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Studies were conducted on components of resistance to sorghum midge on four resistant (DJ 6514, AF 28, TAM 2566 and IS 15107) and two susceptible cultivars (CSH 1 and Swarna). Data were recorded on the numbers of eggs, larvae, emerged adults and grain damage in panicles of different genotypes infested with 60 midge females/panicle under no-choice conditions. The size of floral parts (glume, lemma, palea, lodicule, stigma, style, ovary and anther), rate of grain development and tannin content of grain were measured. The lengths of glume gl and 82, lemma L1 and L2, palea, lodicule, anther, style and stigma were positively associated with susceptibility to sorghum midge. Rate of grain development (between 3rd and 7th day after anthesis) was negatively associated with susceptibility to sorghum. Tannin content of grain was also negatively correlated with midge susceptibility, although there were distinct exceptions (e.g. DJ 6514 is highly resistant bur has a low tannin content).  相似文献   

Sorghum midge, Contarinia sorghicola Coq. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is the most destructive pest of grain sorghum, and host-plant resistance is an effective method of controlling this insect. We studied the antixenosis component of resistance to sorghum midge using multi-, double- and no-choice cage tests, and under multi-choice field conditions to quantify and understand the nature of antixenosis component of resistance to this insect in Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Midge response towards sorghum panicles was influenced by panicle size and cage type used to study the orientation behaviour. Maximum number of midges were recorded at 30 and 60 min after initiating the experiment. Antixenosis shown by C. sorghicola under multi-choice field conditions to ICSV 197 and TAM 2566 was not confirmed under cage tests, while DJ 6514, AF 28 and IS 3461 were non-preferred both under field and cage conditions. Midge-resistant female parents (PM 7061 and PM 7068) were less preferred than the midge susceptible (ICSA 42 and 296A) female parents. Male-sterility did not influence host finding and acceptance by the midge females, although in one out of two tests, the maintainer lines (B-lines) were preferred over the male-sterile lines (A-lines).  相似文献   

Visual stimuli influence the orientation behaviour of the sorghum midge, Contarinia sorghicola Coq. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Yellow, red and white colours are attractive to the midge while blue and black are least attractive. Sorghum panicles covered with blue- or black-coloured bags in a headcage showed maximum midge damage, while the reverse was true for panicles covered with yellow, red, and white coloured bags.
Panicles at half-anthesis with viable pollen and receptive stigmata suffered higher damage than those at the pre- and post-anthesis. Physical removal of anthers and stigmata significantly reduced the oviposition by the sorghum midge. Reduced oviposition/adult emergence was also recorded in male sterile sorghum lines (2219A and 296A) or through chemically- (Ethrel) (2-Chloro ethyl-phosphonic acid) induced male sterility in panicles of the sorghum cultivar, Swarna. Chemical stimuli from viable pollen and receptive stigmata and to a limited extent physical stimuli, govern the oviposition behaviour of the sorghum midge.
Sorghum cultivars IS 12573C, S-GIRL-MR1 and IS 2816C showed antixenosis to adult midges. However, these cultivars became susceptible under no-choice conditions in the headcage. DJ 6514 and IS 12666C were attractive to the adult midges, but showed antixenosis to oviposition under natural and no-choice conditions. Genotypes with short florets showed antixenosis for oviposition. Ovary and anther breadth and tannin content of grain showed negative associations with oviposition. Cultivar antixenosis to adult midges and oviposition is an important component of resistance to the sorghum midge.  相似文献   

Sorghum midge (Contarinia sorghicola Coq.) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is one of the most important pests of grain sorghum. The effects of different insecticides applied at the complete‐an‐thesis stage for insect control, and host plant resistance on the parasitization of sorghum midge, were studied. Tetrastichus spp. and Eupelmus popa are the major parasites of sorghum midge larvae. Of the several insecticides tested, monocrotophos reduced midge parasitization by half compared with the untreated control. Midge parasitization was lower on midge‐resistant genotypes. Amongst the lines resistant to sorghum midge, the levels of parasitization were higher on the moderately resistant lines IS 10132 and PM 9760 compared to those on IS 3461, IS 7005, IS 9807, IS 19512 and AF 28, etc. Parasite activity closely followed the midge population density across sowing dates. The role of these factors on the effectiveness of midge parasites in integrated pest management are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments designed to demonstrate the existence of a female sex-pheromone in the pea midge, Contarinia pisi Winn. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) are described. Recordings from antennal receptors of males showed that extract of virgin females elicited an increase in spike activity. Field trapping experiments showed that traps containing virgin females or crude extract of virgin females caught large numbers of males.
Résumé L'antenne des mâles de Contarinia pisi répond par électro-antennogramme à un courant d'air contaminé par des femelles vierges. Des pièges contenant des femelles attirent de nombreux mâles.

The cereal leaf beetle, Oulema melanopus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is a new invasive pest of cereals in western Canada. Host plant resistance is a potential option in the integrated management of this insect. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes are known to possess antixenosis against O. melanopus; however, mechanisms involving antibiosis are relatively less explored. We present results of an investigation exploring antibiotic resistance in wheat germplasm of Central Asian origin with putative resistance to O. melanopus. Our laboratory assessment of development and survivorship of O. melanopus on test genotypes indicated antibiotic properties in four of the six genotypes evaluated. Antibiosis effects were reflected through lower survivorship, extended developmental periods and low adult fitness. However, two genotypes were excellent hosts, and beetles had higher survivorship and fitness on them. The performance of O. melanopus on these two genotypes was comparable to that on the susceptible genotype CDC GO included as a check. The genotypes with antibiotic resistance identified by this research can now serve as sources of genetic resistance for breeding cultivars adapted to western Canadian conditions.  相似文献   

An assessment was made of the antibiotic and antixenotic resistance of three cultivars of autumn flowering chrysanthemum (derived fromDendranthema morifolium (Ramat) Tzvelev andD. indicum (L.) Desmoulins) to the aphidAphis gossypii Glover. Antibiosis was also assessed at the top, middle and lower leaves of the plant. The three cultivars showed a range of resistance with Hero being the most susceptible, Surfine the most resistant and Purple Anne intermediate. There was a trend for antibiosis to improve with position down the plant, however there were cultivar by position interactions. Antixenosis was assessed at two levels, the first being under conditions where the aphid had complete access to the plant in caged choice assays and the second being under conditions where the aphid only had host odour to assess under olfactometer choice conditions. Preferences under the caged choice conditions found Hero to be the most preferred cultivar while there was no preference shown between Purple Anne and Surfine. However, olfactometer assessments showed Hero to be the least preferred of the three cultivars and, again, no preferences could be found between Purple Anne and Surfine.  相似文献   

The orientation of males of the sorghum midge,Contarinia sorghicola Coq. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) towards virgin female baited sticky traps was studied in the field. Male response increased linearly with an increase in the number of virgin females in the sticky traps. Five females per vial were optimum for monitoring midge populations in the field. Numbers of males trapped were significantly greater in traps placed at 0.5 and 1.5 m above ground level compared with those placed at 2.5 m. Peak trap catches occurred at 0900 h. The number of males trapped decreased significantly after 1400 h; male catches continued till sunset. Trap catches followed the same pattern as the number of ovipositing females on sorghum panicles at the half-anthesis stage. Midge activity decreased with an increase in temperature and a decrease in relative humidity. Peak midge density was observed during the second fortnight of October in the rainy season and during February-March in the post-rainy season. Sex pheromones can be used to monitor midge population dynamics for integrated pest management and to screen for host plant resistance to this insect.  相似文献   

Sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata is an important pest of sorghum, and host plant resistance is one of the important components for minimizing the losses due to this pest. Therefore, we evaluated a diverse array of sorghum genotypes to identify physico‐chemical characteristics conferring resistance to A. soccata. Susceptibility to shoot fly was associated with high amounts of soluble sugars, fats, leaf surface wetness and seedling vigour; while leaf glossiness, plumule and leaf sheath pigmentation, trichome density and high tannin, Mg and Zn showed resistance to shoot fly. Stepwise regression indicated that Mg, Zn, soluble sugars, tannins, fats, leaf glossiness, leaf sheath and plumule pigmentation and trichome density explained 99.8% of the variation in shoot fly damage. Path coefficient analysis suggested that leaf glossiness, trichome density, Mg and fat content and plant plumule pigmentation can be used as markers traits to select for shoot fly resistance in sorghum.  相似文献   

Summary Nonsenescence is a delayed leaf and plant death resistance mechanism in sorghum that circumvents the detrimental effects of reduced soil moisture combined with high temperatures during post-anthesis growth. This drought-tolerance mechanism is often equated with charcoal rot resistance, a widespread root and stalk disease of great destructive potential. Therefore, the inheritance of charcoal rot resistance was investigated directly, by exposure of sorghum to Macrophomina phaseolina, the causal organism, and indirectly, by determination of the inheritance of nonsenescence. Sorghum families derived from diallel crosses between two nonsenescent, resistant inbreds (B35, SC599-11E) and two senescent, susceptible inbreds (BTx378, BTx623) were evaluated in 1989 at College Station and at Lubbock, Texas, under controlled and field conditions. We determined that nonsenescence was regulated by dominant and recessive epistatic interactions between two nonsenescence-inducing loci and a third locus with modifying effects. The same conclusion was reached for charcoal rot resistance. The presence of different genetic mechanisms within SC599-11E for nonsenescence and charcoal rot resistance verifies that these two forms of resistance are not different manifestations of a single trait, i.e., they are not to be equated with each other. We conclude that nonsenescence alone cannot account for, and should not be used as the sole breeding criterion for, resistance to charcoal rot in sorghum.  相似文献   

The survival and development rate of Ctenopseustis obliquana (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) larvae, and weight of pupae were measured on detached mature leaves of two apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) progenies derived from the resistant (R) parent ‘Prima’ crossed with the susceptible (S) cultivars ‘Liberty’ (n = 44) and ‘Red Delicious’ (n = 35). The R:S ratio in both these modified backcross families did not differ significantly from the 1:1 expected in the case of monogenic resistance, carried in a heterozygous condition in the resistant parent. The survival to pupation on the individual seedlings was either zero/very low (R) or high (S). With all resistant seedlings being heterozygous, this indicates that the resistance allele shows complete dominance over the susceptible allele. We have named this putative gene Cob1. The expression of the resistance was found to be influenced by both the colony of C. obliquana used and the time of the season when resistance was assessed. In a separate experiment with another tortricid, there was no survival of Planotortrix octoDugdale larvae on the apple cultivar ‘Prima’ and high survival on the cultivars ‘Liberty’ and ‘Red Delicious’. The similarity of the responses of the two leafroller species to these cultivars, and other published evidence concerning Planotortrix excessana (Walker) and Ctenopseustis herana(Felder and Rogerhofer), suggest that the resistance discovered to C. obliquana may be effective against all four endemic tortricid species. The implications of these findings for apple breeding and leafroller control in New Zealand are discussed.  相似文献   

Levels of soluble and bound invertases and amylases were studied in relation to the changes in the free sugars and the accumulation of starch in the developing sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, cv. spv. 351] caryopsis and its associated bractspedicel. Besides sucrose, glucose and fructose as the principal sugars, small amounts of sugars of the raffinose series were detected in the developing caryopsis. Through out the period of caryopsis development, the amount of reducing sugars was higher than that of sucrose. With the advancement in the development of the caryopsis, the contents and levels of sucrose rose with a concomitant fall in the activity of soluble acid (pH 4.8) invertase (EC in the endosperm. In the pericarp-aleurone layer, the activity of soluble acid invertase predominated over soluble neutral (pH 7.5) invertase (EC The activity of bound acid invertase declined with the ageing of the caryopsis. In bracts-pedicel, the activity of bound invertase and the levels of reducing sugars peaked around 18 days post anthesis. In these organs, the level of starch gradually decreased concomitantly with an increase in its level in the developing caryopsis. Amylases (EC and are distributed in the endosperm as well as in the pericarp-aleurone layer. On culturing detached ears in [U-14C]-sucrose solution for 6 h in the dark at 25°C, 80–90% of the 14C of extracted major sugars (i.e. sucrose + glucose + fructose) of the caryopsis appeared in sucrose alone. In comparison with the effects of glucose or fructose, transport into the caryopsis of 14C from [U-14C]-sucrose supplied to detached ears was promoted by the addition to the radiolabelled sucrose solution of 1% unlabelled sucrose. Addition to the [U-14C]-sucrose solution fed to the detached ears of 20 mM NaN3 or HgCl2 or galactose, lowered the amount of 14C in the free sugars and starch of the earyopsis.  相似文献   

In a project aimed to incorporate downy mildew resistance into sorghum hybrid seed parents, we screened F4 and F5 families for resistance to the ICRISAT Centre isolate of the pathogen using a greenhouse seedling screening technique. The families originated from a cross of 296B (susceptible) and IS 18757 [(QL-3) resistant]. The F4s were obtained from agronomic selection in F2s and F3s, and the F5 families from advancing plants identified as resistant in segregating F4 families. The resistant plants were more than double the number of susceptible plants in the F4 and almost so in the F5 suggesting that resistance to downy mildew was dominant. Of the four genetic models examined (a single-locus model and three two-locus models with complementary, inhibitory, and a combination of complementary and inhibitory interactions), the two-locus model with independent segregation and a combination of complementary and inhibitory inter-allelic interaction appeared to be most appropriate in explaining the segregation patterns within and among F4 and F5 families. Accordingly, for resistance to P. sorghi, the suggested genotypes for IS 18757 is PlaPlaPlbPlb and for 296B is PlaPlaPlbPlb.  相似文献   

Levels of resistance to spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus, in the germplasm are low to moderate and therefore we evaluated 25 sorghum genotypes for resistance to stem borer to identify lines with diverse mechanisms of resistance to this insect. Leaf glossiness was significantly and negatively associated with low deadheart formation. Dwarf genotypes with fewer nodes showed more deadheart formation. Antixenosis and/or antibiosis for leaf feeding, and reduced deadheart formation, tunnelling, and number of exit holes resulted in lower losses owing to C. partellus damage. Axillary tillers compensated for loss in grain yield owing to borer infestation as a result of deadheart formation, but their synchrony for maturity with the main plant is quite important. Path coefficient analysis revealed that direct effects of stem tunnelling on loss in grain yield were greater than leaf feeding and deadhearts. However, leaf feeding via stem tunnelling showed maximum indirect effects on loss in grain yield. Estimates for broad‐sense heritability and genetic advance suggested that it is possible to improve for grain yield under stem borer infestation. Heritability estimates for grain yield were usually higher than for stem borer damage parameters. Multi‐trait cluster analysis placed the test genotypes into four and five clusters in rainy and post‐rainy seasons, respectively. The genotypes placed in different groups, and showing resistance to leaf feeding, deadheart formation, stem tunnelling, and/or compensation in grain yield can be used for sorghum improvement.  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al) toxicity is one of the major limiting factors for crop production on acid soils that comprise significant portions of the world's lands. Aluminum resistance in the cereal crop Sorghum bicolor is mainly achieved by Al‐activated root apical citrate exudation, which is mediated by the plasma membrane localized citrate efflux transporter encoded by SbMATE. Here we precisely localize tissue‐ and cell‐specific Al toxicity responses as well as SbMATE gene and protein expression in root tips of an Al‐resistant near‐isogenic line (NIL). We found that Al induced the greatest cell damage and generation of reactive oxygen species specifically in the root distal transition zone (DTZ), a region 1–3 mm behind the root tip where transition from cell division to cell elongation occurs. These findings indicate that the root DTZ is the primary region of root Al stress. Furthermore, Al‐induced SbMATE gene and protein expression were specifically localized to the epidermal and outer cortical cell layers of the DTZ in the Al‐resistant NIL, and the process was precisely coincident with the time course of Al induction of SbMATE expression and the onset of the recovery of roots from Al‐induced damage. These findings show that SbMATE gene and protein expression are induced when and where the root cells experience the greatest Al stress. Hence, Al‐resistant sorghum plants have evolved an effective strategy to precisely localize root citrate exudation to the specific site of greatest Al‐induced root damage, which minimizes plant carbon loss while maximizing protection of the root cells most susceptible to Al damage.  相似文献   

Abstract Helicoverpa armigera oviposition preference for, and larval development on sorghum hybrids with differing resistance to sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola , were investigated. When H. armigera larvae were fed seed of resistant and susceptible hybrids in the laboratory there were no differences in larval and pupal sizes or the rate of development. The same result was recorded when larvae fed on panicles on plants in a glasshouse. On some sampling occasions, significantly more eggs were laid on panicles of resistant hybrids in the field. This occurred when plants were in plots and also in a mixed planting. Midge-resistance status did not affect levels of egg parasitism. In a field study using recombinant inbred lines between a midge-resistant and a midge-susceptible line, no relationship was found between level of resistance and oviposition of H. armigera . We conclude that, although midge-resistant hybrids are sometimes preferred for oviposition by H. armigera, the resistance per se does not determine this preference. Egg survival, larval survival, development and resultant damage are not significantly affected by the midge-resistance status of the host.  相似文献   

The mature leaves of 38 apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) (Rosaceae) cultivars were screened for resistance to laboratory colonies of Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) and Planotortrix octo Dugdale (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) by measuring larval survival and development rate, and pupal weight, in no‐choice laboratory bioassays in early summer. There were few cultivar effects on larval mortality but Nevis 1, A40R04T119, and ‘Sir Prize’ reduced survival of E. postvittana. Effects on development time and weight were correlated, and were integrated into a single measure of resistance Rc. Rc varied greatly between cultivars for both leafroller species, and identified 15 and 11 cultivars with partial resistance to E. postvittana and P. octo, respectively. A further experiment with three of the cultivars in midsummer, using the laboratory colonies in comparison with new colonies (from field collected larvae), produced similar results for E. postvittana, but there was no survival of new colony P. octo larvae on two cultivars. These results for P. octo are consistent with other recent research showing extreme cultivar resistance and critical colony and seasonal influences. A series of 4‐year field trials with the 38 cultivars showed poor correlation between laboratory and field resistance for the dominant leafroller species in the field, E. postvittana. The combined data, however, identified ‘Red Dougherty’, ‘Sir Prize’, and A40R04T119 as potentially useful in breeding for resistance to this species. The implications of these findings for integrated pest management (IPM) programmes and for the breeding of leafroller‐resistant apple cultivars are discussed.  相似文献   

Southwestern corn borer (SWCB, Diatraea grandiosella) and fall armyworm (FAW, Spodoptera frugiperda) are major pests of sorghum in the southern United States. Host plant resistance is a desirable means for reducing plant damage and yield losses from both insects. In this study, we evaluated 12 sorghum lines for whorl‐stage resistance to leaf‐feeding SWCB and FAW in greenhouse and laboratory bioassays. Differential plant responses were detected against the two insects. Among 12 lines tested, CM1821, Della and PI196583 were resistant to both insects, while BTx2752 was largely susceptible. Line R.09110 was resistant to SWCB, but susceptible to FAW, whereas Redbine‐60 was susceptible to SWCB, but not to FAW. In addition, we quantified various chemical components in the plants and determined their association with insect resistance. Tannin and chlorophyll in leaves did not show any significant correlation with resistance to either insects, but contents of soluble protein in general were negatively correlated with resistance to both insects. Endogenous soluble sugar and dhurrin were only positively correlated with resistance to SWCB, but not with FAW resistance. To gain some molecular insight into resistance mechanism of sorghum to SWCB, we performed qPCR reactions for key genes encoding enzymes involved in dhurrin and jasmonic acid (JA) biosynthesis on selected resistant or susceptible lines. Although these genes were rapidly and strongly induced by insect feeding in all lines, the observed resistance is likely explained by higher constitutive dhurrin contents in some resistant lines and higher basal JA biosynthesis in others. Our results suggest that sorghum utilizes multiple strategies to defend itself against SWCB.  相似文献   

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