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Ionic currents in single isolated bullfrog atrial cells   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Enzymatic dispersion has been used to yield single cells from segments of bullfrog atrium. Previous data (Hume and Giles, 1981) have shown that these individual cells are quiescent and have normal resting potentials and action potentials. The minimum DC space constant is approximately 920 microns. The major goals of the present study were: (a) to develop and refine techniques for making quantitative measurements of the transmembrane ionic currents, and (b) to identify the individual components of ionic current which generate different phases of the action potential. Initial voltage-clamp experiments made using a conventional two-microelectrode technique revealed a small tetrodotoxin (TTX)-insensitive inward current. The small size of this current (2.5-3.0 X 10(-10)A) and the technical difficulty of the two-microelectrode experiments prompted the development of a one-microelectrode voltage-clamp technique which requires impalements using a low-resistance (0.5-2 M omega) micropipette. Voltage-clamp experiments using this new technique in isolated single atrial cells reveal five distinct ionic currents: (a) a conventional transient Na+ current, (b) a TTX-resistant transient inward current, carried mainly by Ca++, (c) a component of persistent inward current, (d) a slowly developing outward K+ current, and (e) an inwardly rectifying time-independent background current. The single suction micropipette technique appears well-suited for use in the quantitative study of ionic currents in these cardiac cells, and in other small cells having similar electrophysiological properties.  相似文献   

Single cells from the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) atrium have been prepared by using a modification of the enzymatic dispersion procedure described by Bagby et al. (1971. Nature [Long.]. 234:351--352) and Fay and Delise (1973. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 70:641--645). Visualization of relaxed cells via phase-contrast or Nomarski optics (magnification, 400--600) indicates that cells range between 150 and 350 micrometers in length and 4 and 7 micrometers in diameter. The mean sarcomere length in relaxed, quiescent atrial cells in 2.05 micrometer. Conventional electrophysiological measurements have been made. In normal Ringer's solution (2.5 mM K+, 2.5 mM Ca++) acceptable cells have stable resting potentials of about -88 mV, and large (125 mV) long- duration (approximately 720 ms) action potentials can be elicited. The Vm vs. log[K+]0 relation obtained from isolated cells is similar to that of the intact atrium. The depolarizing phase of the action potential of isolated atrial myocytes exhibits two pharmacologically separable components: tetrodotoxin (10(-6) g/ml) markedly suppresses the initial regenerative depolarization, whereas verapamil (3 x 10(-6) M) inhibits the secondary depolarization and reduce the plateau height. A bridge circuit was used to estimate the input resistance (220 +/- 7 M omega) and time constant 20 +/- 7 ms) of these cells. Two- microelectrode experiments have revealed small differences in the electrotonic potentials recorded simultaneously at two different sites within a single cell. The equations for a linear, short cable were used to calculate the electrical constants of relaxed, single atrial cells: lambda = 921.3 +/- 29.5 micrometers; Ri = 118.1 +/- 24.5 omega cm; Rm = 7.9 +/- 1.2 x 10(3) omega cm2; Cm = 2.2 +/- 0.3 mu Fcm-2. These results and the atrial cell morphology suggest that this preparation may be particularly suitable for voltage-clamp studies.  相似文献   

A single suction microelectrode voltage-clamp technique was used to study the actions of lanthanum ions (La3+) on ionic currents in single cells isolated from bullfrog right atrium. La3+, added as LaCl3, blocked the "slow" inward Ca2+ current (ICa) in a dose-dependent fashion; 10(-5) M produced complete inhibition. This effect was best fitted by a dose-response curve that was calculated assuming 1:1 binding of La3+ to a site having a dissociation constant of 7.5 x 10(-7) M. La3+ block was reversed (to 90% of control ICa) following washout and, in the presence of 10(-5) M La3+, was antagonized by raising the Ca2+ concentration from 2.5 to 7.5 mM (ICa recovered to 56% of the control). However, the latter effect took approximately 1 h to develop. Concentrations of La3+ that reduced ICa by 12-67%, 0.1-1.5 x 10(-6) M, had no measurable effect upon the voltage dependence of steady state ICa inactivation, which suggest that at these concentrations there are no significant surface-charge effects of La3+ on this gating mechanism. Three additional findings indicate that doses of La3+ that blocked ICa failed to produce nonspecific effects: (a) 10(-5) M La3+ had no measurable effect on the time-independent inwardly rectifying current, IK1; (b) the same concentration had no effect on the kinetics, amplitude, or voltage dependence of a time- and voltage-dependent K+ current, IK; and (c) 10(-4) M La3+ did not alter the size of the tetrodotoxin-sensitive inward Na+ current, INa, or the voltage dependence of its steady state inactivation. Higher concentrations (0.5-1.0 mM) reduced both IK1 and IK, and shifted the steady state activation curve for IK toward more positive potentials, presumably by reducing the external surface potential. Our results suggest that at a concentration of less than or equal to 10(-5) M, La3+ inhibits ICa selectively by direct blockade of Ca channels rather than by altering the external surface potential. At higher concentrations, La3+ exhibits nonspecific effects, including neutralization of negative external surface charge and inhibition of other time- and voltage-dependent ionic currents.  相似文献   

Two light-dependent conductances in Lima rhabdomeric photoreceptors   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Light-dependent membrane currents were recorded from solitary Lima photoreceptors with the whole-cell clamp technique. Light stimulation from a holding voltage near the cell's resting potential evokes a transient inward current graded with light intensity, accompanied by an increase in membrane conductance. While the photocurrent elicited by dim flashes decays smoothly, at higher stimulus intensities two kinetically distinct components become visible. Superfusion with TEA or intracellular perfusion with Cs do not eliminate this phenomenon, indicating that it is not due to the activation of the Ca-sensitive K channels that are present in these cells. The relative amplitude of the late component vs. the early peak of the light response is significantly more pronounced at -60 mV than at -40 mV. At low light intensities the reversal potential of the photocurrent is around 0 mV, but with brighter lights no single reversal potential is found; rather, a biphasic response with an inward and an outward component can be seen within a certain range of membrane voltages. Light adaptation through repetitive stimulation with bright flashes diminishes the amplitude of the early but not the late phase of the photocurrent. These observations can be accounted for by postulating two separate light-dependent conductances with different ionic selectivity, kinetics, and light sensitivity. The light response is also shown to interact with some of the voltage-sensitive conductances: activation of the Ca current by a brief conditioning prepulse is capable of attenuating the photocurrent evoked by a subsequent test flash. Thus, Ca channels in these cells may not only shape the photoresponse, but also participate in the process of light adaptation.  相似文献   

Block by calcium of ATP-activated channels in pheochromocytoma cells   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We have investigated the effects of Ca2+ on Na+ influx through ATP- activated channels in pheochromocytoma PC12 cells using single channel current recordings. Under cell-attached patch-clamp conditions with 150 mM Na+ and 2 mM Ca2+ in the pipette, the unitary current activity showed an open level of about -4.3 pA at -150 mV. The channel opening was interrupted by flickery noise as well as occasional transition to a subconducting state of about -1.7 pA at -150 mV. The open level was decreased with increased external Ca2+, suggesting that external Ca2+ blocks Na+ permeation. We assessed the block by Ca2+ as the mean amplitude obtained with heavy filtration according to Pietrobon et al. (Pietrobon, D., B. Prod'hom, and P. Hess, 1989. J. Gen. Physiol. 94:1- 21). The block was concentration dependent with a Hill coefficient of 1 and a half-maximal concentration of approximately 6 mM. A similar block was observed with other divalent cations, and the order of potency was Cd2+ > Mn2+ > Mg2+ not equal to Ca2+ > Ba2+. High Ca2+, Mg2+ and Ba2+ did not block completely, probably because they can carry current in the channel. The block by external Ca2+ did not exhibit voltage dependence between -100 and -210 mV. In the inside-out patch-clamp configuration, the amplitude of inward channel current obtained with 150 mM external Na+ was reduced by increased internal Ca2+. The reduction was observed at lower concentrations than that by external Ca2+. Internal Ba2+ and Cd2+ induced similar reduction in current amplitude. This inhibitory effect of internal Ca2+ was voltage dependent; the inhibition was relieved with hyperpolarization. The results suggest that both external and internal Ca2+ can block Na+ influx through the ATP-activated channel. A simple one-binding site model with symmetric energy barriers is not sufficient to explain the Ca2+ block from both sides.  相似文献   

The success or failure of the propagation of electrical activity in cardiac tissue is dependent on both cellular membrane characteristics and intercellular coupling properties. This paper considers a linear arrangement of individual bullfrog atrial cells that are resistively coupled end to end to form a cylindrical strand. The strand, in turn, is encased by an endothelial sheath that provides a restricted extracellular space and an ion diffusion barrier to the outer bathing medium. This encased strand serves as an idealized model of an atrial trabeculum. Excitable membrane characteristics of the atrial cell are specified in terms of a Hodgkin-Huxley type of model that is quantitatively based on single-microelectrode voltage clamp data from bullfrog atrial myocytes. This membrane model can simulate the behavior of normal cells as well as of ischemic cells that exhibit depressed electrophysiological behavior (e.g., decreased resting potential, upstroke velocity, peak height, and action potential duration). Depressed activity can be easily simulated with variation of a single model parameter, the gain of the Na+/K+ pump current (INaK). Intercellular coupling properties are specified in terms of a lumped resistive T-type network between adjacent cells. The atrial strand model provides a means for studying the theoretical aspects of slow conduction in a "hybrid" strand that consists of a central region of cells having abnormal membrane or coupling properties, flanked on either side by normal atrial cells. Both uniform and discontinuous conduction are simulated by means of appropriate changes in the coupling resistance between cells. In addition, by varying either the degree of depressed electrical activity or the intercalated disc resistance in the central zone of the strand, slow conduction or complete conduction block in that region is demonstrated. Since the cellular model used in this study is based on experimental data and closely mimics both the atrial action potential and the underlying membrane currents, it has the potential to (1) accurately represent the current and voltage wave-forms occurring in the region of intercalated discs and (2) provide detailed information regarding the mechanisms in intercellular current spread in the region of slow conduction.  相似文献   

In the isolated bullfrog cornea, measurements of DC electrical parameters in conjunction with AC impedance and ultrastructural analyses were used to determine the effects of 10(-5) M amphotericin B on epithelial cellular membrane and paracellular conductances. In NaCl Ringers, amphotericin B elicited a 3.5-fold increase in the specific apical membrane conductance (Ga/Ca); where Ga and Ca are the apical membrane conductance and capacitance, respectively. The basolateral membrane conductance (Gb) and the basolateral membrane capacitance (Cb) fell by 57% and 50%, respectively. In the paracellular pathway, the tight junctional complex (Gj) was unchanged whereas the lateral intercellular space resistance (Rp) decreased by 55%. The declines in Gb and Cb were suggestive of cell volume shrinkage because these changes were consistent with a previously described decline in intracellular K+ content and reduction in exposed basolateral membrane area to current flow. Ultrastructural analysis validated that amphotericin B caused cell volume shrinkage because there was: (1) increased folding of the basolateral membrane and waviness of the basal aspects- of the plasma membrane; (2) dilatation of the lateral intercellular spaces. This agreement suggests that intracellular activity decreased following exposure to amphotericin B which resulted in cell volume shrinkage and an impairment of Cl- uptake across the basolateral membrane.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the anti-beta-adrenergic action of acetylcholine (ACh) on Ca current, ICa, was examined using the tight-seal, whole-cell voltage clamp technique in single atrial myocytes from the bullfrog. Both isoproterenol (ISO) and forskolin increased ICa dose dependently. After ICa had been enhanced maximally by ISO (10(-6) M), subsequent application of forskolin (50 microM) did not further increase ICa, suggesting that ISO and forskolin increase ICa via a common biochemical pathway, possibly by stimulation of adenylate cyclase. ACh (10(-5) M) completely inhibited the effect of low doses of forskolin (2 x 10(-6) M), as well as ISO, but it failed to block the effects of high doses of forskolin (greater than 5 x 10(-5) M). Intracellular application of cyclic AMP (cAMP) also increased ICa. ACh (10(-5) M) failed to inhibit this cAMP effect, indicating that the inhibitory action of ACh occurs at a site proximal to the production of cAMP. ACh (10(-5) M) also activated an inwardly rectifying K+ current IK(ACh). Intracellular application of a nonhydrolyzable GTP analogue, GTP gamma S (5 X 10(-4) M), activated IK(ACh) within several minutes; subsequent application of ACh (10(-5) M) did not increase IK(ACh) further. These results demonstrate that a GTP-binding protein coupled to these K+ channels can be activated maximally by GTP gamma S even in the absence of ACh. Intracellular application of GTP gamma S also strongly inhibited the effect of ISO on ICa in the absence of ACh. Pertussis toxin (IAP) completely prevented both the inhibitory effect of ACh on ICa and the ACh-induced activation of IK(ACh). GTP gamma S (50 microM-1 mM) alone did not increase ICa significantly; however, when ISO was applied first, GTP gamma S (5 x 10(-4) M) gradually inhibited the ISO effect on ICa. These results indicate that ACh antagonizes the effect of ISO on ICa via a GTP-binding protein (Gi and/or Go). This effect may be mediated through a direct inhibition by the alpha-subunit of Gi which is coupled to the adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

Summary Bullfrog atrial trabecula were voltage-clamped using a double-sucrose-gap method. Step depolarization produced a slowly changing outward current which was studied by analyzing the current tail produced by repolarization. The initial phase of the current tail (time constant 0.1 to 0.7 sec at –60 mV) had a reversal potential which depended upon the duration and magnitude of the preceding depolarization. Calculations based on trabecular geometry and the behavior of the currents in high external potassium suggest that part of the current tail reflects a restoration to a lower steadystate concentration of external potassium which had accumulated in narrow clefts between cells during the preceding depolarization. Step hyperpolarization produced a declining inward current (time constant 0.3 sec at –100 mV) which can be explained on the basis of a depletion of potassium from these intercellular clefts (about 0.5% of the trabecular volume).  相似文献   

B. Dufy  J.L. Barker 《Life sciences》1982,30(22):1933-1941
Voltage clamp recordings of GH3/B6 pituitary cells reveal the presence of non linear steady state membrane properties at the level of the resting potential (about ?41 mV). Clamping the cells to potentials more depolarized than ?60 mV is associated with a potential dependent increase in membrane conductance and membrane current variance. Tetra-ethylammonium (TEA), Cobalt (Co2+) and methoxy-verapamil (D-600) each attenuate these potential-dependent changes. Spectral analysis of membrane current fluctuations shows that power spectral densities calculated for fluctuations occuring over the ? 70 to ? 40 mV range declin? monotonically as a function of frequency, while spectra derived from fluctuations obtained over the ? 20 mV to 0 mV range decline as the square of frequency and are usually well fitted by a single Lorentzian equation. The half-power frequency of these spectra varies from 45 to 65 Hz. If we assume that the activities of two-state (open-closed) ion channels underlie the electrical behaviour of the membrane at the resting potential and at more depolarized levels, then the results suggests the presence of K+ ion channels whose activation depends both on potential and Ca2+ ions. These K+ ion channels have estimated electrical properties (conductance : 15 ps ; duration : 3 msec) similar to those present in other excitable membranes.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor currents of the multicellular green alga Volvox carteri were analyzed using a dissolver mutant. The photocurrents are restricted to the eyespot region of somatic cells. Photocurrents are detectable from intact cells and excised eyes. The rhodopsin action spectrum suggests that the currents are induced by Volvox rhodopsin. Flash-induced photocurrents are a composition of a fast Ca2+-carried current (PF) and a slower current (PS), which is carried by H+. PF is a high-intensity response that appears with a delay of less than 50 micros after flash. The stimulus-response curve of its initial rise is fit by a single exponential and parallels the rhodopsin bleaching. These two observations suggest that the responsible channel is closely connected to the rhodopsin, both forming a tight complex. At low flash energies PS is dominating. The current delay increases up to 10 ms, and the PS amplitude saturates when only a few percent of the rhodopsin is bleached. The data are in favor of a second signaling system, which includes a signal transducer mediating between rhodopsin and the channel. We present a model of how different modes of signal transduction are accomplished in this alga under different light conditions.  相似文献   

Cultured Na(+)-transporting epithelia from amphibian renal distal tubule (A6) were impaled with microelectrodes and analyzed at short-circuit and after transepithelial voltage perturbation to evaluate the influence of voltage on apical and basolateral membrane conductances. For equivalent circuit analysis, amiloride was applied at each setting of transepithelial potential. At short-circuit, apical and basolateral membrane conductances averaged 88 and 497 microS/cm2, respectively (n = 10). Apical membrane conductance, essentially due to Na(+)-specific pathways, decreased after depolarization of the apical membrane. The drop was considerably larger than predicted by the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz (GHK) constant-field equation. This suggests decrease in permeability of the apical Na+ channels upon depolarization. Basolateral membrane conductance, preferentially determined by K+ channels, increased after hyperpolarization of the basolateral membrane. This behavior is contrary to the prediction of the GHK constant field equation and reflects inward rectification of the K+ channels. The observed rectification patterns can be valuable for maintenance of cellular homeostasis.  相似文献   

The effects of leukotriene C4 (LTC4) on activation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR)-stimulated, inwardly rectifying K+ current (IK[ACh]) were examined in single bullfrog atrial myocytes using the whole-cell patch clamp technique. LTC4 produced a reversible, concentration-dependent increase in steady-state, guanosine-gamma- thiotriphosphate (GTP gamma S)-activated IK[ACh], with a K0.5 of 3.1 microM. LTC4 also increased the rate of GTP gamma S-mediated IK[ACh] activation, both in the absence and presence of 1 nM ACh, with comparable K0.5 values of 4.7 microM under basal conditions and 4.9 microM in the presence of 1 nM ACh. LTC4 did not alter the relative affinities of the G protein, Gk, for GTP gamma S and GTP. We hypothesize that all of the effects of LTC4 on the kinetics of Gk- mediated IK[ACh] activation are produced at a common site with a K0.5 of 3-5 microM. The effects of LTC4 on IK[ACh] activation are fully reversible in the presence of GTP gamma S. Under physiological conditions (i.e., intracellular GTP), 10 microM LTC4 increased the ACh- activated peak IK[ACh]. Inhibitors of cellular LTC4 production, including 5,8,11,14-eicosatetraynoic acid, baicalein, cinnamyl-3,4- dihydroxy-alpha-cyanocinnamate, and alpha-pentyl-4-(2- quinolinylmethoxy)-benzene methanol, greatly attenuated ACh-dependent IK[ACh] activation, preventing activation of peak, and producing a lower steady-state IK[ACh] (when compared with the control response in the same cell). Addition of exogenous LTC4 was able to overcome the effects of LTC4 synthesis inhibitors, restoring both the peak and steady-state IK[ACh] responses. Although the mechanism of LTC4-mediated modulation of IK[ACh] activation is not known, our results suggest that endogenously produced lipoxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid, specifically LTC4, are involved in the physiological process of IK[ACh] activation.  相似文献   

Summary Monoclonal antibodies (MABs) have been raised against acidic glycolipids extracted from the electric organ of Torpedo marmorata. One of these, designated L9, appears to recognize acidic glycolipids in adult T. marmorata electric organ, electromotor nerves and brain, adult rat sciatic nerve, and in embryonic and neonatal rat brain, starting at embryonic day (ED) 15 and disappearing by the 20th day of post-natal life. The epitope is present in growth cones isolated from 4-day-old rats; its proportion relative to total gangliosides is, however, no higher than that found in whole neonatal brain membranes. Desialidation of the acidic glycolipid fraction modifies neither the immunoreactivity nor the RF value following thin-layer chromatography (TLC) of the antigen; it is concluded that the antigen is not a ganglioside. The MAB, HNK-1, recognizes the L9 antigen. Both HNK-1 and L9 recognize a sulphoglycolipid of the same RF in TLC. The function of the L9 antigen is not known but its evolutionary conservation, presence in growth cones and its developmental regulation in the mammalian central nervous system indicate that it plays an important role in nervous system maturation.  相似文献   

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