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记述了中国带织蛾属PeriacmaMeyrick 9新种 ,即曲靖带织蛾P .qujingensissp .nov .,离腹带织蛾P .absacculasp .nov .,新带织蛾P .novellasp .nov .,齿腹带织蛾P .sacculidenssp .nov .,三齿带织蛾P .tri dentatasp .nov .,尖爪带织蛾P .acriuncatasp .nov .,等瓣带织蛾P .equivalvatasp .nov .,尖颚带织蛾P .acutignathasp .nov .,中华带织蛾P .sinicasp .nov .。报道了中国 1新纪录亚种 ,越南带织蛾P .iodesmavietnamicaLvovsky ,1988和 1新纪录种伊带织蛾P .isanensisMoriuti,SaitoetLewvanich ,1989。提供了新种的雌雄外生殖器特征图。模式标本 (除指明外 )保存在南开大学生物学系。  相似文献   

杜巍 《生物资源》2019,(2):184-184
正东京樱花(Cerasus yedoensis(Matsum.)Yu et Li)又称日本樱花、染井吉野、江户樱花,蔷薇科(Rosace‐ae)樱属植物,乔木,树皮灰色。小枝淡紫褐色,无毛,嫩枝绿色,被疏柔毛。冬芽卵圆形,无毛。叶片椭圆卵形或倒卵形,长5~12 cm,宽2. 5~7 cm,先端渐尖或骤尾尖,基部圆形,稀楔形,边有尖锐重锯齿,齿端渐尖,  相似文献   

蒙古中部地区的三达河组(HsandaGolFormation)是亚洲渐新世陆相地层的经典地层之一。三达河组的沉积岩层现被分成两个岩性段:上部早渐新世晚期-?晚渐新世山地段(ShandMember)和下部早渐新世早期塔塔尔段(TatalMember);两岩段间有时夹有KharKhoroo玄武岩层(BryantandMcKenna,1995;MengandMcKenna,1998)。该玄武岩层的时代用40Ar/39Ar法被确定为距今31.5Ma(Hcketal.,1999,他们称其为BasaltI)。三达河组中产有丰富的哺乳动物化石,特别是啮齿类化石(MatthewandGranger,1923;Kowalski,1974;RussellandZhai,1987;Hcketal.,1999)。近年来,本文的后一作者在三达河组中又采集到一批啮齿类化石,其中包括松鼠和山河狸2科的化石。本文是对这两类化石新材料的记述。现生的松鼠科分异很大,而且大多数都分布在亚洲。然而,松鼠科化石在古近纪时在北美和欧洲却很丰富。在北美出现于晚始新世,在渐新世时已明显分异;在欧洲出现于早渐新世,在中新世时分异很大。相反,亚洲古近纪的松鼠化石却发现得很少,标本也很破碎。已报道的只有3件标本。2件产自党河下游地区:Bohlin(1946)报道的晚渐新世的Sciurussp.,标本只是2枚单个臼齿(M3和m2);王伴月、邱占祥(2004)报道的早渐新世的党河鲜松鼠(Oligosciurusdangheensis),标本只是一段带m1~2的下颌骨。还有一件是Minjin(2004)报道的蒙古渐新世的三达河克热姆鼠(Kheremhsandgoliensis),标本也只是一段带m1~3的下颌骨。本文报道的松鼠化石产自蒙古国的巴彦洪戈尔省的塔石盖贝(TashgainBel)地点的三达河组上部山地段,时代为早渐新世晚期-?晚渐新世。这批松鼠化石标本包括1件具P3~M3的上颌骨(PC369)和2段下颌骨(PC3610和PC3611)。这是亚洲古近纪目前已知的最好的一批松鼠化石标本,代表松鼠科Kherem属的一新种:亚洲克热姆鼠(Kheremasiaticasp.nov.)。其主要特征是颊齿较大,较宽;下内尖的高度和下次尖的大小从m1到m3变化不大,彼此相近;下内脊较明显;下内尖较明显,与下后边脊间有浅沟分开等。K.asiatica的形态特征表明,Kherem属应归入北美的Cedromurinae亚科。新的发现表明,亚洲渐新世的松鼠已发生了分异,至少可分为3支。以Kherem为代表的一支,与北美早期的cedromurines有较近的系统关系。它可能是由类似于北美Oligospermophilus的种类演化并迁徙到亚洲来的。现生的山河狸只有一种(Aplodontiarufa),仅生活在北美西部沿海地区。但从始新世到中新世,山河狸却遍布全北区。它们在北美较繁盛,分异大,但在亚洲发现得很少。在亚洲渐新世地层中虽曾报道过3属4种山河狸化石,但材料都很少(Prosciurusordosicus和P.?shantungensis均只有一枚单个的牙)。山河狸化石在蒙古渐新世地层的新发现表明,亚洲渐新世的山河狸化石比已知的要丰富。本文描述的山河狸化石分别采自蒙古南戈壁省Shunkt地点的山地段和前杭爱省UlaanKhongil(=TatalGol)地点的塔塔尔段。它们代表原松鼠属的3类:蒙古原松鼠(新种)(Prosciurusmongoliensissp.nov.)、蒙古原松鼠(相似种)(P.cf.P.mongoliensis)和小原松鼠(新种)(P.pisinnussp.nov.)。蒙古原松鼠的主要特征是下颊齿的下中附尖与下后附尖脊连,下中尖发育较弱,下外中脊弱或无;p4无下前边尖和下前齿带;m1具从下外脊伸向下次脊的小刺;m2和m3的下后脊II较发育;下次脊在p4和m1后弯,与下后边脊连,在m2和m3横向,伸达下外脊等。蒙古原松鼠(相似种)与蒙古原松鼠的区别是:颊齿尺寸较小,p4具明显的下外中脊,p4和m1的下次脊弯曲度较缓,m1缺从下外脊伸向下次脊的小刺,m2~3的下后脊II较短等。小原松鼠的主要特征是:个体较小;齿冠较低;下臼齿的下中附尖孤立;下颊齿的下次脊横向、较低,与下外脊连,下中尖和下外中脊均较明显,下次尖明显向前颊侧延伸,具明显的齿带等。蒙古渐新世啮齿类化石的新发现表明,亚洲渐新世的松鼠和山河狸与北美的关系要比与欧洲的近。  相似文献   

内蒙阿左旗乌兰塔塔尔中渐新世的牛科化石   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
内蒙阿左旗乌兰塔塔尔地区中渐新世地层中发现的牛科化石计两属两种——齐氏翰海兽 (Hanhaicerus qii gen. et sp.nov.) 和似亚洲古高齿兽 (Palaeohypsodontus cf. asiaticus).新属比中新世的相近种类如 Eotragus、高齿兽 (Hypsodontus)、戈壁兽 (Gobiocerus) 等均原始,个体小,齿冠低.新属下臼齿齿冠珐琅质轻微褶皱,内侧附尖和肋相对发育,下次尖前臂与下后附尖不连接, M_3 的下次小尖和下内附尖之间有褶沟,齿冠高度指数相对小等特点均与同时代的古高齿兽有很大的差别.  相似文献   

<正>东京樱花(Cerasus yedoensis(Matsum.) Yu et Li)又称日本樱花、染井吉野、江户樱花,蔷薇科(Rosaceae)樱属植物,乔木,树皮灰色。小枝淡紫褐色,无毛,嫩枝绿色,被疏柔毛。冬芽卵圆形,无毛。叶片椭圆卵形或倒卵形,长5~12 cm,宽2. 5~7 cm,先端渐尖或骤尾尖,基部圆形,稀楔形,边有尖锐重锯齿,齿端渐尖,有小腺体,上面深绿色,无毛,下面淡绿色,沿脉被稀疏柔毛;叶柄密被柔毛,顶端有1~2个腺体或有、时无腺  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物一新记录种,即无量山石豆兰(Bulbophyllum pinicola)。对其进行了特征描述并与相似种Bulbophyllum acutiflorum做了对比,并提供了彩色照片。无量山石豆兰的萼片披针形,先端渐尖,花瓣三角状披针形,先端渐尖,唇瓣稍向外下弯而易与相似种区分。  相似文献   

报道了中国秋海棠属等翅组一新种,即赤车叶秋海棠(Begonia pellionioides Y.M.ShuiW.H.Chen)。此新种特产于云南东南部的石灰岩山生境,与海南秋海棠(Begonia hainanensis ChunF.Chun)相似,但不同在于其叶片较长,叶基楔形,叶尖渐尖至尾尖,花被片背面具刺毛,蒴果具上边缘平截的三角形翅。此外,补充描述了秋海棠属等翅组拟长柄秋海棠(Begonia sublongipes Y.M.Shui)的花部特征。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物一新记录种,即无量山石豆兰(Bulbophyllum pinicola)。对其进行了特征描述并与相似种Bulbophyllum acutiflorum做了对比,并提供了彩色照片。无量山石豆兰的萼片披针形,先端渐尖,花瓣三角状披针形,先端渐尖,唇瓣稍向外下弯而易与相似种区分。  相似文献   

李永康   《广西植物》1985,(4):337-343
<正> 1.表腺琼楠 新种 图1 Beilschmiedia supraglandulosa Y. K. Li, sp. nov. 乔木,高5—6米;芽卵形,顶端渐尖,长4—6毫米,无毛;小枝绿色,干时褐色,明显扁压,无毛。叶薄革质,近对生,长圆状披针形,或椭圆状披针形,长7—10.5厘米,宽2.2—3.5厘米,顶端尾状渐尖,或渐尖,有长1—1.5厘米,镰状弯曲的钝尖头,基部楔  相似文献   

报道了悬钩子属植物的2个中国新记录种,分别为浅裂悬钩子(Rubus polyadenus Cardot)和滇印悬钩子(R.opulifolius Bertol)。浅裂悬钩子发现于云南省东南部的河口和个旧等地,其与黔桂悬钩子(R.feddei H.Lév.Vaniot)较为相近,区别在于该种枝条、叶柄和花序轴密被浅红色具腺长刺毛,叶柄较短,叶片长卵形或近琴形,顶端急尖或渐尖,萼片三角状披针形,顶端长尾尖。滇印悬钩子新发现于云南省西北部的高黎贡山,其与拟覆盆子(R.idaeopsis Focke)较为相近,区别后者在于其小叶3~5枚,花序极短,不足3cm长,花柄很短,整个花序密集缩短成近头状。  相似文献   

Astragalus mario-sousae is described from the central part of state of Nuevo León, Mexico. It differs fromAstragalus esperanzae by its habit, peduncles, pedicels, and fruits.
Resumen   Astragalus mario-sousae (Fabaceae: Galegeae), a new species from northeastern Mexico. Brittonia 57: 314–319. 2005.—Astragalus mario-sousae es propuesta como especie nueva. Se conoce solo de la porción central del estado mexicano de Nuevo León. Se presentan una descripción e ilustración. Difiere deAstragalus esperanzae por su hábito erecto, pedúnculos, pedicelos y frutos más cortos.

Based on new information on floral structures, seedling, fruit, seed, root, and leaflet characters, Phaseolus dasycarpus is re-described and illustrated. Its chromosome number was determined as 2n= 22, with metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes, and karyotype formula of 9m + 2sm. Previous phylogenetic analyses of ITS and trnK sequence data, and those obtained in the present study, show P. dasycarpus to be aligned within section Pedicellati.
Resumen  Con nueva información de estructuras florales, plántulas, frutos, semillas, raíz y folíolos, se redescribe e ilustra a Phaseolus dasycarpus. Se determina el número cromosómico 2n= 22, con cromosomas metacéntricos y submetacéntricos y fórmula cariotípica = 9m + 2sm. Análisis filogenéticos previos con secuencias de ITS y trnK y los resultados obtenidos en el presente estudio, establecen a P. dasycarpus en la sección Pedicellati.

Moraes EM  Abreu AG  Andrade SC  Sene FM  Solferini VN 《Genetica》2005,125(2-3):311-323
The genetic variability and population genetic structure of six populations of Praecereus euchlorus and Pilosocereus machrisii were investigated. The genetic variability in single populations of Pilosocereus vilaboensis, Pilosocereus aureispinus, and Facheiroa squamosa was also examined. All of these cacti species have a patchy geographic distribution in which they are restricted to small areas of xeric habitats in eastern Brazil. An analysis of genetic structure was used to gain insights into the historical mechanisms responsible for the patchy distribution of P. euchlorus and P. machrisii. High genetic variability was found at the populational level in all species (P=58.9–92.8%, Ap=2.34–3.33, He=0.266–0.401), and did not support our expectations of low variability based on the small population size. Substantial inbreeding was detected within populations (FIS=0.370–0.623). In agreement with their insular distribution patterns, P. euchlorus and P. machrisii had a high genetic differentiation (FST=0.484 and FST=0.281, respectively), with no evidence of isolation by distance. Accordingly, estimates of gene flow (Nm) calculated from FST and private alleles were below the level of Nm=1 in P. machrisii and P. euchlorus. These results favored historical fragmentation as the mechanism responsible for the patchy distribution of these two species. The genetic distance between P. machrisii and P. vilaboensis was not compatible with their taxonomic distinction, indicating a possible local speciation event in this genus, or the occurrence of introgression events.  相似文献   

The impact of host age on the number of hosts killed, survival of progeny, progeny allocation, and sex allocation was examined for several Trichogrammatidae (Hymenoptera) species in laboratory choice tests. Individual female parasitoids were provided with young, medium-aged and old eggs of one of three lepidopterous host species: Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) (Noctuidae), Pieris rapae (L.) (Pieridae), or Plutella xylostella (L.) (Plutellidae). Trichogrammatid species behaved as gregarious parasitoids with the first two host species, and as solitary parasitoids with eggs of the smaller latter one. They mostly preferred young eggs of T. ni, but did not discriminate among P. rapae eggs of different ages, and often preferred young or medium-aged P. xylostella eggs over old eggs. Survival of progeny did not vary constantly with host age, although it was often very low in P. rapae eggs of any age. Clutch size frequently decreased with host age in both T. ni and P. rapae. Offspring sex ratio did not change with age of T. ni and P. rapae eggs, and rarely did so in P. xylostella eggs. In regard to host age, the results with T. ni are the ones which are the most in agreement with optimal foraging theoretical predictions, as clutch size was the highest in preferred younger eggs.  相似文献   

A phylogeographic analysis of two bagrid catfishes in Taiwan was conducted using sequence data from a portion of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region. For Pseudobagrus brevianalis, which is most probably endemic to Taiwan, a total of eight haplotypes were detected in 189 specimens from nine river systems covering its entire distribution range, from northern to central western areas of the island. Obvious genetic differentiation was observed among its populations (average F ST = 0.753); in particular, the northernmost Tamsui River population was fixed for a single endemic haplotype. Nested clade phylogeographic analysis (NCPA) indicated that the dispersal center of mtDNA was the area around the Touchien River and Holong River, north to the Miaoli Plateau, in northwestern Taiwan, suggesting both northward and southward dispersal in this species. There was no evidence for the validity of P. taiwanensis, the nominal species described from Taiwan, morphologically similar to P. brevianalis. We confirmed that P. adiposalis was distributed discontinuously in three river systems; analysis of 42 specimens from the rivers indicated a total of four haplotypes and population differentiation (average F ST = 0.876). Fixation into a largely differentiated haplotype in the northernmost Tamsui River population was also found in this species, but different processes for this phylogeographic pattern were implied for the two species. Comparison with P. ussuriensis, a widespread continental species morphologically similar to P. adiposalis, suggested the possibility that P. adiposalis is a group of local populations of P. ussuriensis in Taiwan. Two migration routes vs. random fixation scenarios for the population structure of P. adiposalis are discussed with information on other fishes and the geological history of the island.  相似文献   

The relationship between net photosynthetic (P N) and leaf respiration (R) rates of Quercus ilex, Phillyrea latifolia, Myrtus communis, Arbutus unedo, and Cistus incanus was monitored in the period February 2006 to February 2007. The species investigated had low R and P N during winter, increasing from March to May, when mean air temperature reached 19.2 °C. During the favourable period, C. incanus and A. unedo had a higher mean P N (16.4±2.4 μmol m−2 s−1) than P. latifolia, Q. ilex, and M. communis (10.0±1.3 μmol m−2 s−1). The highest R (1.89±0.30 μmol m−2 s−1, mean of the species), associated to a significant P N decrease (62 % of the maximum, mean value of the species), was measured in July (mean R/P N ratio 0.447±0.091). Q10, indicating the respiration sensitivity to short-term temperature increase, was in the range 1.49 to 2.21. Global change might modify R/P N determining differences in dry matter accumulation among the species, and Q. ilex and P. latifolia might be the most favoured species by their ability to maintain sufficiently higher P N and lower R during stress periods.  相似文献   

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