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The macroscopic and microscopic diversity of potential food items available in the nests of plainfin midshipman Porichthys notatus were quantified and compared with items that were found in the stomach and intestine (digestive tract) of the guarding males. In this species, males occur as one of two possible reproductive morphs: guarder males that care for young and sneaker males that parasitize the courtship and care of guarder males. Although it was predicted that guarder males would have fewer feeding opportunities due to their confinement to the nest, they in fact had more food items in their digestive tracts than did sneaker males and females. Date in the breeding season (a proxy of care duration) and body condition were not correlated with the amount of food consumed by guarder males. The main type of food consumed was P. notatus embryos; 69% of all guarder males sampled had cannibalized offspring. By comparing the diet of both sexes and tactics, this study sheds light on some of the strategies designed to cope with the costs of providing parental care.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between plasma steroid hormone levels and the expression ofpaternal behavior in the plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus), where males may simultaneously care for multiple clutches in different stages of development. Blood samples were collected from free-living parental males during that part of the breeding season when males may be found in various stages of parental care. Plasma 11-ketotestosterone levels were significantly higher in males with empty nests and nests containing only eggs than in males with nests containing embryos. All males with nests containing embryos had undetectable testosterone levels, whereas testosterone levels were detectable in many males with empty nests or nests containing only eggs. Estradiol levels were detectable in only a few males from nests with no eggs or nests containing only eggs. Cortisol levels were not correlated with stage of paternal care or with handling time. These results follow the frequently reported vertebrate pattern of declining androgen levels over the course of the breeding season or during the period of parental care. However, many male midshipman guarding nests containing only eggs had androgen levels similar to those of males whose nests contained no offspring. Thus the pattern of androgen levels exhibited by reproductively active parental male midshipman may reflect a compromise between investment in paternal care versus courtship and/or territoriality.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether urea transport mechanisms were present in the gills of the ammoniotelic plainfin midshipman (Porichthys notatus), similar to those recently documented in its ureotelic relative (family Batrachoididae), the gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta). Midshipmen were fitted with internal urinary and caudal artery catheters for repetitive sampling of urine and blood in experiments and radiolabeled urea analogues ([(14)C]-thiourea and [(14)C]-acetamide) were used to evaluate the handling of these substances. Isosmotically balanced infusions of urea were used to raise plasma and urine urea concentrations to levels surpassing physiological levels by 8.5-fold and 6.4-fold, respectively. Despite these high urea levels, there was no observable transport maximum in either renal or branchial urea excretion rate, a result mirrored by the total uptake of fish exposed to a range of environmental urea concentrations. Permeability to urea appeared to be symmetrical in the two directions. At comparable plasma concentrations the branchial clearance rate of acetamide was 74% that of urea while branchial clearance rate of thiourea was 55% that of urea. For influx, the comparable values were 60% and 36%, indicating the same pattern. In contrast, the secretion clearance rate of acetamide by the kidney was 56% that of urea while the rate of thiourea secretion clearance was 137% greater than that of urea, with both urea and thiourea being more concentrated in the urine than in the plasma. In addition, the secretion clearance rates of thiourea and urea were significantly greater than those of water and Cl(-), whereas acetamide, water and Cl(-) were found equally in the plasma and urine, appearing to passively equilibrate between the two fluids. Based on our findings, there appear to be two distinct transport mechanisms involved in urea excretion in the plainfin midshipmen, one in the gill (a facilitated diffusion type transporter) and one in the kidney (an active transport mechanism), each of which does not saturate even at plasma urea concentrations that greatly exceed physiological levels. These transporters appear to be similar to those in the midshipman's ureotelic relative, the gulf toadfish.  相似文献   

Morphometric changes in body condition, liver, sonic muscle and gonadal development associated with the annual reproductive cycle and behaviour of the intertidal-nesting male plainfin midshipman Porichthys notatus were investigated. Body condition of type I males rapidly increased during the pre-nesting (PN) period, peaked at the beginning of the summer nesting cycle and then gradually declined to lowest levels during the non-reproductive (NR) period. The gonado-somatic index of type I males peaked during PN and then declined during the summer nesting cycle to lowest levels at the end of the nest cycle and during NR. Indices of sonic muscle and liver of type I males were lowest during NR, gradually increased during PN and then peaked during the summer nesting cycle. Results indicate that body condition and fecundity of type I males were positively correlated with body mass at the end of the nest cycle. These findings as they relate to the annual reproductive cycle and behaviour of the type I male P. notatus are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(11):1490-1505
Sperm competition is a powerful postcopulatory selective force influencing male adaptations associated with increasing fertilization success, and it is usually related to the evolution of different strategies of ejaculate expenditure between individuals. Ejaculates may also be influenced by additional selective pressures associated with sperm competition, such as timing between insemination and fertilization, female reproductive tract morphology, and fertilization environment. Also, males that adopt alternative mating tactics may face distinct sperm competition pressures, which may lead to the evolution of intraspecific diversity in ejaculates. In loliginid squids, males with alternative reproductive tactics (sneakers and consorts) differ not only in mating behavior, but also transfer spermatophores into two distinct sites within the female. Here, we compared structure and functioning of spermatophores between sneakers and consorts in the squid Doryteuthis plei applying microscopy techniques and in vitro experiments. Sneakers and consorts exhibit differences in spermatophore structure that lead to distinct spermatophoric reactions and spermatangium morphologies. Moreover, in sneakers, sperm release lasts longer and their sperm show an aggregative behavior not detected in consorts. Slow sperm release may be a strategy to guarantee longer sperm provision, given the wide interval between sneaker mating and egg release. For consorts, in turn, intense and quick sperm discharge may be advantageous, as timing between mating and egg‐laying is relatively short. Within the complex squid mating system, factors such as (i) different fertilization sites and (ii) interval between mating and egg release may also influence sperm competition, and ultimately shape the evolution of divergent ejaculates between dimorphic males.  相似文献   

Sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka sperm maintained high fertility for 10 s after being exposed to water but fertility dropped sharply after that. Eggs also showed limited longevity after being immersed in water, with a large drop in fertility occurring after 20 s of exposure to water. The association between eggs and sperm occurs very rapidly. 80% fertilization success was achieved with 5 s of sperm-egg mixing and c. 25% was achieved with <0·5 s of sperm-egg mixing. Sperm from different male age classes differed little in motility and did not differ at all in their propensity to fertilize eggs. The results have important implications for mate choice and sperm competition.  相似文献   

An important predictor of male fitness is the fertilizing efficiency of their ejaculates. Ejaculates are costly to produce and males are predicted to devote greater resources to copulations with reproductively superior females. It is well established that males allocate different numbers of sperm to ejaculates. However, less is known about how males adjust their sperm quality, which has important implications for our understanding of fertilization and the evolution of sexual strategies. Here we test in the fowl, Gallus gallus, whether males adjust their sperm velocity by differentially allocating seminal fluid to copulations with attractive and unattractive females. To disentangle the contributions of sperm and seminal fluid to sperm velocity, we separated and remixed sperm and seminal fluid from ejaculates allocated to females of different attractiveness. We show that dominant males increase the velocity of the sperm they invest in more attractive females by allocating larger ejaculates that contain seminal fluid that increases sperm velocity. Furthermore, we find weak evidence that males also allocate sperm with higher velocity, irrespective of seminal fluid, to more attractive females.  相似文献   

Smith CC  Ryan MJ 《Biology letters》2011,7(5):733-735
In species with alternative reproductive tactics, males that sneak copulations often have larger, higher quality ejaculates relative to males that defend females or nest sites. Ejaculate traits can, however, exhibit substantial phenotypic plasticity depending on a male's mating role in sperm competition, which may depend on the tactic of his competitor. We tested whether exposure to males of different tactics affected sperm number and quality in the swordtail Xipophorus nigrensis, a species with small males that sneak copulations and large males that court females. Sperm swimming speed was higher when the perceived competitor was small than when the competitor was large. Plasticity, however, was only exhibited by small males. Sperm number and viability were invariant between social environments. Our results suggest sperm quality is role-dependent and that plastic responses to the social environment can differ between male reproductive tactics.  相似文献   

The relationship between reproductive morphology and reproductive tactics was examined in Scartella cristata , a combtooth blenny, which exhibits three behaviourally distinct mature male types: nesters, big males that care for eggs; hole-dwellers, medium-sized, non-reproducing males that are site-attached to a hole; sneakers, small, vagrant males that release sperm in the nests of the big males. The anal fin gland was a densely folded, mucous-secreting structure probably involved in pheromone synthesis. It was relatively larger in nesters than hole-dwellers, and altogether rudimentary in sneakers. Sneakers invested more in sperm production than nesters or hole-dwellers, suggesting adaptation to sperm competition. Approximately half of the testes of nesters and hole-dwellers was comprised of a highly developed efferent duct system or 'testicular gland', but this was extremely reduced in sneakers. In nesters the gland was characterized by many large vacuoles. A pair of secretory blind pouches was present in nesters and hole-dwellers, but barely visible in sneakers. In nesters, the sperm duct walls were thickened and highly secretory containing sperm dispersed in a granular matrix. In sneakers they were thin-walled and packed with concentrated sperm. Such differences probably represent different priorities for sperm production in relation to sperm competition and sperm economy. Thus it appears the accessory structures are traits developed specifically for a nesting tactic, whereas the gonad of sneakers is simply organized to produce as much sperm as possible.  相似文献   

The nested one-male units (OMUs) of the hamadryas baboon are part of a complex social system in which "leader" males achieve near exclusive mating access by forcibly herding females into permanent consortships. Within this multi-level social system (troops, bands, clans and OMUs) are two types of prereproductive males--the follower and solitary male--whose different trajectories converge on the leader role. Here we compare OMU formation strategies of followers, who associate with a particular OMU and may have social access to females, with those of solitary males, who move freely within the band and do not associate regularly with OMUs. Data were derived from 42 OMU formations (16 by followers and 26 by solitary males) occurring over 8 years in a hamadryas baboon band at the Filoha site in Ethiopia. "Initial units" (IUs) with sexually immature females (IU strategy) were formed by 44% of followers and 46% of solitary males. The remaining followers took over mature females when their leader was deposed (challenge strategy) or disappeared (opportunistic strategy), or via a seemingly peaceful transfer (inheritance strategy). Solitary males took over mature females from other clans and bands, but mainly from old, injured or vanished leaders within their clan (via both the challenge and opportunistic strategies). Former followers of an OMU were more successful at taking over females from those OMUs than any other category of male. Despite this advantage enjoyed by ex-follower leaders, ex-solitary leaders were equally capable of increasing their OMU size at a comparable rate in their first 2 years as a leader. These results demonstrate the potential for males to employ both multiple roles (follower vs. solitary male) and multiple routes (IU, inheritance, challenge, opportunistic) to acquire females and become a leader male in a mating system characterized by female defense polygyny in a competitive arena.  相似文献   

A kinetic analysis of [3H]-5-HT uptake in the photocytes of the photophores of Porichthys notatus revealed a high affinity (Km: 1.71 X 10(-7] and low affinity component (Km: 1.10 X 10(-5) M). The high affinity uptake was sodium- and potassium-dependent but largely insensitive to temperatures between 0 and 20 C. Ouabain (5 X 10(-3) M) and dinitrophenol (10(-3) M) reduced uptake significantly. DMI, imipramine and fluoxetine, in that order of potency, greatly inhibited [3H]-5-HT uptake. Noradrenaline and adrenaline reduced uptake in a non-competitive manner, while dopamine, tryptophan, 5-hydroxytryptophan and Cypridina luciferin had little or not effect on uptake. Non-facilitated luminescent responses to electrical stimulation were accompanied by release of [3H]-5-HT accumulated in the photocytes. Facilitatory luminescence excitation consistently failed to induce the release of [3H]-5-HT. Electrical and adrenaline (10(-5) M) stimulation of photophores after [3H]-5-HT release has occurred, failed to elicit any additional luminescent response. The photophores were responsive to KCN (10(-3) M) under these conditions. The results indicate that a specific carrier-mediated transport system is responsible for photocytic [3H]-5-HT uptake, and that release of photocytic [3H]-5-HT is stringently regulated and followed by inhibition of luminescence excitability.  相似文献   

To test if an increased sperm competition risk affects malebehavior and mating decisions of both sexes, we performed twoexperiments using the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus, a nest-buildingfish with exclusive paternal care. In our first experiment,a nest-holding male, with a confined female, was sequentiallyexposed to a vial with a sneaker male or an empty vial. Whilemale courtship, nest building, displacement fanning, and timeoutside the nest were unaffected, individual males showed ahigher mucus preparation effort inside the nest in the presenceof a sneaker male than when alone. We found such mucus to containsperm, thus clearly suggesting an importance in sperm competition.In our second experiment, a female was free to spawn with twodifferent males, one of which was exposed to a confined sneakermale. Male mating success was not affected by the presence ofa sneaker male. However, the volume of sand the male had puton his nest was positively associated with female spawning decision,while nest-opening width was not. In a partial correlation offive traits thought to attract females (nest-opening width,sand volume, male courtship display, displacement fanning, andmale size), males that fanned well were found to also buildlarge nests or display intensely, but not both. This indicatesthat rather than being jacks-of-all-trades, individual malesfocus on a subset of traits for attracting females.  相似文献   

This study aims to illustrate potential transport mechanisms behind the divergent approaches to nitrogen excretion seen in the ureotelic toadfish (Opsanus beta) and the ammoniotelic plainfin midshipman (Porichthys notatus). Specifically, we wish to confirm the expression of a urea transporter (UT), which is found in the gill of the toadfish and which is responsible for the unique “pulsing” nature of urea excretion and to localize the transporter within specific gill cells and at specific cellular locations. Additionally, the localization of ammonia transporters (Rhesus glycoproteins; Rhs) within the gill of both the toadfish and midshipman was explored. Toadfish UT (tUT) was found within Na+-K+-ATPase (NKA)-enriched cells, i.e., ionocytes (probably mitochondria-rich cells), especially along the basolateral membrane and potentially on the apical membrane. In contrast, midshipman UT (pnUT) immunoreactivity did not colocalize with NKA immunoreactivity and was not found along the filaments but instead within the lamellae. The cellular location of Rh proteins was also dissimilar between the two fish species. In toadfish gills, the Rh isoform Rhcg1 was expressed in both NKA-reactive cells and non-reactive cells, whereas Rhbg and Rhcg2 were only expressed in the latter. In contrast, Rhbg, Rhcg1 and Rhcg2 were expressed in both NKA-reactive and non-reactive cells of midshipman gills. In an additional transport epithelium, namely the intestine, the expression of both UTs and Rhs was similar between the two species, with only subtle differences being observed.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(11):1458-1468
The plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus , is a nocturnal marine teleost that uses social acoustic signals for communication during the breeding season. Nesting type I males produce multiharmonic advertisement calls by contracting their swim bladder sonic muscles to attract females for courtship and spawning while subsequently attracting cuckholding type II males. Here, we report intra‐ and intersexual dimorphisms of the swim bladder in a vocal teleost fish and detail the swim bladder dimorphisms in the three sexual phenotypes (females, type I and II males) of plainfin midshipman fish. Micro‐computerized tomography revealed that females and type II males have prominent, horn‐like rostral swim bladder extensions that project toward the inner ear end organs (saccule, lagena, and utricle). The rostral swim bladder extensions were longer, and the distance between these swim bladder extensions and each inner‐ear end organ type was significantly shorter in both females and type II males compared to that in type I males. Our results revealed that the normalized swim bladder length of females and type II males was longer than that in type I males while there was no difference in normalized swim bladder width among the three sexual phenotypes. We predict that these intrasexual and intersexual differences in swim bladder morphology among midshipman sexual phenotypes will afford greater sound pressure sensitivity and higher frequency detection in females and type II males and facilitate the detection and localization of conspecifics in shallow water environments, like those in which midshipman breed and nest.  相似文献   

The morphology of the genital apparatus of two batrachoid species, Opsanus tau and Porichthys notatus , was studied. The anatomical organization of the female reproductive apparatus is similar in both species but differences are observed in the rhythm of gametogenesis with individual oocyte production asynchronous in O. tau and group synchronous in P. notatus. The male reproductive apparatus is similarly organized in the two species, with both showing enlongated testes with an efferent duct system, two main testicular ducts, a common sperm duct, and a pair of multi-channel accessory structures. The sperm transport system consisting of the efferent duct system, main testicular ducts, and sperm duct is more developed in P. notatus and only in this species does it secrete sialoglycoproteins. Male accessory organs also secrete sialoglycoprotein in both species, but they appear more developed in O. tau. Intraspecific variability in development of accessory structures and mucin secretion was also observed between the two male morphs of P. notatus. Type I males, which build nests and perform parental care to eggs and fry, have larger accessory organs and more abundant secretion than type II males, which adopt opportunistic spawning tactics. The possible role played by mucins as components of the seminal fluid, in both species, and their inter-and intraspecific variability are discussed in the light of the reproductive biology and the presence of alternative male mating tactics.  相似文献   

Sneaking is common in nest-building fish with paternal care,but the role of nest-opening size in protecting against entryby sneaker males has never been tested before. Using the sandgoby (Pomatoschistus minutus), a fish with exclusive paternalcare, experimental manipulations of nest openings provided nosupport for the hypothesis that nest openings serve as physicalor visual defense or that sneaker males prefer to parasitizenests with wide openings. Female mating preference was alsonot influenced by nest-opening size. However, female courtshipbehavior and visibility were important cues for sneaker males.Most sneak entries occurred when the nest holder was occupiedwith courtship, chasing another sneaker male or nest building.In half the cases of observed sneak entry, the sneaker malefertilized eggs, also when sneaking only occurred before spawning.Sneak entry and its duration were good estimates of stolen paternity,but neither sneak entries nor degree of fertilizations werecorrelated with filial cannibalistic behavior. Testes size didnot explain parasitic spawning success in replicates with geneticallydetermined sneaking. However, all sneaker males without breedingcoloration had huge testes and small sperm duct glands, whereasnest-holding males had small testes and large sperm duct glands,and sneaker males with breeding coloration were intermediate.  相似文献   

l. A kinetic analysis of [3H]noradrenaline ([3H]NA) and [3H]adrenaline ([3H]A) uptake in the photophores of Porichthys notatus revealed high (uptake,) and low affinity (uptake2) components for both [3H]catecholamines at molarities of incubation between 10−8 and 10−5M.2. Uptake1 for [3H]NA displayed a greater capacity than that for [3H]A. With [3H]NA, the contribution of uptake2 to the overall uptake was small or insignificant at all but the highest concentration in the medium, whereas uptake2 of [3H]A was relatively more substantial.3. Uptake, for either [3H]NA or [3H]A was temperature-, ouabain- and dinitrophenol-sensitive, as well as highly sodium- and potassium-dependent. Uptake1 for [3h]a was significantly more affected by calcium omission than that for [3H]NA.4. Uptake, for both [3H]NA and [3h]a was comparably reduced by DMI, imipramine, dopamine and the converse, non-radioactive catecholamine. Serotonin reduced the accumulation of the two catecholamines to an extent that was directly ([3h]na) or inversely ([3h]a) proportional to its concentration. The adrenergic antagonists propranolol and phentolamine showed selectivity against uptake1 for [3H]NA and [3h]a, respectively.5. These and previous radioautographic results indicate that there are functionally distinct, differentially distributed, carrier-mediated, high-affinity transport systems for NA and A in the photophores of Porichthys.  相似文献   

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