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以随机扩增多态DNA(RandomAmplifiedPolymorphicDNA,RAPD)标记方法对航天搭载得到的矮化早熟高粱突变体进行遗传特性分析,利用适合玉米的引物对高粱进行引物筛选,从31种随机引物中共扩增出4条多态性片段,反映出突变体的遗传差异性。  相似文献   

植物矮化突变体的来源及矮化机理研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物矮化是一种重要的农艺学性状,是生命科学领域研究的重要内容之一,矮化研究是植物育种工作的热点。矮化来源分为诱变矮化和自发矮化,其中诱变矮化中的物理诱变研究的内容分类详细,在航天诱变领域取得了有效的研究成果。植物矮化机理的研究主要集中于植物内源激素,主要是赤霉素、油菜素内酯,也有少量关于生长素的研究。针对不同种类植物具体详细的矮化机理,还没有明确的分类和细化的研究。总结了植物矮化突变体的来源及矮化机理。  相似文献   

陆地棉皱缩叶突变体基因wr3的初步定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李峰利  狄佳春  赵亮  陈旭升 《遗传》2014,36(12):1256-1260
陆地棉皱缩叶突变体是本项目组自主发现的一种自然突变体。前期对其表型性状的观察发现该突变体的农艺性状有别于前人已报道的皱叶突变体;通过陆陆杂交世代群体对其遗传规律的研究表明, 皱缩叶突变性状是受一对完全隐性基因wr3控制的质量性状。文章以皱叶突变自交系L037和海7124为亲本配置组合得到的海陆杂交F2为作图群体, 利用本实验室遴选的平均覆盖棉花26对染色体上的234对SSR引物(每染色体相对等距离分布9对引物), 通过对双亲以及近等基因池的筛选, 共得到12对多态性引物。用这些引物检测F2作图群体每个单株的标记基因型, 经Join Map 4.0分析显示, 位于Chr.21的引物BNL3279与目的基因连锁, 二者间的遗传距离为28.7 cM。随后对Chr.21上的其他引物进一步筛选, 共得到16对与目的基因连锁的标记, 其中与目的基因距离最近的标记NAU3740的遗传距离为4.8 cM, 另一侧标记cgr5428的遗传距离为10.4 cM。由此推定, 皱缩叶突变体基因wr3在棉花第21染色体上。  相似文献   

回归分析在辣椒品种RAPD反应体系优化中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以辣椒(CapsicumannuumL.)为材料,采用回归分析的方法对RAPD体系进行优化研究。结果表明在体积为20μl反应体系中,主要因子的优化组合是:Mg2 、dNTP、Taq酶、引物、模板DNA等的浓度分别为3mmol/L、0.3mmol/L、1.3U、0.4μmol/L和64ng;热循环程序为:94℃预变性2min,94℃变性30s,40℃退火1min,72℃延伸90s,47个循环,最后72℃延伸10min。通过对24个辣椒品种进行遗传多样性分析,证明该优化体系是稳定可靠的。  相似文献   

RAPD分析快速鉴定双歧杆菌   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文应用RAPD技术,选用11种引物,以嗜酸乳杆菌为对照,对6种13珠双歧杆菌菌株基因组DNA进行PCR扩增,分析其DNA指纹图谱,并计算其相似性指数。结果表明,双歧杆菌和非双歧杆菌之间,其相似性指数有显著差异;选择合适的引物进行扩增,双歧杆菌不同种间和同种不同株间可表现不同的DNA指纹图谱。本文还对RAPD技术应用于双歧杆菌分类鉴定的可能性进行讨论。  相似文献   

广东省十种卷柏属植物RAPD初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
余艳  崔国华  李忠超  韦霄   《广西植物》2007,27(1):48-52
采用RAPD标记对卷柏属10种植物进行了分类鉴定、种间亲缘关系及遗传多样性的初步分析。结果显示:10个RAPD引物很好地区分了10个种,每个种均有2~12个种单态特征位点;UPGMA聚类树与有关文献表型分类结果不尽一致;卷柏属不同种具有不同的遗传多样性水平。  相似文献   

以彩色斑叶辣椒突变体、紫叶辣椒、白色斑叶辣椒突变体功能叶为试验材料,利用光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜,通过观察叶片不同斑区的显微结构及超微结构,分析彩色斑叶的显色部位、显色特征、细胞器数量及形态变化,从细胞水平上探讨彩色斑叶辣椒复杂叶色的成因。结果表明:(1)彩色斑叶辣椒突变体子叶为紫色,自第一片真叶展开出现异色斑块,斑块位置、频率、色彩深度无明显规律。(2)叶肉细胞内叶绿体少甚至缺失形成白斑,花色素苷在叶肉细胞和保卫细胞均有分布,其在叶肉细胞不均匀分布是紫色深度不同的主因。(3)辣椒彩色斑叶突变体绿斑区内细胞形态良好,细胞器结构较好;紫色斑区和白色斑区细胞呈中度肿胀,细胞器明显异常。(4)叶肉细胞内叶绿体少甚至缺失、花色素苷不均匀分布是叶片呈现彩色的原因,该叶斑类型属于色素型。  相似文献   

根据DNA随机扩增多态性(RandomAmplifiedPolymorphicDNA,简RAPD)分子标记技术设计鉴别引物,建立一种快速、准确检测病人体内新发现的假单胞菌菌株的分子生物学方法.采用RAPD分析方法对该菌种的对照菌株AcinetobactercalcoaceticusKHW14(简称A.calcoaceticusKHW14)和新分离的菌株Acinetobactercalcoaceticus(简称A.calcoaceticus)进行指纹分析,依据两菌株的差异序列设计两对引物,并建立最佳的PCR扩增体系,产物经1.2%琼脂糖凝胶电泳得菌株特异性电泳图谱.此图谱可作为鉴定两菌株的标准图谱,RAPD分析方法具有良好的重复性,同时也进一步验证了两菌株的同源性.  相似文献   

利用RAPD分析鉴定花椰菜杂种纯度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)分析方法,鉴定花椰菜F1代杂种纯度。筛选出20个10bp随机引物对杂种F1代和父母本基因组DNA进行RAPD分析,共获得扩增片段124条,分子量在0.3-3kb之间,其中2个引物S120和S174可用来鉴定杂种纯度。RAPD分析结果与田间形态鉴定结果基本一致,表明RAPD分析方法适用于花椰菜杂种的纯度鉴定。  相似文献   

桃遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
采用RAPD技术,利用200个引物筛选的22个10碱基随机引物对桃182个变种,类型,品种进行DNA扩增。对扩增位点上的带型分析,观察到有的引的在某一位点上明显有带的分离,且S65,S459,S167,S60引物在这一位点可以包含一个类群或几个类群全部的供试品种,变种或类型,但各类群都没有各自独特的特征带。聚类图分析表明,来源无性系的品种遗传一致度最大达0.990;有的品种也表现出较大遗传一致度的为0.985;也有的品种的遗传一致度较低,范围在0.686-0.831之间。对桃的分类,以水蜜桃,寿星桃,垂枝桃作为类群划分较明晰,其它品种的类群划分则较困难,从而也说明了原产中国的桃种质资源的遗传多样性丰富。  相似文献   

STEER  B. T. 《Annals of botany》1971,35(5):1003-1015
In Capsicum frutescens L. cv. California Wonder the specificleaf weight (dry weight per unit laminar area) at leaf unfoldingis three times higher in the eighth leaf than in the first leafproduced. Intermediate leaves exhibit a trend between the twoThe change in specific leaf weight during laminar expansionis greatest in leaf 1 and least (sometimes zero) in leaf 8.Large changes in specific leaf weight during laminar expansionare associated with a large degree of palisade cell expansion,while leaves showing smaller rates of change have less palisadecell expansion but cell division is more evident. At leaf unfoldingthe fraction I protein content per unit laminar area is higherin upper than in lower leaves. Ribulose diphosphate carboxylaseactivity per unit laminar area and 14CO2 fixation per unit laminararea have a similar pattern of development in all leaves andshow no correlation with the changes in specific leaf weight.The peak of activity in all leaves occurs when the laminar areais 10 cm2. These results are compared with previous data onlaminar expansion and are seen as in accord with current ideason leaf growth.  相似文献   

辣椒种间杂种的表型鉴定及SRAP分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用有性杂交方法,以微辣一年生辣椒自交系B9431为母本(P1)、强辣野生灌木辣椒H108为父本(P2)进行种间杂交,获得了其种间杂种.对种间杂种F125个表型性状进行了观察比较,以期从形态学及分子生物学方面验证种间杂种的真实性.结果表明,F1兼具双亲的形态特征,大多数表型性状介于P1与P2之间.SRAP分析显示,F1与P1、P2共有带550条,占总位点数的68.4%,与P1或P2共有带159条,占19.8%;F1与P1遗传相似系数为0.856,与P2的遗传相似系数为0.786,表明杂种在DNA水平上更趋向于母本.  相似文献   

小麦的子粒形态性状和株高与小麦的产量密切相关,是育种的重要选择目标性状。本研究通过对小麦品种偃展1号(YZ1)EMS突变体W98的农艺性状的调查与分析,发现W98的株高只有24 cm,而野生型YZ1的株高是73 cm。突变体株高的变异是由每个节间长度变短造成的,而非节间数目减少所致。相关分析表明矮秆与圆粒性状呈显著相关。利用高秆长粒的墨西哥品种10th12与突变体W98配制杂交组合,获得1544个F2∶3单株(株系),通过对分离群体的遗传分析,发现圆粒性状是由1对不完全显性基因控制的。赤霉素(GA)与油菜素内酯(BR)激素敏感性试验表明:野生型和突变体都对GA处理不敏感;不同浓度BR的展叶试验表明野生型对BR不敏感,而突变体W98对BR敏感。  相似文献   

STEER  B. T. 《Annals of botany》1972,36(2):377-384
The previously reported increase in photosynthetic capacityduring laminar expansion up to an area of 10 cm2 is shown, inpart, to be a function of the increasing cell surface area availablefor chloroplast growth. This occurs in a similar manner in thefirst eight leaves despite large differences in cell size. Duringthis phase the increase in ribulose diphosphate activity isgreater than can be accounted for by total chloroplast volumeand develops independently of chlorophyll content. These twochloroplast components also have different developmental patternsafter leaves have attained an area greater than 10 cm2.  相似文献   

甜樱桃品种及其砧木的RAPD分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用RAPD技术,从130个随机引物中筛选出46个引物,对欧洲甜樱桃、欧洲酸樱桃、马哈利樱桃和野生中国樱桃4个类型樱桃种,以及欧洲甜樱桃与中国樱桃的种间杂交种共15个品种的基因组遗传变异进行分析。结果表明,46个随机引物均得到了稳定可重复的RAPD图谱,扩增出的DNA条带大小在100~2625bp之间,多态性位点数517个,多态性位点百分率为98.85%,每个随机引物扩增出的多态性DNA条带数在4~23条。品种间Nei遗传距离在0.166~0.479之间,平均遗传距离0.329;甜樱桃新品种‘秦樱1号’与‘秦岭玛瑙’、‘CDR-1’等10个樱桃砧木之间的遗传距离在0.248~0.376,并且根据遗传距离可以相互区分,所分析的15个樱桃品种均扩增出了特有的DNA条带,每个樱桃特有标记带在2~17个之间,共扩增出149个特有标记,据此可以进行樱桃品种及砧木的RAPD鉴定。研究认为利用RAPD技术可以在分子水平上对甜樱桃品种及其砧木进行快速鉴定。  相似文献   

The random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was used to analyse total genomic DNA of 10 isolates of a new Fusarium oxysporum pathogenic on Argyranthemum frutescens (Paris daisy), by comparing them with representatives of the formae speciales basilici, chrysanthemi, cyclaminis, dianthi, gladioli, lilii, lycopersici, melonis, pisi, radicis‐lycopersici, tracheiphilum, and a non‐pathogenic isolate of F. oxysporum. A close genetic relatedness was observed among most of the new isolates from A. frutescens. These isolates also shared RAPD markers with the tested representatives of the forma specialis chrysanthemi. A single isolate among those tested from diseased A. frutescens was placed in a different cluster, which included representative isolates of forma specialis tracheiphilum. All the new isolates from A. frutescens, with the exception of the single divergent one, could be identified by their characteristic amplification profile, using selected random primers. A rapid protocol for DNA extraction directly from fungal colonies grown on Fusarium selective medium allowed the complete analysis in less than 4 h.  相似文献   

Isozyme analyses were conducted to study the geographic variation ofCapsicum frutescens L. in Southeast and East Asia, and to investigate its dispersal routes into Japan. Eight enzymes (EST, EM, G6PD, GR, ME(A), PGI, PGM, ShDH) were variable among accessions ofC. frutescens in Southeast and East Asia. Accessions from the Ryukyu Islands were closely related to those in Indonesia, whereas accessions from the Bonin Islands showed exactly the same isozyme patterns as those from Indonesia and Northern Thailand. Accessions in the Ryukyu Islands were different from those in the Bonin Islands, suggesting that there may be two independent dispersal routes into Japan. One route was from Indonesia via the Philippines or Taiwan, or directly to the Ryukyu Islands, and another was from Indonesia via the Mariana Islands, or other islands in the Pacific, to the Bonin Islands.  相似文献   

The accumulation of capsaicin in different parts of fruit viz, placenta, pericarp and seeds of Capsicum annuum L cv Punjab Lal was compared with the activities of first four enzymes of capsaicin biosynthetic pathway at various physiological stages. Capsaicin accumulation (mg g?1 DW) was about ten fold higher in placenta (63.96), than in pericarp (7.12) and seeds (5.06) in ripe fruits. Capsaicin accumulation was 5.79 mg g?1 DW at 28 DAF in whole fruit. The specific activity of PAL was also ten times higher in placenta, whereas the specific activities of Ca4H, Ca3H and CaOMT were about two times higher in placenta than in other parts of fruit. The trend CaOMT > PAL > Ca4H > Ca3H was observed with peak activity at 28 DAF for Ca3H and CaOMT and at 35 DAF for PAL and Ca4H in placenta. These four enzymes showed low activity during the period up to 21 DAF, and peak activities for these enzymes were obtatined at the time of maximum growth of fruit in length and thereafter.  相似文献   

STEER  B. T. 《Annals of botany》1973,37(4):823-829
The activity of ribulose-1,5-diphosphate carboxylase per unitlaminar area increases rapidly during early stages of leaf expansionin Capsicum frutescens L. cv. California Wonder. This is followedby a decrease to a level that is constant until expansion stops. A previous suggestion that the expansion of younger leaves inthe same phyllotactic sector controlled the decrease in enzymeactivity in older expanding leaves has not been verified byexperiments involving the selective excision of leaves and cotyledons.Decrease in enzyme activity was accompanied by a fall in FractionI protein content but another chloroplastic enzyme, -aminolevulinicacid dehydrase, did not exhibit a decrease in activity. Intra-chloroplasticmechanisms, rather than the influence of other plant organs,are suggested as controlling ribulose-1,5-diphosphate carboxylaseactivity during later stages of leaf expansion.  相似文献   

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an oil and economic crop of vital importance, and peanut pod is the key organ influencing the yield and processing quality. Hence, the Pod-related traits (PRTs) are considered as important agronomic traits in peanut breeding. To broaden the variability of PRTs in current peanut germplasms, three elite peanut cultivars were used to construct Ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS)-induced mutant libraries in this study. The optimal EMS treatment conditions for the three peanut varieties were determined. It was found that the median lethal dose (LD50) of EMS treatment varied greatly among different genotypes. Finally, the EMS-induced peanut mutant libraries were constructed and a total of 124 mutant lines for PRTs were identified and evaluated. Furthermore, “M-8070”, one of the mutant lines for pod constriction, was re-sequenced via high-throughput sequencing technology. The genome-wide variations between “M-8070” and its wild parent “Fuhua 8” (FH 8) were detected. 2994 EMS-induced single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 1188 insertion-deletions (InDels) between “M-8070” and its wild parent were identified. The predominant SNP mutation type was C/G to T/A transitions, while the predominant InDel mutation type was “1-bp”. We analyzed the distribution of identified mutations and annotated their functions. Most of the mutations (91.68% of the SNPs and 77.69% of the InDels) were located in the intergenic region. 72 SNPs were identified in the exonic region, leading to 27 synonymous, 43 non-synonymous and 2 stop-gain variation for gene structure. 13 Indels were identified in the exonic region, leading to 4 frame-shift, 8 non-frame-shift and 1 stop-gain variations of genes. These mutations may lead to the phenotypic variation of “M-8070”. Our study provided valuable resources for peanut improvement and functional genomic research.  相似文献   

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