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Summary Cultured thymic fragments correspond to the thymic microenvironment depleted of lymphocytes and dendritic cells. When these fragments are implanted under the kidney capsule of congenitally athymic rats, lymphocytes and dendritic cells of host origin enter the graft and induce thymus-dependent immunity in the recipient. This paper describes the ultrastructure of the fragments and the changes that occur during the restoration of normal thymic architecture. At the end of the culture period of 6–9 days and in the early stages after implantation, the grafts consist of keratin-containing epithelial cells of unusual morphology that can be labelled with antibodies raised against the epithelium of the mid/deep cortex and the subcapsule/medulla. Normal thymic architecture develops, including nerves and blood vessels, as lymphocytes populate the environment, and by 4–6 weeks the epithelial cells are the same phenotypically and ultrastructurally as those found in normal rat thymus. However, some areas without lymphocytes still contain the atypical epithelial cells seen before implantation. Large multinucleated giant cells are also present with a few associated epithelial cells of subcapsular/medullary phenotype. In conclusion, the cultured thymic fragments contain a hitherto unknown precursor epithelial cell with an atypical ultrastructure and phenotype that is not seen in normal development.  相似文献   

The innate resistance of the unnatural rat host to the mouse tapeworm Hymenolepis nana is cortisone sensitive but thymus independent. When congenitally athymic nude rats were orally given eggs, cysticercoids, or adult worms of H. nana, no lumenal adults were established except when they were treated with cortisone acetate during the expected lumenal development. The effect of cortisone to promote adult maturation in the rats was compared in nude and normal rats given eggs of H. nana. The fecundity of the worms (assessed by the fresh worm biomass and the number of infective eggs produced) was much higher in cortisone-treated nude rats than in cortisone-treated normal rats. When the nude rats reconstituted with thymocytes were given eggs and treated with cortisone, the fecundity of H. nana dropped to the same level as in cortisone-treated normal rats. It is strongly suggested that the unnatural rat host has thymus-independent cortisone sensitive resistance to an initial infection (which is the main component of the innate resistance and blocks the lumenal establishment of this parasite) and thymus-dependent resistance (which suppresses the established worms' fecundity and may be ascribed to acquired resistance to the ongoing infection).  相似文献   

The synthesis of prostaglandins (PGs) in the mucosa of the esophagus is studied in 20 albinotic adult guinea pigs and rats using the radioimmunoassay method. Both species investigated synthesize five PGs. The PG synthesis activity in the guinea pig's esophagus is higher than that in the rat's. PGE2 and PGF2 alpha might be involved in the regulation of lower esophagus sphincter pressure.  相似文献   

When eggs or mouse-derived cysticercoids of Hymenolepis nana were inoculated into previously uninfected congenitally athymic nude (rnu/rnu) rats of an outbred Rowett strain, they failed to mature in the intestinal lumen. They also failed to mature in phenotypically normal (rnu/+) littermates, except when these hosts were treated with cortisone acetate from the beginning of the lumen phase. The Rowett rat, either thymus-deficient or not, was susceptible to tissue cysticercoids but resistant to luminal adults. It is therefore considered to be an unnatural host, at least for mouse-derived H. nana. There was little or no difference in susceptibility to initial tissue cysticercoids between these nude rats and phenotypically normal ones. The normal rats became completely resistant to reinfection with eggs and no secondary cysticercoids developed in their intestinal tissue, whereas the nude rats showed unaltered susceptibility to secondary tissue cysticercoids. Thus, acquired resistance to egg challenge, assessed by the failure of tissue cysticercoid recovery, was thymus-dependent. However, innate resistance to both a primary egg dose, assessed by the low recovery rates of tissue cysticercoids, and to a primary cysticercoid dose, assessed by the failure of luminal adult recovery, were thymus-independent. The effect of cortisone acetate to initiate maturation of H. nana appeared to be unrelated to thymus function. In contrast, all mice, either thymus-deficient or not, were highly susceptible to both phases. The number of worms recovered was more than 10 times greater than that of cysticercoids established in the rat's intestinal tissue.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Athymic nude (nu/nu) mice and their phenotypically normal (nu/+) littermates displayed a similar susceptibility to acute lethal infection withAbsidia corymbifera. Although the clinical manifestations of acute infection were also similar in both groups, the nude mice tended to develop more extensive lesions and were less effective in eliminating viableA. corymbifera spores than their heterozygous littermates. The results suggested that thymus-dependent processes did not play an essential role in primary resistance to mucormycosis.  相似文献   

C57BL/10ScN (nu/nu) mice have B cells and macrophages unresponsive to a phenol-water extracted preparation of Escherichia coli K 235 LPS. This unresponsiveness was demonstrated in vitro by the inability of spleen cells to incorporate 3H-thymidine after a 48 hr incubation with LPS (Ph) and by the inability of LPS (Ph) to inhibit macrophage phagocytosis of 51 Cr-labeled, opsonized sheep erythrocytes. Furthermore, macrophage cultures stimulated with LPS (Ph) produced low levels of LAF and PGE2 when compared with macrophages from the LPS-sensitive C3H/HeN and C3H/HeN (nu/nu) strains. Therefore, the C57BL/10ScN (nu/nu) strain is similar in its LPS unresponsiveness to the well-characterized C3H/HeJ and C57BL/10ScCR strains. The combination of endotoxin unresponsiveness and the athymic nature of this mouse strain may provide a powerful new tool for studying the cellular events mediating endotoxicity.  相似文献   

Colony counts, scanning electron microscopy, and light microscopy were used to assess the capacity of Candida albicans to colonize (naturally) and infect the alimentary tract of adult and neonatal (athymic [nu/nu] or heterozygous [+/nu] littermates) germfree BALB/c mice. When exposed to yeast-phase C. albicans, the alimentary tract of adult germfree mice (nu/nu or +/nu) is quickly (within 24 to 48 h) colonized with yeast cells. Neither morbidity nor mortality was evident in any mice that were colonized with a pure culture of C. albicans for 6 months. Yeast cells of C. albicans predominated on mucosal surfaces in the oral cavities and vaginas of adult athymic and heterozygous mice. In both genotypes, C. albicans hyphae were observed in keratinized tissue on the dorsal posterior tongue surface and in the cardial-atrium section of the stomach. Conversely, neonatal athymic or heterozygous mice, born to germfree or C. albicans-colonized mothers, do not become heavily colonized or infected with C. albicans until 11 to 15 days after birth. Although yeast cells adhered to some mucosal surfaces in vivo, neither widespread mucocutaneous candidiasis, i.e., invasion of mucosal surfaces with C. albicans hyphae, nor overwhelming systemic candidiasis was evident in neonatal (nu/nu or +/nu) mice. Thus, even in the absence of functional T-cells and a viable bacterial flora, athymic and heterozygous littermate mice (adult or neonatal BALB/c) that are colonized with a pure culture of C. albicans manifest resistance to extensive mucocutaneous and systemic candidiasis.  相似文献   

An outbreak of dermatophytosis caused byMicrosporum canis in a porcine farm is described. The morbidity was 100% among sows, 95% among new-borns and 75% among feedlot animals.Microsporum canis was also isolated from walls and environmental air.  相似文献   

The site of absorption of ascorbic acid by the small intestine was studied in vivo in guinea pigs, normal and hypophysectomized rats after oral application of 14C-ascorbic acid. A species-specific difference was revealed. The site of absorption in the guinea pig was located in the duodenal and proximal small intestinal wall, whereas the rat showed highest absorption in the ileum. Hypophysectomy in rats caused a shift of the absorption site from the ileum to the jejunum. No absorption was observed in the duodenum and ileum. A regulatory role of the pituitary gland in the absorption of ascorbic acid by the small intestine is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the development of thymus-dependent immunity in congenitally athymic nude rats after implantation of cultured thymic fragments (CTF), particularly the development of in vitro alloreactivity in allogeneic combinations. CTF of DA (RT1a), PVG (RT1c), and RP (RT1p(u,1] origin were implanted in nude rats of WAG (RT1u) origin. In analysis 14 to 18 wk later, all recipients exhibited thymus-dependent immunocompetence assessed by (immuno)-histology of lymphoid organs and responsiveness to in vitro concanavalin A stimulation and in vivo ovalbumin immunization. Control nude animals were unresponsive. Also, in vitro alloreactivity was observed, measured by mixed lymphocyte reaction and cell-mediated lympholysis. The alloresponse to the allogeneic CTF donor haplotype was as to a third party, but that to the recipient was negative. The CTF before implantation were devoid of lymphoid elements and revealed epithelial-like cells as the major component. Cells in CTF showed expression of RT1 class I and class II antigens. CTF at autopsy had the architecture of a normal thymus. In immunohistochemistry using haplotype-specific antibodies, lymphocytes showed RT1u class I expression as in the normal WAG thymus. In the cortex-like area of CTF, stromal cells revealed class I and class II haplotype expression of the donor thymus, but in the medulla-like area, class II haplotype expression was that of the recipient WAG rat. These data indicate that after implantation in nude rats, CTF become populated not only with lymphoid elements, but also with stromal components from the recipient. In induction of thymus-dependent immunity, these acceptor-derived stromal (dendritic) cells may be involved in generation of allospecificity; class I and class II haplotype expression by the donor cortex (epithelial) compartment is ignored in this process.  相似文献   

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