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发表了云南高黎贡山西坡玉山竹属二新种:大玉山竹(Yushania gigantea Yi et L.Yang)和片马玉山竹(Yushania pianmaensis Yi et L.Yang)。大玉山竹近似西藏玉山竹(Y.xizangensis Yi),不同在于秆柄粗壮,直径7~12mm,节间长达2.5 cm;秆较高大,高6~7 m,节间分枝一侧基部扁平或具短纵沟槽;小枝具(5)6(7)叶;叶鞘较长,长(2.5)3.2~4.8 cm;叶柄无毛;叶片较大,长(3.5)10~18(20)cm,宽(4.5)8~13(18)mm,易于区别。片马玉山竹相似大玉山竹(Y.gigantea Yi et L.Yang),但本种秆较矮小,高2.5~4 m,直径1~1.8(2.5)cm;枝条较多而细,在秆上每节12~30枚,直径1~1.5(2)mm;箨鞘背面无毛,箨片较小,长1.5~3.5 cm,宽1~2.5 mm;小枝具叶较少,为(3)4~5枚;叶片较小,长达12.5 cm,宽达8 mm。  相似文献   

发表了云南高黎贡山西坡玉山竹属二新种:大玉山竹(Yushania gigantea Yi et L.Yang)和片马玉山竹(Yushania pianmaensis Yi et L.Yang)。大玉山竹近似西藏玉山竹(Y.xizangensis Yi),不同在于秆柄粗壮,直径7~12 mm,节间长达2.5 cm;秆较高大,高6~7 m,节间分枝一侧基部扁平或具短纵沟槽;小枝具(5)6(7)叶;叶鞘较长,长(2.5)3.2~4.8 cm;叶柄无毛;叶片较大,长(3.5)10~ 18(20) cm,宽(4.5)8~13(18) mm,易于区别。片马玉山竹相似大玉山竹(Y.gigantea Yi et L.Yang),但本种秆较矮小,高2.5~4 m,直径1~1.8(2.5) cm;枝条较多而细,在秆上每节12~30枚,直径1~1.5(2) mm;箨鞘背面无毛,箨片较小,长1.5~3.5 cm,宽1~2.5 mm;小枝具叶较少,为(3)4~5枚;叶片较小,长达12.5 cm,宽达8 mm。  相似文献   

描述了竹亚科矢竹属一新种——中岩茶秆竹(Pseudosasa zhongyanensis S.H.Chen,K.F.Huang et H.Z.Guo)。本种与茶秆竹(P.amabilis(McClure) Keng f.)相近似,但箨环具明显箨基残留物和木栓质隆起,高于秆环,箨鞘顶端具小型外翻箨耳,耳缘具皱曲繸毛,箨舌几无毛或有短柔毛,易于区别。  相似文献   

半耳箬竹[Indocalamus semifalcatus(H. R. Zhao et Y. L. Yang) T. P. Yi]在原始文献中仅有部分营养器官的描述。该文通过野外居群调查、室内体视解剖和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察,新增了半耳箬竹的花器官描述和叶下表皮微形态特征,完善了其营养器官的性状描述,更新了其地理分布。结果表明:(1)繁殖器官性状:花序为圆锥状,小穗及小穗轴密被白色短柔毛,颖片、外稃及内稃光滑无毛,雄蕊3枚,花药紫红色,柱头2,白色,羽毛状。(2)营养体性状:秆高达4.5 m,径达2 cm,箨耳半镰形或微弱,箨片直立紧贴秆,叶耳微弱或无,叶舌上具较发达的纤毛;叶片两面同色且无毛。(3)叶下表皮微形态特征:气孔器凹陷不可见,8~10个长乳突平铺覆盖气孔,硅质体马鞍形,未见有大毛和刺毛。(4)新分布区域1个,即贵州省贵阳市观音山。该种与箬叶竹(I.longiauritus Hand.-Mazz.)最为相似,主要区别在于该种的箨鞘和叶鞘上具有半镰形的箨耳或箨耳缺失,秆高达4.5 m,径达2 cm。  相似文献   

描述了竹亚科牡竹属一新种——长耳吊丝竹(Dendrocalamus Iongiauritus S.H.Chen,K.F.HuangetR.S.Chen)。该种与吊丝竹(D.minor(McClure)ChiaetH.L.Fung)相近似,但该竹种部分节有明显发达的一条主枝,箨耳较大,明显并与箨片基部相连,窄长,横卧于箨鞘两肩,且呈有规则皱褶状,并着生有6~8mm长的波曲燧毛,箨舌高达0.7~0.9cm,呈不整齐撕裂状,上部有灰黄色扁形长毛,易于区别。  相似文献   

发表了产于云南西部的玉山竹属一新种永德玉山竹(Yushania yongdeensis Yi et J. Y. Shi)。补充记载了雪山箭竹(Fargesia lincangensis Yi)的花部特征。  相似文献   

发表了产于贵州的玉山竹属2新种,即窄叶玉山竹和细弱玉山竹。赤竹(Sasa longiligula McClure)、单枝竹(Bonia saxatilis(Chia, H. L. Fung et Y. L. Yang) N. H. Xia)为贵州新分布竹种,并对其中赤竹的花做了补充描述。  相似文献   

越香竹——香竹属一新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报导了从云南省金平县用种子(种子来源于越南莱州省的燕汤)繁殖的幼苗引入四川长宁县栽培的香竹属一新种越香竹(Chimonoca lamus peregrinus Yiet L.S.Ma)。新种与马关香竹(Ch.makuanensis Hsuehet Yi)相近似[1,3~5],但节间幼时微被灰粉,密被紫色小点,在分枝一侧中下部或基部扁平,并具纵脊和沟槽,无毛,刺状气生根较短,长约1~3mm,箨鞘短于节间长度,无不同颜色的纵条纹,箨舌三角形、"山"字形或稀近于截平形,高1~2mm,小枝具叶(4)6~8枚,叶鞘口繸毛2~4枚,长3~4mm,叶片下面淡绿色;也近似角香竹(Ch.bicorniculatusS.F.LietZ.P.Wang)[2,4,5],不同在于节间无毛,在分枝一侧中下部或基部扁平,并具纵脊与沟槽,节上气生根刺离生,箨鞘顶端两侧低于或远低于中部,箨舌高1~2mm,小枝具叶(4)6~8枚,叶片长8.5~13cm,宽6~10mm,次脉3(4)对,笋期在春季和秋季,易于区别。  相似文献   

在模式标本考证、居群调查和引种栽培的基础上,确认毛壳竹(Phyllostachys hispida S.C.Li,S.H.Wu et S.Y.Chen)与乌竹(P.varioauriculata S.C.Li et S.H.Wu)在新秆性状、秆箨颜色、箨舌高度及颜色、叶鞘毛被上有较大的区别,应作为独立的竹种看待。小叶光壳竹(P.varioauriculata var.glabrata G.H.Lai)也因新秆下部一段呈扁圆形、秆箨基部具长柔毛,叶片很小等特征而明显不同于乌竹,应提升为一个独立的竹种,但由于存在晚出同名问题而给出新名称P.microphylla G.H.Lai。同时还描述了毛壳竹的一新变种,即光壳竹(P.hispida var.glabrivagina G.H.Lai)。日本所产的姬淡竹与毛壳竹属于同一种系,因其学名P.humilis Muroi为一裸名,应予废弃。  相似文献   

要发表了产于云南西部的玉山竹属一新种永德玉山竹(Yushania yongdeensis Yi et J.Y.Shi)。补充记载了雪山箭竹(Fargesia lincangensis Yi)的花部特征。  相似文献   

Here we describe and illustrate a new species, Melocalamus grandiauritus N.H. Xia, Q.M. Qin & J. B. Ni sp. nov., from the lowland forest in Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. Molecular phylogeny based on the GBSSI indicates that this species is a member of Melocalamus. Morphologically, M. grandiauritus is different from all congeneric species in Vietnam. It is somewhat similar to M. pacoensis H.N.Nguyen & V.T.Tran, but is easily distinguished by having much wider suborbicular culm leaf auricles, very high and ventricose auricles of foliage leaves, entire ligules of both culm leaves and foliage leaves, and large leaf blades.  相似文献   

Over a period of 7 years the biology and phenotypic variability of Chusquea culeou were studied at 5 locations in cool temperate forests of southern Argentina. Excavated rhizomes had an average of 1.1 successful rhizome buds, and an average of 2.1 years elapsed between successive generations of rhizomes. Rhizome buds usually develop within the first four years after a rhizome forms. Height, volume and weight of a culm can be calculated from its diameter 1 m above the ground. Culm size, length of foliage leaf blades, and pattern of secondary branching differed among study sites. Dead culms were numerous and commonly remained erect for more than 7 years after dying. New culm shoots appear in spring and reach full size within a few months. Shoots can grow more than 9 cm/day. Less than half of the shoots survived a year; most were killed by moth larvae. Multiple primary branch buds emerge through the culm leaf sheaths in the second spring. The mean number of branch buds at mid-culm nodes varied between 34.8 and 81.5, and the mean number of primary branches was between 22.8 and 40.8. Number and length of branches, and number and length of foliage leaf blades at each node is related to the position of the node on a culm. Most branches grow about 3 cm and produce 1 to 3 foliage leaves annually. Foliage leaf blades generally live 2 years or more; few survive 6 years. Relative lengths of foliage leaf blades and their spacing along a branch permit recognition of annual cohorts.Both gregarious and sporadic flowering have been reported, and every year a few isolated plants flower and die. Length of the life cycle is unknown. Seedlings require up to 15 years to produce culms of mature size. Foliage branches may live more than 23 years, and culms may survive 33 years. Extensive loss of new shoots to predation suggests that gregarious flowering may be driven by a need to escape parasitism. C. culeou clumps expand slowly. Average annual rate of increase of the number of live culms in a clump was 4.6%. Methods of seed dispersal are undocumented. A dense stand of Chusquea culeou had an estimated phytomass of 179 tons/hectare (dry weight), 28% of which was underground. Net annual production was about 16 t/ha dry weight.  相似文献   

城隍竹——福建竹亚科一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了竹亚科(Bambusoideae)少穗竹属(Oligostachyum Z.P.Wang et G.H.Ye)一新种——城隍竹(O. heterophyllum M.M.Lin)。该新种分布于我国福建西部,它与糙花少穗竹[O.scabriflorum(McClure) Z.P.Wang et G.H.Ye]相似或近缘,但秆小,直径不超过1.5 cm;秆箨淡紫绿色,背面具有瘤基刺毛,无斑点,无白粉,亦无焦边,基部密被细刚毛;箨片直立,基部不收缩;箨舌淡禾秆色;叶鞘被细微柔毛而与后者相区别。  相似文献   

A new species of Aulonemia from the páramos of the Cordillera Oriental, Cundinamarca, Colombia, is described and illustrated. Aulonemia bogotensis is distinguished by its diminutive size, abaxially tomentose foliage leaf blades, and spikelets with muticous lemmas. Two similar Colombian endemics, A. pumila and A. trianae, are compared and contrasted with the new species.  相似文献   

Aulonemia yanachagensis is described from cloud forests at 2600–3000 m elevation in the Parque Nacional Yanachaga-Chemillén Prov. Oxapampa, Dept. Pasco, Peru. It differs from all other congeners in its combination of prominent sheath auricles, with abundant radiate fimbriae, small foliage leaf blades, and awnless spikelets.  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):148-151
描述了荨麻科楼梯草属2新种,其中发现自贵州的安龙楼梯草与条叶楼梯草近缘,与后者的区别在于此新种的茎和叶无毛,叶片椭圆形或狭倒卵形,较宽,雄苞片无角状突起,雌头状花序无梗,其花序托不等3~4裂,柱头画笔头状; 自广西发现的厚序楼梯草与福贡楼梯草近缘,与后者的区别在于此新种的叶片质地较薄,呈膜质,上面疏被糙伏毛,叶柄较短,长达2 mm或不存在,雄花序梗圆柱形,较长,密被短柔毛,雄总苞由一层不具角状突起的苞片组成。  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(9):1019-1022
该文描述了荨麻科楼梯草属2新种,其中发现自贵州的安龙楼梯草与条叶楼梯草近缘,与后者的区别在于此新种的茎和叶无毛,叶片椭圆形或狭倒卵形,较宽,雄苞片无角状突起,雌头状花序无梗,其花序托不等3~4裂,柱头画笔头状;自广西发现的厚序楼梯草与福贡楼梯草近缘,与后者的区别在于此新种的叶片质地较薄,呈膜质,上面疏被糙伏毛,叶柄较短,长达2 mm或不存在,雄花序梗圆柱形,较长,密被短柔毛,雄总苞由一层不具角状突起的苞片组成。  相似文献   

描述了产自广西木兰科一新种:靖西长喙木兰(Lirianthe jingxiensis Y. H. Tong&N. H. Xia)。本种形态上与绢毛木兰[L. albosericea(Chun&C. H. Tsoong)N. H. Xia&C. Y. Wu]接近,但区别在于该种植株较矮,幼枝、叶柄和幼叶被黄棕色绢毛,叶柄较宽,叶片较宽,倒卵形或倒卵状椭圆形,先端钝或短渐尖,花被片较大,心皮数目较多,被黄棕色绢毛。  相似文献   

该文描述了江西东北部菊科兔儿风属一新种——婺源兔儿风(Ainsliaea wuyuanensis Z.H.Chen,Y.L.Xu et X.F.Jin),并附有线描图和彩色照片。婺源兔儿风是密聚组(Sect.Aggregatae Beauv.)一个非常特殊的种,与本组的其他种类区别很大。从叶脉类型来看与粗齿兔儿风(A.grossedentata Franch.)比较接近,区别在于其叶片较大,菱形或菱状卵形,长11~17 cm,顶端渐尖,基部楔形,叶缘中上部具1~2对裂片状粗大锯齿,两面无毛;叶柄长2~14 cm;总苞片顶端锐尖;瘦果较长,密被污黄色糙毛。  相似文献   

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