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A novel type of infantile nephronophthisis was identified in an extended Bedouin family from Israel. This disease has an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance, with the phenotypic presentation ranging from a Potter-like syndrome to hyperechogenic kidneys, renal insufficiency, hypertension, and hyperkalemia. Affected individuals show rapid deterioration of kidney function, leading to end-stage renal failure within 3 years. Histopathologic examination of renal tissue revealed variable findings, ranging from infantile polycystic kidneys to chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis, fibrosis, and cortical microcysts. A known familial juvenile nephronophthisis locus on chromosome 2q13 and autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease on chromosome 6p21.1-p12 were excluded by genetic linkage analysis. A genomewide screen for linkage was conducted by searching for a locus inherited by descent in all affected individuals. Pooled DNA samples from parents and unaffected siblings and individual DNA samples from four affected individuals were used as PCR templates with trinucleotide- and tetranucleotide-repeat polymorphic markers. Using this approach, we identified linkage to infantile nephronophthisis for markers on chromosome 9q22-31. The disorder maps to a 12.9-cM region flanked by markers D9S280 and GGAT3G09.  相似文献   

A genetic map of human chromosome 22 has been derived from physical assignments and multilocus linkage analysis. It consists of the loci for the immunoglobulin lambda light-chain variable (IGLV) and immunoglobulin lambda light-chain constant (IGLC) regions, myoglobin (MB), the sis proto-oncogene (SIS), and an arbitrary probe (D22S1). The first RFLPs at the loci for SIS, IGLV, and MB are described. The most likely gene order on the basis of multilocus analysis was cen-(IGLV-IGLC)-D22S1-MB-SIS. This map provides further evidence for localization of the P1 polymorphism of the P blood group to chromosome 22, close to the SIS locus. Analysis of families segregating recessive congenital methemoglobinemia (RCM), a disease in which the cytochrome b5 reductase is defective, as well as of families with cases of hereditary low levels of cytochrome b5 reductase activity, confirmed that the locus responsible for RCM is on chromosome 22. Biochemical studies had already suggested that mutation at the cytochrome b5 reductase locus (DIA1) is responsible for RCM. We found no evidence of genetic heterogeneity between the families segregating RCM and the families exhibiting cases of low cytochrome b5 reductase activity. Linkage analysis indicated that the most probable location of DIA1 lies between MB and SIS.  相似文献   

Summary A circular linkage map of the Rhizobium meliloti chromosome, obtained from R68.45-mediated crosses, has been revised by cotransductional analysis, after general transduction by DF2 phage.Three short chromosomal regions have been mapped by cotransduction. Comparison between conjugal and cotransductional data suggests that R68.45-mediated linkage measures are indeed rough. Cotransduction seems to be a useful tool for improving the linkage map of R. meliloti.  相似文献   

Loci from human chromosome 12 were mapped in cattle to compare the gene order between species. Polymorphisms were detected in cattle in six loci that had been mapped with high precision in humans. Four of these loci, LALBA, SLC2A3, SYT1, and TPI1, mapped to bovine chromosome 5, and one, PLA2G1B, mapped to bovine chromosome 17. The sixth locus, SLC2A3L, due to a fragment produced by the SLC2A3 primers, maps to the telomeric region of BTA18. The differences in gene order between human chromosome 12 and cattle chromosome 5, when these loci are added to others already mapped in cattle, show evidence of significant rearrangement in gene order requiring several evolutionary events. There is also evidence in cattle chromosome 5 of the interspersal of material conserved on human chromosome 22 into the material conserved on human chromosome 12, consistent with ZOOFISH analyses. This analysis indicates that the larger block near the centromere is conserved on the long arm of human chromosome 12 and the smaller block near the telomere is conserved as part of the short arm of human chromosome 12. The level of variation detected in the amplified cattle DNA was approximately 1 variant per 464 nucleotides of haploid DNA using single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis. This corresponds to a per individual level of 1 variant per 1, 961 nucleotides of haploid DNA. This confirms lower genetic variability in cattle compared to humans but indicates the potential for millions of single nucleotide polymorphisms in cattle.  相似文献   

Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED) is an inherited chondrodystrophy that results in deformity of articular surfaces and in subsequent degenerative joint disease. The disease is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with high penetrance. An MED mutation has been mapped by genetic linkage analysis of DNA polymorphisms in a single large pedigree. Close linkage of MED to 130 tested chromosomal markers was ruled out by discordant inheritance patterns. However, strong evidence for linkage of MED to markers in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 19 was obtained. The most closely linked marker was D19S215, with a maximum LOD score of 6.37 at theta = .05. Multipoint linkage analysis indicated that MED is located between D19S212 and D19S215, a map interval of 1.7 cM. Discovery of the map location of MED in this family will facilitate identification of the mutant gene. The closely linked DNA polymorphisms will also provide the means to determine whether other inherited chondrodystrophies have underlying defects in the same gene.  相似文献   

Summary A family has been investigated in which 7 from 12 members bear the uncoiler chromosome number 1 pair. In all these members with uncoiler chromosome 1 heterozygous amylase polymorphism variant Amy 2A2B has been estimated (with exception of one 3-month-old boy in whom the phenotype of amylase variant is not yet fully developed). This pedigree represents a typical double back-cross family which enables to suppose very probably the close linkage between both gene loci Un 1 and Amy 2 and also to assign Amy 2 locus to chromosome 1.
Zusammenfassung Wir berichten über eine Familie, in welcher 7 unter insgesamt 12 untersuchten Familienmitgliedern ein asymmetrisches Chromosom des ersten Chromosompaares mit den sehr verlängerten langen Armen (uncoiler chromosome) gefunden wurde. Bei allen diesen Familienmitgliedern mit, uncoiler chromosome 1 wurde auch gleichzeitig die heterozygote Variante des Amylase-Polymorphismus Amy 2A2B gefunden (mit Ausnahme eines 3 Monate alten Knaben, bei welchem das Phenotyp der Amylase-Variante noch nicht völlig entwickelt wurde). Dieser Stammbaum stellt eine typische double back-cross-Familie vor, aus welcher mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit die linkage zwischen beiden Genorten Un 1 und Amy 2 und damit auch die Lokalisation des Genortes Amy 2 auf dem Chromosom 1 hervorgeht.

Paroxysmal dystonic choreoathetosis (PDC) is characterized by attacks of involuntary movements that last up to several hours and occur at rest both spontaneously and following caffeine or alcohol consumption. We analyzed a Polish-American kindred with autosomal dominant PDC and identified tight linkage between the disorder and microsatellite markers on chromosome 2q (maximum two-point LOD score 4.77; recombination fraction 0). Our results clearly establish the existence of a locus for autosomal dominant PDC on distal chromosome 2q. The fact that three other paroxysmal neurological disorders (periodic ataxia with myokymia and hypo- and hyperkalemic periodic paralysis) are due to mutation in ion-channel genes raises the possibility that PDC is also due to an ion-channel gene mutation. It is noteworthy that a cluster of sodium-channel genes is located on distal chromosome 2q, near the PDC locus. Identifying the PDC locus on chromosome 2q will facilitate discovery of the PDC gene and enable investigators to determine whether PDC is genetically homogeneous and whether other paroxysmal movement disorders are also genetically linked to the PDC locus.  相似文献   

Gingival fibromatosis is characterized by a slowly progressive benign enlargement of the oral gingival tissues. The condition results in the teeth being partially or totally engulfed by keratinized gingiva, causing aesthetic and functional problems. Both genetic and pharmacologically induced forms of gingival fibromatosis are known. The most common genetic form, hereditary gingival fibromatosis (HGF), is usually transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait, although sporadic cases are common and autosomal recessive inheritance has been reported. The genetic basis of gingival fibromatosis is unknown. We identified an extended family (n=32) segregating an autosomal dominant form of isolated gingival fibromatosis. Using a genomewide search strategy, we identified genetic linkage (Zmax=5.05, straight theta=.00) for the HGF phenotype to polymorphic markers in the genetic region of chromosome 2p21 bounded by the loci D2S1788 and D2S441. This is the first report of linkage for isolated HGF, and the findings have implications for identification of the underlying genetic basis of gingival fibromatosis.  相似文献   

A molecular genetic linkage map of mouse chromosome 2   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Interspecific backcross mice were used to create a molecular genetic linkage map of chromosome 2. Genomic DNAs from N2 progeny were subjected to Southern blot analysis using molecular probes that identified the Abl, Acra, Ass, C5, Cas-1, Fshb, Gcg, Hox-5.1, Jgf-1, Kras-3, Ltk, Pax-1, Prn-p, and Spna-2 loci; these loci were added to the 11 loci previously mapped to the distal region of chromosome 2 in the same interspecific backcross to generate a composite multilocus linkage map. Several loci mapped near, and may be the same as, known mutations. Comparisons between the mouse and the human genomes indicate that mouse chromosome 2 contains regions homologous to at least six human chromosomes. Mouse models for human diseases are discussed.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction oligonucleotides were designed to amplify bovine specific sequences for four genes that are located on human chromosome 22 (HSA22): crystallin beta A4 (CRY B A4), parvalbumin (PVALB), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 3 (TIMP3) and matrix metalloproteinase 11 (MMP11). Single strand conformation analysis of these bovine gene fragments defined polymorphisms within a population of three large half-sib families of three F1 Charolais x Brahman sires and a composite herd comprising an equal proportion of Africander, Brahman, Hereford and Shorthorn breeds (CSIRO pedigree). The DNA marker genotypes were used to define linkage associations to other DNA markers already placed on the CSIRO linkage map. The genes TIMP3 and PVALB were assigned to BTA5 and CRYbetaA4 and MMP11 to BTA17.  相似文献   

The von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis (NF1) gene has been localized to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 17. We have screened six multigenerational families with multiple, tightly linked markers to aid in mapping this region of the chromosome. More than 150 members in six families were typed with probes including HHH202, D17Z1, EW203, EW206, EW207, EW301, pA10-41, D17S37, and D17S36. Two-point lod scores for NF1 versus all markers were calculated. HHH202 demonstrated the tightest linkage to NF1 with theta = .0, z = 3.86 (95% confidence limits [CL] of theta = .0-.13), suggesting that HHH202 be considered as a potential candidate marker for use in carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis. Pairwise marker-to-marker lod scores were used in examining the most likely order of subsets of the markers. Of those tested, the most likely order was (pter)-pA10-41-EW301-D17Z1-HHH202-NF1-E W206-EW207-EW203-(qter). In addition, we have ascertained an NF1 x NF1 half-cousin mating in which there are four affected family members who are potentially homozygous for the disease gene. Two of these four individuals have been sampled and typed for marker loci. When their D17Z1 genotypes are considered, the probability that both these individuals are heterozygous is 85%.  相似文献   

The hyper-IgE syndrome (HIES) is a rare primary immunodeficiency characterized by recurrent skin abscesses, pneumonia, and highly elevated levels of serum IgE. HIES is now recognized as a multisystem disorder, with nonimmunologic abnormalities of the dentition, bones, and connective tissue. HIES can be transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait with variable expressivity. Nineteen kindreds with multiple cases of HIES were scored for clinical and laboratory findings and were genotyped with polymorphic markers in a candidate region on human chromosome 4. Linkage analysis showed a maximum two-point LOD score of 3.61 at recombination fraction of 0 with marker D4S428. Multipoint analysis and simulation testing confirmed that the proximal 4q region contains a disease locus for HIES.  相似文献   

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