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Summary Caterpillars of Maculinea arion are obligate predators of the brood of Myrmica sabuleti ants. In the aboratory, caterpillars eat the largest available ant larvae, although eggs, small larvae and prepupae are also palatable. This is an efficient way to predate. It ensures that newly-adopted caterpillars consume the final part of the first cohort of ant brood in a nest, before this pupates in early autumn and becomes unavailable as prey. At the same time, the fixed number of larvae in the second cohort is left to grow larger before being killed in late autumn and spring. Caterpillars also improve their feeding efficiency by hibernating for longer than ants in spring, losing just 6% of their weight while the biomass of ant larvae increases by 27%. Final instar caterpillars acquire more than 99% of their ultimate biomass in Myrmica nests, growing from 1.3 mg to an estimated 173 mg. A close correlation was found between the weights of caterpillars throughout autumn and the number of large ant larvae they had eaten. This was used to calculate the number of larvae eaten in spring, allowing both for the loss of caterpillar weight during winter and the increase in the size of their prey in spring. It is estimated that 230 of the largest available larvae, and a minimum nest size of 354 M. sabuleti workers, is needed to support one butterfly. Few wild M. sabuleti nests are this large: on one site, it was estimated that 85% of nests were too small to produce a butterfly, and only 5% could support two or more. This prediction was confirmed by the mortalities of 376 caterpillars in 151 wild M. sabuleti nests there. Mortalities were particularly high in nests that adopted more than two caterpillars, apparently due to scramble competition and starvation in autumn. Survival was higher than predicted in wild nests that adopted one caterpillar. These caterpillars seldom exhaust their food before spring, when there is intense competition among Myrmica for nest sites. Ants often desert their nests in the absence of brood, leaving the caterpillar behind. Vacant nests are frequently repopulated by a neighbouring colony, carrying in a fresh supply of brood. Maculinea arion caterpillars have an exceptional ability to withstand starvation, and sometimes survive to parasitize more than one Myrmica colony. Despite these adaptations, predation is an inefficient way to exploit the resources of a Myrmica nest. By contrast, Maculinea rebeli feeds mainly at a lower trophic level, on the regurgitations of worker ants. Published data show that Myrmica nests can support 6 times more caterpillars of Maculinea rebeli than of M. arion in the laboratory. This is confirmed by field data.  相似文献   

Summary The mortality of Maculinea arion caterpillars was measured in both laboratory and wild Myrmica nests, and found to be nearly 3 times higher in nests that had queen ants present. This is attributed to queen effect, which causes worker ants in nests with queens to attack large ant larvae (gynes) that would otherwise develop into new queens. Maculinea arion caterpillars mimic Myrmica larvae, and are usually attacked during the first 10 days after adoption, when they pass through the size range of ant gyne larvae. Caterpillars are also likely to be attacked during this period because their nethod of feeding brings them into close contact with the skins of large ant larvae, which contain gyne larval pheromones; older caterpillars are large enough to eat larvae without their exposed surfaces contacting the larval skin. In the wild, many caterpillars of Maculinea arion die in ant nests, and this has been shown in previous work to be the key factor that determines changes in their abundance from year to year. It is suggested that queen effect can be an important cause of these deaths, and one that particularly affects populations of butterflies that breed on sites with long-established plagioclimaxes of short turf rather than short-lived grass-land successions.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic population structure of two rare myrmecophilous lycaenid butterflies, Maculinea nausithous and M. teleius, which often live sympatrically and have similar biology. In Europe, both species occur in highly fragmented populations and are vulnerable to local extinction. The proportion of variable allozyme loci, average heterozygosity and genetic differentiation among populations was higher in M. nausithous than in sympatrically living M. teleius populations. We hypothesise that the differences in heterozygosity are mainly due to the known higher efficiency of typical host ant nests in rearing M. nausithous pupae compared to M. teleius pupae. This implies a larger probability of larval survival in M. nausithous, which buffers populations against environmental and demographic stochasticity. In contrast, the lower carrying capacity of ant nests in rearing M. teleius pupae requires higher nest-densities and makes M. teleius populations more prone to losing genetic variation through drift if this condition is not fulfilled. The single investigated Russian population of M. teleius showed much higher levels of heterozygosity than any of the Polish populations, suggesting a more viable and still intact metapopulation structure.  相似文献   

A method to estimate the number of workers in Myrmica ant nests on abandoned meadows was developed based on removal of workers. Ant workers have a tendency to climb up on wooden sticks put into their nests, therefore, assuming that the number of workers removed on sticks is related to the total number of workers within the nests, regression models for Myrmica rubra, M. ruginodis and M. scabrinodis may be built. We used a general regression model to perform a backward stepwise elimination of explanatory variables. These were the number of workers removed on sticks, temperature at the nest and site (a categorical variable). In case of each species the final model contained only the number of workers removed as a significant variable. The method is apparently non-destructive as we did not observe decreased survival of nests surveyed as compared to control nests. The method can be a very useful tool in population studies of ants as well as in biodiversity projects, where ants are used as bioinidcators. Received 10 February 2005; revised 4 August 2005; accepted 24 August 2005.  相似文献   

The sal (Shorea robusta) forest vegetation of Sohagibarawa Wildlife Sanctuary, Gorakhpur, India was analysed to assess plant diversity, regeneration pattern and the status of species conservation. A total of 208 plant species representing 165 genera and 72 families were recorded. Species richness, mean density and basal area of individuals in the observed forest were compared with those of other sal-dominated forests of India. The sal forest was rich in Papilionaceae (23 species), which contributed maximally to the total number of individuals of <30 cm girth. After sal, density was maximal for a leguminous shrub, Moghania chappar. In addition to the usual recruitment by seed, a number of species also showed non-seed regeneration through storage roots, sprouts or ramet proliferation. The individuals regenerating as sprouts from underground stem or storage organs contributed significantly to the sum total of individuals/ha. As much as 45.5% of the total individuals were of ramet origin and shared 10.6% of the total species richness of the forest. In stands facing moderate to low disturbance, thickets of dense entangled mass of vegetation, predominantly composed of thorny lianas, were identified that usually contained less common and rare species like Rauwolfia serpentina, Desmodium latifolium, Crotalaria alata and Gloriosa superba in addition to the frequent ones. These thickets help to conserve the special habitat conditions and provide protection for natural regeneration of several infrequent and rare plant species and thus contribute towards the maintenance and in situ conservation of overall diversity of recurrently disturbed forest vegetation.  相似文献   

The population biology of Maculinea rebeli Hirschke, 1904, on dry grassland biotypes in different successional stages was investigated in the summers of 1990 and 1991 in the district of Höxter (North Rhine–Westphalia, Germany). The population characteristics of M. rebeli were studied by mark-recapture and eggshell counts on the larval host plant Gentiana cruciata. Pitfall traps, ant baits, excavating and counting of ant nests were used to examine the Formicidae community and the nest density of Myrmica sabuleti. In 1990, the total population of M. rebeli was estimated as 528 individuals, with subpopulations varying from 2 to 273 individuals. Populations existed in areas differing in size and vegetation structure. However, the limiting factor for population size was the density of the host ant population. The differences in population size did not depend on the size of the habitat or the density of the larval food plant. The butterflies can switch their host. In the absence of M. schenki, the colonies of M. sabuleti can maintain M. rebeli populations. Adult males and females have a maximum life expectancy of 13 days. The females prefer to oviposit on G. cruciata plants of 10–30cm height. Only plants which stuck out of the surrounding vegetation were oviposited on. The average number of eggs deposited per female was 100–150. Low density populations are probably most threatened. Therefore, future protective measures should work towards further maintaining and optimizing the habitats of the small populations, as well as creating the prerequisites so that dense stable populations of M. rebeli can develop.  相似文献   

Oxygen uptake measurements have shown that pressurized gas transport, resulting from the physical effect of thermo-osmosis of gases, improves oxygen supply to the roots of the seedlings in two alder speciesAlnus japonica (Thunb.) Steud. andAlnus hirsuta (Spach) Rupr., which are both native in Japan. When gas transport conditions were established by irradiation of the tree stems the internal aeration was increased to a level nearly equal to the oxygen demand of the root system in leafless seedlings ofA. hirsuta, but was higher inA. japonica so that excess oxygen was excreted into the environment. An increase of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, which protects plants from toxic oxygen radicals and post-anoxic injury, has been observed in root tissues ofA. japonica when the seedlings were flooded for 3 days. The increase of SOD activity, in concert with high gas transport rates, may enable this tree species to grow in wet sites characterized by low oxygen partial pressure in the soil and by varying water tables. A less effective gas transport, flood-induced reduction of SOD activity in root tissues, and reduced height growth in waterlogged soil may be responsible for the fact thatA. hirsuta is unable to inhabit wettland sites.  相似文献   

Summary In central Portugal, 28 species of ants were found in oak, 25 in pine, 35 in eucalyptus and 12 in arable habitats, a total of 43 species. They include five numerically dominant species, the exotic Argentine ant.Linepithema (Iridomyrmex) humile and four native species,Crematogaster scutellaris, Pheidole pallidula, Tapinoma nigerrimum andTetramorium hispanicum. L. humile occurred in 34% of sampled sites. When present, it was abundant in all three arboreal habitats, where it was associated with strikingly decreased ant species richness and equitability. Such diversity was greater inL. humile-colonised arable habitats, where the ant was much less abundant than in the arboreal habitats.WhereL. humile was absent,C. scutellaris andP. pallidula were usually co-dominants in oak and pine, andT. nigerrimum andT. hispanicum in the arable habitat, but all were absent or rare in eucalyptus. Ants were numerically least abundant in eucalyptus but, in the absence ofL. humile, species richness was greater and the community more equitable than in the other habitats.L. humile-absent arable habitats supported the poorest and least equitable ant community.  相似文献   

Carnivores are umbrella species with a key role in ecosystems. In the Mediterranean, they face with several conservation problems, mainly habitat loss or transformation. In this region, scrubland habitats are considered of minor conservation relevance as compared to mature forest formations. Conservation of scrublands in Mediterranean ecosystems is also difficult because to control fires, they are removed over large areas. For carnivores, scrublands may be essential to guarantee shelter and food. Here, we analyzed the importance of scrublands and other habitat variables in determining the richness of medium-sized carnivores in a typical Mediterranean area of central Spain (Monfragüe Natural Park). The Park was divided into plots of 2 × 2 km (n = 30). In each plot, a 2 km-length survey route was walked searching for carnivore scats. We recorded the number of species of carnivores and we related this value to several habitat variables. Habitat variables were summarized by means of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Habitat models were developed by, using multiple regression models, including PCA factors and the habitat type as predictors. The only variable included in the final model was the first PCA factor. Carnivore richness was positively associated with large tree, shrub, and rock cover areas, which is the typical habitat structure of scrublands. This habitat offers the best available area for shelter and may be considered as a key element for carnivore conservation in the Mediterranean region. To reconciliate carnivore conservation and forestry management, we proposed small-scale clearances as a management alternative to typical large scrubland removals.  相似文献   

Ivette Perfecto 《Oecologia》1994,98(2):184-192
This work is concerned with elucidating competitive interactions between two neotropical ants, Solenopsis geminata and Pheidole radoszkowskii, focusing on their foraging behavior. When released from competition from P. radoszkowskii, S. geminata increased its foraging activity. On the other hand, when released from competition from S. geminata, P. radoszkowskii did not respond, demonstrating asymmetric competition between the two species. Foraging experiments showed that P. radoszkowskii is more efficient at finding food resources, whereas S. geminata is better at defending the resources once they are encountered. These differences in foraging behavior appear to permit the coexistence of these two species. The practical implications of the results for the management of ant communities in tropical agroecosystems is discussed with respect to the potential use of ants as natural enemies.  相似文献   

In recent spatial models describing interactions among a myrmecophilous butterfly Maculinea rebeli, a gentian Gentiana cruciata and two competing species of Myrmica ant, we predicted that apparent competition should exist between gentians (the food of young M. rebeli caterpillars) and Myrmica schencki, which supports M. rebeli in its final instar. Here we extend and quantify model predictions about the nature of this phenomenon, and relate them to ecological theory. We predict that: (i) Within sites supporting the butterfly, fewer M. schencki colonies occur in sub-areas containing gentians than in identical habitat lacking this plant. (ii) Where G. cruciata and M. schencki do co-exist, the ant colonies will be less than half the size of those living > 1.5 m from gentians; (iii) The turnover of M. schencki colonies will be much greater than that of other Myrmica species in nest sites situated within 1.5 m of a gentian. All three predictions were supported in the field on 3–6 sites in two mountain ranges, although the exact strength of the apparent competition differed from some model predictions. Field data were also consistent with predictions about apparent mutualisms between gentians and other ants. We suggest that apparent competition is likely to arise in any system in which a specialist enemy feeds sequentially on two or more species during its life-cycle, as occurs in many true parasite-host interactions. We also predict that more complex patterns involving other Myrmica species and G. cruciata occur in our system, with apparent competition existing between them in some sub-areas of a site being balanced by apparent mutualism between them in other sub-areas.  相似文献   

This programme provides a practical initiative promoting the conservation of rare and endangered conifer and associated temperate rainforest tree species, by providing a scientifically sound strategy to minimise further genetic erosion of an already fragmented wild tree resource. Using existing horticultural expertise and the tree-growing potential of the British climate, the programme provides for the development of permanent, scientifically structured, threatened conifer breeding populations, in a network of sites across the British Isles and elsewhere, as a long-term species rescue strategy. To these sites are attached important future research and public education programmes.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by ants (i.e. myrmecochory) is usually considered as a mutualism: ants feed on nutritive bodies, called elaiosomes, before rejecting and dispersing seeds in their nest surroundings. While mechanisms of plant dispersal in the field are well documented, the behaviour of the ant partner was rarely investigated in details. Here, we compared in laboratory conditions the foraging behaviour of two ant species, the omnivorous Lasius niger and the insectivorous Myrmica rubra to which seeds of two European myrmecochorous plants (Chelidonium majus and Viola odorata) were given. Ant colonies were simultaneously presented three types of items: entire seeds with elaiosome (SE), seeds without elaiosome (S) and detached elaiosomes (E). The presence of elaiosomes on seeds did not attract workers from a distance since ants first contact equally each type of items. Although ants are mass-recruiting species, we never observed any recruitment nor trail-laying behaviour towards seeds. For ants having contacted seed items, their antennation, manipulation and seed retrieval behaviour strongly varied depending on the species of each partner. Antennation behaviour, followed by a loss of contact, was the most frequent ant-seed interaction and can be considered as a “hesitation” clue. For both plant species, insectivorous Myrmica ants removed items in larger number and at higher speed than Lasius. This fits with the hypothesis of a convergence between odours of elaiosomes and insect preys. For both ant species, the small Chelidonium seeds were retrieved in higher proportion than Viola ones, confirming the hypothesis that ants prefer the higher elaiosome/diaspore-ratio. Thus, in these crossed experiments, the ant-plant pair Myrmica/Chelidonium was the most effective as ants removed quickly almost all items after a few antennations. The presence of an elaiosome body increased the seed removal by ants excepting for Myrmica which retrieved all Chelidonium seeds, even those deprived of their elaiosome. After 24 h, all the retrieved seeds were rejected out of the nest to the refuse piles. In at least half of these rejected items, the elaiosome was discarded by ants. Species-specific patterns and behavioural differences in the dynamics of myrmecochory are discussed at the light of ant ecology. Received 10 September 2007; revised 5 February 2008; accepted 5 March 2008.  相似文献   

Gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements of expanding and adult leaves of four plant species were compared under field conditions. The pioneer species (PS) tended to have thinner leaves with lower nitrogen content and higher stomatal density compared to forest species (FS). Expanding leaves featured lower photosynthetic pigment contents and gas exchange capacity than adult leaves consistent with an immature photosynthetic apparatus. At the time of maximum irradiance, sun-exposed leaves of both PS and FS showed alteration of initial, variable, and maximum fluorescence as well as their ratios indicating photoinhibition. However, leaves recovered to some extent at predawn, suggesting the activation of photoprotective mechanisms. Sun-exposed leaves had comparable responses to high irradiance.  相似文献   

The abilities ofMyiopharus doryphorae (Riley) andM. aberrans (Townsend) (Diptera: Tachinidae) to discriminate between parasitized and non-parasitized Colorado potato beetle (host)Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) larvae, were investigated under laboratory and field conditions. Laboratory experiments showed that bothMyiopharus species have a significantly greater frequency for larvipositing in non-parasitized hosts over parasitized ones. Direct field observations of larvipositional behavior of bothMyiopharus species over three growing seasons showed effective restraint from larviposition into parasitized hosts, while larviposition into nonparasitized ones occurred readily. Avoidance of previously-parasitized hosts occurred after the larvipositing flies briefly landed on host larvae without attempting to insert the larvipositor. The low levels of superparasitism which occurred in the caged experiments and in the field appeared to be due to a breakdown of the larvipositing parasitoids' restraint when they met only parasitized hosts or when many parasitoids competed for reduced numbers of hosts late in the season.  相似文献   

庄平 《广西植物》2017,37(8):947-958
该文对主要栽培在四川都江堰龙池基地(海拔1 700 m)及玉堂基地(海拔700 m)和峨眉山生物试验站(海拔805 m)的5亚属15亚组37种杜鹃花属植物的自然授粉开展了为期4 a的数据采集与研究。以绿苗率(Gs)为主要指标,绿苗系数(Gc)、坐果率(St)和单位可育种子数(Sf)为辅助指标,初步揭示了迁地保育条件下杜鹃花属植物自然授粉的育性适应及其特征。结果表明:(1)除黄花杜鹃(Rhododendron lutescens)未形成种子外,受试的其他36个杜鹃花种类均能在其保育地点上不同程度地完成从种子(幼苗)到种子的生命循环,其中高可育型24种、可育型11种、弱育型1种。(2)上述4项指标,尤其是保育条件与原生地条件下同种的绿苗率、绿苗系数和单位能育种子数比较,均能不同程度地反映育性适合度的差异情况。(3)在上述具有不同程度可育性的36种杜鹃花中,有24种有不同程度的败育现象,其成因可能为不同程度的自交和花期重叠的同亚组到不同亚组异种间自然交配所引起的遗传不适,由于遗传选择的限制或胁迫,这种现象在一些开花个体有限的种类中尤为突出,因此保证最小存活种群(the minimum viable population,MVP)对于该属植物迁地保育至关重要。(4)杜鹃花属的特定种类可能存在一个受种性制约的单位种子数量幅度和上限,即不同的类群与种类的单位种子数量存在差异。(5)为探索自交和种间杂交提供了认识起点和参照,并提出了有关杜鹃花属植物可育性综合评价的指标体系和方法。  相似文献   

Species of Utricularia grow in nitrogen-deficient soils and low-nitrogen-containing waters. This compells them to adopt to a carnivorous habit which may affect fish production adversely. The chemical characters of the habitats indicate that an acidic medium is essential for their proper growth. Cu, Zn, Mn and Mo are not essential for the growth of these species.  相似文献   

While biologists have been aware of theexistence of native Mexican trouts for over acentury, they have received little study. Thefew early studies that did much more thanmention their existence began in the 1930s andcontinued into the early 1960s, focusingprimarily on distributional surveys andtaxonomic analyses. Starting in the 1980s theBaja California rainbow trout became thesubject of more detailed studies, but verylittle remains known of mainland trouts of theSierra Madre Occidental. We review earlierstudies and report on our own collections andobservations made between 1975 and 2000. Wepresent newly discovered historical evidencethat leads us to conclude that a lostcutthroat trout, a lineage not previously knownfrom Mexico, was collected more than a centuryago from headwaters of the Río Conchos (amajor tributary of the Rio Grande (= RíoBravo)), a basin not previously considered toharbor a native trout. We review the lastcentury of regional natural resource managementand discuss our own observations of trouthabitats. Impacts of logging, road building andovergrazing are widespread and expanding. Manystreams suffer from heavy erosion, siltationand contamination, and though long-termhydrologic data are generally not available,there is evidence of decreased discharge inmany streams. These problems appear related toregion-wide land management practices as wellas recent regional drought. Trout cultureoperations using exotic rainbow trout haverapidly proliferated throughout the region,threatening genetic introgression and/orcompetition with native forms and predation onthem. Knowledge of distribution, abundance,relationships and taxonomy, not to mentionecology and population biology, of nativetrouts of the Sierra Madre Occidental remainsinadequate. Vast areas of most mainlanddrainages are still unexplored by fishcollectors, and even rudimentary informationregarding basic biology, ecology and populationstructure of stocks remains lacking.Concentrated exploration, research andmanagement of this long overlooked andundervalued resource are all urgently needed.The history of natural resources exploitationthat placed so many native trouts of thewestern United States on threatened andendangered species lists is repeating itself inthe Sierra Madre Occidental. Without concertedaction and development of region-widesocio-economic solutions for current, largelynon-sustainable resource management practices,native Mexican trout gene pools will soon be ingrave danger of extinction.  相似文献   

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