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Mutations that alter the morphology of floral displays (e.g., flower size) or plant development can change multiple functions simultaneously, such as pollen export and selfing rate. Given the effect of these various traits on fitness, pleiotropy may alter the evolution of both mating systems and floral displays, two characters with high diversity among angiosperms. The influence of viability selection on mating system evolution has not been studied theoretically. We model plant mating system evolution when a single locus simultaneously affects the selfing rate, pollen export, and viability. We assume frequency-independent mating, so our model characterizes prior selfing. Pleiotropy between increased viability and selfing rate reduces opportunities for the evolution of pure outcrossing, can favor complete selfing despite high inbreeding depression, and notably, can cause the evolution of mixed mating despite very high inbreeding depression. These results highlight the importance of pleiotropy for mating system evolution and suggest that selection by nonpollinating agents may help explain mixed mating, particularly in species with very high inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

We describe the evolutionary dynamics of a modifier of selfing coevolving with a locus subject to symmetric overdominance in viability under general levels of reduction in pollination success as a consequence of self-fertilization (pollen discounting). Simple models of the evolution of breeding systems that represent inbreeding depression as a constant parameter do not admit the possibility of stable mixed mating systems involving both inbreeding and random mating. Contrary to this expectation, we find that coevolution between a modifier of selfing and a single overdominant locus situated anywhere in the genome can generate evolutionarily attracting mixed mating systems. Two forms of association between the modifier locus and the viability locus promote the evolution of outcrossing. The favored heterozygous genotype at the viability locus develops positive associations with modifier alleles that enhance outcrossing and with the heterozygous genotype at the modifier locus. Associations between outcrossing and high viability evolve immediately upon the introduction of a rare modifier allele, even in the absence of linkage.  相似文献   

Simple theories for the evolution of breeding systems suggest that the fate of an allele that modifies the rate of self-fertilization hinges only on the degree to which selfing reduces opportunities for outcrossing ("pollen discounting") and the extent of inbreeding depression. These theories predict that outcrossing evolves whenever deleterious mutations have a more severe effect in combination than expected from their individual effects. We study the evolutionary dynamics of a modifier of the rate of self-fertilization in populations subject to complete pollen discounting and recurrent mutations which impair viability at a single locus in diploids and at two loci in haploids. Our analysis indicates that genetic associations arising immediately upon the introduction of a rare modifier allele generate substantial quantitative and qualitative departures from expectation. Higher rates of segregation under selfing in our one-locus diploid model generate positive associations between enhancers of selfing and wild-type viability alleles, which in turn favor the evolution of selfing under a wider range of conditions than expected. Greater opportunities for recombination under outcrossing in our two-locus haploid model generate positive associations between enhancers of outcrossing and wild-type viability alleles. These associations favor the evolution of outcrossing under a wider range of conditions, and introduce the possibility of stable mixed mating systems involving both selfing and outcrossing. Our explicit analysis of genetic associations between loci affecting viability and the rate of self-fertilization indicates that modifiers that enhance the production of offspring with very high (and very low) viability by promoting segregation or recombination develop positive associations with high viability. This advantage of producing extremes can compensate for an initial disadvantage in offspring number.  相似文献   

The deleterious effects of inbreeding have been of extreme importance to evolutionary biology, but it has been difficult to characterize the complex interactions between genetic constraints and selection that lead to fitness loss and recovery after inbreeding. Haploid organisms and selfing organisms like the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans are capable of rapid recovery from the fixation of novel deleterious mutation; however, the potential for recovery and genomic consequences of inbreeding in diploid, outcrossing organisms are not well understood. We sought to answer two questions: 1) Can a diploid, outcrossing population recover from inbreeding via standing genetic variation and new mutation? and 2) How does allelic diversity change during recovery? We inbred C. remanei, an outcrossing relative of C. elegans, through brother-sister mating for 30 generations followed by recovery at large population size. Inbreeding reduced fitness but, surprisingly, recovery from inbreeding at large populations sizes generated only very moderate fitness recovery after 300 generations. We found that 65% of ancestral single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were fixed in the inbred population, far fewer than the theoretical expectation of ∼99%. Under recovery, 36 SNPs across 30 genes involved in alimentary, muscular, nervous, and reproductive systems changed reproducibly across replicates, indicating that strong selection for fitness recovery does exist. Our results indicate that recovery from inbreeding depression via standing genetic variation and mutation is likely to be constrained by the large number of segregating deleterious variants present in natural populations, limiting the capacity for recovery of small populations.  相似文献   

We studied deterministic models of multilocus systems subject to mutation–selection balance with all loci unlinked, and with multiplicative interactions of the loci affecting fitness, in partially self-fertilizing populations. The aim was to examine the fitnesses of the zygotes produced by outcrossing and by selling, and the magnitude of inbreeding depression, in populations with different levels of inbreeding. The fates of modifiers of the outcrossing rate were also examined. With biologically plausible parameter values, inbreeding depression can be very large in moderately selfing populations, particularly when the mutant alleles are fairly recessive and selection is weak. A modifier allele reducing the selfing rate can be favored under these circumstances. In more inbred populations, inbreeding depression is lower, and selection favors alleles that increase the selfing rate. When inbreeding depression is caused by mutant alleles with strong selective disadvantage, modifiers causing large increases in selfing can often be favored even when the inbreeding depression exceeds one-half, though in these circumstances modifiers increasing selfing by smaller amounts are usually eliminated. Weaker selection appears to be more favorable to the maintenance of outcrossing.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Genetically based variation in outcrossing rate generates lineages within populations that differ in their history of inbreeding. According to some models, mating-system modifiers in such populations will demonstrate both linkage and identity disequilibrium with fitness loci, resulting in lineage-specific inbreeding depression. Other models assert that differences among families in levels of inbreeding depression are mainly attributable to random accumulation of genetic load, unrelated to variation at mating-system loci. We measured female reproductive success of selfed and outcrossed progeny from naturally occurring lineages of Datura stramonium , a predominantly self-fertilizing annual weed that has heritable variation in stigma-anther separation, a trait that influences selfing rates. Progeny from inbred lineages (as identified by high degree of anther-stigma overlap) showed equal levels of seed production, regardless of cross type. Progeny from mixed lineages (as identified by relatively high separation between anthers and stigma) showed moderate levels of inbreeding depression. We found a significant correlation between anther-stigma separation and relative fitness of selfed and outcrossed progeny, suggesting that family-level inbreeding depression may be related to differences among lineages in inbreeding history in this population. Negative inbreeding depression in putatively inbred lineages may be due in part to additive effects or to epistatic interactions among loci.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans reproduces primarily by self-fertilization of hermaphrodites, yet males are present at low frequencies in natural populations (androdioecy). The ancestral state of C. elegans was probably gonochorism (separate males and females), as in its relative C. remanei. Males may be maintained in C. elegans because outcrossed individuals escape inbreeding depression. The level of inbreeding depression is, however, expected to be low in such a highly selfing species, compared with an outcrosser like C. remanei. To investigate these issues, we measured life-history traits in the progeny of inbred versus outcrossed C. elegans and C. remanei individuals derived from recently isolated natural populations. In addition, we maintained inbred lines of C. remanei through 13 generations of full-sibling mating. Highly inbred C. remanei showed dramatic reductions in brood size and relative fitness compared to outcrossed individuals, with evidence of both direct genetic and maternal-effect inbreeding depression. This decline in fitness accumulated over time, causing extinction of nearly 90% of inbred lines, with no evidence of purging of deleterious mutations from the remaining lines. In contrast, pure strains of C. elegans performed better than crosses between strains, indicating outbreeding depression. The results are discussed in relation to the evolution of androdioecy and the effect of mating system on the level of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

In prior work we detected no significant inbreeding depression for pollen and ovule production in the highly selfing Mimulus micranthus, but both characters showed high inbreeding depression in the mixed-mating M. guttatus. The goal of this study was to determine if the genetic load for these traits in M. guttatus could be purged in a program of enforced selfing. These characters should have been under much stronger selection in our artificial breeding program than previously reported characters such as biomass and total flower production because, for example, plants unable to produce viable pollen could not contribute to future generations. Purging of genetic load was investigated at the level of both the population and the individual maternal line within two populations of M. guttatus. Mean ovule number, pollen number, and pollen viability declined significantly as plants became more inbred. The mean performance of outcross progeny generated from crosses between pairs of maternal inbred lines always exceeded that of self progeny and was fairly constant for each trait through all five generations. The consistent performance of outcross progeny and the universally negative relationships between performance and degree of inbreeding are interpreted as evidence for the weakness of selection relative to the quick fixation of deleterious alleles due to drift during the inbreeding process. The selective removal (purging) of deleterious alleles from our population would have been revealed by an increase in performance of outcross progeny or an attenuation of the effects of increasing homozygosity. The relationships between the mean of each of these traits and the expected inbreeding coefficient were linear, but one population displayed a significant negative curvilinear relationship between the log of male fertility (a function of pollen number and viability) and the inbreeding coefficient. The generally linear form of the responses to inbreeding were taken as evidence consistent with an additive model of gene action, but the negative curvilinear relationship between male fertility and the inbreeding coefficient suggested reinforcing epistasis. Within both populations there was significant genetic variation among maternal lineages for the response to inbreeding in all traits. Although all inbred lineages declined at least somewhat in performance, several maternal lines maintained levels of performance just below outcross means even after four or five generations of selfing. We suggest that selection among maternal lines will have a greater effect than selecting within lines in lowering the genetic load of populations.  相似文献   

There is a long-recognized association in plants between small stature and selfing, and large stature and outcrossing. Inbreeding depression is central to several hypotheses for this association, but differences in the evolutionary dynamics of inbreeding depression associated with differences in stature are rarely considered. Here, we propose and test the Phi model of plant mating system evolution, which assumes that the per-generation mutation rate of a plant is a function of the number of mitoses (Phi) that occur from zygote to gamete, and predicts fundamental differences between low-Phi (small-statured) and high-Phi (large-statured) plants in the outcomes of the joint evolution of outcrossing rate and inbreeding depression. Using a large dataset of published population genetic studies of angiosperms and conifers, we compute fitted values of inbreeding depression and deleterious mutation rates for small- and large-statured plants. Consistent with our Phi model, we find that populations of small-statured plants exhibit a range of mating systems, significantly lower mutation rates, and intermediate inbreeding depression, while large-statured plants exhibit very high mutation rates and the maximum inbreeding depression of unity. These results indicate that (i) inbred progeny typically observed in large-statured plant populations are completely lost prior to maturity in nearly all populations; (ii) evolutionary shifts from outcrossing to selfing are generally not possible in large-statured species, rather, large-statured species are more likely to evolve mating systems that avoid selfing such as self-incompatibility and dioecy; (iii) destabilization of the mating system-high selfing rate with high-inbreeding depression-might be a common occurrence in large-statured species; and (iv) large-statured species in fragmented populations might be at higher risk of extinction than previously thought. Our results help to unify and simplify a large and diverse field of research, and serve to emphasize the importance that developmental and genetic constraints play in the evolution of plant mating systems.  相似文献   

Genome duplication resulting in polyploidy can have significant consequences for the evolution of mating systems. Most theory predicts that self‐fertilization will be selectively favored in polyploids; however, many autopolyploids are outcrossing or mixed‐mating. Here, we examine the hypothesis that the evolution of selfing is restricted in autopolyploids because the genetic cost of selfing (i.e., inbreeding depression) increases monotonically with successive generations of inbreeding. Using the herbaceous, autotetraploid plant Chamerion angustifolium, we generated populations with different inbreeding coefficients (F= 0, 0.17 and 0.36) through three consecutive generations of selfing and compared their magnitudes of inbreeding depression in a common environment. Mating system estimates for four natural populations confirmed that tetraploid selfing rates (sm= 0.25, SE = 0.02) are similar to those of diploids (sm= 0.12, SE = 0.12; F1,2= 1.34, P= 0.37) indicating that both cytotypes are predominantly outcrossing. Compared to an outbred control line, mean inbreeding depression for seed production, survival, and height (vegetative and total) in the inbred line differed among generations (inbreeding coefficients). Across all stages, inbreeding depression (relative to control) was positively related to generation (inbreeding coefficient). Although the initial costs of inbreeding in extant and newly synthesized polyploids may be low compared to diploids, the monotonic increase in inbreeding depression with repeated inbreeding may limit the extent to which selfing variants are favored.  相似文献   

Population genetic studies of the evolution of breeding systems in flowering plants are reviewed. The selective advantage of a gene's increasing the selfing rate is stressed. In the evolution of outbreeding mechanisms, some strong disadvantage to selfing must therefore be acting; it is suggested that this disadvantage is inbreeding depression. Populations with no absolute barrier to selfing, and with intermediate levels of self-fertilization, appear to be the most likely starting state for the evolution of outbreeding mechanisms. There is some evidence for inbreeding depression in such populations. The evolution of distyly and dioecy are considered in some detail. An explanation for the existence of supergenes controlling these systems is proposed. The breakdown of distyly and tristyly are also considered. The evolution of recombination rates in selfing and outcrossing species is examined briefly.  相似文献   

Understanding how the mating system varies with population size in plant populations is critical for understanding their genetic and demographic fates. We examined how the mating system, characterized by outcrossing rate, biparental inbreeding rate, and inbreeding coefficient, and genetic diversity varied with population size in natural populations of the biennial Sabatia angularis. We found a significant, positive relationship between outcrossing and population size. Selfing was as high as 40% in one small population but was only 7% in the largest population. Despite this pattern, observed heterozygosity did not vary with population size, and we suggest that selection against inbred individuals maintains observed heterozygosity in small populations. Consistent with this hypothesis, we found a trend of lower inbreeding coefficients in the maternal than progeny generation in all of the populations, and half of the populations exhibited significant excesses of adult heterozygosity. Moreover, genetic diversity was not related to population size and was similar across all populations examined. Our results suggest that the consequences of increased selfing for population fitness in S. angularis, a species that experiences significant inbreeding depression, will depend on the relative magnitude and consistency of inbreeding depression and the demographic cost of selection for outcrossed progeny in small populations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Inbreeding depression is thought to play a central role in the evolution and maintenance of cross-fertilization. Theory indicates that inbreeding depression can be purged with self-fertilization, resulting in positive feedback for the selection of selfing. Variation among populations of Leptosiphon jepsonii in the timing and rate of self-fertilization provides an opportunity to study the evolution of inbreeding depression and mating systems. In addition, the hypothesis that differences in inbreeding depression for male and female fitness can stabilize mixed mating in L. jepsonii is tested. METHODS: In a growth room experiment, inbreeding depression was measured in three populations with mean outcrossing rates ranging from 0.06 to 0.69. The performance of selfed and outcrossed progeny is compared at five life history stages. To distinguish between self-incompatibility and early inbreeding depression, aborted seeds and unfertilized ovules were counted in selfed and outcrossed fruits. In one population, pollen and ovule production was quantified to estimate inbreeding depression for male and female fitness. KEY RESULTS: Both prezygotic barriers and inbreeding depression limited self seed set in the most outcrossing population. Cumulative inbreeding depression ranged from 0.297 to 0.501, with the lowest value found in the most selfing population. Significant inbreeding depression for early life stages was found only in the more outcrossing populations. Inbreeding depression was not significant for pollen or ovule production. CONCLUSIONS: The results provide modest support for the hypothesized relationship between inbreeding depression and mating systems. The absence of early inbreeding depression in the more selfing populations is consistent with theory on purging. Differences in male and female expression of inbreeding depression do not appear to stabilize mixed mating in L. jepsonii. The current estimates of inbreeding depression for L. jepsonii differ from those of previous studies, underscoring the effects of environmental variation on its expression.  相似文献   

Outcrossing is predicted to facilitate more rapid adaptation than self-fertilization as a result of genetic exchange between genetically variable individuals. Such genetic exchange may increase the efficacy of selection by breaking down Hill-Robertson interference, as well as promoting the maintenance of within-lineage genetic diversity. Experimental studies have demonstrated the selective advantage of outcrossing in novel environments. Here, we assess the specific role of genetic variation in the evolution of outcrossing. We experimentally evolved genetically variable and inbred populations of mixed mating (outcrossing and self-fertilizing) Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes under novel ecological conditions—specifically the presence of the virulent parasite Serratia marcescens. Outcrossing rates increased in genetically variable host populations evolved in the presence of the parasite, whereas parasite exposure in inbred populations resulted in reduced rates of host outcrossing. The host populations with genetic variation also exhibited increased fitness in the presence of the parasite over eight generations, whereas inbred populations did not. This increase in fitness was primarily the result of adaptation to the parasite, rather than recovery from initial inbreeding depression. Therefore, the benefits of outcrossing were only manifested in the presence of genetic variation, and outcrossing was favored over self-fertilization as a result. As predicted, the benefits of outcrossing under novel ecological conditions are a product of genetic exchange between genetically diverse lineages.  相似文献   

If inbreeding depression is caused by deleterious recessive alleles, as suggested by the partial dominance hypothesis, a negative correlation between inbreeding and inbreeding depression is predicted. This hypothesis has been tested several times by comparisons of closely related species or comparisons of populations of the same species with different histories of inbreeding. However, if one is interested in whether this relationship contributes to mating-system evolution, which occurs within populations, comparisons among families within a population are needed; that is, inbreeding depression among individuals with genetically based differences in their rate of selfing should be compared. In gynodioecious species with self-compatible hermaphrodites, hermaphrodites will have a greater history of potential inbreeding via both selfing and biparental inbreeding as compared to females and may therefore express a lower level of inbreeding depression. We estimated the inbreeding depression of female and hermaphrodite lineages in gynodioecious Lobelia siphilitica in a greenhouse experiment by comparing the performance of selfed and outcrossed progeny, as well as sibling crosses and crosses among subpopulations. We did not find support for lower inbreeding depression in hermaphrodite lineages. Multiplicative inbreeding depression (based on seed germination, juvenile survival, survival to flowering, and flower production in the first growing season) was not significantly different between hermaphrodite lineages (δ = 0.30 ± 0.08) and female lineages (δ = 0.15 ± 0.18), although the trend was for higher inbreeding depression in the hermaphrodite lineages. The population-level estimate of inbreeding depression was relatively low for a gynodioecious species (δ = 0.25) and there was no significant inbreeding depression following biparental inbreeding (δ = 0.01). All measured traits showed significant variation among families, and there was a significant interaction between family and pollination treatment for four traits (germination date, date of first flowering, number of flowers, and aboveground biomass). Our results suggest that the families responded differently to selfing and outcrossing: Some families exhibited lower fitness following selfing whereas others seemed to benefit from selfing as compared to outcrossing. Our results support recent simulation results in that prior inbreeding of the lineages did not determine the level of inbreeding depression. These results also emphasize the importance of determining family-level estimates of inbreeding depression, relative to population-level estimates, for studies of mating-system evolution.  相似文献   

Ziehe M  Roberds JH 《Genetics》1989,121(4):861-868
The effect of the rate of partial self-fertilization and viability selection on the magnitude of inbreeding depression was investigated for the overdominance genetic model. The influence of these factors was determined for populations with equilibrium genotypic frequencies. Inbreeding depression was measured as the normalized disadvantage in mean viability of selfed progeny as compared to outcrossed progeny. When caused by symmetric homozygous disadvantage at a single locus it is shown always to be less than one-third. Moreover, for fixed rates of self-fertilization, its maximum value is found at intermediate levels of homozygous disadvantage. As the rate of self-fertilization increases, inbreeding depression increases and the homozygote viability that results in maximum depression tends toward one-half the heterozygote viability. Symmetric selection against homozygotes at multiple loci can lead to substantially higher values than selection at a single-locus. As the number of independent loci involved increases, inbreeding depression can reach high levels even though the selfing rate is low. Viability distributions for progenies produced from both random mating and self-fertilization were derived for the case of symmetric selection at independently assorting multiple loci. Distributions of viabilities in progenies resulting from mixtures of selfing and outcrossing were shown to be bimodal when inbreeding depression is high.  相似文献   

If the competitive ability of plants produced by self-pollination differs from that of plants derived by outcrossing, then the magnitude of inbreeding depression may be influenced by the composition of the competitive environment (i.e., the frequency of plants that have arisen from selfing and outcrossing in the neighborhood of "target" plants in which inbreeding depression is expressed). Here, we report the results of experiments designed to examine whether inbreeding depression is influenced by the frequency of inbred plants in the competitive neighborhood. Two species of the annual plant genus Amsinckia were studied, one a near-complete selfer (Amsinckia gloriosa) and the other a partial outcrosser (Amsinckia douglasiana). Competition experiments were conducted in artificial stands composed of different mixtures of inbred and outbred progeny. The fitnesses of progeny were found to be significantly influenced by the composition of the competing neighborhood. The fitness of target plants, however, did not vary monotonically with the frequency of inbred plants in the neighborhood. Rather, for A. gloriosa, maximum performance was observed when there was an intermediate frequency of inbred neighbors. For A. douglasiana, the opposite pattern was found. The results suggest that competition among progeny has the potential to play a role in the selection of self-fertilization and possibly in the maintenance of mixed mating systems.  相似文献   

High inbreeding depression is thought to be one of the major factors preventing evolutionary transitions in hermaphroditic plants from self‐incompatibility (SI) and outcrossing toward self‐compatibility (SC) and selfing. However, when selfing does evolve, inbreeding depression can be quickly purged, allowing the evolution of complete self‐fertilization. In contrast, populations that show intermediate selfing rates (a mixed‐mating system) typically show levels of inbreeding depression similar to those in outcrossing species, suggesting that selection against inbreeding might be responsible for preventing the transition toward complete self‐fertilization. By implication, crosses among populations should reveal patterns of heterosis for mixed‐mating populations that are similar to those expected for outcrossing populations. Using hand‐pollination crosses, we compared levels of inbreeding depression and heterosis between populations of Linaria cavanillesii (Plantaginaceae), a perennial herb showing contrasting mating systems. The SI population showed high inbreeding depression, whereas the SC population displaying mixed mating showed no inbreeding depression. In contrast, we found that heterosis based on between‐population crosses was similar for SI and SC populations. Our results are consistent with the rapid purging of inbreeding depression in the derived SC population, despite the persistence of mixed mating. However, the maintenance of outcrossing after a transition to SC is inconsistent with the prediction that populations that have purged their inbreeding depression should evolve toward complete selfing, suggesting that the transition to SC in L. cavanillesii has been recent. SC in L. cavanillesii thus exemplifies a situation in which the mating system is likely not at an equilibrium with inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

The cost of fluctuating inbreeding depression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a phenotypic model for the evolution of self-fertilization in an infinite population of annual hermaphrodites for the case in which fitness and inbreeding depression vary among generations (e.g., due to fluctuations in the environment from year to year). Conditions for the evolution of selfing, mixed mating, and outcrossing are derived and are compared with results from numerical calculations that assume a normal distribution of inbreeding depression. In contrast to the situation in which inbreeding depression does not vary, when inbreeding depression fluctuates in a stochastic manner among generations with a mean less than 0.5, selfing is not necessarily selected. Thus, fluctuating inbreeding depression can be viewed as an additional cost of selfing that may stabilize mixed mating systems. These results emphasize the need to take into account fluctuating inbreeding depression in empirical studies aimed at understanding mating system evolution in annuals.  相似文献   

植物交配系统的进化、资源分配对策与遗传多样性   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
影响植物自交率进化的选择力量主要体现在两个方面:当外来花粉量不足时,自交可以提高植物的结实率,即雌性适合度(繁殖保障);而如果进行自交的花粉比异交花粉更易获得使胚珠受精的机会,那么自交也可以提高植物的雄性适合度(自动选择优势)。但是,鉴别什么时候是繁殖保障、什么时候是自动选择优势导致了自交的进化却是极其困难的。花粉贴现降低了自交植物通过异交花粉途径获得的适合度,即减弱了自动选择优势,而近交衰退既减少了自动选择优势也减少了繁殖保障给自交者带来的利益。具有不同交配系统的植物种群将具有不同的资源分配对策。理论研究已经说明,自交率增加将减少植物对雄性功能的资源分配比例,但将使繁殖分配加大,而且在一定条件下交配系统的改变甚至可以导致植物生活史发生剧烈变化,即从多年生变为一年生。文献中支持自交减少植物雄性投入的证据有很多,但是对繁殖分配与自交率的关系目前还没有系统的研究。资源分配理论可以解释植物繁育系统的多样性,尤其是能够说明为什么大多数植物都是雌雄同体的。自交对植物种群遗传结构的影响是减少种群内的遗传变异,增加种群间的遗传分化。长期以来人们一直猜测,自交者可能会丢掉一些长期进化的潜能,目前这个假说得到了一些支持。  相似文献   

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