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Pressure in the compliant middle segment of the pulmonary vascular bed (PM), as determined by arterial occlusion, was compared with pressure at the filtration site (effective filtration pressure, EFP), determined by the isofiltration technique, at very high (7-10 times normal) pulmonary flow in six in situ perfused canine left upper lobes. At these flow rates inflow and left atrial pressures averaged 41.9 +/- 1.3 and 2.5 +/- 0.5 (SE) mmHg, respectively. PM was 30.9 +/- 1.6 mmHg, and EFP was 32.3 +/- 1.9 mmHg with no significant difference between the two measurements by paired t test. The results indicate that the arterial occlusion technique yields a pressure that is equivalent to EFP even during very high pulmonary blood flow where the longitudinal distribution of resistance is quite different from that obtained during normal flow.  相似文献   

A coiled capillary viscometer for blood.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Arterial blood gas tensions and acid-base status of spontaneously-breathing, unanesthetized Wister rats were compared with values obtained during 4 hr of thiopental and 6 hr of halothane (1%) anesthesia. During thiopental anesthesia, marked respiratory depression occurred (PaCO-2:57.0 plus or minus 10.0 MM Hg, PaO-2:70.4 plus or minus 11.2 MM Hg). Thirty-six percent of the rats died. During inhalation of room air and 1% halothane, PaO-2 decreased also, whereas PaO-2 did not change. Twenty-seven percent of the original number of rats died. Lowered arterial oxygen tension may have caused death; no rats died during inhalation of oxygen and 1% halothane. This technic insured sufficient analgesia for surgical procedures without marked alterations of the acid base status and is recommended for long-term anesthesia of small laboratory animals like rats.  相似文献   

The effects of blood velocity on gas transport within the alveolar region of lungs, and on the lung diffusing capacity DL have for many years been regarded as negligible. The present work reports on a preliminary, two-dimensional investigation of CO convection-diffusion phenomenon within a pulmonary capillary. Numerical simulations were performed using realistic clinical and morphological parameter values, with discrete circular red blood cells (RBCs) moving with plasma in a single capillary. Steady-state simulations with stationary blood (RBCs and plasma) were performed to validate the model by comparison with published data. Results for RBCs moving at speeds varying from 1.0 mm/s to 10 mm/s, and for capillary hematocrit (Ht) from 5% to 55%, revealed an increase of up to 60% in DL, as compared to the stationary blood case. The increase in DL is more pronounced at low Ht (less than 25%) and high RBC speed and it seems to be caused primarily by the presence of plasma. The results also indicate that capillary blood convection affects DL not only by improving the plasma mixing in the capillary bed but also by replenishing the capillary with fresh (zero concentration) plasma, providing an additional reservoir for the consumption of CO. Our findings cast doubt on the current belief that an increase in the lung diffusing capacity of humans (for instance, during exercising), with fixed hematocrit, can only be accomplished by an increase in the lung volume effectively active in the respiration process.  相似文献   

Abstract. Spatial data can provide much information about the interrelations of plants and the relationship between individuals and the environment. Spatially ambiguous plants, i.e. plants without readily identifiable loci, and plants that are profusely abundant, present non‐trivial impediments to the collection and analysis of vegetation data derived from standard spatial sampling techniques. Sampling with grids of presence/absence quadrats can ameliorate much of this difficulty. Our analysis of 10 fully‐mapped grassland plots demonstrates the applicability of the grid‐based approach which revealed spatial dependence at a much lower sampling effort than mapping each plant. Ripley's K‐function, a test commonly used for point patterns, was effective for pattern analysis on the grids and the gridded quadrat technique was an effective tool for quantifying spatial patterns. The addition of spatial pattern measures should allow for better comparisons of vegetation structure between sites, instead of sole reliance on species composition data.  相似文献   

T W Secomb 《Cell biophysics》1991,18(3):231-251
Blood contains a high vol fraction of erythrocytes (red blood cells), which strongly influence its flow properties. Much is known about the mechanical properties of red cells, providing a basis for understanding and predicting the rheological behavior of blood in terms of the behavior of individual red cells. This review describes quantitative theoretical models that relate red cell mechanics to flow properties of blood in capillaries. Red cells often flow in single file in capillaries, and rheological parameters can then be estimated by analyzing the motion and deformation of an individual red cell and the surrounding plasma in a capillary. The analysis may be simplified by using lubrication theory to approximate the plasma flow in the narrow gaps between the cells and the vessels walls. If red cell shapes are assumed to be axisymmetric, apparent viscosities are predicted that agree with determinations in glass capillaries. Red cells flowing in microvessels typically assume nonaxisymmetric shapes, with cyclic "tank-treading" motion of the membrane around the interior. Several analyses have been carried out that take these effects into account. These analyses indicate that nonaxisymmetry and tank-treading do not significantly influence the flow resistance in single-file or two-file flow.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the study of co‐occurrence of species, which is traditionally performed using full presence–absence matrices of sets of many species, could benefit from simply testing for random co‐occurrence between pairs of species, and that use of a full presence–absence matrix is tantamount to regarding it as having some real ecological identity. Here I argue that although there are valid questions that can be answered using a pairwise approach, there are many others that naturally require the analysis of entire sets of species in a joint way, as provided for through the use of full presence–absence matrices. Moreover, there are theoretical and mathematical advantages to the use of presence–absence matrices, a few of which are briefly discussed in this short note.  相似文献   

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