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比较了非哺乳类脊椎动物和哺乳动物性别决定的差异,从影响非哺乳类脊椎动物性别决定的环境因子及其机制两方面回顾了性别决定的研究进展,分析环境因素和类固醇激素在性别决定中的作用,指出了非哺乳类脊椎动物性别决定研究中需要进一步探讨的问题。  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms that underlie sex determination and differentiation are conserved and diversified. In fish species, temperature-dependent sex determination and differentiation seem to be ubiquitous and molecular players involved in these mechanisms may be conserved. Although how the ambient temperature transduces signals to the undifferentiated gonads remains to be elucidated, the genes downstream in the sex differentiation pathway are shared between sex-determining mechanisms. In this paper, we review recent advances on the molecular players that participate in the sex determination and differentiation in fish species, by putting emphasis on temperature-dependent sex determination and differentiation, which include temperature-dependent sex determination and genetic sex determination plus temperature effects. Application of temperature-dependent sex differentiation in farmed fish and the consequences of temperature-induced sex reversal are discussed.  相似文献   

A workshop on ‘The evolution of sex determination systems’ was held at a remote place in the Swiss Alps from 17 to 20 June 2009. It brought together theoreticians and empiricists, the latter ranging from molecular geneticists to evolutionary ecologists, all trying to understand key aspects of sex determination. The topics discussed included the evolutionary origins of sex determination, the diversity of sex determination mechanisms in different taxa, and the transition from genotypic to environmental sex determination and vice versa.  相似文献   

Diverse and variable sex determination mechanisms in vertebrates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sex is prevalent in nature and sex determination is one of the most fundamental biological processes, while the way of initiating female and male development exhibits remarkable diversity and variability across vertebrates. The knowledge on why and how sex determination mechanisms evolve unusual plasticity remains limited. Here, we summarize sex determination systems, master sex-determining genes and gene-regulatory networks among vertebrates. Recent research advancements on sex determination system transition are also introduced and discussed in some non-model animals with multiple sex determination mechanisms. This review will provide insights into the origin, transition and evolutionary adaption of different sex determination strategies in vertebrates, as well as clues for future perspectives in this field.  相似文献   

李萌  贺竹梅 《遗传》2014,36(6):611-617
有性生殖的出现是生物进化中的重大事件。性别作为生物的一种重要而又复杂的表型, 由基因和环境因素共同控制, 其中遗传因素即基因起到非常关键的作用。 然而, 并不是每个相关基因对于生物的性别都具有相同的作用, 性别决定关键基因对生物性别的决定和性别的分化具有重要作用, 因而研究和理解性别决定的关键基因具有重要意义。随着现代遗传学的发展, 目前关于生物性别决定方式以及性别决定关键基因的研究已取得了很大的进展。文章就生物的基因性别决定机制以及基因性别决定机制的研究策略进行了综述, 以期在遗传学教学中能更好地理解和阐述。  相似文献   

Sex determination is an intriguing system in trioecious papaya. Over the past seven decades various hypotheses, based on the knowledge and information available at the time, have been proposed to explain the genetics of the papaya's sex determination. These include a single gene with three alleles, a group of closely linked genes, a genic balance of sex chromosome over autosomes, classical XY chromosomes, and regulatory elements of the flower development pathway. Recent advancements in genomic technology make it possible to characterize the genomic region involved in sex determination at the molecular level. High density linkage mapping validated the hypothesis that predicted recombination suppression at the sex determination locus. Physical mapping and sample sequencing of the non-recombination region led to the conclusion that sex determination is controlled by a pair of primitive sex chromosomes with a small male-specific region (MSY) of the Y chromosome. We now postulate that two sex determination genes control the sex determination pathway. One, a feminizing or stamen suppressor gene, causes stamen abortion before or at flower inception while the other, a masculinizing or carpel suppressor gene, causes carpel abortion at a later flower developmental stage. Detailed physical mapping is beginning to reveal structural details about the sex determination region and sequencing is expected to uncover candidate sex determining genes. Cloning of the sex determination genes and understanding the sex determination process could have profound application in papaya production.  相似文献   

A combination of analytical and simulation models is used to explore the initial evolution of genic sex determination from polygenic sex determination. Prior studies have indicated that polygenic sex determination is rare or absent in extant species but that it has likely played an important intermediate role in the evolution of other genetic sex-determination systems. This study explores why polygenic sex determination does not persist. Two possibilities are considered. First it is assumed that a major sex-determining gene also pleiotropically increases fitness. Second it is assumed that the sex-determining gene is neutral but linked to another locus segregating for a rare selectively favored allele. The major conclusion from the models is that sex-specific natural selection will cause polygenic sex determination to be a transient state in most populations. Polygenic sex determination may be an important intermediate step in the evolution of genetically controlled sexual differentiation, but it is unlikely to persist unless there is some selective advantage compared to genic sex determination. This may in part explain the relatively small number of extant species that have polygenic sex determination.  相似文献   

植物性别决定的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈书燕  安黎哲 《西北植物学报》2004,24(10):1959-1965
通过回顾近年来以多种植物为材料进行的性染色体观察,性别决定基因及调控方式的研究,对植物性别决定的机制进行了初步探讨,从而可以看出不同植物具有不同的性别决定机制:对于有性染色体的植物而言,目前已经从Y染色体上分离和鉴定了许多与雄性发育紧密相关的基因;部分性别决定基因和调控序列已利用构建减法文库,诱导突变体等方法从一些植物中获得。此外,还有研究表明,DNA脱甲基化,以及某些激素(如赤霉素、乙烯、Ace)都对植物的性别决定有重要作用。  相似文献   

The degree of genetic determination of 25 quantitative dermatoglyphic characteristics has been studied on family: twin material: 45 pairs of MZ and 75 single-sex DZ twins; and 53 single-sex "parent-child" pairs. Approximating formulae were used to estimate main components of phenotypic variance due to additive interaction of genetic factors, to non-linear effects (intralocus dominance) and to the effect of total-familiar and random environmental factors. All the finger dermatoglyphic characteristics studied had a high degree of genetic determination (G greater than 0,80), and for most of them the contribution into the large variance of intralocus dominance effects was comparable with that of additive gene interaction, included in the determination of these characters. There are some palm dermatoglyphic characteristics ("ad" distance "cd" comb counting, "bad", "adt" and "cda" angles), which degree of genetic determination is low (G less than 0,35). At least ten quantitative finger and palm dermatogliphic characteristics with a high degree of genetic determination can be used for special studies in frames of multidimentional genetical analysis, including determination of twin zygosity type. Earlier described "indices" (using twin data) of relative role of genetic and environment factors in the determination of populational variability of quantitative characters are considered. None of them is shown to be a reliable estimate of the coefficient of genetic character determination. The use of these indices in practical studies can result in wrong conclusions on the degree and the character of genetic determination of quantitative characters.  相似文献   

A very suitable spectrophotometric method for simultaneous determination of protein-bound hexoses and fucose is presented. A mixture of L-cysteine and phenol in sulfuric acid was used as reagent, whereas absorption measurements were carried out at two wavelengths, namely at 398 nm for fucose and 490 nm for hexoses determination. Optimum conditions for the application of the method were established, special attention being paid to the possible interference of fucose determination with that of hexoses, and vice versa. The proposed method was applied to the determination of hexoses and fucose in serum glycoproteins and seromucoids. The method was found to be very practical enabling a simultaneous determination of both kinds of carbohydrates; moreover, it was proved to be more sensitive and specific in comparison with methods commonly used for individual determination of fucose with L-cysteine and hexoses with phenol.  相似文献   

In many reptiles, sex is determined by the temperature at which the eggs are incubated (i.e., temperature-dependent sex determination, or TSD). Past studies have shown that exogenous steroid hormones can override the effects of temperature and induce female sex determination. However, past attempts to induce male sex determination have consistently failed. In the present study, sex determination was studied in a turtle with TSD. By utilizing an incubation temperature regimen that resulted in approximately a 1:1 sex ratio in the control group, sex determination was shown to be sensitive to both exogenous androgen and estrogen treatments: androgen induced the production of male hatchlings, whereas estrogen induced the production of female hatchlings. This is the first report of an amniotic vertebrate in which an exogenous steroid hormone induces male sex determination.  相似文献   

Solution NMR structure determination of proteins revisited   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This 'Perspective' bears on the present state of protein structure determination by NMR in solution. The focus is on a comparison of the infrastructure available for NMR structure determination when compared to protein crystal structure determination by X-ray diffraction. The main conclusion emerges that the unique potential of NMR to generate high resolution data also on dynamics, interactions and conformational equilibria has contributed to a lack of standard procedures for structure determination which would be readily amenable to improved efficiency by automation. To spark renewed discussion on the topic of NMR structure determination of proteins, procedural steps with high potential for improvement are identified.  相似文献   

早期胚胎的发育选择:性别决定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程汉华  周荣家 《遗传》2007,29(2):145-149
性别决定是一个复杂的发育调控过程, 早期胚胎发育过程中, 雌雄二者必居其一的发育选择是胚胎性腺形成必须的发育决定。文章综述了动物性别决定的遗传系统、性腺发生、性别决定关键基因及其作用机制, 从分子进化的角度分析了性染色体与性别决定形成机制, 提示性别决定基因在进化中总是趋向异配性染色体。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structure determination of macromolecules and macromolecular complexes is an integral part of understanding biological functions. For large protein and macromolecular complexes structure determination is often performed using electron cryomicroscopy where projection images of individual macromolecular complexes are combined to produce a three-dimensional reconstruction. Single particle methods have been devised to perform this structure determination for macromolecular complexes with little or no underlying symmetry. These computational methods generally involve an iterative process of aligning unique views of the macromolecular images followed by determination of the angular components that define those views. In this review, this structure determination process is described with the aim of clarifying a seemingly complex structural method.  相似文献   

鱼类性别决定的影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田佳  陈芸  王艺磊  张雅芝 《生命科学》2010,(10):971-977
鱼类的性别决定机制极其复杂,受到外源性激素、外界环境因素和遗传因素等多方面的影响。因此,鱼类性别决定机制的研究不仅对我们控制鱼类的性别有帮助,也将使我们对脊椎动物性别决定的可塑性有一个全面的了解。该文对影响鱼类性别决定的各种因素及其研究前景和发展趋势进行综述。  相似文献   

人类性别决定和性别分化研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SRY基因在人类性别分化中起着关键作用,目前研究认为SRY仅是涉及性别决定过程的基因之一,其他基因和SRY相关基因SOX9,抗副中肾激素基因AMH,编码缁类因子的基因SF1,X-连锁的DAX基因,wilm‘s肿瘤抑制基因WT1等基因都参与了人类性腺分化和发育,本文拟就人类性别决定基因的研究进展及其与人类性别分化的关系作一综述。  相似文献   

性别决定是经典而高度保守的生物过程。在许多物种中性别决定是以遗传为基础的,个体所携带的性染色体决定了性别。然而,由于鱼类性腺发育呈现高度可变性、复杂性的特点,其性别决定机制仍未有定论。斑马鱼作为一个研究发育和疾病的重要脊椎模式动物,性别决定和分化的高度可塑性使其成为研究生理和环境因素对性腺发育影响及其作用机制的独特模型。本综述总结近年来对斑马鱼性别决定及分化过程的研究,为探索鱼类性别决定机制提供新的见解。  相似文献   

This paper describes the effective determination of DNA scission site using a novel approach that is based on the Sanger method of nucleotide sequencing. The DNA scission site is determined by contrast with the nucleotide sequence of the DNA. Here, instead of the traditional Maxam-Gilbert method for the determination of the DNA sequence, we utilized the Sanger method and studied its effectiveness in the determination of DNA scission sites. Using this method, the determination of DNA scission site becomes more facile and exact. And the total time for the determination is reduced nearly by half in comparison to the Maxam-Gilbert method. Further advantages of this novel approach include the reduced risks of radiation exposure for researchers and contamination of the apparatus.  相似文献   

刘雅婷  谢文  张友军 《昆虫学报》2015,58(4):437-444
阐述昆虫的性别决定机制是理解昆虫性别分化调控的理论基础,也为人类有效控制害虫开辟了新方向。昆虫性别决定机制存在复杂性和多样性,但主要是内因即性别决定基因级联互作调控的结果。本文对近年来基于性别决定基因级联互作的昆虫性别决定机制研究进行了综述,主要包括性别决定基因概况和重要性别决定相关基因的分子级联互作关系。目前发现昆虫重要性别决定相关基因主要集中在常染色体上,且部分基因之间存在紧密的级联互作,如Sxl,tra,dsx,csd和fem等。在这些基因中,tra/fem→dsx的调控模式在已报道的昆虫中存在共性,即tra和dsx相对较保守且tra通过性特异剪切来调控下游dsx的转录形式。目前大多数昆虫的性别决定机制还不清楚,但近年来模式昆虫性别决定机制取得了一定进展,对非模式昆虫的研究还处于起步阶段但却越来越受到重视。  相似文献   

王子龙  潘露霞  胡弯弯  李茫  曾志将 《昆虫学报》2019,62(11):1335-1343
昆虫性别决定机制存在多样性和复杂性,其中膜翅目昆虫的性别决定由单双倍体决定,单倍体为雄性,二倍体为雌性。本文就膜翅目昆虫的性别决定模式和分子机制进行综述。膜翅目昆虫性别决定有6种模式,即互补性性别决定(complementary sex determination, CSD)、多位点互补性性别决定(multiple-locus CSD, ml-CSD)、基因组印记、母体效应、内共生体诱导产雌单性生殖、父本遗传基因组消除(paternal genome elimination, PGE)。其中,CSD机制是目前在膜翅目昆虫中普遍接受的性别决定模式。而蜜蜂的CSD性别决定机制是膜翅目昆虫性别决定模式中的典型代表,受csd→fem→dsx这一调控级联的控制。  相似文献   

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