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A class of ribonucleases termed S-RNases, which control the pistil expression of self-incompatibility, represents the only known functional products encoded by the S locus in species from the Solanaceae, Scrophulariaceae and Rosaceae. Previously, we identified a pollen-specific F-box gene, AhSLF (S locus F-box)-S2, very similar to S2-RNase in Antirrhinum, a member of the Scrophulariaceae. In addition, AhSLF-S2 also detected the presence of its homologous DNA fragments. To identify these fragments, we constructed two genomic DNA libraries from Antirrhinum self-incompatible lines carrying alleles S1S5 and S2S4, respectively, using a transformation-competent artificial chromosome (TAC) vector. With AhSLF-S2-specific primers, TAC clones containing both AhSLF-S2 and its homologs were subsequently identified (S2TAC, S5TACa, S4TAC, and S1TACa). DNA blot hybridization, sequencing and segregation analyses revealed that they are organized as single allelic copies (AhSLF-S2, -S1, -S4 and -S5) tightly linked to the S-RNases. Furthermore, clusters of F-box genes similar to AhSLF-S2 were identified. In total, three F-box genes (AhSLF-S2, -S2A and -S2C) in S2TAC (51 kb), three (AhSLF-S4, -S4A and -S4D) in S4TAC (75 kb), two (AhSLF-S5 and -S5A) in S5TACa (55 kb), and two (AhSLF-S1 and -S1E) in S1TACa (71 kb), respectively, were identified. Paralogous copies of these genes show 38–54% identity, with allelic copies sharing 90% amino acid identity. Among these genes, three (AhSLF-S2C, -S4D and -S1E) were specifically expressed in pollen, similar to AhSLF-S2, implying that they likely play important roles in pollen, whereas three AhSLF-SA alleles showed no detectable expression. In addition, several types of retroelements and transposons were identified in the sequenced regions, revealing some detailed information on the structural diversity of the S locus region. Taken together, these results indicate that both single allelic and tandemly duplicated genes are associated with the S locus in Antirrhinum. The implications of these findings in evolution and possible roles of allelic AhSLF-S genes in the self-incompatible reaction are discussed in species like Antirrhinum.Sequence data from this article have been deposited with the EMBL/GenBank databases under accession numbers AJ300474, AJ515534, AJ515536 and AJ515535  相似文献   

Six related radiata pine (Pinus radiata) full-sib families were used to detect and independently verify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for resistance to Dothistroma needle blight, caused by Dothistroma septospora. The detection families had from 26 to 30 individuals each, and had either a common maternal (31053) or paternal (31032) parent; one family (cross 4) consisted of progeny from both parents, 31053×31032. Approximately 200 additional progeny from cross 4 were clonally replicated and planted at two sites, with at least five to seven ramets of each individual per site. Marker segregation data were collected from a total of 250 RFLP and microsatellite markers, and single factor ANOVAs were conducted separately for each family and marker. A number of putative associations were observed, some across more than one family. Permutation tests were used to confirm expected probabilities of multiple associations based on chance alone. Seven markers representing at least four QTLs for resistance to Dothistroma were identified as being significant in more than one family; one of these was significant at P<0.05 in three families and highly significant at P<0.01 in a fourth. Further confirmation was obtained by testing those markers that were significant in more than one of the detection families (or highly significant in cross 4) in the clonally replicated progeny from cross 4. Four QTL positions were verified in the clonal populations, with a total percent variation accounted for of 12.5.Communicated by D.B. Neale  相似文献   

We have identified a mutant slowmotion phenotype in first instar larval peristaltic behaviour of Drosophila. By the end of embryogenesis and during early first instar phases, slowmo mutant animals show a marked decrease in locomotory behaviour, resulting from both a reduction in number and rate of peristaltic contractions. Inhibition of neurotransmitter release, using targeted expression of tetanus toxin light chain (TeTxLC), in the slowmo neurons marked by an enhancer-trap results in a similar phenotype of largely absent or uncoordinated contractions. Cloning of the slowmo gene identifies a product related to a family of proteins of unknown function. We show that Slowmo is associated with mitochondria, indicative of it being a mitochondrial protein, and that during embryogenesis and early larval development is restricted to the nervous system in a subset of cells. The enhancer-trap marks a cellular component of the CNS that is seemingly required to regulate peristaltic movement.  相似文献   

Cao X  Li K  Suh SG  Guo T  Becraft PW 《Planta》2005,220(5):645-657
The maize (Zea mays L.) CRINKLY4 (CR4) gene encodes a serine/threonine receptor-like kinase that controls an array of developmental processes in the plant and endosperm. The Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. genome encodes an ortholog of CR4, ACR4, and four CRINKLY4-RELATED (CRR) proteins: AtCRR1, AtCRR2, AtCRR3 and AtCRK1. The available genome sequence of rice (Oryza sativa L.) encodes a CR4 ortholog, OsCR4, and four CRR proteins: OsCRR1, OsCRR2, OsCRR3 and OsCRR4, not necessarily orthologous to the Arabidopsis CRRs. A phylogenetic study showed that AtCRR1 and AtCRR2 form a clade closest to the CR4 group while all the other CRRs form a separate cluster. The five Arabidopsis genes are differentially expressed in various tissues. A construct formed by fusion of the ACR4 promoter and the GUS reporter, ACR4::GUS, is expressed primarily in developing tissues of the shoot. The ACR4 cytoplasmic domain functions in vitro as a serine/threonine kinase, while the AtCRR1 and AtCRR2 kinases are not active. The ability of ACR4 to phosphorylate AtCRR2 suggests that they might function in the same signal transduction pathway. T-DNA insertions were obtained in ACR4, AtCRR1, AtCRR2, AtCRR3 and AtCRK1. Mutations in acr4 show a phenotype restricted to the integuments and seed coat, suggesting that Arabidopsis might contain a redundant function that is lacking in maize. The lack of obvious mutant phenotypes in the crr mutants indicates they are not required for the hypothetical redundant function.  相似文献   

Aschochyta blight, caused by Mycosphaerella pinodes, is one of the most economically serious pea pathogens, particularly in winter sowings. The wild Pisum sativum subsp. syriacum accession P665 shows good levels of resistance to this pathogen. Knowledge of the genetic factors controlling resistance to M. pinodes in this wild accession would facilitate gene transfer to pea cultivars; however, previous studies mapping resistance to M. pinodes in pea have never included this wild species. The objective of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling resistance to M. pinodes in P. sativum subsp. syriacum and to compare these with QTLs previously described for the same trait in P. sativum. A population formed by 111 F6:7 recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between accession P665 and a susceptible pea cultivar (Messire) was analysed using morphological, isozyme, RAPD, STS and EST markers. The map developed covered 1214 cM and contained 246 markers distributed in nine linkage groups, of which seven could be assigned to pea chromosomes. Six QTLs associated with resistance to M. pinodes were detected in linkage groups II, III, IV and V, which collectively explained between 31 and 75% of the phenotypic variation depending of the trait. While QTLs MpIII.1 and MpIII.2 were detected both for seedlings and field resistance, MpV.1 and MpII.1 were specific for growth chamber conditions and MpIII.3 and MpIV.1 for field resistance. Quantitative trait loci MpIII.1, MpII.1, MpIII.2 and MpIII.3 may coincide with other QTLs associated with resistance to M. pinodes previously described in P. sativum. Four QTLs associated with earliness of flowering were also identified. While dfIII.2 and dfVI.1, may correspond with other genes and QTLs controlling earliness in P. sativum, dfIII.1 and dfII.1 may be specific to P. sativum subsp. syriacum. Flowering date and growth habit were strongly associated with resistance to M. pinodes in the field evaluations. The relation observed between earliness, growth habit and resistance to M. pinodes is discussed.  相似文献   

We conducted a novel non-visual screen for cuticular wax mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Using gas chromatography we screened over 1,200 ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS)-mutagenized lines for alterations in the major A. thaliana wild-type stem cuticular chemicals. Five lines showed distinct differences from the wild type and were further analyzed by gas chromatography and scanning electron microscopy. The five mutants were mapped to specific chromosome locations and tested for allelism with other wax mutant loci mapping to the same region. Toward this end, the mapping of the cuticular wax (cer) mutants cer10 to cer20 was conducted to allow more efficient allelism tests with newly identified lines. From these five lines, we have identified three mutants defining novel genes that have been designated CER22, CER23, and CER24. Detailed stem and leaf chemistry has allowed us to place these novel mutants in specific steps of the cuticular wax biosynthetic pathway and to make hypotheses about the function of their gene products.Abbreviations EMS Ethyl methane sulfonate - SEM Scanning electron microscopy - SSLP Simple sequence length polymorphism - WT Wild type  相似文献   

Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis was performed at different time points during cold-acclimation of a tetraploid F2 Salix pedigree. The pedigree (n=92) was derived from a cross between a frost-susceptible diploid female clone Jorunn (Salix viminalis) and a frost resistant hexaploid male clone SW901290 (Salix dasyclados). Freezing resistance, height growth increment and number of new leaves were assessed at days 0, 12, 20, 24, 31 and 42 of a short day–low temperature (SD-LT) hardening regime, while the initiation of shoot tip abscission and shoot tip abscission were measured daily. Height increment, dry-to-fresh weight ratio and number of new leaves were also measured in a replicated field trial. Freezing resistance was determined from electrolyte leakage of leaf tissues and from visual injuries on stem segments, after exposure to a predetermined freeze-thaw stress. Using a genetic map of the F2 composed of 432 single-dose AFLP markers, a total of 19 genomic regions controlling freezing resistance (10) and phenological traits (9) before and during cold-acclimation (SD-LT) were identified. The magnitude of the phenotypic variation explained by each freezing resistance locus varied over acclimation time (0–45%), and there was no time point at which all the QTLs could be detected. The single QTL detected for non-acclimated freezing resistance did not reach significance at any time point during cold-acclimation, suggesting an independent genetic relationship between non-acclimated and acclimated resistance to freezing in Salix. Five of the loci associated with freezing resistance shared common intervals with loci controlling phenological traits. Of the 14 QTLs controlling autumn freezing resistance and/or phenological traits in the indoors experiment, six (43%) were associated with autumn phenology-related traits, i.e. height increment, dry-to-fresh weight ratio and number of new leaves, measured in the field. A major locus with multi-trait association in both indoor and outdoor experiments was detected.Communicated by O. Savolainen  相似文献   

Resistance to six known races of black rot in crucifers caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Pammel) Dowson is absent or very rare in Brassica oleracea (C genome). However, race specific and broad-spectrum resistance (to type strains of all six races) does appear to occur frequently in other brassica genomes including B. rapa (A genome). Here, we report the genetics of broad spectrum resistance in the B. rapa Chinese cabbage accession B162, using QTL analysis of resistance to races 1 and 4 of the pathogen. A B. rapa linkage map comprising ten linkage groups (A01–A10) with a total map distance of 664 cM was produced, based on 223 AFLP bands and 23 microsatellites from a F2 population of 114 plants derived from a cross between the B. rapa susceptible inbred line R-o-18 and B162. Interaction phenotypes of 125 F2 plants were assessed using two criteria: the percentage of inoculation sites in which symptoms developed, and the severity of symptoms per plant. Resistance to both races was correlated and a cluster of highly significant QTL that explained 24–64% of the phenotypic variance was located on A06. Two additional QTLs for resistance to race 4 were found on A02 and A09. Markers closely linked to these QTL could assist in the transference of the resistance into different B. rapa cultivars or into B. oleracea.  相似文献   

The genetic control and heritability of Agrobacterium tumefaciens susceptibility was investigated using a doubled haploid (DH) mapping population of Brassica oleracea and the associated RFLP map. Preliminary studies were carried out by analysis of an 8×8 diallel, for which the parental lines were selected to include a range of susceptibilities to A. tumefaciens. The variation observed within the diallel was attributed to both additive and dominant gene effects, with additive gene effects being more important. A broad sense heritability value of 0.95 suggested that 95% of the observed variation was due to genetic effects, with just 5% attributed to non-genetic or environmental effects. A high narrow-sense heritibility value of 0.79 suggested that 79% of this trait was controlled by additive gene effects and, therefore, the potential to introduce this trait into breeding material is high. Fifty-nine DH lines from the mapping population were screened for susceptibility towards A. tumefaciens. Variation in susceptibility was observed across the population. The results of the DH screen were entered into the mapping programme MAPQTL and a highly significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with susceptibility to A. tumefaciens was identified on linkage group 09. The use of substitution lines covering this region confirmed the location of this QTL. This work shows that susceptibility to A. tumefaciens is a heritable trait, and the transfer of susceptibility into resistant lines is demonstrated. These findings may help to overcome genotype restrictions to genetic transformation.Communicated by G. Wenzel  相似文献   

One of the most important cucumber diseases is bacterial angular leaf spot (ALS), whose increased occurrence in open-field production has been observed over the last years. To map ALS resistance genes, a recombinant inbred line (RIL) mapping population was developed from a narrow cross of cucumber line Gy14 carrying psl resistance gene and susceptible B10 line. Parental lines and RILs were tested under growth chamber conditions as well as in the field for angular leaf spot symptoms. Based on simple sequence repeat and DArTseq, genotyping a genetic map was constructed, which contained 717 loci in seven linkage groups, spanning 599.7 cM with 0.84 cM on average between markers. Monogenic inheritance of the lack of chlorotic halo around the lesions, which is typical for ALS resistance and related with the presence of recessive psl resistance gene, was confirmed. The psl locus was mapped on cucumber chromosome 5. Two major quantitative trait loci (QTL) psl5.1 and psl5.2 related to disease severity were found and located next to each other on chromosome 5; moreover, psl5.1 was co-located with psl locus. Identified QTL were validated in the field experiment. Constructed genetic map and markers linked to ALS resistance loci are novel resources that can contribute to cucumber breeding programs.  相似文献   

The development of tissue culture systems in duckweeds has, to date, been limited to species of the genus Lemna. We report here the establishment of an efficient tissue culture cycle (callus induction, callus growth and plant regeneration) for Spirodela oligorrhiza Hegelm SP, Spirodela punctata 8717 and Lemna gibba var. Hurfeish. Significant differences were found among the three duckweed species pertaining to carbohydrate and phytohormone requirements for callus induction, callus growth and frond regeneration. In vitro incubation with poorly assimilated carbohydrates such as galactose (S. oligorrhiza SP and L. gibba var. Hurfeish) and sorbitol (S. punctata 8717) as sole carbon source yielded high levels of callus induction on phytohormone-supplemented medium. Sorbitol is required for optimal callus growth of S. oligorrhiza SP and S. punctata 8717, while sucrose is required for callus growth of L. gibba var. Hurfeish. Sucrose either alone (S. oligorrhiza SP, L. gibba var. Hurfeish) or in addition to sorbitol (S. punctata 8717) is required for frond regeneration.Abbreviations ABA: (±)-Abscisic acid - BA: N6-Benzyladenine - 2,4-D 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - Dicamba: 3,6-Dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid - 2iP: N6-(2-Isopentenyl)adenine - NAA: -Naphthaleneacetic acid - PCA: p-Chlorophenoxy acetic acid - Picloram: 4-Amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid - TDZ: Thidiazuron Communicated by A. AltmanJ. Li and M. Jain contributed equally to the research reported in this article.  相似文献   

Transposable elements might be importantly involved in citrus genetic instability and genome evolution. The presence of gypsy like retrotransposons, their heterogeneity and genomic distribution in Citrus and Poncirus, have been investigated. Eight clones containing part of the POL coding region of gypsy like retrotransposons have been isolated from a commercial variety of Citrus clementina, one of the few sexual species in Citrus. Four of the eight clones might correspond to active elements given that they present all the conserved motifs described in the literature as essential for activity, no in-frame stop codon and no frame-shift mutation. High homology has been found between some of these citrus elements and retroelements within a resistance-gene cluster from potato, another from Poncirus trifoliata and two putative resistance polyproteins from rice. Nested copies of gypsy like elements are scattered along the Citrus and Poncirus genomes. The results on genomic distribution show that these elements were introduced before the divergence of both genera and evolved separately thereafter. IRAPs based on gypsy and copia types of retrotransposons seem to distribute differently, therefore gypsy based IRAPs prove a new, complementary set of molecular markers in Citrus to study and map genetic variability, especially for disease resistance. Similarly to copia-derived IRAPs, the number of copies and heterozygosity values found for gypsy derived IRAPs are lower in Poncirus than in Citrus aurantium, which is less apomictic and the most usual rootstock for clementines until 1970.Communicated by C. Möllers  相似文献   

Molecular markers derived from the complete chloroplast genome can provide effective tools for species identification and phylogenetic resolution. Complete chloroplast (cp) genome sequences of Capsicum species have been reported. We herein report the complete chloroplast genome sequence of Capsicum baccatum var. baccatum, a wild Capsicum species. The total length of the chloroplast genome is 157,145 bp with 37.7 % overall GC content. One pair of inverted repeats, 25,910 bp in length, was separated by a small single-copy region (17,974 bp) and large single-copy region (87,351 bp). This region contains 86 protein-coding genes, 30 tRNA genes, 4 rRNA genes, and 11 genes contain one or two introns. Pair-wise alignments of chloroplast genome were performed for genome-wide comparison. Analysis revealed a total of 134 simple sequence repeat (SSR) motifs and 282 insertions or deletions variants in the C. baccatum var. baccatum cp genome. The types and abundances of repeat units in Capsicum species were relatively conserved, and these loci could be used in future studies to investigate and conserve the genetic diversity of the Capsicum species.  相似文献   

Sphingomonas elodea ATCC 31461 produces gellan, a capsular polysaccharide that is useful as a gelling agent for food and microbiological media. Complementation of nonmucoid S. elodea mutants with a gene library resulted in identification of genes essential for gellan biosynthesis. A cluster of 18 genes spanning 21 kb was isolated. These 18 genes are homologous to genes for synthesis of sphingan polysaccharide S-88 from Sphingomonas sp. ATCC 31554, with predicted amino acid identities varying from 61% to 98%. Both polysaccharides have the same tetrasaccharide repeat unit, comprised of [4)--l-rhamnose-(13)--d-glucose-(14)--d-glucuronic acid-(14)--d-glucose-(1]. Polysaccharide S-88, however, has mannose or rhamnose in the fourth position and has a rhamnosyl side chain, while gellan has no sugar side chain but is modified by glyceryl and acetyl substituents. Genes for synthesis of the precursor dTDP-l-rhamnose were highly conserved. The least conserved genes in this cluster encode putative glycosyl transferases III and IV and a gene of unknown function, gelF. Three genes (gelI, gelM, and gelN) affected the amount and rheology of gellan produced. Four additional genes present in the S-88 sphingan biosynthetic gene cluster did not have homologs in the gene cluster for gellan biosynthesis. Three of these gene homologs, gelR, gelS, and gelG, were found in an operon unlinked to the main gellan biosynthetic gene cluster. In a third region, a gene possibly involved in positive regulation of gellan biosynthesis was identified.  相似文献   

Sectional taxonomy ofTaraxacum in steppe or subsaline habitats in Central Asia is revised based on material collected during expeditions, cultivated or studied in herbarium. Two new sections are described from that area:T. sect.Stenoloba similar toT. sect.Leucantha (syn.:T. sect.Sinensia), andT. sect.Suavia allied toT. sect.Dissecta. The type species of the sectionSuavia is described asTaraxacum formosissimum Kirschner etŠtěpánek. Widespread mountain dandelions of the Caucasus, intermediate between the sect.Piesis andT. stevenii, are described asT. sect.Confusa. Taraxacum species dominating dry habitats in S Ukraine and Crimea are described asT. sect.Borysthenica. Species belonging to the new sections were found to be polyploid and agamospermous.  相似文献   

The shoot apical meristem of higher plants consists of a population of stem cells at the tip of the plant body that continuously gives rise to organs such as leaves and flowers. Cells that leave the meristem differentiate and must be replaced to maintain the integrity of the meristem. The balance between differentiation and maintenance is governed both by the environment and the developmental status of the plant. In order to respond to these different stimuli, the meristem has to be plastic thus ensuring the stereotypic shape of the plant body. Meristem plasticity requires the ZWILLE (ZLL) gene. In zll mutant embryos, the apical cells are misspecified causing a variability of the meristems size and function. Using specific antibodies against ZLL, we show that the zll phenotype is due to the complete absence of the ZLL protein. In immunohistochemical experiments we confirm the observation that ZLL is solely localized in vascular tissue. For a better understanding of the role of ZLL in meristem stability, we analysed the genetic interactions of ZLL with WUSCHEL (WUS) and the CLAVATA1, 2 and 3 (CLV) genes that are involved in size regulation of the meristem. In a zll loss-of-function background wus has a negative effect whereas clv mutations have a positive effect on meristem size. We propose that ZLL buffers meristem stability non-cell-autonomously by ensuring the critical number of apical cells required for proper meristem function.Edited by G. JürgensAn erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The high content of carotenoids, sugars, dry matter, vitamins and minerals makes the fruit of winter squash (Cucurbita maxima Duchesne) a valuable fresh-market vegetable and an interesting material for the food industry. Due to their nutritional value, long shelf-life and health protective properties, winter squash fruits have gained increased interest from researchers in recent years. Despite these advantages, the genetic and genomic resources available for C. maxima are still limited. The aim of this study was to use the genetic mapping approach to map the ovary colour locus and to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for high carotenoid content and flesh colour. An F6 recombinant inbred line (RIL) mapping population was developed and used for evaluations of ovary colour, carotenoid content and fruit flesh colour. SSR markers and DArTseq genotyping-by-sequencing were used to construct an advanced genetic map that consisted of 1824 molecular markers distributed across linkage groups corresponding to 20 chromosomes of C. maxima. Total map length was 2208 cM and the average distance between markers was 1.21 cM. The locus affecting ovary colour was mapped at the end of chromosome 14. The identified QTLs for carotenoid content in the fruit and fruit flesh colour shared locations on chromosomes 2, 4 and 14. QTLs on chromosomes 2 and 4 were the most meaningful. A correlation was clearly confirmed between fruit flesh colour as described by the chroma value and carotenoid content in the fruit. A high-density genetic map of C. maxima with mapped loci for important fruit quality traits is a valuable resource for winter squash improvement programmes.  相似文献   

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