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Definition of northern British grassland Auchenorrhyncha habitats was carried out using a classification based on analysis of data from 351 sites, involving 121 species, located between Greater Manchester and northern Scotland. Ten habitats were identified showing little influence of geographical position and exhibiting a basic upland-lowland trend. Other factors influencing habitat and species assemblage distribution were soil water, vegetation structure and land cover. An analysis of the species data with satellite-derived land cover data indicated that the lowland covers of tilled land, coast and urban and the upland covers of heath grassland and shrub heath were most important in affecting both species and assemblage distribution. The large-scale survey of grassland sites provided new information on both the ecology and distribution of individual Auchenorrhyncha species. Some were limited to specific habitat types but a considerable number were generalist species found in most or all of the 10 habitat types but showing preferences within upland to lowland or wet to dry site gradients. The ability to generate a subtle grassland Auchenorrhyncha habitat classification with large-scale survey results from standardised and reproducible sampling increases the potential for using habitat diversity for the conservation of grassland Auchenorrhyncha. Habitat preservation would also ensure that species richness (biodiversity) is maintained and that the habitats of rare species are conserved.  相似文献   

Land-snail species richness has repeatedly been found to increase with the increasing site calcium content and humidity. These two factors, reported as the main drivers of land-snail assemblage diversity, are also among the main habitat characteristics of calcareous seepages. Here we explore local species richness and compositional variation of forest spring-fed patches (i.e. seepages), to test the hypothesis that these habitats might act as biodiversity hotspots and refugia of regional snail faunas. In contrast to treeless spring fens, only little is known about land snail faunas inhabiting forest seepages. Studying 25 isolated calcareous forest seepages, evenly distributed across the White Carpathians Protected Landscape Area (SE Czech Republic), we found that these sites, albeit spatially very limited, can harbour up to 66% of the shelled land-snail species known to occur in this well-explored protected area (in total 83 species). By comparing land snail assemblages of the studied seepages with those occurring in the woodland surroundings of each site as well as those previously sampled in 28 preserved forest sites within the study area, we found the seepages to be among the most species rich sites. Although the numbers of species did not statistically differ among these three systems, we found highly significant differences in species composition. Seepage faunas were composed of many species significantly associated with spring sites, in contrast to the assemblages of both surrounding and preserved forest sites. Our results highly support the hypothesis that calcareous forest seepages might serve as refugia and biodiversity hotspots of regional land snail faunas. Protection of these unique habitats challenges both conservation plans and forest management guidelines as they might act as sources for the recolonization and restoration of forest snail assemblages particularly in areas impoverished by harvesting and clearcutting.  相似文献   

Land snail faunas from maquis and phrygana sites on the islandsof Naxos and Crete, and from the eastern Peloponnese were sampledto determine the relationships between local (site) and regionaldiversities. Mean site diversities are similar in each region.In both the Peloponnese and Crete, however, these representa much lower proportion of total diversity than is the casefor forest faunas from more northerly parts of Europe. The smallisland of Naxos has more uniform faunas. Some of this between-sitediversity is a product of habitat heterogeneity, but most isa product of small-scale biogeographical differentiation. Despitethe short (c. 250km) distances between regions, the faunas ofeach region differ far more than do faunas from forests in northernEurope spread over much greater distances. Nearly 80% of speciesrecorded were found in only one region. These results are comparedwith those from elsewhere, and discussed in the context of thehigh diversity of snail faunas in the mediterranean area generally. (Received 5 May 1999; accepted 1 July 1999)  相似文献   

Aim   To examine the issue of Beringian steppe-tundra from an entomological standpoint, using fossil beetle data collected from late Pleistocene sites.
Location   North-eastern Siberia (Western Beringia), the Bering Land Bridge (Central Beringia), and Alaska and the Yukon Territory (Eastern Beringia).
Methods   Analysis of habitat preferences of beetle species found in fossil assemblages, leading to classification of major habitat types characterized by the faunal assemblages.
Results   Fossil beetle assemblages indicative of steppe-tundra are found mainly in the interior regions of Eastern Beringia, whereas these assemblages dominate nearly all late Pleistocene fossil sites in Western Beringia. Eastern Beringian faunas contain a much larger proportion of mesic to hygrophilous species and very few arid-habitat species. In contrast to this, the habitat requirements of the Western Beringian faunas are more evenly spread across the moisture spectrum.
Main conclusions   The taxonomic patterns of the two sets of fossil assemblages are remarkably different. Eastern Beringian faunal assemblages contain substantial numbers of mesic tundra and riparian rove beetles (Staphylinidae); this element is almost entirely lacking in the Western Beringian fossil assemblages. Taphonomic bias tends to overemphasize moisture-loving species at the expense of dry, upland species in the fossil record. Both Western and Eastern Beringian landscapes undoubtedly contained mosaics of habitats ranging from dry uplands (steppe-tundra) through mesic tundra to bogs and riparian corridors.  相似文献   

Spatial heterogeneity in the plant species composition of tropical forests is expected to influence animal species abundance and composition because vegetation constitutes the primary habitat feature for forest animals. Floristic variation is tied to variation in soils, so edaphic properties should ultimately influence animal species composition as well. The study of covariation in floristic and faunistic turnover has been hindered by the difficulty of completing coordinated surveys in hyperdiverse tropical communities, but this can be overcome with the use of a few plant taxa that function as surrogates for general floristic turnover. We used avian and plant transect surveys and soil sampling in a western Amazonian upland (terra firme) forest landscape to test whether spatial variation in bird community composition is associated with floristic turnover and corresponding edaphic gradients. Partial Mantel tests and Non‐metric Multidimensional Scaling showed floristic distinctiveness between two forest types closely associated with differences in soil cation concentrations, and differences in both floristic composition and cation concentrations were further linked to compositional differences in avian species, independent of geographic distances among sites. Ten percent of bird species included in Indicator Species Analyses showed significant associations with one of the two forest types. The upland forest types that we sampled, each corresponding to a different geological formation, are intermediate relative to edaphically extreme environments in the region. Models of avian diversification should take into account this environmental heterogeneity, as should conservation planning approaches that aim to represent faunal diversity. Abstract in Spanish is available in the online version of this article.  相似文献   

There are increasing concerns about the ecological effects of water abstraction and in the UK, these concerns have been hightened by the 1976, 1984 and 1988-92 droughts. This paper assesses macroinvertebrate and environmental changes induced by surface and groundwater abstractions on 22 streams throughout the UK.The approach involved comparative research to assess differences between reference and impacted sites.Using a database comprising 204 sets of biological and environmental data (89 taxa and 16 environmental variables) a preliminary ordination using principle components analysis clearly differentiated three types of sites: upland, lowland and an intermediate type. At this scale, any effects of abstractions on invertebrate communities are shown to be insignificant relative to regional controls. A simultaneous ordination of the environmental and faunal differences between pairs of sites was undertaken separately for each of the three regional groups. Differences are considered as vectors having both direction and amplitude and the analysis elucidates common patterns in the faunal and environmental data. Important changes were observed in two situations: upland streams affected by major diversions as part of hydro-power schemes in Scotland and lowland rivers impacted by groundwater abstractions.No strong patterns of change (either in amplitude or orientation) were demonstrated within any of the taxonomic groups. However, within the upland type some rheophilous taxa were shown typically to be reduced in abundance at impacted sites. Within the lowland type, a consistent pattern in the dataset is demonstrated by a group of taxa that are reduced in abundance at the impacted sites.  相似文献   

Habitat associations of farmland birds are well studied, yet few have considered relationships between species distribution and soil properties. Charadriiform waders (shorebirds) depend upon penetrable soils, rich in invertebrate prey. Many species, such as the Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus, have undergone severe declines across Europe, despite being targeted by agri‐environment measures. This study assessed whether there were additive effects of soil variables (depth, pH and organic matter content) in explaining Lapwing distribution, after controlling for known habitat relationships, at 89 farmland sites across Scotland. The addition of these soil variables and their association with elevation improved model fit by 55%, in comparison with models containing only previously established habitat relationships. Lapwing density was greatest at sites at higher elevation, but only those with less peaty and less acidic soil. Lapwing distribution is being constrained between intensively managed lowland farmland with favourable soil conditions and upland sites where lower management intensity favours Lapwings but edaphic conditions limit their distribution. Trials of soil amendments such as liming are needed on higher elevation grassland sites to test whether they could contribute to conservation management for breeding Lapwings and other species of conservation concern that depend upon soil‐dwelling invertebrates in grassland soils, such as Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata, Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris and Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus. Results from such trials could support improvement and targeting of agri‐environment schemes and other conservation measures in upland grassland systems.  相似文献   

Knowledge of tropical raptor habitat use is limited and yet a thorough understanding is vital when trying to conserve endangered species. We used a well studied, reintroduced population of the vulnerable Mauritius Kestrel Falco punctatus to investigate habitat preferences in a modified landscape. We constructed a high resolution digital habitat map and radiotracked 13 juvenile Kestrels to quantify habitat preferences. We distinguished seven habitat types in our study area and tracked Kestrels from 71 to 130 days old during which they dispersed from their natal territory and settled within a home‐range after reaching independence. Mean home‐range size was 0.95 km2 characterized by a bimodal pattern of intensity around the natal site and post‐independence home‐range. Compositional analysis showed that home‐ranges were located non‐randomly with respect to habitat but there was no evidence to suggest differential use of habitats within home‐ranges. Native and semi‐invaded forest and grassland were consistently preferred, whereas agriculture was used significantly less than other habitats. No difference was found between the available length of edge dividing native forest and grassland within a home‐range when compared to that available within a 2.35‐km buffer around their nest‐site, based on the maximum distance a juvenile was found to disperse. Repeating the analysis in three dimensions gave very similar results. Our results suggest that Mauritius Kestrels are not obligate forest dwellers as was once thought but can also exploit open habitats such as grassland. Kestrels may be using isolated mature trees within grassland as vantage points for hunting in the same way as they use the natural stratified forest structure. We suggest that the avoidance of agriculture is partly due to a lack of such vantage points. The conservation importance of forest degradation and agricultural encroachment is highlighted and comparisons with the habitat preferences of other tropical falcons are discussed.  相似文献   

Diversity patterns of forest snail assemblages have been studied mainly in Europe. Siberian snail faunas have different evolutionary history and colonization dynamics than European faunas, but studies of forest snail diversity are almost missing from Siberia. Therefore, we collected snails at 173 forest sites in the Russian Altai and adjacent areas, encompassing broad variation in climate and forest types. We found 51 species, with a maximum of 15 and an average of seven species per site. The main gradient in species composition was related to soil pH, a variable that also positively correlates with snail abundances. The second gradient was associated with climate characteristics of winter. We observed significant differences in both species richness and composition among six forest types defined based on vegetation classification. Hemiboreal continental forests were the poorest of these types but hosted several species characteristic of European full-glacial stages of the Late Pleistocene. A high snow cover in Temperate coniferous and mixed forests, protecting the soil from freezing, allowed the frost-sensitive large-bodied (>10 mm) species to inhabit this forest type. In contrast to most of the European snail assemblages studied so far we found that the factors responsible for the variation in species richness differed from those driving species composition. This may be attributed to the sharp climatic gradient and the presence of the cold-adapted species typical of the Pleistocene cold stages. We suggest that southern Siberian forests hosting these species can serve as modern analogues of full-glacial forests in periglacial Central and Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

I estimated habitat-specific population densities for a population of Bornean white-bearded gibbons Hylobates albibarbis inhabiting seven distinct forest types at Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Population densities in montane forests (0.44 individuals/km2) were almost ten times lower than those in the next best habitat (upland granite forest; 4.2 individuals/km2) and far lower than those in lowland forest types. Demographic data on 33 gibbon groups living across the seven forest types showed that reproduction was substantially depressed in montane forests compared to high-quality lowland habitats. A simple model suggests that montane forests are demographic sinks for gibbons at Gunung Palung. Follow-up data from observations of montane groups 5 yr after the initial observation period support this result. As high-quality lowland forests (source habitat for gibbons) are being disproportionately lost in and around Gunung Palung National Park due to illegal logging and conversion to oil palm plantations, an increasing percentage of the remaining forest in the park comprises sink habitat for gibbons. This result has disquieting implications for the long-term viability of gibbon populations at Gunung Palung. In addition, as montane forests are generally low-quality habitat for most rainforest vertebrates, and since lowland forests are being lost at alarming rates across the tropics, source-sink population dynamics similar to those I describe here may characterize populations of other tropical vertebrate species.  相似文献   

Aim The New Zealand terrestrial mollusc fauna is among the most speciose in the world, with often remarkably high richness at lowland forest sites. We sought to elucidate general explanations for patterns of richness in terrestrial mollusc communities by analysis of species coexistence and habitat relationships within a New Zealand district fauna. Location Pukeamaru Ecological District, eastern North Island, New Zealand. Methods We sampled molluscs using qualitative methods at twenty-three sites and quantitatively by frame sampling of scrubland-forest floor litter at sixteen of these sites and analysed patterns of species richness and turnover in relation to regional species pools and local habitat attributes. We then tested for nonrandom assemblage of taxa along diversity and habitat gradients. Results Ninety-four indigenous mollusc species were recorded from a district fauna estimated at 102 indigenous species: only two species were endemic. From the presumptive geological history of the district, the low endemism, and Brooks parsimony and indicator species analyses of faunal relationships, the communities were indicated to have resulted by accumulation of colonists from other New Zealand districts since the Miocene. Richness ranged from two or three indigenous species in dune habitats to fifty-nine species in a floristically rich forest. Beta diversity was high and site occupancy per species was low, indicating communities structured by successive replacement of ecological equivalents. Sites differing in vegetation had characteristic species assemblages, indicating a degree of habitat specialization. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that canopy tree species, canopy height, floristic diversity, altitude, litter mass, and litter pH were important determinants of species assemblage in scrubland and forest. Richness was strongly associated with site floristic diversity and, for litter-dwelling species, the pH of litter substrate. High richness occurred at those sites supporting molluscs in high abundance. Shell-shape distributions were essentially Cainian unimodal, with communities dominated by snail species with subglobose to discoidal shells. Mean and variance of shell size increased with mollusc species richness and floristic diversity at sites, indicating dominance of communities by small-shelled species at early successional or floristically poor sites, and increased richness resulting from addition of larger snails into vacant niches. Shifts in shell form were associated with sympatry in several congeneric taxa. Main conclusions The underdispersion of shell shape, relative to faunas elsewhere in the world, indicates that community structure in New Zealand land snail faunas has been constrained by limited phylogenetic diversity and/or by convergence upon successful adaptations. The remarkably high richness that characterizes these communities indicates special conditions allow coexistence of numerous species. The relationship between floristic diversity at sites and the richness, diversity, and shell-size distributions of the molluscs suggests assemblages structured around niche partitioning among competing species. While there is an element of congruence between vegetation and mollusc pattern, this study indicates that assembly rules will be defined, and spatial pattern predicted, only through a better understanding of the linkage between regional species pool, organism traits, environment, and local community assemblage.  相似文献   

The National Forest Soil Inventory (NFSI) provides the Greenhouse Gas Reporting in Germany with a quantitative assessment of organic carbon (C) stocks and changes in forest soils. Carbon stocks of the organic layer and the mineral topsoil (30 cm) were estimated on the basis of ca. 1.800 plots sampled from 1987 to 1992 and resampled from 2006 to 2008 on a nationwide grid of 8 × 8 km. Organic layer C stock estimates were attributed to surveyed forest stands and CORINE land cover data. Mineral soil C stock estimates were linked with the distribution of dominant soil types according to the Soil Map of Germany (1 : 1 000 000) and subsequently related to the forest area. It appears that the C pool of the organic layer was largely depending on tree species and parent material, whereas the C pool of the mineral soil varied among soil groups. We identified the organic layer C pool as stable although C was significantly sequestered under coniferous forest at lowland sites. The mineral soils, however, sequestered 0.41 Mg C ha?1 yr?1. Carbon pool changes were supposed to depend on stand age and forest transformation as well as an enhanced biomass input. Carbon stock changes were clearly attributed to parent material and soil groups as sandy soils sequestered higher amounts of C, whereas clayey and calcareous soils showed small gains and in some cases even losses of soil C. We further showed that the largest part of the overall sample variance was not explained by fine‐earth stock variances, rather by the C concentrations variance. The applied uncertainty analyses in this study link the variability of strata with measurement errors. In accordance to other studies for Central Europe, the results showed that the applied method enabled a reliable nationwide quantification of the soil C pool development for a certain period.  相似文献   

Snails were collected from seven chalk grassland sites, in orderto assess variation in snail faunas with respect to location,vegetation, and management practices. Four of the sites weregrazed, intermittently to continuously, and three had been irregularlyburned and mown. Snails that are characteristic of the dry,open conditions of chalk grasslands made up 28% to 94% of allindividuals, and 33% to 75% of all species at the differentsites. Open-country snails tended to be relatively more commonat sites that had been consistently grazed than at sites thatwere mown or burned, although some heavily grazed sites showedlow overall snail abundance. Sites varied with respect to turfheight, the size of gaps in the turf, soil moisture, and higherplant species richness, but none of these site characteristicswere good predictors of the proportion of open-country snails.Comparisons of fresh and old shells at any given site can indicatewhether particular species have changed in relative abundanceover time. No changes were evident at two sites, Wylye Downand Galley Hill, but three of nine species changed at AstonRowant South, and four of ten species at Castle Hill. As a group,open-country snails declined relative to other snails at justone site, Castle Hill, which had been consistently grazed. Thisstudy confirms site-to-site variability in chalk grassland snailfaunas, while finding faunal composition to be generally constantthrough time within each site. Thus, mechanical cutting andburning, as well as grazing, may be able to maintain habitatfor some open-country British snail species. (Received 24 January 1994; accepted 21 April 1994)  相似文献   

Macrophyte communities of European streams with altered physical habitat   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The impact of altering hydro-morphology on three macrophyte community types was investigated at 107 European stream sites. Sites were surveyed using standard macrophyte and habitat survey techniques (Mean Trophic Rank Methodology and River Habitat Survey respectively). Principal Components Analysis shows the macrophyte community of upland streams live in a more structurally diverse physical habitat than lowland communities. Variables representing the homogeneity and diversity of the physical environment were used to successfully separate un-impacted from impacted sites, e.g. homogeneity of depth and substrate increased with decreasing quality class for lowland sites (ANOVA p < 0.05). Macrophyte attribute groups and structural metrics such as species richness were successfully linked to hydro-morphological variables indicative of impact. Most links were specific to each macrophyte community type, e.g., the attribute group liverworts, mosses and lichens decreased in abundance with increasing homogeneity of depth and decreasing substrate size at lowland sites but not at upland sites. Elodea canadensis, Sparganium emersum and Potamogeton crispus were indicative of impacted lowland sites. Many of the indicator species are also known to be tolerant to other forms of impact. The potential for a macrophyte tool indicative of hydro-morphological impact is discussed. It is concluded one could be constructed by combining indicator species and metrics such as species richness and evenness.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate on the causes of the latitudinal diversity gradient, but diversity decline towards high latitudes is poorly documented for many invertebrate taxa. Therefore, we sampled land snail assemblages at 79 sites and in various habitat types in central Yakutia, a region with extremely continental, cool and dry climate. We tested whether habitats lacking suitable shelters for winter survival harbour less species than those with vegetation cover that softens climatic extremes. Both local species diversity and regional species diversity were extremely low: 13 species were recorded in total with an average of 1.4 species per site. While the majority of grassland sites were without snails (26 of 34 sites), forest sites supported at least one snail species in most cases (38 of 45 sites). Within grasslands, snail occurrences were associated with a higher herb-layer biomass. Numbers of snail species correlated with the amount of available calcium only in forests, in which species accumulation towards more favourable habitats was possible due to softening of climate harshness. As minute snails are known to be effective passive dispersers and the study area was not glaciated during the last glacial stage, there was certainly enough time for colonization of all favourable habitats. Our results suggest climatically driven limitations of both local and regional land snail diversity in central Yakutia. We conclude that the hypothesis of climate harshness remains the most probable explanation of a sharp drop in land snail diversity in high-latitude areas with cold climate.  相似文献   

The ecological trade-off between developmental time and starvation resistance, acting in a heterogeneous environment, can promote the coexistence of competing species. Heterogeneity results from variation in the vegetation that influences both abiotic (e.g. temperature, humidity) and biotic (e.g. fruit availability during the year) aspects of the environment. In this study, we investigated whether differences between collection sites have led to local differentiation of the two life-history traits underlying the coexistence model: developmental time and starvation resistance. Drosophila were collected from four collection sites, ranging from grassland to secondary forest, along a transect of 15 km. The microclimatic and vegetation differences among these collection sites were considerable. For developmental time, different species showed similar genetic responses to the (habitat) differences between the different collection sites. The shortest developmental times were found in the secondary forest populations and the agricultural area populations, the longest in the grassland populations, and the forest edge populations were intermediate. However, there was no correlation between the habitat ranking based on disturbance and canopy cover, and the ranking of the developmental times. Furthermore, the data did not confirm the generality of the positive correlation between developmental time and starvation underlying the coexistence model.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 87 , 115–125.  相似文献   

Thirteen study sites were selected to cover the dominant vegetation types on the plateaux of three summits in the North Pennines, England The spider community of these sites were sampled by pitfall trapping between April and October 1991 Several environmental variables were collected for each site, including local topography, soil characteristics and vegetation structure Multivariate methods were used to classify the sites based on their spider species composition Canonical correspondence analysis was used to assess the influence of the external factors on the distribution of the species The results suggest that vegetation density is the major factor influencing spider distribution on the summit plateaux with slope and soil depth also contributing to the variation Three spider associations for the plateaux are proposed based on their common species composition Two short Festuca grassland assemblages and a Nardus/ Ertophorum spp assemblage associated with higher vegetation density The habitat preferences of some species common to the plateaux are discussed in light of the results, and compatisons are made with studies from other upland areas  相似文献   

Aim Species assemblages with high proportions of localized taxa occur in regional islands with a history of strong eco‐climatic separation from adjacent systems. Current disturbance in such islands of relictualism or endemism disrupts the distinctive local character in favour of regionally distributed taxa with a wider range of tolerances. However, rehabilitation of the system should restore the localized biota. Thus, we used biogeographical composition to assess progress towards restoration of the dung beetle fauna associated with such an island of endemism following dredge‐mining. Location The study was conducted in natural coastal dune forest and a 23‐year chronosequence of regenerating dune vegetation in the Maputaland centre of endemism, KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa. Methods Dung beetles were trapped in eight stands of regenerating vegetation of different ages (< 1 year to ~21 years) and in four stands of natural dune forest with differing ecological characteristics defined by measurements of vegetative physiognomy and microclimate. Species groups defined from multivariate analysis of biogeographical distribution patterns and vegetation associations were used to demonstrate quantitative compositional changes in the dung beetle assemblages across the chronosequence to natural forest. Results Three biogeographical groups were defined. One group comprised species widespread in southern Africa or both southern and east Africa. The other two groups were endemic, one to the east coast and the other to Maputaland. There was a general trend from dominance by regionally distributed dung beetle taxa to dominance by locally distributed taxa across the chronosequence of regenerating vegetation from grassland, to open Acacia karroo thicket, to dense A. karroo‐dominated woodland. However, this trend was linked closely to the relative physiognomic and microclimatic similarity between the regenerating vegetation and natural forest. Thus, proportions of locally distributed taxa were lower in older chronosequence woodland (~18–~21 years) with its low canopy cover and open understorey than in dense early chronosequence woodland (~9–~12 years), which is physiognomically and microclimatically closer to species‐diverse natural forest with its dense canopy and understorey. Overall, the present dung beetle community comprises five species groups. Single widespread (21 spp.) and endemic groups (14 spp.) showed similar patterns of association with early chronosequence grassland and open thicket stands. A single widespread (3 spp.) and two endemic shade‐associated groups (3 and 11 spp.) showed differing patterns of association centred, respectively, in late chronosequence woodland, natural forest, or all shaded stands. Main conclusions At 23 years, vegetative regeneration is still at an early stage, but abundant activity of most, although not all species recorded in natural forest, is recovered with the closure of the woodland canopy at ~9 years. Compositional differences with respect to natural forest vary closely with vegetative physiognomy and its effect on the microclimate. Therefore, full compositional recovery is dependent on the re‐establishment of natural forest physiognomy and microclimate.  相似文献   

Diet, feeding behaviour and habitat selection of breeding Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola were studied by radiotracking birds from March to July in two contrasting situations: a 171-ha lowland plantation of Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus , Beech Fagus sylvaticus and pine Pinus sylvestris / P. nigra in Derbyshire, central England, and an area of c . 900 ha of fragmented, naturally regenerating birch Betula pendula / B. pubescens woodland and hill margin in an upland glen in Angus, northeast Scotland. Earthworms were the most important diet component of adults and chicks in terms of biomass at both sites (50–80%), the rest comprising mainly spiders, harvestmen and beetles. In spring both sexes flew c . 1 km after dusk to feed on fields at night, with up to 94% of nocturnal radiolocations on fields in March, dropping to 18% in July. This behaviour probably reflected seasonal changes in the relative availability of earthworms in fields and woodland. Diurnal home range sizes were similar at both sites and the mean size of 30-day ranges was 62 ± 20 ha (± se), although Woodcock changed locations regularly and areas used for feeding on a daily basis were typically smaller than 1 ha. In the lowland plantation, Sycamore with Dog's Mercury Mercurialis perennis ground cover was highly used relative to availability. In the upland margin study area, the same held for dense sapling-stage birch. These habitats appear to represent a compromise between food availability and protection from avian predators. Recently documented changes in the structure of British woods during the last 30 years, suggestive of reduced management and increased grazing/browsing, are likely to have been detrimental to breeding Woodcock.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution of millipedes in a forest interior-forest edge-grassland habitat complex in the Hajdúság Landscape Protection Area (NE Hungary). The habitat types were as follows: (1) lowland oak forest, (2) forest edge with increased ground vegetation and shrub cover, and (3) mesophilous grassland. We collected millipedes by litter and soil sifting. There were overall 30 sifted litter and soil samples: 3 habitat types × 2 replicates × 5 soil and litter samples per habitats. We collected 9 millipede species; the most abundant species was Glomeris tetrasticha, which was the most abundant species in the forest edge as well. The most abundant species in the forest interior was Kryphioiulus occultus, while the most abundant species in the grassland was Megaphyllum unilineatum. Our result showed that the number of millipede species was significantly lower in the grassland than in the forest or in the edge, however there were no significant difference in the number of species between the forest interior and the forest edge. We found significantly the highest number of millipede individuals in the forest edge. There were differences in the composition of the millipede assemblages of the three habitats. The results of the DCCA showed that forest edge and forest interior habitats were clearly separated from the grassland habitats. The forest edge habitat was characterized by high air temperature, high soil moisture, high soil pH, high soil enzyme activity, high shrub cover and low canopy cover. The IndVal and the DCCA methods revealed the following character species of the forest edge habitats: Glomeris tetrasticha and Leptoiulus cibdellus. Changes in millipede abundance and composition were highly correlated with the vegetation structure.  相似文献   

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