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Wild flowers in the South of Spain were screened for Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium. Enterococci were frequently associated with prickypear and fieldpoppy flowers. Forty-six isolates, from 8 different flower species, were identified as E. faecalis (28 isolates) or E. faecium (18 isolates) and clustered in well-defined groups by ERIC-PCR fingerprinting. A high incidence of antibiotic resistance was detected among the E. faecalis isolates, especially to quinupristin/dalfopristin (75%), rifampicin (68%) and ciprofloxacin (57%), and to a lesser extent to levofloxacin (35.7%), erythromycin (28.5%), tetracycline (3.5%), chloramphenicol (3.5%) and streptomycin (3.5%). Similar results were observed for E. faecium isolates, except for a higher incidence of resistance to tetracycline (17%) and lower to erythromycin (11%) or quinupristin/dalfopristin (22%). Vancomycin or teicoplanin resistances were not detected. Most isolates (especially E. faecalis) were proteolytic and carried the gelatinase gene gelE. Genes encoding other potential virulence factors (ace, efaA fs, ccf and cpd) were frequently detected. Cytolysin genes were mainly detected in a few haemolytic E. faecium isolates, three of which also carried the collagen adhesin acm gene. Hyaluronidase gene (hyl Efm ) was detected in two isolates. Many isolates produced bacteriocins and carried genes for enterocins A, B, and L50 mainly. The similarities found between enterococci from wild flowers and those from animal and food sources raise new questions about the puzzling lifestyle of these commensals and opportunistic pathogens.  相似文献   

Enterococcus faecalis dihydroorotate dehydrogenase B is a heterodimer of 28 and 33 kDa encoded by the pyrK and pyrDb genes. Both subunits copurify during all chromatographic steps, and, as determined by HPLC, one FMN and one FAD are bound per heterodimer. The enzyme catalyzes efficient oxidation of 4-S-NADH by orotate. Isotope effect and pH data suggest that reduction of flavin by NADH at the PyrK site is only partially rate limiting with no kinetically significant proton transfer occurring in the reductive half-reaction; therefore, a group exhibiting a pK of 5.7 +/- 0.2 represents a residue involved in binding of NADH rather than in catalysis. The reducing equivalents are shuttled between the NADH-oxidizing flavin in PyrK and the orotate-reacting flavin in PyrDb, by iron-sulfur centers through flavin semiquinones as intermediates. A solvent kinetic isotope effect of 2.5 +/- 0.2 on V is indicative of rate-limiting protonation in the oxidative half-reaction and most likely reflects the interaction between the isoalloxazine N1 of the orotate-reducing flavin and Lys 168 (by analogy with L. lactis DHODase A). The oxidative half-reaction is facilitated by deprotonation of the group(s) with pK(s) of 5.8-6.3 and reflects either deprotonation of the reduced flavin or binding of orotate; this step is followed by hydride transfer to C6 and general acid-assisted protonation (pK of 9.1 +/- 0.2) at C5 of the product.  相似文献   

Given their large movement capacities, migratory birds have in principle a wide range of possible geographical locations for their breeding and non‐breeding destinations, yet each species migrates between consistent breeding and non‐breeding ranges. In this study, we use a macroecological approach to search for the general factors explaining the location of the seasonal ranges of migratory bird species across the globe. We develop a null model to test the hypotheses that access to resources, geographical distance, tracking of temperature, and habitat conditions (separately as well as considered together) have a major influence in the location of species’ migratory destinations, once each species’ geographical constraints are taken into account. Our results provide evidence for a trade‐off between costs associated with distance travelled and gains in terms of better access to resources. We also provide strong support to the hypotheses that all factors tested, with the exception of habitat, have a strong and additive effect on the global geography of bird migration. Indeed, our results indicate that species’ contemporary migratory destinations (i.e. the combination of their breeding and non‐breeding ranges) are such that they allow species to track a temperature regime throughout the year, to escape local competition and reach areas with better access to resources, and to minimise the spatial distance travelled, within the limitations imposed by the geographical location of each species. Our study thus sheds light on the mechanisms underpinning bird migration and provides a strong basis for predicting how migratory species will respond to future change.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) has been widely used in phylogenetics and molecular evolution as a parameter, due to its simple genetic structure, high evolutionary rate, and compositional heterogeneity properties. Alpheidae is a large and highly diverse family of the Caridea infraorder, currently containing about 600 species dispersed all over the world. However, only a few shrimps in Alpheidae have their complete mitogenome annotated in GenBank. In our study, the entire mitogenomes of two shrimps from Alpheidae were determined, Alpheus randalli and Alpheus bellulus. The mitogenomes of both shrimps share the complete set of 37 mitochondrial genes found in other Alpheidae species. In A. randalli the AT-skew is slightly positive and GC-skew is negative, whereas in A. bellulus the AT-skew is negative and GC-skew is slightly positive. Furthermore, the secondary structures of trnS1 in the two shrimps are partially missing, and another three tRNAs formed the typical cloverleaf shaped secondary structures. Also, the trnS1 of A. randalli has an unusual anticodon stem with some unpaired nucleotides. Comparative genomic analysis suggests that the mitochondrial gene order of Alpheus genus exhibits a different gene rearrangement compared with that of Caridea. Most species in Alpheus share the same gene order, except for A. lobidens, which has an additional pseudogenomic trnQ (trnQ*). Compared with the mitochondrial gene order of Caridea the Alpheus trnE underwent both translocation and inversion, which were caused by a recombination event. Bayesian inferences (BI) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) phylogenetic analyses of 105 species amino acid datasets resulted in a well-supported topology, whereas four families in Caridea are monophyletic and can be divided into two major clades. Moreover, we demonstrated the phylogenetic relationships of six infraorders in Decapoda (Dendrobranchiata, (Caridea, (Stenopodidea, (Achelata, (Polychelida, Astacidea))))). This study used the large taxon sampling available to date for phylomitogenomic analysis. The results provide a theoretical basis for further research on the evolution of the Decapoda order, specifically Caridea infraorder.  相似文献   



Non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons have contributed to shaping the structure and function of genomes. In silico and experimental approaches have been used to identify the non-LTR elements of the urochordate Ciona intestinalis. Knowledge of the types and abundance of non-LTR elements in urochordates is a key step in understanding their contribution to the structure and function of vertebrate genomes.  相似文献   

Few information is available about the tyraminogenic potential of the species Enterococcus mundtii. In this study, two plant‐derived strains of E. mundtii were selected and investigated to better understand the phenotypic behaviour and the genetic mechanisms involved in tyramine accumulation. Both the strains accumulated tyramine from the beginning of exponential phase of growth, independently on the addition of tyrosine to the medium. The strains accumulated also 2‐phenylethylamine, although with lower efficiency and in greater extent when tyrosine was not added. Accordingly, the tyrosine decarboxylase (tyrDC) gene expression level increased during the exponential phase with tyrosine added, while it remained constant and high without precursor. The genetic organization as well as sequence identity levels of tyrDC and tyrosine permease (tyrP) genes indicated a correlation with those of phylogenetically closer enterococcal species, such as E. faecium, E. hirae and E. durans; however, the gene Na+/H+ antiporter (nhaC) that usually follow tyrP is missing. In addition, BLAST analysis revealed the presence of additional genes encoding for decarboxylase and permease in the genome of several E. mundtii strains. It is speculated the occurrence of a duplication event and the acquisition of different specificity for these enzymes that deserves further investigations.  相似文献   

Natural isolates of Burkholderia pseudomallei (Bp), the causative agent of melioidosis, can exhibit significant ecological flexibility that is likely reflective of a dynamic genome. Using whole-genome Bp microarrays, we examined patterns of gene presence and absence across 94 South East Asian strains isolated from a variety of clinical, environmental, or animal sources. 86% of the Bp K96243 reference genome was common to all the strains representing the Bp "core genome", comprising genes largely involved in essential functions (eg amino acid metabolism, protein translation). In contrast, 14% of the K96243 genome was variably present across the isolates. This Bp accessory genome encompassed multiple genomic islands (GIs), paralogous genes, and insertions/deletions, including three distinct lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-related gene clusters. Strikingly, strains recovered from cases of human melioidosis clustered on a tree based on accessory gene content, and were significantly more likely to harbor certain GIs compared to animal and environmental isolates. Consistent with the inference that the GIs may contribute to pathogenesis, experimental mutation of BPSS2053, a GI gene, reduced microbial adherence to human epithelial cells. Our results suggest that the Bp accessory genome is likely to play an important role in microbial adaptation and virulence.  相似文献   

Rock daisies (Perityleae; Compositae) are a diverse clade of seven genera and ca. 84 minimum‐rank taxa that mostly occur as narrow endemics on sheer rock cliffs throughout the southwest United States and northern Mexico. Taxonomy of Perityleae has traditionally been based on morphology and cytogenetics. To test taxonomic hypotheses and utility of characters emphasized in past treatments, we present the first densely sampled molecular phylogenies of Perityleae and reconstruct trait and chromosome evolution. We inferred phylogenetic trees from whole chloroplast genomes, nuclear ribosomal cistrons, and hundreds of low‐copy nuclear genes using genome skimming and target capture. Discordance between sources of molecular data suggests an underappreciated history of hybridization in Perityleae. Phylogenies support the monophyly of subtribe Peritylinae, a distinctive group possessing a four‐lobed disc corolla; however, all of the phylogenetic trees generated in this study reject the monophyly of the most species‐rich genus, Perityle, as well as its sections: Perityle sect. Perityle, Perityle sect. Laphamia, and Perityle sect. Pappothrix. Using reversible jump MCMC, our results suggest that morphological characters traditionally used to classify members of Perityleae have evolved multiple times within the group. A base chromosome number x = 9 gave rise to higher base numbers in subtribe Peritylinae (x = 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, and 19) through polyploidization, followed by ascending or descending dysploidy. Most taxa constitute a monophyletic lineage with a base chromosome number of x = 17, with multiple neo‐polyploidization events. These results demonstrate the advantages and obstacles of next‐generation sequencing approaches in synantherology while laying the foundation for taxonomic revision and comparative study of the evolutionary ecology of Perityleae.  相似文献   



The extremely halophilic archaea are present worldwide in saline environments and have important biotechnological applications. Ten complete genomes of haloarchaea are now available, providing an opportunity for comparative analysis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We report here the comparative analysis of five newly sequenced haloarchaeal genomes with five previously published ones. Whole genome trees based on protein sequences provide strong support for deep relationships between the ten organisms. Using a soft clustering approach, we identified 887 protein clusters present in all halophiles. Of these core clusters, 112 are not found in any other archaea and therefore constitute the haloarchaeal signature. Four of the halophiles were isolated from water, and four were isolated from soil or sediment. Although there are few habitat-specific clusters, the soil/sediment halophiles tend to have greater capacity for polysaccharide degradation, siderophore synthesis, and cell wall modification. Halorhabdus utahensis and Haloterrigena turkmenica encode over forty glycosyl hydrolases each, and may be capable of breaking down naturally occurring complex carbohydrates. H. utahensis is specialized for growth on carbohydrates and has few amino acid degradation pathways. It uses the non-oxidative pentose phosphate pathway instead of the oxidative pathway, giving it more flexibility in the metabolism of pentoses.


These new genomes expand our understanding of haloarchaeal catabolic pathways, providing a basis for further experimental analysis, especially with regard to carbohydrate metabolism. Halophilic glycosyl hydrolases for use in biofuel production are more likely to be found in halophiles isolated from soil or sediment.  相似文献   

Comparative genomics of yeast species: new insights into their biology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The genomes of two hemiascomycetous yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans) and one archiascomycete (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) have been completely sequenced and the genes have been annotated. In addition, the genomes of 13 more Hemiascomycetes have been partially sequenced. The amount of data thus obtained provides information on the evolutionary relationships between yeast species. In addition, the differential genetic characteristics of the microorganisms explain a number of distinctive biological traits. Gene order conservation is observed between phylogenetically close species and is lost in distantly related species, probably due to rearrangements of short regions of DNA. However, gene function is much more conserved along evolution. Compared to S. cerevisiae and S. pombe, C. albicans has a larger number of specific genes, i.e., genes not found in other organisms, a fact that can account for the biological characteristics of this pathogenic dimorphic yeast which is able to colonize a large variety of environments.  相似文献   

Microbes are usually believed to have cosmopolitan distributions. However, for estimating the global distributions of microorganisms, discriminating among cryptic species and eliminating undersampling biases are important challenges. We used a novel approach to address these problems and infer the global distribution of a given fungal ecological guild. We collected mushroom‐forming fungi from Yakushima, Japan. We sequenced the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) from these samples and queried their sequences against GenBank. After identifying similar sequences, we tracked down the geographical origins of samples that yielded those sequences. We used Bayesian zero‐inflated models to allow for species whose DNA sequences have not yet been deposited in GenBank. Results indicated that the geographical distribution of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi was strongly constrained by host specificity, resulting in the occurrence of these fungi intensively in the neighbouring regions. On the other hand, saprotrophic (SAP) fungi were less constrained by climatic conditions, resulting in a much broader distribution range. We inferred that differences in constraints during colonization between ECM and SAP fungi were responsible for the different geographical distribution ranges. We hypothesize that the degree of host/habitat specificity and the degree of isolation of potentially suitable habitats determine microbial biogeographic patterns.  相似文献   

The relationship between agricultural intensification and a decline in farmland bird populations is well documented in Europe, but the results are mostly based on data from the western part of the continent. In the former socialist eastern and central European countries, political changes around 1990 resulted in a steep decline in the intensity of agriculture. Therefore, one would expect populations of farmland birds to have recovered under these conditions of lower agricultural intensity. We explored population trends of 19 farmland bird species in the Czech Republic between 1982 and 2003 using data from a large‐scale monitoring scheme, and, additionally, we looked for relationships between such population changes and a number of variables describing the temporal development of Czech agriculture. Most farmland species declined during the focal period, and this decline was steepest in farmland specialists (Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus, Skylark Alauda arvensis, Linnet Carduelis cannabina and Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella). Although the intensity of agriculture was lower after than before 1990, the overall decline continued in most farmland bird species, albeit at a slower rate. The correlations between agricultural intensity and farmland bird decline showed opposite patterns to that found in other European studies, because bird populations were highest in years with the most intensive agriculture. We speculate that this pattern could have resulted from the impact of different driving forces causing farmland bird decline in different periods. The high intensity of agriculture could have caused the decline of the originally abundant populations before 1990. After 1990, the decreasing area of arable land could be the most important factor resulting in the continued decline of farmland bird populations. Our results demonstrate that the drivers of farmland bird population changes could differ across Europe, and thus investigations into the effect of farmland management in different parts of the continent are urgently required.  相似文献   

Diploid species of the genus Triticum L. are its most ancient representatives and have the A genome, which was more recently inherited by all polyploid species. Studies of the phylogenetic relationships among diploid and polyploid wheat species help to identify the donors of elementary genomes and to examine the species specificity of genomes. In this study, molecular analysis of the variable sequences of three nuclear genes (Acc-1, Pgk-1, and Vrn-1) was performed for wild and cultivated wheat species, including both diploids and polyploids. Based on the sequence variations found in the genes, clear differences were observed among elementary genomes, but almost no polymorphism was detected within each genome in polyploids. At the same time, the regions of the three genes proved to be rather heterogeneous in the diploid species Triticum boeoticum Boiss., T. urartu Thum. ex Gandil., and T. monococcum L., thus representing mixed populations. A genome variant identical to the A genome of polyploid species was observed only in T. urartu. Species-specific molecular markers discriminating the diploid species were not found. Analysis of the inheritance of morphological characters also failed to identify a species-specific character for the three diploid wheat species apart from the hairy leaf blade type, described previously.  相似文献   

Up to date, the scarcity of publicly available complete mitochondrial sequences for European wild pigs hampers deeper understanding about the genetic changes following domestication. Here, we have assembled 26 de novo mtDNA sequences of European wild boars from next generation sequencing (NGS) data and downloaded 174 complete mtDNA sequences to assess the genetic relationship, nucleotide diversity, and selection. The Bayesian consensus tree reveals the clear divergence between the European and Asian clade and a very small portion (10 out of 200 samples) of maternal introgression. The overall nucleotides diversities of the mtDNA sequences have been reduced following domestication. Interestingly, the selection efficiencies in both European and Asian domestic pigs are reduced, probably caused by changes in both selection constraints and maternal population size following domestication. This study suggests that de novo assembled mitogenomes can be a great boon to uncover the genetic turnover following domestication. Further investigation is warranted to include more samples from the ever-increasing amounts of NGS data to help us to better understand the process of domestication.  相似文献   

Streptococcus suis, Streptococcus bovis and the mastitis pathogens Streptococcus dysgalactiae and Streptococcus uberis were the most frequently occurring streptococci in tonsils of cattle. Streptococcus suis dominated in samples from calves between 1 month and 1 year of age, but was much less frequent in calves less than 1 month old. The mastitis pathogen Strep, dysgalactiae was found more often in calves than in older animals. Enterococci were relatively rare, except in the youngest age group. Nearly one third of the strains examined could not be identified to known species.  相似文献   



The sinorhizobia are amongst the most well studied members of nitrogen-fixing root nodule bacteria and contribute substantial amounts of fixed nitrogen to the biosphere. While the alfalfa symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti RM 1021 was one of the first rhizobial strains to be completely sequenced, little information is available about the genomes of this large and diverse species group.


Here we report the draft assembly and annotation of 48 strains of Sinorhizobium comprising five genospecies. While S. meliloti and S. medicae are taxonomically related, they displayed different nodulation patterns on diverse Medicago host plants, and have differences in gene content, including those involved in conjugation and organic sulfur utilization. Genes involved in Nod factor and polysaccharide biosynthesis, denitrification and type III, IV, and VI secretion systems also vary within and between species. Symbiotic phenotyping and mutational analyses indicated that some type IV secretion genes are symbiosis-related and involved in nitrogen fixation efficiency. Moreover, there is a correlation between the presence of type IV secretion systems, heme biosynthesis and microaerobic denitrification genes, and symbiotic efficiency.


Our results suggest that each Sinorhizobium strain uses a slightly different strategy to obtain maximum compatibility with a host plant. This large genome data set provides useful information to better understand the functional features of five Sinorhizobium species, especially compatibility in legume-Sinorhizobium interactions. The diversity of genes present in the accessory genomes of members of this genus indicates that each bacterium has adopted slightly different strategies to interact with diverse plant genera and soil environments.  相似文献   

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