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Abstract Two new species of Ephemera are described, Ephemera supposita Eaton is redescribed, and Rhoenanthus posticus Banks is transferred to Ephemera and redescribed. A key to the imagos of Ephemera from Sri Lanka is included.  相似文献   


Social Scientists’ Association, ETHNICITY AND SOCIAL CHANGE IN SRI LANKA, Karunaratne & Sons, Colombo, 1984, 202 pp., 25 Rs.  相似文献   

Infant mortality in Sri Lanka declined substantially between 1961 and 1980, the reduction being higher during the post-natal period. 3 distinct phases were identified: 1) a declining trend in the face of several fluctuations; 2) a sharp reversal of the trend and then an increase; and 3) a more consistent decline. Between the periods 1961-65 and 1976-80, deaths from exogenous and endogenous causes were reduced considerably and nearly equally. The probabilities of survival increased in every age group, proportionally more in the 1st week of life. There was no evidence that changes in national income or total food supply were factors, but protein calorie availability appeared to affect the rate. Distribution of free supplementary food, increase in public health personnel, more immunization, and a rise in the number of institutional births appeared to have initiated and sustained the more recent decline in infant mortality. Increasing levels of female education also augmented these developments. Further efforts to improve living conditions, access to safe water and flush or water-seal toilets, and motivating women to deliver in institutions and extend their postnatal stay, would probably result in a further decline, as well as general strategies such as integrating public health and medical services and improving health education programs.  相似文献   

Two hundred and ninety-three strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical specimens were tested for enterotoxigenicity by the Optimum Sensitivity Plate (OSP) method. Thirty-nine per cent produced enterotoxins A, B, C, D or E. Enterotoxin B was detected more often than the others. The OSP technique was found to be satisfactory for the detection of enterotoxigenic staphylococci.  相似文献   

Exploring Confrontation: Sri Lanka: Politics, Culture and History. Michael Roberts
"Who Is He, What Is He Doing": Religious Rhetoric and Performances in Sri Lanka during R. Premadasa's Presidency (1989-1993).  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of mortality in Sri Lanka was studied in relation to meteorological variables. Time series data of the total monthly number of deaths in men and women from 1976 to 1980 were analyzed by power spectrum analysis of the fast Fourier transformation method in the areas of Colombo (lowland area, altitude 7 m) and Nuwara-Eliya (highland area, altitude 1890 m), respectively. In the Colombo area, where the mean temperature was always high (mean, 27.5 °C), a seasonal variation in mortality of 6 months was validated by power spectrum analysis with peak times in June and November. These mortality peaks corresponded to those of the amounts of rainfall which also showed an identical predominant period of 6 months. In the Nuwara Eliya area, where the mean temperature was always low at about 15–16 °C, a seasonal variation of approximately 3 months was found in addition to the 6 months' periodicity. The comparison of the power spectrum pattern of mortality with those of meteorological variables suggested that the amount of rainfall was associated with the seasonal variation of mortality in the Nuwara-Eliya area. In conclusion, the seasonality of mortality in Sri Lanka, a typical tropical zone country, was related to seasonal variation in the amount of rainfall, or a humidity factor, but not to mean temperature.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2008,73(1):2-13
We studied the ranging patterns of 10 elephants in and around the Yala protected area complex, southern Sri Lanka, using VHF radio telemetry. All tracked elephants displayed similar ranging patterns. The observed home ranges were small (mean=115.2±64.0 km2) relative to reported home ranges in India, possibly in response to high habitat productivity and abundant perennial water sources. Elephants showed high fidelity to their ranges. Home ranges had relatively large core areas, suggesting intensive use of habitat. No geographically distinct seasonal ranges or migratory behavior was observed. Home range overlap was high, and territoriality was absent. Male musth ranges were considerably larger than non-musth ranges and may signify mate searching. Most elephants ranged both in and outside protected areas, suggesting that resources outside protected areas were important for their survival. Thus, translocating and restricting elephants to protected areas will be detrimental to their survival, as it limits resource access. The ranging patterns of Asian elephants suggest that conservation of the species requires their management both in and outside protected areas.  相似文献   

Anthropologizing Sri Lanka:. Eurocentric Misadventure. Susantha Goonatilake. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001. 306 pp.  相似文献   

An account is given of samples of houseflies taken from various natural populations in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) to investigate the number of evolutionary forms of housefly that may occur on the island. The results are related to the formal taxonomy of the genus Musca.  相似文献   

This article offers a novel interpretation of Sri Lanka's great ceremonial procession for the Buddha, the Asala Perahara. By conceptualizing the name, ‘Asala’ as a chronotope (Bakhtin 1981), and giving emphasis to its authorisation by Buddhist monks, the interpretation reveals that this ritual commemorates the origins of Buddhism in relation to the island of Sri Lanka, thus constituting it as a unique ‘quality space’ (Fernandez 1986) for its Buddhist inhabitants. The interpretation demonstrates that the distinction between mythic time and everyday time, as espoused by Lévi-Strauss (1972) is not only arbitrary, but spurious in this context. Furthermore, contra Seneviratne (1978), it shows that far from being an anachronism in contemporary society, the Asala Perahara in fact enacts its cosmic premise and is politically powerful precisely because it defines reality in religious terms.  相似文献   

During its Malaria Eradication Programme (1958-1964) Sri Lanka spectacularly reduced its malaria incidence from around half a million per year to 17. Regrettably, this magnificent achievement could not be maintained, and malaria once again reached epidemic proportions in some areas. Of particular concern however, has been the emergence of new foci of malaria around the hill capital, Kandy, discussed here by Manel Wijesundera. The new outbreaks seem intimately related to hydrological changes brought about by major irrigation and hydroelectric schemes on the Mahaweli river. The priority for such schemes is not, of course, to flush out the pools where mosquito larvae thrive, but to divert water for irrigation and power generation. In parallel, human migration between malaria endemic and non-endemic areas - stimulated by the resettlement required by the dam reservoirs - has contributed to increased malaria transmission. In a sense therefore, this story is a classic of health impact overlooked in favour of agricultural and industrial development. But whereas most documented cases relate to extensive flooding causing an increase in vector breeding sites and so exacerbating disease transmission, this story is just the opposite. Here, it is reduction in water flow that has promoted an increase in vector breeding.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers for 16 different taxa ofRubiaceae from Sri Lanka are presented. Counts for 13 species, including 5 genera and 1 tribe, are new. The results are listed, compared with available literature data and discussed in regard to their systematical importance.  相似文献   

Sri Lanka is a tropical island with a rich diversity of arthropods, with many species of indigenous natural enemies of economic pests. However, no extensive island wide surveys have been carried out for natural enemies of major crop ecosystems and only a few of the indigenous natural enemies are reported useful for augmentation biological pest control by massive field releases of laboratory-produced insects. Most successful biological control programs on the island are importation (i.e. classical) biological control programs, where established exotic natural enemies control certain pest populations in valuable crops. There is growing interest in the use of native natural enemies in pest management, thus creating a need for intensive research on the ecology of indigenous natural enemies and development of infrastructure and technology to produce natural enemies for augmentation. This paper examines constraints and opportunities for implementation of biological control in Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

Buddhist Fundamentalism and Minority Identities in Sri Lanka. Tessa J. Bartholomeusz and Chandra R. de Silva. eds. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1998. 212 pp.  相似文献   

This essay examines the political uses of photography in the protests of the Tamil families of the disappeared in northern Sri Lanka. Enforced disappearances have long featured as an instrument of state terror. Their lingering effects have been noted as a significant challenge to transitional justice processes in the aftermath of the island's civil war. By examining how protesters make their political demands and grievances known through photography, I explore the tensions between visibility and surveillance. The competing photographies of the protests subvert conceptual understandings of the medium as an ideological tool, but also complicate claims of its capacities for enabling emancipation. Against a backdrop of ethno-nationalist conflict, this mobilization of and through photography serves as a defiant articulation of post-war ‘irreconciliation’. It is further tethered to a global visual vernacular of civilian resistance challenging state atrocity, as well as irreconcilable assertions of nation and state.  相似文献   

Nearly all twin registers are based in developed countries and there is no twin register in the developing world. Our objectives were to initiate the process of establishing a nationwide twin register in Sri Lanka by starting a volunteer register first and working towards a population-based register. Regular newspaper advertisements, feature articles, radio talks, and television programmes were used to publicise a competition for twins, their parents/relatives and friends requesting them to participate by sending in details of twins. The competition ran from 28 March 1997 for a period of 3 months. It offered prizes for three winners selected by drawing lots. Advertisements highlighted the objective of the competition as establishing a twin register for future research and emphasised that informed consent would be obtained for individual research projects. Those who registered comprise 4602 twin pairs (same sex: male--1564, female--1885; different sex--1153), 80 sets of triplets (same sex: male--17, female--31; different sex--42) and two sets of quadruplets (different sex). The oldest twins, triplets, quadruplets are 85, 46, and 5 years old, respectively; 88.0% of twins are less than 30 years old. Although others have previously used media publicity to enrol twins in twin registers, we believe this to be the first time that twins have been enrolled through competition. We have more young twins, and our gender and zygosity proportions after applying Weinburg's rule do not match the proportions expected from a volunteer twin sample. Establishing a twin register for research purposes has proved possible in a developing country.  相似文献   

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