19 species of echinoderms were tested for their feeding deterrent properties against the marine fishes Lagodon rhomboides (Linnaeus) and Cyprinodon variegatus (Lacepede), as well as the decapod crustacean Libinia emarginata (Leach). Equivalent sized pieces of fresh body-wall tissue of 16 species of echinoderms caused observable feeding deterrence responses in at least two of the three model predators. There was no significant correlation between body-wall thickness or percent ash and its palatability to any of the three model predators. Agar pellets containing ethanolic body-wall extracts of 12 of 18 echinoderm species caused observable feeding deterrence responses in the fish L. rhomboides. In similar experiments with the arrow crab Stenorhyncus seticornis (Herbst), using carrageenan fish-meal blocks as food models, no differences in consumption of control fish-meal and experimental body-wall extract blocks were detected. Our findings indicate that invertebrate and vertebrate predators may respond quite differently to echinoderm body-wall extracts.  相似文献   

Understanding of the ecological factors that shape intraspecific variation of insect microbiota in natural populations is relatively poor. In Lepidopteran caterpillars, microbiota is assumed to be mainly composed of transient bacterial symbionts acquired from the host plant. We sampled Glanville fritillary (Melitaea cinxia) caterpillars from natural populations to describe their gut microbiome and to identify potential ecological factors that determine its structure. Our results demonstrate high variability of microbiota composition even among caterpillars that shared the same host plant individual and most likely the same genetic background. We observed that the caterpillars harboured microbial classes that varied among individuals and alternated between two distinct communities (one composed of mainly Enterobacteriaceae and another with more variable microbiota community). Even though the general structure of the microbiota was not attributed to the measured ecological factors, we found that phylogenetically similar microbiota showed corresponding responses to the sex and the parasitoid infection of the caterpillar and to those of the host plant's microbial and chemical composition. Our results indicate high among-individual variability in the microbiota of the M. cinxia caterpillar and contradict previous findings that the host plant is the major driver of the microbiota communities of insect herbivores.  相似文献   

Large spherical sulfur bacteria, 180-375 microm in diameter, were found regularly and in abundance in surface sediments collected from hydrocarbon seeps (water depth 525-640 m) in the Gulf of Mexico. These bacteria were characterized by a thin 'shell' of sulfur globule-filled cytoplasm that surrounded a central vacuole (roughly 80% of biovolume) containing high concentrations of nitrate (average 460 mM). Approximately 800 base pairs of 16S rRNA gene sequence data, linked to this bacterium by fluorescent in situ hybridization, showed 99% identity with Thiomargarita namibiensis, previously described only from sediments collected off the coast of Namibia (Western Africa). Unlike T. namibiensis, where cells form a linear chain within a common sheath, the Gulf of Mexico strain occurred as single cells and clusters of two, four and eight cells, which were clearly the product of division in one to three planes. In sediment cores maintained at 4 degrees C, which undoubtedly experienced a diminishing flux of hydrogen sulfide over time, the Thiomargarita-like bacterium remained viable for up to 2 years. During that long period, each cell appeared to undergo (as judged by change in biovolume) one to three reductive divisions, perhaps as a dispersal strategy in the face of diminished availability of its putative electron donor.  相似文献   

The northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) contains almost 2300 oil and gas platforms. While some of these platforms are actively lit, allowing for normal working conditions throughout the night, many are unlit, illuminated only by small navigation beacons to warn vessels of their presence. In addition to producing oil and gas, these structures inadvertently serve as artificial reef habitat for a variety of GOM fish and invertebrate species. Though many fish species have been reported aggregating near these structures, this study is the first to examine changes in fish community structure in response to the structures’ artificial light regimes. Baited remote underwater video (BRUV) surveys were conducted at two lit and three unlit oil and gas platforms off the coast of Louisiana to examine the effect of platform artificial lighting on fish community structure during the day, at night, and during crepuscular periods. Seventeen recreationally harvested species were observed, with red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) being the most abundant. Statistical analysis indicated that fish community varied significantly with depth, season, type, and season by type interactions. More fish were seen at lit platforms than at unlit platforms, with the majority of individuals identified near the surface. While fish abundance at the surface remained high during the day, the numbers declined at night. This suggests that though fishes are attracted to the vertical relief of the structure, they may be avoiding the artificial light field at the surface either to escape nocturnal predation or to forage away from the platform.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The biochemical and energetic compositions of the somatic body components of seven species of asteroids, one ophiuroid, and four echinoids from the northern Gulf of Mexico (30–95 m depth) were ascertained.
  • 2.2. Levels of ash were high (68.5–90.8% dry wt) in all body-wall tissues, with the exception of the asteroid Echinaster modestus (51.6% dry wt). Levels of ash were low in the pyloric cecae (nutrient storage organ) of asteroids (4.6–30.8% dry wt).
  • 3.3. Levels of lipid (8.1–34.5% dry wt), soluble protein (15.9–28.7% dry wt), and insoluble protein (18.1–48.6%, dry wt) were high in the pyloric cecae of all asteroids, but generally low in ophiuroid and echinoid body-wall tissues. High protein levels (28.5–44.5% dry wt) in the body-wall of the asteroids Echinaster modestus and Anthenoides pierceisuggest it may play a role in nutrient storage.
  • 4.4. All somatic tissues contained low levels of carbohydrate (0.2–1.4% dry wt).
  • 5.5. Levels of energy in pyloric cecal tissues (12.99–26.05 kJ/g dry wt) were 4–8 times higher than in echinoderm body-wall tissues (2.92–11.91 kJ/g dry wt).
  • 6.6. The biochemical and energetic compositions of echinoderms from the northern Gulf of Mexico are similar to those of species from other latitudes and depths.

A new spirilloid sulfate-reducing bacterium designated strain MET2(T) (T=type strain), was isolated from a Mexican oil field separator. Electron microscopy revealed a Gram-negative cell wall consisting of a 150nm thick undulating outer membrane. Strain MET2(T) appeared singly or in long chains and was actively motile with a corkscrew-like motion. The isolate grew optimally at 40 degrees C, pH 7.4 and 3% NaCl in a medium containing lactate, thiosulfate and yeast extract. Sulfate, sulfite, thiosulfate, and elemental sulfur served as electron acceptors but not nitrate or fumarate. Lactate, pyruvate and H(2) (with acetate as carbon source) were used as electron donors. Pyruvate was fermented. Desulfoviridin and cyt c were present. The G+C content of the DNA was 58.7mol%. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rDNA sequencing showed that strain MET2(T) was a member of the genus Desulfovibrio with "D. gracilis" and D. longus being its closest relatives (similarities of 98.3% and 97.1%, respectively). However, DNA-DNA hybridization studies indicated poor homologies (values <70%) with both species. On the basis of genotypic, phenotypic, and phylogenetic characteristics, strain MET2(T) (=DSM14982(T)=CIP107483(T)) is proposed as the type strain of a new species, Desulfovibrio capillatus sp. nov. GenBank accession number for the 16S rDNA sequence for MET2(T) is AY176773.  相似文献   

Histological examination of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica from a study in Pensacola Bay, Florida, revealed 2 cases of abnormally large, basophilic ova that resembled cells characteristic of ovacystis disease previously reported in oysters from Maine and Long Island. The hypertrophied gametes measured up to 250 pm in diameter, had scant cytoplasm and contained granular nuclear-masses of Feulgen-positive material. Electron microscopy of reclaimed tissue revealed these masses to consist of virus-like particles (average 46 nm) similar to those reported in cases of ovacystis.  相似文献   

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