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Ichthyological Research - The new Indo-Pacific marine atherinid genus Doboatherina is established based on both morphological analysis and molecular-phylogenetic results. Furthermore, four species...  相似文献   

The marine atherinid fishes of the genus Hypoatherina Schultz 1948 (Atherinidae: Atherinomorinae) were redefined from both morphological and molecular analyses, and eight of the ten included species were redescribed. In the molecular phylogeny, four regions of mitochondrial DNA were analyzed. The results of both trees of maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses indicated the paraphyly of the former Hypoatherina. “Atherinavalenciennei and “Atherinawoodwardi, both formerly belonging to Hypoatherina, show closer relationships with Atherinomorus duodecimalis and Atherinomorus aetholepis. “Hypoatherinacelebesensis is also apart from the clade including the majority of Hypoatherina species. In contrast, H. panatela, formerly regarded as a member of the genus Stenatherina Schultz 1948, is included in the present Hypoatherina clade. The present molecular phylogeny of the genus Hypoatherina can be supported by morphology. The genus Hypoatherina is redefined by the following combinations of characters: ascending process of premaxilla long and slender, its height more than 2.7 times the maximum width; both anterior and posterior lateral processes of premaxilla narrow and deep, the anterior process almost the same as or slightly deeper than the posterior process; premaxilla not tapering posteriorly; posterior upper margin of dentary with a prominent process; upper posterior limb of dentary with round or somewhat angular posteroventral corner; anterior preopercular ridge with a deep notch just above the corner; anus situated posterior to or slightly anterior to appressed pelvic-fin tip in adults; dorsoventral height of exposed area in the midlateral scale (third) row wide, almost equal to the maximum height of the scale, and almost the same height as scales just above or below the midlateral row. The redefined Hypoatherina includes the following ten species: H. barnesi—widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific; H. gobio (lectotype designated herein)—restricted to the Red Sea; H. golanii—restricted to the Gulf of Aqaba, inner Red Sea; H. klunzingeri—from Mozambique to eastern South Africa; H. lunata—distributed in Japan and Indonesia; H. panatela—from western and central Pacific Ocean; H. temminckii—widely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific (neotype designated herein); H. tropicalis—restricted to the northeastern coast of Australia; H. tsurugae—occurring in Japan and South Korea; and H. uisila—distributed in the western and central Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic characterization by karyotyping and determination of DNA content by flow cytometry of five species of Chrysolaena (Vernonieae, Asteraceae) was performed. This is the first study of nuclear DNA content realized in the genus. The 2C-values were compared with the ploidy level and the total karyotype length (TKL) of each species. Mitotic analysis revealed a base chromosome number x = 10 for all entities and different ploidy levels, from diploid (2n = 2x = 20) to octoploid (2n = 8x = 80). All species showed bimodal karyotypes composed of metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. The average chromosome size (ML) varied from 1.86 μm to 2.70 μm, while the TKL ranged from 18.65 μm to 80.55 μm. The intrachromosomal asymmetry index (A1) varied from 0.27 to 0.38, while the interchromosomal asymmetry index (A2) ranged from 0.19 to 0.25. A new cytotype is reported for the first time for C. propinqua. Accessory chromosomes found in C. verbascifolia, C. cognata, C. flexuosa, and C. propinqua are also reported as new.  相似文献   

The high speciation rate of Chirostoma in Central Mexico has been associated with allopatric speciation events promoted by the emergence of vicariant barriers in freshwater habitats, as well as by sympatric ecological segregation, common in those species inhabiting lacustrine ecosystems. Through nuclear and mitochondrial markers, this study revealed a speciation process within Chirostoma attenuatum resulting in two evolutionary independent units that coincide with their morphological differentiation, indicating that Chirostoma attenuatum and Chirostoma zirahuen may be considered separate species. This process was the result of vicariance associated with geological dynamics of the region. Phylogeographic findings indicated two speciation stages: early allopatric isolation, during which the isolated populations accumulated unique adaptations, and secondary contact with low migration rate and the maintenance of the evolutionary trajectory. Historical demographic analysis indicated that the two well‐differentiated lineages underwent independent evolutionary histories in their respective lakes. Chirostoma zirahuen from Zirahuen and C. attenuatum from Patzcuaro represent unique and irreplaceable genetic diversity that must to be conserved.  相似文献   

The Chirostoma "humboldtianum" group includes seven silverside species considered as a monophyletic assemblage because of their high genetic and morphological similarities. The group includes five moderately large species, "peces blancos" (117-300 mm standard length--SL) and two smaller species, "charales" (70-142 mm SL). These species are of great economical, cultural and ichthyological interest for local populations, and their management practices are controversial. We investigated the morphometric, meristic and allozyme variations of the seven species (13 populations) and related the variations with life history, habitat and management procedures. Nineteen morphometric variables, eight meristic variables (by multivariate analysis) and 23 allozyme loci of the seven species and populations of Chirostoma were compared. Principal component analysis (PC) of morphometric and meristic data indicate that both sets of data provided information to differentiate among the seven species. The variables that accounted for most of this differentiation were head length (HL), predorsal 1 length (PIL) and length of pelvic fin base (PfbL). PC and Discriminant Analysis (DA) with morphometric data also suggested the differentiation of populations within C. grandocule (83% correctly classified organisms), whereas PC and DA with meristic data differentiated populations of C. humboldtianum (80% correctly classified organisms). The most important morphometric variables for the differentiation were anal fin height (AfH), length of anal fin base (AfbL) and predorsal 2 length (P2L) and the meristic variables D2fR. PdS and AfR. The genetic variability data indicate changes in values of some of the species in relation to previously reported data. The present populations of C. grandocule show a reduction in He (0.002 vs. 0.009). Other species showed an increase; for instance, C. consocium consocium, C. humboldtianum, C. lucius, C. promelas and C. sphyraena averaged He = 0.069 vs 0.027. theta indicated significant genetic differentiation among the analysed species (0.247, S.D. 0.159) and theta s supported the morphological data that suggest intra-specific differentiation (0.360, S. D. 0.154).  相似文献   

Atherinomorus aetholepis sp. nov. is described from the holotype and 51 paratypes, 44–72 mm in standard length, collected from Indonesian and Philippine waters. The species is similar to other congeners in general body appearance, especially A. duodecimalis and A. regina, in having a slender body, a tubercle on the posterior end of the dentary, and a narrow midlateral band, but clearly differing from them in having a long spatular outgrowth on the posterior margins of most of the predorsal and interdorsal scales. Additionally, the species differs from A. duodecimalis in having a more slender body [body depth 17–22 (mean 19) % SL vs. 19–25 (mean 22) % SL], more midlateral scales [37–40 (mean 38.4) vs. 35–38 (mean 36.6)], more total vertebrae [38–42 (mean 39.9) vs. 36–40 (mean 38.0)], and fewer lower gill rakers [18–22 (mean 20.2) vs. 20–25 (mean 22.3)], and from A. regina in having more anal fin soft rays (12–14 vs. 9–10). Electronic supplementary material to this article is available at and accessible to authorized users. Received: October 22, 2001 / Revised: March 14, 2002 / Accepted: March 26, 2002 An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Sand-smelts are small fishes inhabiting inshore, brackish and freshwater environments and with a distribution in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, extending south into the Indian Ocean. Here, we present a broad phylogenetic analysis of the genus Atherina using three mitochondrial (control region, 12S and 16S) and two nuclear markers (rhodopsin and 2nd intron of S7). Phylogenetic analyses fully support the monophyly of the genus. Two anti-tropical clades were identified, separating the South African Atherina breviceps from the north-eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Atherina' species. In European waters, two groups were found. The first clade formed by a well supported species-pair: Atherina presbyter (eastern Atlantic) and Atherina hepsetus (Mediterranean), both living in marine waters; a second clade included Atherina boyeri (brackish and freshwater environments) and two independent lineages of marine punctated and non-punctated fishes, recently proposed as separate species. Sequence divergence values strongly suggest multiple species within the A. boyeri complex.  相似文献   

The abundance, the seasonal variation and the life history of the silverside, Atherinomorus lacunosus , are studied from fish caught in the lagoons around New Caledonia. About 270 nights of fishing were carried out between 1980 and 1983. The silverside is present in most of the fishing hauls but seldom in large quantities. Fish reproduce from September to December at 1 year of age. At this time their size is about 10 cm. Mortality is high and a few individuals can survive a second year and reach 13 cm. Results from other studies indicate that in a less seasonally contrasted environment than the lagoons of New Caledonia, A. lacunosus has several spawning periods during the year. This species is thus able to adjust its phenology to the environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Two recently developed morphometric methodologies, multiple group principal components analysis (MGPCA) and the box truss method of body form transformation are used to re-address whether Atherina boyeri Risso, 1810 and A. presbyter Cuvier, 1829 are morphometrically distinct. The results revealed that morphometric differences are present between A. boyeri and A. presbyter , consistent with expectations of the existence of two species.
Females of the two species were clearly discriminated into two separate groups because the within-group covariances of several characters within populations of each species were different between species i.e., the covariances were heteroscedastic. The occurrence of heteroscedasticity within the data, although statistically invalidating the results of canonical variates anslysis, indicated there to be a large amount of morphological variation between females of the two species. Males were differentiated as a result of differences in body 'shape', particularly the relationship between head 'shape' and body 'shape'.
Several probable reasons are given for the failure of a previous study to differentiate the two species. The data rejects the synonymy of the two species in support of the continued use of the taxa A. boyeri Risso, 1810 and A. presbyter Cuvier, 1829.  相似文献   

研究了木瓜榕(Ficus auriculata Loureiro)、苹果榕(F.oligodon Miquel)及未知榕(Ficus sp.)3种榕树传粉榕小蜂的核型。结果表明:3种榕树对应的传粉榕小蜂具有非常相似的核型,染色体数目相同为2n=10,染色体全部为中着丝粒染色体;核型公式2n=2X=10=10M,核型均为Stebbins-1A型。以臂比不对称性系数Dc和相对长度不对称性系数Dt作二维散点图,Ceratosolen emarginatus Mayr(木瓜榕传粉榕小蜂)和C.emarginatus Mayr(苹果榕传粉榕小蜂)具有非常相近的核型不对称系数,核型不对称性大于Ceratosolen sp.(未知榕传粉榕小蜂),显示出两者更近的亲缘关系,而Ceratosolen sp.(未知榕)与前两者亲缘关系较远。此外,比较了Ceratosolen属和Blastophaga属在核型方面的差异,认为染色体数目包括染色体形态能够作为准确区分Ceratosolen属和Blastophaga属的依据,并对Ceratosolen属的核型进化进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Synopsis The duration of natural in-beach-sand incubation of Gulf of California and California grunion embryos is dictated by the tidally-driven wave activity in their respective habitats. Analyses of these tidal regimes reveal that the incubation period can be three times longer on beaches of the California coast than on those of the northern Gulf.In response to the more irregular tides of California, Leuresthes tenuis, the less primitive of the two species, has evolved an egg volume 310% larger than the Gulf grunion, L. sardina. The. larger egg not only supplies greater yolk reserves for differentiation, growth and maintenance, but also produces a larger embryo. The more abundant yolk stores and greater embryo size helps California grunion embryos to remain viable in the sand longer than those of the Gulf grunion.  相似文献   

A series of morphometric and meristic analyses conducted on specimens of sand smelt, Atherina , from populations around the British Isles, and including classic A. boyeri and A. presbyter forms, has shown that the characteristics variously used in the past to distinguish these two species are invalid. Multivariate analyses showed no significant splitting of the material into two groups which might correlate to these two species; classic A. boyeri and the very large Atlantic coast A. presbyter individuals represent the tails of a continuum of form. From these and published data, it is concluded that the A. boyeri morphology varies under the influence of conditions of temperature and salinity during embryo development, and the isolation of populations maintains comparative morphological distinctions resulting from local selection and random genetic drift.  相似文献   

The big‐scale sand smelt Atherina boyeri lives in fresh water, brackish water and sea water of the western Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Previous studies concerning distribution, biometric characters and genetic molecular markers have suggested the possible existence of two or even three different groups or species of sand smelt, one ‘lagoon’ type and one (or two – punctuated and non‐punctuated on the flanks) ‘marine’ type. In this study, the presence and the localization of an insertion was described, c. 200 bp in length, in the mtDNA of the lagoon and marine punctuated specimens of A. boyeri and its absence in the marine non‐punctuated specimens, as well as in other two congeneric species, Atherina hepsetus and Atherina presbyter, and in the atheriniform Menidia menidia. The intergenic spacer is located between the tRNAGlu and cytochrome b (cyt b) genes and shares a c. 50% sequence similarity with cyt b. The distribution and the features of the intergenic spacer suggest that it might have originated from an event of gene duplication, which involved the cyt b gene (or, more likely, a part of it) and which took place in the common ancestor of the lagoon and the marine punctuated specimens. The data obtained therefore support the hypothesis of the existence of three cryptic and, or sibling species within the A. boyeri taxon and provide a genetic molecular marker to distinguish them.  相似文献   

Chirostoma aculeatum is a rare silverside found only in central Mexico. Its conservation status is considered in addition to providing information regarding its ecology, life history, and distribution.  相似文献   

Changes in glucose and glycogen concentrations during embryonic and larval development of Odonthestes humensis (De Buen, 1953) (Pisces—Atherinidae) were followed.
Glycogen decreased immediately after fertilization but remained constant throughout the embryonic period, suggesting that although present glycogenolisis may not be the most important energetic pathway during this period. Glucose levels only show a significant increase on the fifth day of development coincident with the beginning of heart activity.
In fed larvae glycogen utilization increases during development, resulting in an increase in glucose concentration. Such a pattern does not occur in starved animals, where glycogen and glucose are present respectively at high and low concentrations similar to embryos. The change of pattern seems to be associated with the first larval feeding.  相似文献   

The small, typically estuarine fish Atherina boyeri Risso forms local populations which can differ greatly in their population biology and morphology; this species is viewed as being on the brink of speciation. This analysis of the reproductive strategy shows that A. boyeri can rapidly adapt its life history and morphology to environments ranging from freshwater to polyhaline coastal lagoons and oceanic waters. The optimum strategy is shown to be tied to temperate seasonality: the cold winters act to lengthen the life cycle, and result in cyclic switching of energy between reproduction, somatic growth and fat storage. The adaptability of the fish to a range of environmental characters is viewed as being due to natural selection acting to produce a genotype capable of a flexible phenotypic response. This flexibility is essential for survival in the highly variable inshore/brackish habitat. It is argued that such preadaptive plasticity, coupled with the potential for populations to become isolated, produces ideal conditions for speciation. The importance of the coastal, estuarine and lagoonal environment as a springboard for teleost evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Karyotype structure and polytene chromosome banding patterns were studied in two Orthocladiinae siblings--Propsilocerus akamusi (China) and Propsilocerus jacuticus (Russia). Both species have haploid number of chromosome typical for Orthocladiinae (n = 3). An unusual structure of centromeric regions was observed in all three chromosomes of karyotypes in both species. Photomaps of polytene chromosomes are presented. A comparison of karyotypes of P. akamusi and Propsilocerus jacuticus revealed a high level of homology in their banding sequences, however, the presence of fixed paracentric inversions in chromosomal arms IR, IIR, IIIR of Propsilocerus jacuticus has shown a clear-cut phylogenetic divergence. No chromosomal polymorphism was found in both species.  相似文献   

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