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The capacity of prodigiozan to stimulate interferon production in the cell culture of the human palatine tonsil lymphocytes was studied. The interferonogenic properties of prodigiozan administered in the form of aerosols to children were also investigated. The efficacy of the prodigiozan aerosols in treatment of children with viral respiratory diseases was estimated. It was shown that prodigiozan stimulated interferon production in the cell culture of the tonsil lymphocytes (the titers of 1 : 2--1 : 8) and induced formation of endogenic interferon in the host (in the tonsils and blood serum) 24 hours after the aerosol administration. 100 micrograms of prodigiozan administered in the form of aerosols in a single dose or in 2 doses at an interval of 1--2 days had a pronounced therapeutic effect 1--2 days after the administration. The use of prodigiozan in treatment of children with acute viral respiratory infections promoted a decrease in the frequency of complications, such as pneumonia and otitis. The data are indicative of the validity of prodigiozan in treatment of children with acute respiratory infections.  相似文献   

Rifamethoprim is a new formulation containing rifampicin and trimethoprim. Its efficacy was studied in the treatment of a group of patients with various nonspecific diseases of the lungs. It was shown to be highly active against a broad spectrum of pathogens. With inclusion of trimethoprim to the formulation it appeared possible to markedly lower the bacterial ability to develop resistance to rifampicin, which solved the problem of long-term antibiotic use. The unique pharmacokinetic properties of rifampicin such as its capacity to penetrating into the sputum, lung tissues and cells make rifamethoprim be the drug of optimal choice in the treatment of respiratory diseases.  相似文献   

A study was made of the epidemiological peculiarities of viral respiratory infections of various etiology in the familial foci with the use of a methodical approach permitting to detect the true spread of infection in the familial foci, with consideration to the subclinical forme fruste of the disease and "carrier state". It appeared that in the familial foci the infectiousness of the majority of respiratory viral infections was greater than in the closed collective bodies uniting persons of the same age. The age composition of the family influences the manifestness (particularly in parainfluenza infection) and the intensity of the epidemic process characterized by the coefficient of the secondary affections. The type of the apartment, the floor on which it is located, and the number of persons residing in it had no significant influence on the spread of the viral infections in the familial foci. A definite role in this process is played by the level of specific serum antibodies in the members of the family surrounding the patient. The association of morbidity level with the antibody level proved to be the most distinct in children with influenza and adenoviral infection; this association was less significant in adults.  相似文献   

The results of the 3-year controlled trials of a new method of nonspecific urgent prophylaxis of influenza and acute respiratory diseases (ADR) by immunization of healthy adults with standard live enterovirus oral vaccines, introduced in 2-3 administrations at intervals of 7-10 days, at the initial stages of autumn and winter epidemics are presented. Observations, carried out in three republics, covered more than 150,000 persons immunized with enterovirus interferonogenic vaccines. A considerable decrease in morbidity rate among the vaccinees was achieved (on the average, by 3.2 times) in comparison to that among nonimmunized subjects. The method of nonspecific prophylaxis with live enterovirus interferonogenic vaccines is recommended during outbreaks of diseases induced simultaneously by several causative agents of influenza and ARD, as well as by pathogenic enterovirus strains.  相似文献   

The results obtained in the experimental and clinical study of the preparations of mephenamine acid and levamisole with respect to their interferonogenic and interferon-stimulating action and their therapeutic effectiveness in influenza and virus hepatitis are presented. The study has revealed that mephenamine acid, along with its capacity for stimulating the processes of interferon formation in the body, produces a pronounced curative effect, prevents the development of postinfluenza complications much more effectively than levamisole and remantadin and accelerates the processes of reparation in virus hepatitis.  相似文献   

Acute toxic hepatitis was induced in Wistar rats by means of a single injection of 40% CCl4 on a peach-kernell oil base (0.2 ml/100 g body weight). Under conditions of stimulation with the bacterial polysaccharide prodigiosan, the resistance of hepatocytes to CCl4 sharply increased, which was shown by diminished severity of hepatic parenchyma destruction.  相似文献   

The present study showed the association of a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SCoV) accessory protein, 3a, with plasma membrane and intracellular SCoV particles in infected cells. 3a protein appeared to undergo posttranslational modifications in infected cells and was incorporated into SCoV particles, establishing that 3a protein was a SCoV structural protein.  相似文献   

The etiology of acute pneumonia (AP) was studied in 229 patients who had the disease simultaneously with influenza (106 patients), other viral and mycoplasmal infections (48 patients), and without concomitant acute viral infections (75 patients). The use of the quantitative microbiological method and the indirect immunofluorescence test with autostrains or Streptococcus pneumoniae strains of serotypes 2, 3, and 6, prevailing in Leningrad in patients with acute inflammatory diseases of the lungs, made it possible to find out the pneumococcal etiology of AP in 95% of patients irrespective of the presence of acute respiratory viral infections. The etiological role of opportunistic bacteria was revealed in 13 AP patients (5.7%); in 2 of them the causative agent of AP was Staphylococcus aureus and in 11, various species of Gram-negative enterobacteria. The latter were the cause of complications in 8 cases of pneumococcal pneumonia.  相似文献   

The results of the evaluation of the oral inductor of endogenic interferon (amyxin), manufactured in Russia are presented. The use of amyxin was found to produce a drop in morbidity in acute respiratory virus infections (ARVI) among medical workers 3.4 times, i.e. the preparation exhibited a pronounced prophylactic effect with respect to ARVI. The use of the preparation was accompanied by a decrease in the number of manifest forms of ARVI. Persons given the preparation often had ARVI in a mild or asymptomatic form.  相似文献   

The authors present the results of observations over 407 children aged from 2 months to 16 years from the foci of viral hepatitis in children's collective bodies. During the quarantine a determination was made in children of the glutamic-pyroracemic, glutamic-oxalic transaminases (GPT and GOT, respectively) and of the hepatitis B antigen (HBAg). A necessity of using the enzymatic tests for the purpose of early diagnosis of viral hepatitis was shown, since 84% of the cases developing in the next focus coursed as an unicteric form without any markked clinical signs; HBAg was revealed in 6.1% of the children examined. A complex examination of the personnel and of the persons who came in contact with the patients with viral hepatitis showed the ways of spread of hepatitis B in a collective body; it was found that the viral hepatitis B infection took place both by parenteral and enteral routes. The expediency of active observation over the children, recipients of blood and plasma, with determination in them of the activity of the enzymes and HBAg for early diagnosis of parenteral infection was substantiated. It was also shown that the incidence of the unicteric forms of viral hepatitis in a focus of infection depended not on the periods of gamma-globulin administration but on the age of children who contracted the infection. Thus, the prevalence of the unicteric forms of the disease over the icteric ones in children under 3 years of age was more pronounced than in older children.  相似文献   

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