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It has previously been shown that monoclonal antigen-specific mouse CTL lines can be induced to express cytolytic activity with the same specificity as that of splenic natural killer (NK) cells following culture in high concentrations of concanavalin A-induced spleen cell supernatants. In the present experiments, we made use of this in vitro system to explore the regulation of NK activity at the clonal level. Interferon-alpha and interferon-beta and interleukin 2 (IL 2) were potent inducers of NK activity in CTL, demonstrating that these substances can activate NK functions directly without the participation of other cell types. By comparison, IFN-gamma was a poor activator of NK activity in CTL (and also in fresh spleen cells). Three major differences between induction of NK activity by IFN-alpha,beta and IL 2 were noted: IFN induced NK activity selectively without affecting specific cytolysis, whereas IL 2 also enhanced specific killing; IFN acted much more rapidly than IL 2; and IFN did not induce the cells to enter the cell cycle nor were there any obvious morphologic changes. Specific antigen was also a strong inducer of NK activity in CTL, but studies with antisera against the various classes of IFN revealed that this effect was mediated, at least in part, via the release of IFN-beta. By contrast, the same antisera had no effect on NK induction by crude TCGF or by highly purified IL 2, indicating that the regulation of NK activity by IL 2 occurs at the clonal level in an IFN-independent manner. Although, IL 2, IFN, and Ag could apparently act alone to induce NK activity, much greater (synergistic) induction was obtained by various combinations of these regulators, suggesting that the delivery of two (or more) signals to the responder cell was required for full expression of the NK state. As with fresh splenic NK cells, the induced NK state in cloned CTL was intrinsically labile as revealed by its rapid decay in the absence of inducers, but it could nonetheless be maintained indefinitely at very high levels in the continued presence of inducers. This clonal system thus displays a responsiveness to regulatory signals exactly analogous to that of splenic NK cells and provides a unique and exciting opportunity to evaluate the biochemistry of the regulation of NK activity.  相似文献   

The production of interferon (IFN) during a chromium-51 release assay with hepatitis A virus (HAV)-infected fibroblasts and autologous peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with acute HAV infection was studied to determine whether IFN plays a role in immunopathogenesis of hepatitis A infection in humans. Skin fibroblasts of eight patients after acute HAV infection and from two control persons without history of current or past HAV infection were infected with HAV. Peripheral blood lymphocytes were collected at different times after the onset of icterus and tested in a chromium-51 release assay against autologous HAV-infected skin fibroblasts for their cytolytic and IFN-producing activity. The IFN produced during the assay was characterized and found to have the properties of human gamma IFN. Cytotoxicity and gamma IFN release were virus specific. The cell types responsible for both functions were characterized and found to be in the HLA-dependent T8+ lymphocyte subset. Considering that gamma IFN has an antiviral effect on persistent HAV infection in vitro and that it probably accounts for stimulation of HLA class I antigen expression on hepatocytes, our experimental results presented here demonstrate that human gamma IFN produced by HAV-specific T cells may participate in pathogenesis of hepatitis A infection in humans.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood monocytes are heterogeneous with respect to their size and function. Two monocyte subsets were isolated by countercurrent centrifugal elutriation and were studied with respect to their ability to effect antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) and for the presence of Fc receptors on their surface. Both monocyte subsets display Fc surface receptors and are effectors of ADCC against sensitized human erythrocyte target cells. The demonstration of ADCC by monocyte effectors is dependent on their concentration in the incubation mixture. Dilution of monocytes below 10% by unlabeled and unsensitized erythrocytes or lymphocytes significantly suppresses ADCC, presumably by steric inhibition of effector and target contact.  相似文献   

Regulation of immune cell activation in lymphocyte-bearing human tissues is a pivotal host function, and metabolites of arachidonic acid (prostaglandin E2 in particular) have been reported to serve this function at non-mucosal sites. However, it is unknown whether prostaglandin E2 is immunoregulatory for the large lymphocyte population in the lamina propria of intestine; whether low (nM) concentrations of prostaglandin E2 modulate immune responses occurring there; and whether adjacent inflammation per se abrogates prostaglandin E2's regulatory effects. To address these issues, intestine-derived lymphocytes and T hybridoma cells were assessed, T cell activation was monitored by release of independently quantitated lymphokines, and dose-response studies were performed over an 8-log prostaglandin E2concentration range. IL-3 release by normal intestinal lamina propria mononuclear cells was reduced (up to 78%) in a dose-dependent manner by prostaglandin E2, when present in as low a concentration as 10−10M. PGE2 also inhibited(by ≥ 60%) mucosal T lymphocytes' ability to destabilize the barrier function of human epithelial monolayers. Further, with an intestine-derived T lymphocyte hybridoma cell line, a prostaglandin E2 dose-dependent reduction in IL-3 and IL-2 (90 and 95%, respectively) was found; this was true for both mitogen- and antigen-driven T cell lymphokine release. Concomitant [3H] thymidine uptake studies suggested this was not due to a prostaglandin E2-induced reduction in T cell proliferation or viability. In contrast, cells from chronically inflamed intestinal mucosa were substantially less sensitive to prostaglandin E2, e.g., high concentrations (10−6 M) of prostaglandin E2 inhibited IL-3 release by only 41%. We conclude that prostaglandin E2 in nM concentrations is an important modulator of cytokine release from T lymphocytes derived from the gastrointestinal tract, and it may play a central role in regulation of lamina propria immunocyte populations residing there. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Evidence from the literature suggests that the nervous and the immune systems closely interact via neuromediators, which affect the immune system, and cytokines, which control nerve cell growth and activity. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is a neuropeptide that has been identified in numerous tissues including immune organs and inhibits the proliferation of spleen cells. We investigated whether CGRP altered the function of T lymphocytes. We present evidence that CGRP induces a dose-dependent cAMP accumulation in interleukin 2-producing TH1 cells and inhibits their production of interleukin 2. These effects are prevented by CGRP8-37, a CGRP antagonist that is missing the first 7 amino acids. This CGRP-mediated inhibition of interleukin 2 production is accompanied by a decrease in interleukin 2 mRNA accumulation. CGRP also inhibits the accumulation of mRNA coding for tumor necrosis factor-alpha and -beta and interferon-gamma. Thus, we have identified one mechanism by which CGRP inhibits the proliferation of spleen cells.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrated the presence of two suppressor circuits in the regulation of the in vitro activation and differentiation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL); these suppressor circuits were mediated by prostaglandins (PG) and antigens, respectively. In intrinsic suppression, the activation of cytotoxic precursor cells was regulated by the host endogenous production of PG. When the regulation by PG was removed (e.g., using indomethacin), lymphokine-induced cytotoxic cells (LICC) were generated. This activation process can be induced in the absence of antigen or mitogen stimulation. In extrinsic suppression, the presence of antigen induced the generation of antigen-nonspecific suppressor T cells to restrict the expansion of antigen-unrelated cytotoxic lymphocyte clones, whereas the antigen-specific CTL clones were spared. The generation of antigen-specific helper cells further augmented the antigen-specific CTL response. These findings indicate that both antigen specific suppressor T cells and antigen nonspecific suppressor T cells are involved in the regulation of CTL responses. These suppressor circuits not only play an active role in monitoring the activation of CTL clones, they also help to determine the specificity and magnitude of the CTL response.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic activity of alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) was maintained and augmented by transferring cells from a 5-day mixed lymphocyte culture MLC into a host culture (HC) containing indomethacin, freshly explanted normal spleen cells, and peritoneal cells which were syngeneic to the MLC cells. The MLC cells used in the transfer experiments were generated by culturing untreated H-2b splenic responders with irradiated H-2d stimulators, or were generated by culturing Lyt-2-depleted H-2b splenic responders with irradiated H-2d stimulators. The allo-CTL were found to be derived from the donor MLC (first culture) when unfractionated MLC cells were transferred into a host (second) culture and incubated for 5 days. In contrast, the allo-CTL were derived from host culture cells when Lyt-2-depleted MLC cells were transferred and the combined cultures incubated for 5 days. In the former case, the augmentation of MLC-derived cytotoxicity did not result from nonspecific expansion of all donor T cells; instead it was mediated by lymphokine(s), distinct from IL-2, produced by helper T cells generated in host culture, which appeared to selectively expand the antigen-specific CTL or to increase the cytotoxic activity of these CTL. The helper T cells were Thy-1+, L3T4+, and Lyt-2-. These findings indicate that antigen-nonspecific help was provided by helper cells or helper factors (lymphokines) generated in the host culture, which maintained and augmented the cytotoxic activity of the fully generated allo-CTL. This helper effect was also seen in the induction of primary allo-CTL responses which could be generated with fewer stimulating cells and with a stronger cytotoxic response at different R/S ratios tested. The generation of allo-CTL in second culture following transfer of Lyt-2-depleted MLC cells to host cultures appears to have involved antigen carryover from the MLC; however, antigen carryover alone was not sufficient. It appears that in the absence of Lyt-2+ suppressor T cells, antigen-specific help might be generated in donor cultures (Lyt-2-depleted MLC) which promoted or recruited the generation of antigen-specific CTL in host culture.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that influenza virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones require antigen and exogenous growth factors for continued proliferation in culture. In this report we show that after stimulation with specific antigen, cloned CTL are capable of limited proliferation in response to interleukin 2 (IL 2) alone but with time these large blast-like cells revert to smaller, quiescent cells that are no longer responsive to IL 2. The IL 2-unresponsive CTL can not be driven to proliferate by supra-optimal concentrations of IL 2, and unresponsiveness correlates with decreased ability to absorb IL 2 from conditioned medium at 0 degrees C, suggesting that unresponsiveness is due to diminished IL 2 receptors. Stimulation of the unresponsive CTL with antigen leads to re-expression of the IL 2 receptor. Decreased absorbing capacity of the unresponsive cells could not be accounted for by their smaller surface area, and the IL 2-unresponsive cells seemed not to down-regulate all their immune functions, as they remained cytotoxic. These results provide a basis for the role of specific antigen in maintaining CTL clones in vitro. Furthermore, these results suggest that antigen-dependent CTL lines can be regulated and that antigen and IL 2 both play a role in their regulation.  相似文献   

IL 2 receptor expression as a function of time after antigenic stimulation was examined on antigen-dependent human CTL clones specific for type A influenza virus. The anti-Tac monoclonal antibody was used to follow IL 2 receptor levels on the cloned cells. Shortly after antigenic stimulation, IL 2 receptor expression was maximal; by 1 wk, however, levels had decayed considerably, and by 2 wk only background expression remained. Reexpression of IL 2 receptors could be induced by exposure of quiescent clones to antigen or lectin. IL 2-driven proliferation of the cytotoxic clones was also examined, and it decayed with the same kinetics as IL 2 receptor levels. Proliferation of quiescent cells could also be obtained by antigen-specific stimulation. Thus, IL 2 receptor expression by human CTL clones at least in part regulates the antigen-specific proliferation of these cells.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) specific for MOPC-104E myeloma cells of BALB/c origin could be induced in BALB/c, (BALB/c X BALB.B)F1, and (BALB/c X BALB.K)F1 mice. (BALB/c X BALB.B)F1 CTL activity specific for MOPC-104E was effectively inhibited by anti-H-2d but not by anti-H-2b alloantiserum. However, the activity was hardly blocked by specific anti-idiotypic antibodies to MOPC-104E. For further analysis of the recognition of idiotype on target cells by CTL, the effect of those lymphocytes on anti-dextran B1355S antibody-producing B lymphocytes, which have a cross-reactive idiotype to MOPC-104E, was investigated. Lymphocytes from the CTL population did inhibit antibody production by dextran-immune spleen cells, but those from the CTL population specific for irrelevant myeloma cells (MOPC-167) did not. The (BALB/c X BALB.K)F1 CTL population suppressed the antibody production of BALB/c but not of BALB.K. This indicates that F1 cells can preferentially see H-2 antigens of immunizing myeloma cells on target B lymphocytes. The inhibition of antibody production was antigen specific and was only restricted to the PFC that were inhibitable by anti-idiotypic antibodies. The surface phenotypes of the cells that inhibited the antibody production were Thy-1+, Lyt-1-, Lyt-2+, and I-J-. These results strongly suggest that CTL specific for MOPC-104E recognize self H-2 antigens simultaneously with idiotypic determinants on B lymphocytes. Possible immunoregulatory roles of idiotype-specific CTL on antibody production systems are also suggested.  相似文献   

Human and murine lymphocyte populations differentiate into lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells after in vitro or in vivo exposure to interleukin 2 (IL 2). LAK cells mediate destruction of neoplastic tissue in vitro and have been reported to spare normal tissue. However, systemic toxicity is observed in mice and patients receiving IL 2 infusions. Some aspects of this toxicity are similar to that seen in graft-vs-host disease, suggesting that IL 2 may cause an immune-mediated destruction of normal tissues. We have evaluated this issue by examining the destructive potential of fresh human lymphocytes cultured in media containing highly purified recombinant human IL 2. In the absence of any exogenous antigen or allogeneic stimulating cells, strong proliferative responses were induced after 6 days of exposure to IL 2. Lymphocytes harvested from these 6-day cultures were highly cytotoxic to K562 and Daudi target cells. These IL 2-activated cells were also cytotoxic against autologous and allogeneic normal lymphocyte target cells. This autologous lymphocyte destruction was detected in media containing autologous serum and was directly dependent on the concentration of IL 2 added to the cultures. These studies demonstrate that populations of IL 2-activated lymphocytes, containing LAK activity, can mediate low-level but significant destruction of normal lymphocytes in vitro.  相似文献   

A qualitative difference in the requirement of mouse helper and cytotoxic T lymphocytes for interleukin 2 (IL-2) was revealed by offering such cells IL-2 synthesized in Xenopus laevis oocytes that had been microinjected with messenger RNA (mRNA) encoding human IL-2. While both helper and cytotoxic mouse T-cell lines proliferate in response to the IL-2 present in medium conditioned by stimulated human lymphocytes, only helper-T-cell lines respond to human IL-2 secreted from oocytes. This result demonstrates a difference between helper and cytotoxic T lymphocytes in their response to IL-2. The growth response of murine cells shows that IL-2 secreted from human cells has properties not found in the IL-2 secreted from oocytes, even though a monoclonal antibody directed against the human IL-2 receptor blocks the activity of both types of IL-2. Quite possibly, this difference results from a post-translational modification.  相似文献   

Antigen-independent activation of memory cytotoxic T cells by interleukin 2   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Culture supernatants from mitogen- or antigen-activated murine spleen cells are capable of causing reexpression of specific cytolytic activity from inactive memory cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in the absence of the original priming antigen. We have demonstrated that memory CTL from cytolytically inactive day 14 MLC cells are induced to reexpress high levels of specific cytotoxic activity after incubation with IL 2. Highly purified IL 2 was shown to induce levels of lytic activity comparable with that induced by supernatants from secondary mixed lymphocyte cultures (secondary MLC SN), suggesting that only IL 2 is necessary for the reactivation process. Moreover, only Lyt-2+ cells are necessary for reactivation inasmuch as inactive MLC cells depleted of Lyt-1+ cells by treatment with antibody and complement, followed by FACS selection of Lyt-2+ cells, were efficiently reactivated by IL 2. Because IL 2 is considered a proliferative signal, we examined whether proliferation was requisite for reactivation of memory CTL by IL 2. In the presence of cytosine arabinoside, which effectively inhibited proliferation, IL 2 was capable of reactivating memory CTL as efficiently as antigen, thus implying a differentiative role for IL 2 in secondary CTL activation. Reactivation of CTL by IL 2 and antigen appear to be functionally distinct events, because antigen but not IL 2 could trigger immune interferon release, although either IL 2 or antigen induced high levels of cytotoxicity. We propose that resting, memory CTL retain a heightened level of expression of IL 2 receptors as compared with naive CTL precursors, and thus are able to respond directly to exogenous IL 2. The consequences of this are proliferation and reexpression of specific killing activity, but this signal is not sufficient to induce immune interferon secretion. Rather, it appears that a signal via the antigen receptor is necessary for release of this lymphokine.  相似文献   

Human interleukin 2 (IL 2, or T cell growth factor), which was free of lectin and interferon activity (IFN), induced human peripheral T lymphocytes to produce immune IFN (IFN-gamma). In contrast, non-T cells and macrophages did not produce IFN-gamma in response to IL 2. IL 2 acted directly on unstimulated T cells to induce IFN-gamma production, and also acted in synergy with a suboptimal dose (2 micrograms/ml) of concanavalin A (Con A) to enhance IFN-gamma production. The IFN-gamma-inducing activity of partially purified IL 2 was absorbed along with the IL 2 activity by murine IL 2-dependent CT-6 cell line cells. This further supports the view that IFN-gamma-inducing activity is identical to IL 2. When T cells were separated further into helper/inducer T4+ and suppressor/cytotoxic T8+ subsets by negative selection with monoclonal antibody and complement, both T4+ and T8+-enriched cells produced significant levels of IFN-gamma in response to IL 2. Complete removal of macrophages from purified T lymphocyte populations by treatment of OKM1 plus complement consistently reduced IFN-gamma production in response to IL 2 to a limited degree; readdition of macrophages restored IFN-gamma production by both T cell subsets. This observation that IL 2 contributes to the production of IFN-gamma by human lymphocytes suggests that a cascade of lymphocyte-cell interactions participates in human immune responses.  相似文献   

A human T cell clone (termed 40.2.6) established from a rejected human kidney allograft has been studied for its ability to express membrane IL 2 receptors in response to antigen (irradiated cells from the graft's donor) and recombinant IL 2 (rec-IL 2). On antigenic stimulation, the 40.2.6 clone produced low levels (0.15 U/ml) of IL 2 (peak at 24 hr) and incorporated (3H)thymidine (peak at 48 hr). This incorporation was strongly enhanced on addition of rec-IL 2 and was inhibited by the 33B31 antibody, an anti-human IL 2 receptor monoclonal antibody (Mab). The 125I-labeled 33B31 Mab has been used to quantify the density of IL 2 receptors on 40.2.6 cells. Cells not re-exposed to antigen or rec-IL 2 had a level of 33B31-binding sites which declined rapidly (10% of starting value after 2 days). This level remained much more stable when rec-IL 2 (1 U/ml) was present in the medium (80% at day 2). Antigen induced a three- to eightfold increase in the level of 33B31-binding sites which peaked at 24 hr and then declined. When a similar antigenic stimulation was performed in the presence of rec-IL 2 (1 U/ml), the level of 33B31-binding sites peaked at a higher value (eight- to 20-fold increase at day 2), and its subsequent decline was slower. These potentiating effects of rec-IL 2 were dose-dependent and occurred at low concentrations corresponding to the saturation by rec-IL 2 of high affinity IL 2 receptor sites. Finally, high affinity IL 2 receptors, as measured by the binding of 35S-labeled rec-IL 2, were found to be similarly up-regulated by antigen and rec-IL 2. Together, our results obtained on a monoclonal human T cell population with highly purified rec-IL 2 demonstrate that rec-IL 2 and antigen act in synergy to induce the expression of both high and low affinity membrane IL 2 receptors.  相似文献   

We previously described a cell surface antigen, termed Tp44, detected by monoclonal antibody 9.3 on approximately 80% of mature human T lymphocytes. Analysis by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing demonstrated that this antigen consists of two identical 44 kilodalton glycopeptides that form a disulfide-linked homodimer. Competitive binding experiments showed that antibody 9.3 and an anti-CD3 antibody (64.1) recognize distinct antigenic determinants; furthermore, the binding of antibody 9.3 was unaffected by prior modulation of CD3. Thus, Tp44 has no detectable cell surface association with CD3. By itself, antibody 9.3 had no detectable effect on either IL 2 receptor expression or IL 2 release, and did not cause T cell proliferation even when monocytes were present and exogenous IL 2 was provided, indicating that binding of antibody 9.3 does not provide a primary signal for T cell activation. However, the proliferative responses of T lymphocytes activated by phytohemagglutinin, concanavalin A, or an anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody were strikingly enhanced in the presence of antibody 9.3, an effect associated with increased IL 2 receptor expression and increased IL 2 secretion. Antibody 9.3 enabled anti-CD3-Sepharose-activated T cells and anti-CD3 antibody-activated Jurkat cells to release IL 2 in the absence of monocytes. Fab fragments of antibody 9.3 had no effect on anti-CD3-induced IL 2 release by Jurkat cells, whereas F(ab')2 fragments had activity comparable to that of unmodified antibody, indicating that bivalent binding of Tp44 molecules is required for IL 2 secretion. Together, these results suggest that TP44 may function as a receptor for accessory signals in the activation of T cells.  相似文献   

Activated CD8+ T cells can differentiate into type 1 (Tc1) cells, producing mainly IFN-gamma, and type 2 (Tc2) cells, producing mostly IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10. Tc1 cells are potent CTL involved in the defense against intracellular pathogens and cancer cells. The role of Tc2 cells in the immune response is largely unknown, although their presence in chronic infections, cancer, and autoimmune diseases is associated with disease severity and progression. Here, we show that mouse Tc2 cells modify, through a cell-to-cell contact mechanism, the function of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (DC). Indeed, Tc2-conditioned DC displayed a reduced expression of MHC class II and costimulatory molecules, produced IL-10 instead of IL-12, and favored the differentiation of both naive CD4+ and CD8+ T cells toward type 2 cells in the absence of added polarizing cytokines. The novel function for Tc2 cells suggests a type 2 loop in which Tc2 cells modify DC function and favor differentiation of naive T cells to type 2 cells. The type 2 loop may at least in part explain the unexpected high frequency of type 2 cells during a chronic exposure to the Ag.  相似文献   

The dependency of induction of T cell cytotoxicity on lymphokines was studied. 1 X 10(5) nylon wool-purified thymic lymphocytes or 10(4) spleen cells were cultured with TNP-haptenated syngeneic UV-irradiated spleen cells in the presence of a variety of lymphokine preparations. Concanavalin A-induced spleen cell supernatants mediated strong cytotoxic responses in this system. Three other preparations, namely, a partially purified IL 2 preparation from PMA-stimulated EL-4 thymoma cells, a Con A-induced spleen cell supernatant that was absorbed with an IL 2-dependent cell line, and a Con A-induced supernatant that was dialyzed at pH 2 were all ineffective in mediating a cytotoxic response. In reconstitution experiments, cytotoxic responses were only obtained when either the absorbed preparation or the pH 2-treated preparation was mixed with the IL 2 preparation from EL-4 cells. No reconstitution occurred after mixing of the absorbed with the pH 2-treated preparation. pH 2 treatment of the absorbed preparation did not abolish its synergistic effect when added to the IL 2 preparation from EL-4 cells. These results led to the conclusion that activation of cytotoxic lymphocyte precursors requires at least two other lymphokines in addition to IL 2. One T cell cytotoxicity-inducing factor (TCF1) remained in Con A-induced supernatants after absorption with IL 2 receptor-bearing T cell line cells. It was pH 2-resistant and was not found in EL-4 supernatants. A second T cell cytotoxicity-inducing factor (TCF2) was pH 2-sensitive and was found in Con A-induced spleen cell supernatants as well as in interferon-free supernatants of PMA-stimulated EL-4 cells. This activity co-purified with IL 2. It was absorbed by the IL 2-dependent T cell line together with IL 2. IL 2 differs from TCF2 since it is pH 2-resistant.  相似文献   

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