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Unicapsula seriolae n. sp. forms long plasmodia within the striated muscle fibers of Seriola lalandi off eastern Australia. Its spores are composed of three valves, only one of which contains a developed polar capsule. Within the capsule, the filament makes 2 1/2–3 turns, and this criterion can be used to separate U. seriolae from the two other members of the genus. The flesh of infected fish disintegrates during slow cooking.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic change in the visual acuity of Seriola lalandi larvae was measured using both behavioural and anatomical techniques. Visual acuity improved over early development (day 4 to day 7 post-hatch), although for all three larval ages examined estimates of anatomical acuity were consistently lower (higher acuity) than estimates of behavioural acuity. At hatching the eyes of larval kingfish were characterized by an undifferentiated retina surrounding a spherical lens, by day 4 post-hatch the eyes appeared to be functional, the retina was fully pigmented and the optic nerve had made contact with the optic tectum. Analysis of prey search behaviour indicated that larvae employ a saltatory type search behaviour in which brief stationary periods are interspersed with repositioning movements. The mean reactive angle increased between day 4 and day 7 post-hatch indicating that the horizontal visual field was expanding with development, thereby increasing the search area of larvae. Pre-strike distances of early larvae were substantially less than one body length, being constantly around a 1/3 of a body length for all larval ages examined.  相似文献   

The mechanism of stereospecific production of l-amino acids from the corresponding 5-substituted hydantoins by Bacillus brevis AJ-12299 was studied. The enzymes involved in the reaction were partially purified by DEAE-Toyopearl 650M column chromatography and their properties were investigated. The conversion of dl-5-substituted hydantoins to the corresponding l-amino acids consisted of the following two successive reactions. The first step was the ring-opening hydrolysis to N-carbamoyl amino acids catalyzed by an ATP dependent l-5-substituted hydantoin hydrolase. This reaction was stereospecific and the N-carbamoyl amino acid produced was exclusively the l-form. N-Carbamoyl-l-amino acid was also produced from the d-form of 5-substituted hydantoin, which suggests that spontaneous racemization occurred in the reaction mixture. In the second step, N-carbamoyl-l-amino acid was hydrolyzed to l-amino acid by an N-carbamoyl-l-amino acid hydrolase, which was also an l-specific enzyme. The ATP dependency of the l-5-substituted hydantoin hydrolase was supposed to be the limiting factor in the production of l-amino acids from the corresponding 5-substituted hydantoins by this bacterium.  相似文献   

The monogenean Benedenia seriolae (Yamaguti, 1934) Meserve, 1938 is a major pathogen of farmed yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi in South Australia. To control parasite populations in commercial farms, an understanding of the effect of water temperature on parasite development is vital. This study investigated the effect of water temperature (14, 18, 22 and 26 +/- 0.5 degrees C) on development, growth rates and age at sexual maturity of B. seriolae. Five distinct developmental stages, defined by the progressive development of reproductive organs, were used to describe development of B. seriolae from recently invaded larvae to sexually mature adults. Parasite age at the first sign of sexual maturity (ability to lay eggs) was strongly influenced by water temperature and was attained at 41, 24, 16 and 14 d post infection (p.i.) at 14, 18, 22 and 26 +/- 0.5 degrees C respectively. Four parameters (parasite total length, maximum parasite width, accessory sclerite length and anterior hamulus length) were examined for suitability as an index of parasite age. Growth rates for each parameter increased with water temperature; however, mean anterior hamulus length was identified as the most reliable index of parasite age. Equations derived from these data can be used to estimate parasite age and time to sexual maturity at water temperatures ranging from 14 to 26 degrees C. The equations provide a simple tool to assist implementation of strategic treatment plans for B. seriolae infections in commercial kingfish farms, not only in South Australia but in other localities worldwide where S. lalandi is farmed.  相似文献   

Yellowtail kingfish, Seriola lalandi support significant commercial and recreational fisheries as well as aquaculture operations throughout the world. Metazoan parasite infections of S. lalandi are of considerable economic and ecological importance, yet very little is known about wild parasite assemblages. S. lalandi were collected from the east coast and south coast of Australia and examined for metazoan parasites. Forty-three parasite taxa were identified, including 26 new host records. Four of the parasite species recovered have been previously associated with disease or mortality in Seriola aquaculture. Comparisons are made between ectoparasite and endoparasite prevalence and intensity of S. lalandi from New South Wales and Victoria. S. lalandi sampled from the east coast of Australia shared ectoparasites previously documented from this species in New Zealand, providing support that S. lalandi in the Tasman Sea comprise a single stock. Based on previously used criteria to evaluate the suitability of parasites as biological tags, the monogenean Paramicrocotyloides reticularis Rohde and the copepod Parabrachiella seriolae Yamaguti and Yamasu may be potentially useful for stock discrimination.  相似文献   

Oral praziquantel (PZQ) preparations have recently been investigated for the treatment of monogeneans that infect the skin and gills of kingfish Seriola lalandi cultured in sea-cages. To evaluate an oral PZQ dosing strategy, the pharmacokinetics of a dissolved and in feed oral PZQ preparation (40 mg kg(-1) body weight) were compared with an intravenous bolus in kingfish plasma and skin using HPLC. Compared with intravenous administration, PZQ bioavailability (area under curve, AUC0-24h) was slightly improved when the drug was administered with food in both kingfish plasma (56.8% in feed vs. 50.8% in solution) and skin (55.5% in feed vs. 50.3% in solution). After oral dosing, maximum drug concentrations in skin were approximately one-third of those achieved in plasma and higher when the drug was administered in solution (5.26 microg ml(-1)) than in feed (3.96 microg ml(-1)); additionally, the time to achieve maximum PZQ concentration was similar in plasma and skin, although markedly reduced when the drug was administered in solution (1 h) than in feed (6 h). However, clearance of the drug was delayed in skin; administered as an oral formulation, PZQ concentrations in the systemic circulation fell below the limit of quantification after 24 h, but remained quantifiable (0.3 microg g(-1)) in skin at this time. These initial studies indicate that a daily treatment interval will lead to the exposure of parasites to highly variable anthelmintic concentrations, which may be sub-optimal for the treatment of monogeneans in this finfish species.  相似文献   

Six strains of multidrug-resistant Stenotrophomonas maltophilia were isolated from cultured yellowtail. The strains were divided into two clusters based on the 16S rRNA genes, and all of them contained L1 metallo-β-lactamase and L2 β-lactamase genes. Differences in the intercluster divergence between the lactamase genes suggest that horizontal transfer of the genes occurred.  相似文献   

We investigated the efficacy of praziquantel (PZQ) administered orally to yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi in sea-cage aquaculture in South Australia) against the monogeneans Zeuxapta seriolae and Benedenia seriolae infesting gills and skin, respectively. PZQ was administered to fish by surface-coating feed pellets (Trial 1) or by direct intubation of the stomach (Trial 2). In both trials 4 daily doses were administered: 50 and 75 mg kg(-1) body weight (BW) d(-1) for 6 d, and 100 and 150 mg kg(-1) BW d(-1) for 3 d. Mean parasite intensity was compared between medicated fish and unmedicated control fish. In Trial 1, fish fed lower daily doses of PZQ for 6 d (50 and 75 mg kg(-1) BW d(-1)) had fewer Z. seriolae and B. seriolae than fish fed higher daily doses for 3 d (100 and 150 mg kg(-1) BW d(-1)). Fish rejected feed pellets surface-coated with PZQ, suggesting PZQ affected palatability of feed, and may explain differences in efficacy between treatments. In Trial 2, where PZQ was administered by intubation, there were fewer Z. seriolae and B. seriolae in medicated fish than control fish. Intubated PZQ was also effective against newly recruited Z. seriolae and B. seriolae. PZQ could be developed as a useful treatment for Z. seriolae and B. seriolae parasitising S. lalandi in sea-cage aquaculture if suspected palatability problems are resolved.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of larval body density and the morphological and histological events during swimbladder development were investigated in two cohorts of yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi larvae to understand the relationship between larval morphology and body density. Larvae <3 days post hatch (dph) were positively buoyant with a mean ± s.d . body density of 1·023 ± 0·001 g cm?3. Histological evidence demonstrated that S. lalandi larvae are initially transient physostomes with the primordial swimbladder derived from the evagination of the gut ventral to the notochord and seen at 2 dph. A pneumatic duct connected the swimbladder to the oesophagus, but degenerated after 5 dph. Initial swimbladder (SB) inflation occurred on 3 dph, and the inflation window was 3–5 dph when the pneumatic duct was still connected to the gut. The swimbladder volume increased with larval age and the epithelial lining on the swimbladder became flattened squamous cells after initial inflation. Seriola lalandi developed into a physoclist with the formation of the rete mirabile and the gas‐secreting gland comprised low‐columnar epithelial cells. Larvae with successfully inflated swimbladders remained positively buoyant, whereas larvae without SB inflation became negatively buoyant and their body density gradually reached 1·030 ± 0·001 g cm?3 by 10 dph. Diel density changes were observed after 5 dph, owing to day time deflation and night‐time inflation of the swimbladder. These results show that SB inflation has a direct effect on body density in larval S. lalandi and environmental factors should be further investigated to enhance the rate of SB inflation to prevent the sinking death syndrome in the early life stage of the fish larvae.  相似文献   

The marine carnivore yellowtail kingfish (YTK, Seriola lalandi) was fed diets containing 5% residual fish oil (from the dietary fish meal) plus either 20% fish oil (FO), 20% canola oil (CO), 20% poultry oil (PO), 10% fish oil plus 10% canola oil (FO/CO) or 10% fish oil plus 10% poultry oil (FO/PO) and the effects on fish growth and hepatic expression of two glutathione peroxidase (GPx 1 and GPx 4) and two peroxiredoxin (Prx 1 and Prx 4) antioxidant genes were investigated. Partial (50%) replacement of the added dietary fish oil with poultry oil significantly improved fish growth whereas 100% replacement with canola oil significantly depressed fish growth. The fatty acid profiles of the fish fillets generally reflected those of the dietary oils except that there was apparent selective utilization of palmitic acid (16:0) and oleic acid (18:1n-9) and apparent selective retention of eicospentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3). The Prx 1 and 4 genes were expressed at 10- and 100-fold the level of the GPx 4 and 1 genes, respectively, and at one-tenth the level of the highly expressed β-actin reference gene. Dietary fish oil replacement with canola oil significantly up-regulated GPx 1 gene expression and there was a non-significant tendency towards down-regulation of Prx 1 and Prx 4. The results are discussed in terms of the effects of fish oil replacement on the peroxidation index of the diets and the resulting effects on the target antioxidant enzymes.  相似文献   

Globally, aquaculture industries involved with commercial culture of kingfish (Seriola spp.) experience outbreaks of monogenean parasites, which can cause heavy stock losses. In Australia and New Zealand, aquaculturists of kingfish Seriola lalandi incur financial losses caused by two monogenean species: Benedenia seriolae and Zeuxapta seriolae which parasitise the skin and gills, respectively. This study provides information on some basic temperature-dependent life-cycle parameters of these problematic monogeneans on S. lalandi. Hatching times and age at maturity were inversely related to water temperature within the range experienced by wild kingfish in New Zealand (13-21 degrees C). Mature B. seriolae in vitro laid on average 37 eggs/day that hatched over approximately 4 days; peak hatching occurred 9, 11 and 22 days post-deposition at temperatures of 21, 17.5 and 13+/-1.0 degrees C, respectively. Z. seriolae in vitro laid on average 246 eggs/day that hatched over 2 days; peak hatching occurred 7, 9 and 15 days post-deposition at these respective temperatures. B. seriolae matured within 20, 25 and 48 days p.i. at 21, 18 and 13 degrees C. Z. seriolae matured within 25, 37 and >52 days p.i. at the same temperatures. This research describes stages in the reproductive development of B. seriolae and Z. seriolae and discusses the inclusion of basic parasitic life-cycle parameters into management strategies designed to maximise treatment efficacy and limit monogenean epizootics in sea-cage kingfish culture.  相似文献   

Benedenia infections caused by the monogenean fluke ectoparasite Benedenia seriolae seriously impact marine finfish aquaculture. Genetic variation has been inferred to play a significant role in determining the susceptibility to this parasitic disease. To evaluate the genetic basis of Benedenia disease resistance in yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata), a genome-wide and chromosome-wide linkage analyses were initiated using F1 yellowtail families (n = 90 per family) based on a high-density linkage map with 860 microsatellite and 142 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. Two major quantitative trait loci (QTL) regions on linkage groups Squ2 (BDR-1) and Squ20 (BDR-2) were identified. These QTL regions explained 32.9–35.5% of the phenotypic variance. On the other hand, we investigated the relationship between QTL for susceptibility to B. seriolae and QTL for fish body size. The QTL related to growth was found on another linkage group (Squ7). As a result, this is the first genetic evidence that contributes to detailing phenotypic resistance to Benedenia disease, and the results will help resolve the mechanism of resistance to this important parasitic infection of yellowtail.  相似文献   

Changes in impedance at 2 kHz, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) content, and muscle contraction were evaluated in yellowtail during 0 (ice), 5, 10, 15, and 20°C storage. Histological changes during ice storage were also measured. At any temperature, although impedance increased with both rigor mortis and ATP consumption during early storage, it began to decrease rapidly when ATP was almost depleted. Moreover, temporarily increasing impedance had a strong relationship with ATP content; decreasing impedance had a significant correlation with storage temperature after ATP depletion. Furthermore, impedance increased with narrowing of intercellular spaces when sarcolemma was intact and decreased with expansion of intercellular spaces when sarcolemma was leaky. Meanwhile, changes of sarcolemma and intercellular spaces were accompanied by ATP change. Thus, ATP is one significant physiological factor for impedance change, and temperature greatly influenced impedance after depletion of ATP. Results suggest that impedance analysis can be used as a convenient and nondestructive method to diagnose condition of tissue at different storage temperatures. Bioelectromagnetics. 2019;40:488–497. © 2019 Bioelectromagnetics Society  相似文献   

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