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The susceptibility of five Aeromonas hydrophila strains and one Escherichia coli strain to chlorine was studied under carefully controlled laboratory conditions. Of the Aer. hydrophila strains, two were from untreated water, two from tap water (immediately downstream of a water treatment plant) and one from the DSM collection. The study included disinfectant concentration (0·1, 0·2 and 0·5 mg l−1), pH (6, 7 and 8) and temperature (4, 21 and 32 °C) as controlled variables. The results indicated that the untreated water strains, the DSM strain and the E. coli strain were inactivated within 1 min of chlorine treatment. The strains from chlorinated water (TW11 and TW27) showed a different susceptibility to chlorine disinfection, the rate of inactivation being greater at pH 6 than at pH 8 for both strains. Under the standard conditions of temperature 21 °C, pH 7 and chlorine concentration 0·2 mg l−1, an increase or decrease of approximately 1 log unit in the number of bacteria did not affect the kill rate of the strains TW11 and TW27.  相似文献   

Four outer-membrane proteins of Aeromonas hydrophila were purified and their N-terminal sequences and channel-forming properties were determined. Three could be matched with proteins from other species. One was a maltoporin, as its level increased when cells were grown in maltose-containing media, and the channel it formed was blocked by maltose. Another was like OmpF and OmpC of Escherichia coli, except that its channel fluctuated much more rapidly. The third protein, which was produced in low-phosphate medium, exhibited several properties of the general anion porin PhoE. The fourth showed no similarity to any known proteins. It had a unique N-terminus and it formed small sharply-defined cation-selective channels. Two other proteins which corresponded to OmpW of Vibrio cholerae and E. coli OmpA were partly characterized.  相似文献   

嗜水气单胞菌感染现状及耐药分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的调查湖州市中心医院嗜水气单胞菌感染现状和耐药情况。方法采用常规方法分离,用VITEK-32全自动微生物分析仪进行菌种鉴定为嗜水气单胞菌或豚鼠气单胞菌,依据葡萄糖产气反应鉴定为嗜水气单胞菌。并根据配套药敏卡进行药敏试验。结果共分离到34株嗜水气单胞菌,主要来自痰液、胆汁、腹腔引流液或腹水。嗜水气单胞菌对哌拉西林、替卡西林、阿莫西彬克拉维酸、妥布霉素、头孢呋辛、头孢噻肟、头孢他啶、环丙沙星、复方新诺明耐药率为52.9%~73.5%。结论目前嗜水气单胞菌也呈现多重耐药现象,临床上应予以重视。  相似文献   

The susceptibility of five Aeromonas hydrophila strains and one Escherichia coli strain to chlorine was studied under carefully controlled laboratory conditions. Of the Aer. hydrophila strains, two were from untreated water, two from tap water (immediately downstream of a water treatment plant) and one from the DSM collection. The study included disinfectant concentration (0.1, 0.2 and 0.5 mg l-1), pH (6, 7 and 8) and temperature (4, 21 and 32 degrees C) as controlled variables. The results indicated that the untreated water strains, the DSM strain and the E. coli strain were inactivated within 1 min of chlorine treatment. The strains from chlorinated water (TW11 and TW27) showed a different susceptibility to chlorine disinfection, the rate of inactivation being greater at pH6 than at pH8 for both strains. Under the standard conditions of temperature 21 degrees C, pH7 and chlorine concentration 0.2 mg l-1, an increase or decrease of approximately 1 log unit in the number of bacteria did not affect the kill rate of the strains TW11 and TW27.  相似文献   

采用间接免疫荧光技术分析了西伯利亚鲟细菌性败血症致病菌嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophlia)X1菌株、豚鼠气单胞菌(Aeromonas caviae)XL2-T菌株、致病性温和气单胞菌(Aeromonas sobria)W1菌株与无致病性嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophlia)M3菌株等水产养殖主要病原菌与抗血清之间的免疫交叉反应。结果显示具有致病性的同属菌株X1菌株、XL2-T菌株、W1菌株交叉反应程度较大,说明这3株菌表面存在较多相同抗原决定簇。而无致病性菌株M3与其他3株致病性菌株免疫交叉反应程度较小。  相似文献   

水产品中嗜水气单胞菌耐药性研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
嗜水气单胞菌Aeromonas hydrophila具有广泛的致病性,是水生动物最常见的致病菌之一。由于抗生素不合理使用、质粒以及耐药基因的水平转移等因素,来自零售市场、超市和餐厅的即食海鲜产品中,均可分离出大量的嗜水气单胞菌耐药菌株及其耐药基因。因此,探明关键控制点、寻求有效缓解抗生素耐药性的防控策略至关重要。文中介绍了我国嗜水气单胞菌的耐药现状,嗜水气单胞菌的主要侵染及耐药机制,以及目前削减和防控耐药性的主要手段和策略,并对水产品耐药性研究方向和重点作出展望。  相似文献   

The surface protein composition of members of a serogroup of Aeromonas hydrophila which exhibit high virulence for fish was examined. Treatment of whole cells of representative strain A. hydrophila TF7 with 0.2 M glycine buffer (pH 4.0) resulted in the release of sheets of a tetragonal surface protein array. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis showed that this sheet material was composed primarily of a protein of apparent molecular weight 52,000 (52K protein). A 52K protein was also the predominant protein in glycine extracts of other members of the high-virulence serogroup. Immunoblotting with antiserum raised against formalinized whole cells of A. hydrophila TF7 showed the 52K S-layer protein to be the major surface protein antigen, and impermeant Sulfo-NHS-Biotin cell surface labeling showed that the 52K S-layer protein was the only protein accessible to the Sulfo-NHS-Biotin label and effectively masked underlying outer membrane (OM) proteins. In its native surface conformation the 52K S-layer protein was only weakly reactive with a lactoperoxidase 125I surface iodination procedure. A UV-induced rough lipopolysaccharide (LPS) mutant of TF7 was found to produce an intact S layer, but a deep rough LPS mutant was unable to maintain an array on the cell surface and excreted the S-layer protein into the growth medium, indicating that a minimum LPS oligosaccharide size was required for A. hydrophila S-layer anchoring. The 52K S-layer protein exhibited hear-dependent SDS-solubilization behavior when associated with OM, but was fully solubilized at all temperatures after removal from the OM, indicating a strong interaction of the S layer with the underlying OM. The native S layer was permeable to 125I in the lactoperoxidase radiolabeling procedure, and two major OM proteins of molecular weights 30,000 and 48,000 were iodinated. The 48K species was a peptidoglycan-associated, transmembrane protein which exhibited heat-modifiable SDS solubilization behaviour characteristic of a porin protein. A 50K major peptidoglycan-associated OM protein which was not radiolabeled exhibited similar SDS heat modification characteristics and possibly represents a second porin protein.  相似文献   

F Ascencio  T Wadstr?m 《Microbios》1991,66(266):27-37
125I-labelled connective tissue protein binding to cells of Aeromonas hydrophila, A. caviae, and A. sobria strains isolated from diseased fish, was correlated with the Aeromonas protease degradation of 125I-labelled collagen types I and IV, fibronectin and laminin, immobilized on tissue culture microtitre plates. An inverse relation between 125I-labelled connective tissue protein binding to cells of Aeromonas strains and proteolytic degradation of immobilized connective tissue proteins by Aeromonas proteases was established. Inhibition of the Aeromonas proteolytic activity by protease inhibitors enhances the 125I-labelled connective tissue protein binding to cells of Aeromonas hydrophila strains. Culture conditions were found to influence both expression of proteolytic activity and binding properties.  相似文献   

The role of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the susceptibility of Aeromonas hydrophila strains of serotype O:34 to non-immune human serum was investigated using isogenic mutants (serum-sensitive), previously obtained on the basis of phage resistance, and characterized for their surface components. The classical complement pathway was found to be principally involved in the serum-killing of these sensitive strains. LPS preparations from serum-resistant or serum-sensitive strains, or purified core oligosaccharides (low-molecular-mass LPS) inactivated both bactericidal and complement activity of whole serum, while the O-antigen molecules (high-molecular-mass LPS) did not. The results indicate that LPS core oligosaccharide composition contributes to complement resistance of A. hydrophila strains from serotype O:34 with moderate virulence.  相似文献   

[目的]研究多粘类芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus polymyxa) CP7菌株的抗菌蛋白(CP7ACP)对嗜水气单胞菌的抑杀作用机理,为防治嗜水气单胞菌引起的鱼病提供新的潜在天然药物.[方法]采用抑菌试验、钼锑抗比色法和紫外光谱法研究其对嗜水气单胞菌S12菌株生长、磷泄漏和生物大分子的影响,并利用扫描电镜和透射电镜观察了嗜水气单胞菌细胞结构遭受的破坏作用.[结果]CP7ACP对嗜水气单胞菌的抑菌圈直径约8.1 mm,最小抑菌浓度(MIC)与最小杀菌浓度(MBC)分别为原液浓度的1/8和1/4;嗜水气单胞菌受CP7ACP处理后,电镜观察发现其细胞壁、细胞膜、细胞器以及菌体均受到不同程度的破坏,胞内的生物大分子和磷泄漏明显,基因组DNA发生增色效应.[结论]CP7ACP抑制嗜水气单胞菌生长,可用于防治嗜水气单胞菌引起的鱼病.  相似文献   

Among 67 psychrotrophic bacterial isolates of Leh, India screened for production of hydrolytic enzymes at 10 °C, four belonging to Aeromonas hydrophila were characterized and evaluated for biodegradation of night soil. All strains produced metalloproteases on a variety of carbon and nitrogen sources. Strains LA1 and LA15 also produced α-amylase and PC5 both α- & β-amylase. No amylase was produced by PN7, however it produced lipase. Casein and glucose induced maximum enzyme activity (protease and amylase) in LA15 and PC5, respectively. In LA1, maximum induction of protease was observed with casein and of amylase with maltose. Corn oil/tributyrin served as the best inducers for protease and lipase production by PN7. A. hydrophila strains were found to be psychrotrophic with optimum growth and enzyme activity at 20 and 37 °C, respectively. Maximum biodegradation of night soil was observed by strain LA1 at 5–20 °C. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

RAPD analysis of Aeromonas salmonicida and Aeromonas hydrophila   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was used to analyse the genetic differentiation of 13 strains of Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida , and seven strains of Aer. hydrophila. Reproducible profiles of genomic DNA fingerprints were generated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using a single randomly designed primer. The RAPD profiles of all the non-motile aeromonads, Aer. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida were identical. However, profiles of the motile aeromonads, Aer. hydrophila differed between isolates. These findings reveal genomic homogeneity in Aer. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and genetic variety in Aer. hydrophila strains.  相似文献   

Over the last three decades, the literature pointed out the implications of Aeromonas species in human pathology. These species were described as being involved in intestinal (several outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis of choleric/dysenteric form or chronic diarrhoea, ulcerative colitis, etc.) in normal adults or children, as well as in extraintestinal infections in immunocompromised hosts. This last aspect included a large range of cutaneous injuries (micronecrosis, abscesses, bums, cellulites, furunculosis), joint, bones, respiratory, urinary tract, ocular infections up to meningitis, endocarditis, peritonitis, hepatobilliary disease, endotoxic shock and septicemia (as consequence of leech microvascular surgery). During the last decade, the literature reported a high mortality in Aeromonas infections determined by certain phenospecies (A. hydrophila and A. veronii) especially in extraintestinal infections in immunocompromised patients. In microbiologists' opinion this high rate of mortality was probably due to poor knowledge concerning the aspects of antibioresistance in Aeromonas strains, to empiric treatments with antibiotics to which these bacteria exhibiting constitutive resistance lead to insuccessful results, and at last to the increasing trend of aeromonads resistance to certain antibiotics after 1996. The literature mentioned also that for a great number of Beta-lactamase producing Aeromonas strains, the use of microdilution method (by comparison to disk diffusion in agar medium) giving false results made more difficult the true knowledge of Aeromonas antibioresistance patterns. At the same time, in 2002, the literature mentioned 4 ecological compartments considered as "reservoirs for dissemination and transfer of microbial antibioresistance i.e. humans, animals, plants and natural soil and water. In the last time, more and more data of the literature revealed that some bacteria with role of reservoir of antibioresistance in the natural environment, even without a direct medical impact, however they could play an indirect one remaining permanent sources of R genes for bacterial strains with pathogenic abilities implicated in human pathology (i.e. Aeromonas infections in man related to different professional activities such as fishing, surfing, swimming, diving, etc.). The purpose of this work was to determine the aspects related to constitutive and acquired antibioresistance in 35 A. hydrophila strains isolated in aquatic environment of Danube Delta (10 salmaster waters, 5 aquatic plants, 5 fish intestinal content, 5 fish sapling, 5 snake and oyster shells). The strains were biochemically identified by using API20E and API20NE kits. The antibioresistance spectrum was determined by disk diffusion method following NCCLS 2000 recommendations. The choice and disposal of antibiotics on the Mueller Hinton plate was done to allow the interpretive reading and the phenotypic detection of different antibioresistance mechanisms, as follows: beta-lactamases (PEN, ME, AMX, AMC, CAZ) and carbapenemase (IMP) production; porin deficiency (FOX); efflux mechanism (C, TE, NOR). All tested strains exhibited high resistance to penicillin, aspect pleading for constitutive penicillinase production in Aeromonas strains. With reference to other penicillins (ME, AMX, AMC) and cephalosporins (CAZ, FOX) the tested strains exhibited 2 different antibioresistance patterns: AMX-R, AMC-S, CAZ-S (65%) indicating the presence of beta-lactamase sensitive to inhibitors and AMX-R, AMC-R, CAZ-S (22%) indicating the presence of beta-lactamase resistant to inhibitors. Resistance to FOX in 8% of strains signifies a phenotypical marker for the presence of porin deficiency. Only one Aeromonas strain (2.8%) was resistant to IMP. Three strains (8%) were simultaneous resistant to TE and TMP/SMX, NOR and CHL probably due to the presence of a resistance plasmid (codifying an efflux/ enzymatic mechanism). These aspects are pleading for the necessity to investigate the bacterial antibioresistance patterns of bacterial strains isolated from the environment, in the purpose to identify the factors responsible for the spreading of certain antibioresistance mechanisms in the external medium as risk factors for the colonization process with possible impact upon the human pathology.  相似文献   

The survival of mesophilic Aeromonas spp. in soil in the presence or absence of indigenous microflora was evaluated in a laboratory study. Two cytotoxic ( Aer. hydrophila and Aer. caviae ) and one invasive ( Aer. sobria ) clinical isolate strains were selected for this study. After contamination of sterile or unsterilized soil with the three strains of Aeromonas , the number of living cells was determined over at least 5 months. For all strains the survival curves were characterized by an initial re-growth followed by a slow inactivation of bacteria, with significant differences due to the presence of indigenous microflora. The times necessary to achieve a 95% reduction of the initial population were > 140, 113 and 62 d in sterilized soil respectively for Aer. caviae, Aer. hydrophila and Aer. sobria , while the corresponding times in unsterilized soil were 42, 38 and 11 d. All strains preserved the virulence factors for the entire period of the study. These results suggest that the soil may be an important reservoir for Aeromonas spp. and, thus, may play an important role in the epidemiology of Aeromonas -associated human infections.  相似文献   

The antigenic relatedness of paracrystalline surface array proteins with subunit molecular weights of approximately 52,000 from isolates of Aeromonas hydrophila and Aeromonas veronii biotype sobria belonging to a single heat-stable serogroup was examined. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoblotting with two different polyclonal antisera against surface exposed and non-surface-exposed epitopes of the S-layer protein from A. hydrophila TF7 showed that the S-layer proteins of the mesophilic aeromonads were antigenically diverse. NH2-terminal amino acid sequence analysis of four antigenically different proteins showed that while the proteins were structurally related, they differed in primary sequence. Absorption experiments with heterologous live cells showed that cross-reactive epitopes were in non-surface-exposed regions of the S-layer proteins, while absorption with homologous live cells showed that the immunodominant epitopes of the S-layer protein of strain TF7 were strain specific and exposed on the surface of the native, tetragonal array produced by this strain. Proteolytic digestion of the TF7 S-layer protein with trypsin, chymotrypsin, or endoproteinase Glu-C produced an amino-terminal peptide of approximate Mr 38,000 which was refractile to further proteolytic cleavage under nondenaturing conditions. This peptide carried the immunodominant surface-exposed region of the protein, and chemical cleavage with cyanogen bromide further mapped the portion of these surface-exposed epitopes to a peptide of approximate Mr 26,000, part of which maps within the Mr 38,000 protease-resistant NH2-terminal peptide.  相似文献   

AIMS: To identify and characterize nonfimbrial proteins from Aeromonas veronii involved in the attachment to epithelial cells in vitro. METHODS AND RESULTS: Two Aer. veronii mucin- and lactoferrin-binding proteins with molecular masses of 37 and 48 kDa were identified by Western blot analysis. According to its N-terminal amino acid sequence, the 48-kDa protein was identified as Omp48, an outer-membrane protein similar to LamB of Escherichia coli. LamB is a well-known porin involved in maltose transport across the outer membrane in E. coli. In a microtitre plate assay, Omp48 bound to the immobilized extracellular matrix proteins collagen and fibronectin, and the mucin- and lactoferrin-binding activity was confirmed. Adhesion of Omp48 to mucin, lactoferrin and collagen was diminished by preincubation with homologous glycoproteins or other carbohydrates, suggesting a putative Omp48 lectin-like binding domain. Anti-Omp48 antiserum significantly inhibited the Aer. veronii adhesion to confluent HeLa cell monolayers and pretreatment of cells with purified Omp48 elicited competitive inhibition of adhesion. Similarly, cross-inhibition of Aer. hydrophila and Aer. caviae adhesion was achieved with the same treatments, indicating the existence of a conserved surface protein among these species. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these data indicate that Omp48 is involved in Aer. veronii adhesion to epithelial cells and might be an alternative adhesion factor of this micro-organism. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The adhesive potential of Aeromonas spp. is correlated with pathogenicity; however, the adhesion mechanism is complex and not well understood. This study provides evidence of a putative adhesion factor that might be contributing to pathogenicity of Aer. veronii and could be used for vaccine development.  相似文献   

The global rise in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) among bacteria causing infectious diseases is well documented, and the associated risks for human health are well known. There is much less research on AMR with regard to environmental strains, both opportunistic and pathogenic ones. The genus Aeromonas is widely distributed in the environment and causes many variable diseases in fish and humans. Infections in humans are predominantly caused by Aeromonas veronii, A. hydrophila and A. caviae (A. punctata) in a form of bacteremia, gastroenteritis or even septicaemia in immunocompetent and immunocompromised individuals. Different groups of antibiotics are used in the treatment, but studies indicate that fluoroquinolones and cefotaxime are the most efficient. A disturbing consequence of antibiotic overuse is an increasing number of detection of various antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) within this genus. The water environment is one of the major modes of transmission of resistant bacteria from animals to humans, and, thus, the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes, particularly those located in mobile genetic elements (MGE) occurs in such as plasmids and transposons. This review summarizes recently published information on the type, distribution, and transmission of ARG by MGE, widespread in Aeromonas strains living in various aquatic environments, including wastewater, natural water, aquaculture and urban drinking water. The data available indicate that the opportunistic pathogens like Aeromonas spp. might serve as important vectors of ARG for clinically relevant pathogens present in such bodies of water .  相似文献   

Abstract Expression of the Aeromonas hydrophila AH2 aerolysin was analysed in 2 mutant derivatives of Escherichia coli 5K that overproduce E. coli haemolysin, encoded by the multicopy plasmid pANN202–312. When plasmid pHPC3–700 carrying the A. hydrophila aerolysin genes was transformed into one of the mutants, Hha-2T, the transformants produced external aerolysin. Neither the parental 5K strain or the other mutant, Hha-1T, showed extracellular aerolysin activity. For strain Hha-2T, the kinetics of external aerolysin production was similar to that previously reported for A. hydrophila AH2. No cell lysis or release of other proteins to the culture medium could be detected for the period of time that strain Hha-2T exported aerolysin into the external medium.  相似文献   

Nine strains of Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from diseased fish or soft-shelled tortoise were tested for the presence of three virulence genes including the genes encoding aerolysin,hemolysin,and extracellular serine protease (i.e.,aerA,hlyA,and ahpA,respectively).These genes were investigated using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)with specific primers for each gene.And the pathogenicities to Carrassius auratus ibebio of these strains were also assayed.PCR results demonstrated that the distribution patterns of aerA,hlyA,and ahpA were different in these strains.6/9 of A.hydrophila strains were aer A positive,8/9 of strains hly A positive,7/9 of strains ahp A positive,respectively.However,the assay for pathogenesis showed that two strains (A.hydrophila XS91-4-1 and C2)were strong virulent,two strains (A.hydrophila ST78-3-3 and 58-20-9)avirulent and the rest middle virulent was to the fish.In conclusion,there are significant correlation between the distribution pattern of the three virulence genes and the pathogenicity to Carrassius auratus ibebio.All strong virulent A.hydrophila strains were aerA+hlyA+ahpA+genotype,and all aerA+hlyA+ahpA+strains were virulent.Strains with the genotype of aerA-hlyA-ahpA+have middle pathogenicity.In the present study,we found for the first time that all A.hydrophila isolated from the ahpA positive were virulent to Carrassius auratus ibebio.Additionally,there was a positive correlation between the virulence of A.hydrophila and the presence of aerA and ahpA.  相似文献   

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