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Many viral oncogenes encode protein~yrosine kinase activities. However, importantin vivo substrates of these enzymes have yet to be identified. Recently, type I topoisomerases were shown to bein vitro substrates for two tyrosine kinases. Following tyrosine phosphorylation, topoisomerase I activity was reduced 10-fold (Tse-Dinhet al. Nature 312:785–786, 1984). To determine whether topoisomerase I activity was modulated by tyrosine phosphorylationin vivo, we have measured topoisomerase I activity in nuclear lysates prepared from both normal fibroblasts and cells transformed by two different viral oncogenes (v-abl, v-src). Under a variety of experimental conditions, we have found no evidence to support the notion that type I topoisomerase activity is modulated by tyrosine phosphorylationin vivo.  相似文献   

Immunological and chemical studies of cell surfaces from normal and transformed BALB/c fibroblasts have shown alterations associated with transformation. The cells studied include normal lines which do not cause tumors when injected into BALB/c mice, viral transformants, and spontaneous transformants which cause tumors that either regress or grow progressively, killing the host. The spontaneously transformed progressors include cell lines which are immunogenic and nonimmunogenic as determined by the ability of tumor excision to protect an animal from subsequent rechallenge by tumor cells. Tumor-bearing mice produce lymphocytes which are nonspecifically cytotoxic for all the normal and transformed lines. Some of the cell lines induce specific antibody formation in BALB/c hosts. Antisera have been prepared in rabbits which are specific for the transformed cell lines. These antisera can be used to determine specific surface changes on the transformed cells. Chemical studies have shown glycolipid alterations between the normal cells and some, but not all, of the transformants. Glycoproteins labeled by lactoperoxidase-125 I or [3H] glucosamine were compared by SDS gel electrophoresis. Results from these studies do not show changes associated with malignancy. Individual glycoprotein regions from gels were treated with pronase, and the glycopeptides compared by Sephadex G-50 chromatography. Alterations in glycopeptides from several cellular glycoproteins are the only changes which appear to be associated with malignancy.  相似文献   

Using 32P-labeled phosphocasein or phosphohistones as exogenous substrates it was possible to detect a phosphoprotein phosphate activity on the outer surface of intact normal and transformed 3T3 fibroblasts. Incubation of monolayers of intact cells in buffered salt solution with the radioactively labeled substrate resulted in the release of alkali-labile 32P counts into the surrounding medium. The reaction was: (a) linear with time (at least up to 20 min); (b) proportional to the cell density; (c) dependent on the temperature and pH of the incubation medium; (d) stimulated by K+; and (e) inhibited by sodium fluoride, inorganic pyrophosphate, zinc chloride and relatively impermeant sulfhydryl reagents. Less than 2% of the externally located phosphoprotein phosphatase activity was detectable in pooled cell-free washings of the intact cell monolayer. Phosphocasein did not cause any detectable leakage of intracellular lactate dehydrogenase or soluble phosphoprotein phosphatase activity into the external medium; incubation of the cells with phosphohistones, on the other hand, resulted in appreaciable leakage of both these cytoplasmic activities. Neoplastic transformation was associated with a nearly two-fold decrease in the activity of the surface phosphoprotein phosphatase. Addition of serum to either non-transformed 3T3 or spontaneously transformed 3T6 cells resulted in a rapid and remarkable drop in the cell surface dephosphorylating activity. Acrylamide gel electrophoresis of the dephosphorylated casein or histone substrate revealed no proteolytic degradation or change in electrophoretic mobility. The intact cells showed no damage upon microscopic examination as a result of exposure to phosphocasein or phosphohistones.  相似文献   

Interfacial properties of the outer cell membrane of normal and transformed in vitro cultures of mouse 3T3 cells have been investigated. The contact angles of sessile drops on dried cell preparations were measured and the interfacial tensions derived using the thermodynamic approach introduced by Neumann. Interfacial tensions were found to be within an order of magnitude of those determined for other cell and model membranes. Treatment of cells with calf serum, a stimulant to proliferation, resulted in a decrease in the interfacial tension of normal and transformed cells, whereas use of concanavalin A and its succinylated derivative lead to an increase of interfacial tensions of both cell types. These and further results show a detailed correlation between the growth-regulating effects and the effects on interfacial properties of these proliferation-modifying factors. An inter-pretation of the results of serum depression of the interfacial tension in terms of a binding equilibrium dependent on the concentration of humoral growth factors in the medium is attempted.  相似文献   

Summary The growth rate of spontaneously transformed BALB/3T3 cells is proportional to glutamine concentration between 50 and 400 μM, with little or no growth occurring in less than 50 μM glutamine. By contrast, nontransformed BALB/3T3 cells multiply, although slowly, with as little as 20 μM glutamine. Neither cell type depletes the medium of glutamine at the low concentrations. Cystine requirements of both cell types increase with serum concentration, probably due to the binding of half-cystine residues by the serum. Calf serum is a much more potent stimulator of cell multiplication than calf lymph, especially for the nontransformed cells. The rate of cell multiplication can be reduced by lowering the concentration of essential amino acids to the physiologic level found in body fluids, but the growth limitations can be fully compensated by simply raising the serum concentration. Growth factors may act by enhancing the utilization of amino acids, particularly of glutamine which is a required substrate for the first and chief regulatory steps of purine and pyrimidine synthesis. Lymph, which is coextensive with interstitial fluid in vivo, is poor in growth factors for the nontransformed BLAB/3T3 cells as well as for recently explanted mouse embryo cells, which raises questions of how normal cell growth is maintained in the body. This work was supported by USPHS grant CA-15744 from the Division of Extramural Activities, National Cancer Institute; by American Cancer Society Research Development Program grant RD-231; and by The Council for Tobacco Research grant 1948.  相似文献   

Summary The deffects of a purified homologue of tunicamycin (B2-tunicamycin) on the biosynthesis of lipid-linked intermediates participating in protein glycosylation in normal embryonic fibroblasts, 3T3 and virally transformed (simian virus 40 and polyoma virus) mouse fibroblasts grown in culture were investigated. Long incubations (20 h) with the antibiotic caused a higher degree of inhibition of sugar incorporation into glycoproteins in transformed cells. However, the formation of lipid-linked intermediates was inhibited to a similar level in both cell types. When time dependent inhibition experiments were carried out using transformed cells, an earlier and stronger inhibition of the formation of lipid-oligosaccharides occurred (70% inhibition at 30 min). In 3T3 cells, prolonged incubation (6–8 h) was necessary in order to reach a similar degree of inhibition. Formation of lipid-sugar was also inhibited to a greater extent by B2-tunicamycin in transformed cells. This inhibition was not clearly time dependent. Analysis of the newly synthesized glycolipids in 3T3 and in transformed cells after B2-tunicamycin treatment have shown reduction in dolichyl-P-P-sugars as well as in other glycolipids. Dimethylsulfoxide (10%) and linoleic acid (0.5 mg/ml) markedly increased the level of tunicamycin activity in 3T3 cells while phosphatidylcholine (2 mg/ml) partially reversed it. The stronger and faster inhibition of the formation of lipid intermediates of the dolichyl-phosphate cycle caused by B2-tunicamycin in transformed cells, described here for the first time, may therefore be due to differences in penetration of the antibiotic into these cells.Abbreviations DMEM Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - MF mouse fibroblasts from Balb/c mouse embryos - 3T3 Balb/3T3 mouse fibroblastic line - SV40 Simian virus 40 - PY polyoma virus - TLC thin layer chromatography  相似文献   

Summary Platelet-poor plasma, as well as autologous platelet-rich serum, was prepared from freshly-drawn bovine whole blood. Bovine platelet-poor plasma had properties similar to those previously decribed for human platelet-poor plasma; e. g., it would (a) support the growth of virally transformed but not normal BALB/ c 3T3 cells, (b) act synergistically with either partially purified platelet-derived growth factor or fibroblast growth factor to initiate cell replication in quiescent 3T3 cells, and (c) act sequentially with platelet-derived growth factor to initiate 3T3 replication. It appears that bovine serum contains both competence and progression factors and that stimulation of fibroblasts with bovine serum involves at least two sequential stages analogous to those described for stimulation with human serum.  相似文献   

The cells populating the intestinal crypts are part of a dynamic tissue system which involves the self-renewal of stem cells, a commitment to proliferation, lineage-specific differentiation, movement and cell death. Our knowledge of these processes is limited, but even now there are important clues to the nature of the regulatory systems, and these clues are leading to a better understanding of intestinal cancers. Few intestinal-specific markers have been described; however, homeobox genes such as cdx-2 appear to be important for morphogenic events in the intestine. There are several intestinal cell surface proteins such as the A33 antigen which have been used as targets for immunotherapy. Many regulatory cytokines (lymphokines or growth factors) influence intestinal development: enteroglucagon, IL-2, FGF, EGF family members. In conjunction with cell-cell contact and/or ECM, these cytokines lead to specific differentiation signals. Although the tissue distribution of mitogens such as EGF, TGF alpha, amphiregulin, betacellulin, HB-EGF and cripto have been studied in detail, the physiological roles of these proteins have been difficult to determine. Clearly, these mitogens and the corresponding receptors are involved in the maintenance and progression of the tumorigenic state. The interactions between mitogenic, tumour suppressor and oncogenic systems are complex, but the tumorigenic effects of multiple lesions in intestinal carcinomas involve synergistic actions from lesions in these different systems. Together, the truncation of apc and activation of the ras oncogene are sufficient to induce colon tumorigenesis. If we are to improve cancer therapy, it is imperative that we discover the biological significance of these interactions, in particular the effects on cell division, movement and survival.  相似文献   

Our results show that stimulation by serum of dense cultures of 3T3 cells rapidly induced increased synthesis of a growth inhibitor (mIGFBP-3) capable of binding IGF. mIGFBP-3 was secreted by stimulated cells immediately after its synthesis, and accumulated in the medium. Accumulation of mIGFBP-3 in the medium increased, as a function of growth factor (bFGF, PDGF, insulin) concentrations and time. bFGF was the best stimulatory factor for both DNA synthesis and accumulation of mIGFBP-3 in the first 24 h of incubation. DNA synthesis was arrested after 48 h of incubation with bFGF when accumulation of mIGFBP-3 was maximal. Since we showed that mIGFBP-3 is able to inhibit bFGF stimulation of DNA synthesis in mouse fibroblasts, it is possible that the accumulation of mIGFBP-3 induces a feedback regulation of cell growth.  相似文献   

To express human insulin-like growth factor-I (hIGF-I) in transformed Bombyx mori cultured cells and silk glands, the transgenic vector pigA3GFP-hIGF-ie-neo was constructed with a neomycin resistance gene driven by the baculovirus ie-1 promoter, and with the hIGF-I gene under the control of the silkworm sericin promoter Ser-1. The stably transformed BmN cells expressing hIGF-I were selected by using the antibiotic G418 at a final concentration of 700—800 μg/mL after the BmN cells were transfected with the piggyBac vector and the helper plasmid. The specific band of hIGF-I was detected in the transformed cells by Western blot. The expression level of hIGF-I, determined by ELISA, was about 7800 pg in 5×105 cells. Analysis of the chromosomal insertion sites by inverse PCR showed that exogenous DNA could be inserted into the cell genome randomly or at TTAA target sequence specifically for piggyBac element transposition. The transgenic vector pigA3GFP-hIGF-ie-neo was transferred into the eggs using sperm-mediated gene transfer. Finally, two transgenic silkworms were obtained after screening for the neo and gfp genes and verified by PCR and dot hybridization. The expression level of hIGF-I determined by ELISA was about 2440 pg/g of silk gland of the transgenic silkworms of the G1 generation.  相似文献   

Summary Pterygium is a degenerative corneal limbal process and UV irradiation has been suggested as being a major environmental predisposing factor. The invasive nature of the fibroblasts associated with pterygia raises the question as to whether these cells are transformed. To test this hypothesis, we established fibroblast strains from autologous and heterologous pterygial and conjunctival specimens, respectively, from subjects between 40 to 50 yr of age, and compared their growth characteristics in culture. All pterygial fibroblast strains exhibited a reduced dependence on serum and exogenous growth factors for growth and reached a saturation population density that was threefold higher than conjunctival fibroblasts cultured under the same conditions. In addition, all pterygial fibroblast strains were able to form colonies in soft agar in 5% fetal bovine serum at a 6.0 to 7.5% efficiency. Under the same experimental conditions, none of the conjunctival fibroblast strains were able to grow. The results presented support the conclusion that pterygial fibroblasts have acquired many of the properties of the transformed phenotype.  相似文献   

Dynamin has been implicated in the formation of nascent vesicles through both endocytic and secretory pathways. However, dynamin has recently been implicated in altering the cell membrane shape during cell migration associated with cytoskeleton-related proteins. Myosin Ⅱ has been implicated in maintaining cell morphology and in cellular movement. Therefore, reciprocal immunoprecipitation was carried out to identify the potential relationship between dynamin Ⅱ and myosin Ⅱ. The dynamin Ⅱ expression level was higher when co-expressed with myosin Ⅱ in Ras transformed NIH3T3 cells than in normal NIH3T3 cells. Confocal microscopy also confirmed the interaction between these two proteins. Interestingly, exposing the NIH3T3 cells to platelet-derived growth factor altered the interaction and localization of these two proteins. The platelet-derived growth factor treatment induced lamellipodia and cell migration, and dynamin Ⅱ inter- acted with myosin Ⅱ. Grb2, a 24 kDa adaptor protein and an essential element of the Ras signaling pathway, was found to be associated with dynamin Ⅱ and myosin Ⅱ gene expression in the Ras transformed NIH3T3 cells. These results suggest that dynamin Ⅱ acts as an intermediate messenger in the Ras signal transduction pathway leading to membrane ruffling and cell migration.  相似文献   

Summary We have developed an improved serum-free medium to optimize the cell growth of bovine granulosa cells. The cells on collagen-coated culture plates proliferated extensively in a nutrient medium supplemented with insulin, heparin binding growth factor-2 (HBGF-2), lipoprotein, and bovine serum albumin (BSA). The cell doubling time at logarithmic phase and final cell density at confluent cultures were equal to those of cultures grown in the presence of medium supplemented with optimal concentration (10%) of fetal bovine serum (FBS). Whereas HBGF-2 or insulin alone had a small mitogenic effect of granulosa cells, lipoprotein or BSA did not. When lipoprotein, BSA, or insulin was added together with HBGF-2, synergistic cell proliferation was observed in all combinations. Insulin or lipoprotein had an additive mitogenic stimulation of these cells in the presence of BSA. After granulosa cells were subcultivated in a serum-containing medium until three generations [8.5 cumulative population doubling level (CPDL)], subsequent subcultivation of the cells in a complete serum-free medium could be achieved up to six generations (14.4 CPDL). These results demonstrate that this serum-free medium can support the optimal cell growth and long-term subcultivation of bovine granulosa cells.  相似文献   

The effects of magnesium (Mg) restriction on cell growth and the cell cycle were determined in transformed (TRL-8) and non-transformed (TRL-12-15) epithelial-like rat liver cells. Cells were cultured in RPMI 1640 medium in which the Mg concentration was reduced to 0.5, 0.1, and 0 × the concentration in the regular RPMI 1640 media (100mg/l). Cell growth in the transformed cells was not influenced by the Mg restriction as greatly as in the non-transformed cell line. Transit through the cell cycle also exhibited an independence of the Mg in the medium in the transformed cells. When transformed cells were grown for two generations in Mg-limited medium, the growth rate slowed to a rate similar to that demonstrated by the non-transformed cells. Analysis by flow cytometry showed that transit through the cell cycle was minimally slowed in Mg deficient transformed cells; however, transit through the G1 and S phases in the non-transformed cells was slowed. The TRL-8 cells in Mg-limited medium resulted in fewer nuclei in G1 with subsequent increases in the percentages of S-phase nuclei. The TRL 12-15 cells reacted oppositely with the number of G1 nuclei increased and the number of S-phase nuclei decreased. In respect to growth, these results show that epithelial cells respond in a similar manner to Mg-limitation as do fibroblast cells. The transformed cells exhibited a level of independence from Mg in respect to growth, reproduction, and cell-cycle kinetics.  相似文献   

The localization and organization of actin-like microfilaments in normal, SV-40 and adenovirus transformed cells are determined by the coordinated use of light optical, electron optical and biochemical techniques. In adenovirus-type 5 transformed hamster embryo cells, microfilament meshworks appear to be the predominant organizational form of cellular actin, while in normal hamster cells, microfilament bundles are prevalent. Differences between 3T3 and SV-40 transformed 3T3 cells are less apparent and may be related to the packing and intracellular distribution of microfilament bundles. Attempts at relating these ultrastructural changes in transformed cells to the images obtained following reaction with fluorescein-labelled myosin fragments and indirect immunofluorescence with smooth muscle myosin antibody are discussed. In several instances the fluorescence microscope images do not correspond to the ultrastructural observations. The results are discussed in terms of the possible relationships between alterations in cytoplasmic contractile elements and the abnormal behavior of transformed cells.  相似文献   

External ATP causes passive permeability change in several transformed cells, but not in untransformed cells. We studied the effect of external ATP on the passive permeability of CHO-K1 cells, a transformed clone of Chinese hamster ovary cells. Treatment of the cells with external ATP alone did not produce a permeability change, and this was observed only when a mitochondrial inhibitor, such as rotenone or oligomycin, was present together with ATP. These inhibitors reduced the concentration of intracellular ATP and a permeability change by external ATP was observed when intracellular ATP was decreased more than 70%. This requirement for permeability change of CHO-K1 cells was quite unique, since passive permeability change of other transformed cells so far tested was induced by ATP alone. Treatment of CHO-K1 cells with cyclic AMP analogues increased their sensitivity to external ATP about 2-fold. The roles of external and intracellular ATP in controlling passive permeability are discussed.  相似文献   

External ATP causes a rapid increase in passive permeability to nucleotides and phosphate esters in transformed cell lines, such as 3T6 mouse fibroblasts. However, untransformed lines, such as 3T3, do not show a similar sensitivity to external ATP. Ca2+ inhibits permeabilization, but only at concentrations approaching those of external ATP. In contrast, La3+ and Tb3+ inhibit ATP-dependent permeabilization at one-fifth the concentration of external ATP. Considering reports that lanthanides can substitute for calcium ion in many enzymatic reactions, often with a higher affinity, it would appear that Ca2+ plays a specific role in the maintenance of a passive membrane permeability barrier and in opposing the effects of external ATP.Other data suggest a regulatory role for the Ca2+-calmodulin complex in the permeabilization process. Trifluoperazine, chlorpromazine and W-7, compounds which inhibit cellular functions dependent on the Ca2+-calmodulin complex, are able to enhance the effect of external ATP. Thus, a dramatic stimulation of nucleotide permeability occurs with concentrations of external ATP and inhibitor that are ineffective when added alone. Calmodulin antagonists and low concentrations of external ATP increased membrane permeability to Na+ and K+ as was previously shown for permeabilization with ATP alone. Earlier studies have shown that energy inhibitors which reduce intracellular ATP levels greatly increase the sensitivity of transformed cells to external ATP. However, the Ca2+-calmodulin antagonists used in the present study exert their effects at concentrations which do not alter intracellular ATP levels.  相似文献   

Macrophages attack and kill pathologically changed, transformed and tumor cells. However, in some cases they may also support tumor growth, modulate the action of anticancer drugs, and even facilitate the development of drug resistance in tumor cells. Here we present data that bystander fibroblasts NIH3T3 were not only resistant to murine macrophages J774.2 but also blocked their killing action towards murine transformed fibroblasts L929. Macrophages were isolated from mixed cultures by means of CD11b specific immunomagnetic beads, and changes induced by their former co-culturing were studied using DNA microarray technology and other tests. An expression of candidate genes coding for cytokines and for signal transduction pathway proteins was estimated in macrophages in different variants of their co-culture with target cells. Changes in expression of mRNA for interleukin 1beta, NFkappaB, IkappaBalpha, gadd45, and CD5 were detected as the most prominent in the macrophages co-cultured with the transformed cells. Bystander NIH3T3 fibroblasts abolished these changes in the macrophages J774.2, and the level of expression of the above mentioned genes was close to the level seen in the macrophages which did not exert cytotoxicity towards the target fibroblasts. Potential implications and research perspectives of using the macrophage-target cell co-cultures with different bystander cellular partners are discussed.  相似文献   

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