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这样的时代已经到来:重新认识艾滋病疫苗,它们不再是病毒源的疫苗而是人源性的疫苗,并且已经以其它疫苗不能代替的方式来激发免疫系统。1984年的一个深夜,研究生王小宁仍然独自留在中国广州的第一军医大学(现名为南方医科大学)实验室中,正在用实验室中唯一一台具有摄像功能的显微镜进行观察。在导师的指导下,他想尽办法将一种鼠肉瘤细胞的细胞培养物保  相似文献   

段树民 《生命科学》2008,20(5):680-683
星型胶质细胞虽然没有动作电位,但是可以表达多种受体和离子通道,并且以细胞内钙波传递的方式来响应各类刺激。星型胶质细胞同样可以释放多种信号分子来介导细胞间的通讯。尤为特别的是,星型胶质细胞的钙波传播和突触功能的反馈调节都需要其释放ATP才得以完成。然而,星型胶质细胞释放ATP的途径和机理还有待研究。尽管人们已经在星型胶质细胞中发现了小囊泡和大致密核心囊泡的标记物,可是用以胞吐的囊泡究竟是什么还并不清楚。作者等近期的研究成果表明,FM染料——一种被成功应用于研究神经元和其他分泌型细胞囊泡循环的染料,可以特异地标记星型胶质细胞的溶酶体,并依不同程度的刺激表现出两种不同模式的钙离子依赖性胞吐:在较低强度刺激下(ATP,谷氨酸)发生部分胞吐,而在高强度刺激下(氰化钾)则发生完全胞吐。进一步研究表明,溶酶体中含有大量ATP,并且在部分胞吐时少量释放ATP,完全胞吐时大量释放ATP,同时释放溶酶体酶。选择性地裂解星型胶质细胞的溶酶体,发现ATP释放和钙波传播都消失了。总之,星型胶质细胞的溶酶体可以通过调节性胞吐对生理和病理条件下的细胞间信号传递产生重要意义。  相似文献   

在个体的正常发育和异常分化中,细胞间相互关系起着很重要的作用。间叶细胞影响上皮细胞的分化,真皮决定着表皮的分化,间叶细胞影响内胚层细胞,骨髓基质细胞影响血细胞的生长分化,都说明细胞-细胞的相互作用在正常细胞分化中的影响。细胞间正常平衡关系破坏是导致异常分化或肿瘤发生的原因之一。如多瘤病毒诱发上皮癌要有间质参与,癌变发生中上皮细胞和基质细胞都发生变化,并相互影响,癌侵润和结缔组织的关系,以及一些细胞分泌的生长调节因子影响另一些细胞的分化或恶性转化,都分别进行论述。  相似文献   

各学科互相渗透形成众多的边缘学科,这是当代科学发展的重要特点。细胞学和细胞遗传学同分类学之间的渗透,出现了细胞水平的分类学——细胞分类学。形态-地理学标准是传统分类学的主要方法。本世纪以来,由于实验生物学的蓬勃发展,分类学曾一度遭到冷落。然而,实验对象必须正确鉴定,实验所得信息需要记录和储存在确切的信息库内;自然界又发现不少兄弟种(sibling species)它们在形态上不能或难以区别,但却有被保护的独立的基因库。因此形态-地理学的物种概念被生物学物种概念所替代。与此同时,实验生物学,特别是  相似文献   

高度分工和密切协作是社会进步的表现。“邻国相望,鸡犬之声相闻,老死不相往来”是原始落后的特征。细胞是生命的一个基本单位,多细胞生物是一个复杂的细胞社会大家庭。因此,它们之间表现出各种各样的“社会关系”,例如,细胞间的连接、识别、通讯、互相作用以及整体对部分的调节控制等。高等生物的无数细胞要在一个整体中活动,为了统一,就必须联合,于是它们之间表现出各种各样的连接方式。最简单的是相邻细胞膜之间平直分开的简单并列,细胞间隙内填充少量粘合物或组织液。稍复杂一些是相邻细胞膜凹凸不平,相互呈锯齿状密切镶嵌,这样不但能使细胞间的结合加固,而且扩大了它们的接触面积,称为镶嵌连接。  相似文献   

作者从19世纪“细胞学说”提出后,纵观细胞学的研究,阐述了真核细胞的进化和起源问题。对真核生物的细胞核、染色体、线粒体和叶绿体的起源作了概括的论述,说明真核生物的祖先与古代嗜高温、嗜硫的原细菌关系密切,但真核生物不可能来自真细菌类。  相似文献   

当今地球上存在的生物,从其微观结构上来讲,包括前细胞结构、原核细胞和真核细胞。前细胞结构的生物是指具有生命特征的非细胞结构的有机体。它们没有生物膜及细胞器。现今地球上的前细胞生物,如病毒,仅仅是由蛋白质与核酸组成的(类病毒只由核酸组成)。这类有机体是现存的最简单、最低级的生物。立克次体(Rickettsia)、支原体(Mycoplasma)、细菌(Bacteria)、螺旋体(Spirochaeta)、放线菌(Actinomyces)等等是现存的原核细胞(生物)。它们  相似文献   

在常见禾本科作物中,高粱、玉米成熟的中上位叶片是制片的好材料,此时的细胞分化已完成,栓质细胞和硅质细胞较多,表皮坚韧,便于制取和观察,具体做法如下: 1.取材固定剪取叶片中段,在水中浸湿,然后放在载玻片上用单面刀片刮除上侧表皮及叶肉、叶脉等组织(注意不要刮破下面保留的表皮),将材料固定于FAA液中保存备用,或将材料先固定,制片时再刮除也可。 2.水洗将材料放入水中浸泡清洗几遍,除去固定液。  相似文献   

本文叙述了多种细菌及其毒素感染后对淋巴细胞,巨噬细胞,中性粒细胞和单核细胞凋亡的影响,初步探讨了可能的机制及其意义。  相似文献   

日本研究人员4日报告说,诱导多功能干细胞(iPs细胞)可用来大量培育具有抗癌功能的免疫细胞,将来有望在此基础上开发出治疗癌症的新型免疫疗法。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONPrimary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHCC), oneof the most common malignancies in the world, isan aggressive cancer. The mean survival time fromestablishment of diagnosi8 is only about 4 months(2 months if the diagnosis is made 1ate). It causesab…  相似文献   

FUTAO  HELIU 《Cell research》1996,6(2):145-153
Effects of antisense epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) sequence on apoptotic cell death were examined in a human hepatoma cell line BEL-7404 cells.In the cells of JX-1,a sub clone of BEL-7404 stably transfected with antisense EGFR vector (Cell Research,3:75,1993),an enhanced rate(9.5%) of spontaneous apoptosis was detected by flow cytometry,whereas the rates of spontaneous apoptosis in JX-0 cells,a sub-clone of BEL-7404 transfected by control vector,and the parent BEL-7404 transfected by control vector,and the parent BEL-7404 transfected by control vector,and the parent BEL-7404 cells were almost equal and about 1.7%.Serum-starvation for 72h increased the rate of apoptosis of JX-lcells up to 33.7%,while JX-0 and BEL-7404 cells,under the same condition,produced less than 5% of apoptotic cells.Observation with electron microscope demonstrated that condensation and fragmentation of chromatin and formation of apoptotic bodies often occurred in JX-1 cells,especially during serumstarvation.These results,combined with the data of DNA fragmentation Elisa test,suggested that antisense EGFR sequence enhances apoptosis in the human hepatoma cells.Comparison of intracellular Ca^2 level and the responsiveness of JX-1 cells to the induced action of EGF and tharpsigargin (TG) treatment with that of control JX-0 cells indicated that antisense egfr might interrupt the EGF/EGFR sigaling pathway resulting in the decreass of intracellular Ca^2 pool content as well as the responsiveness of these cells to the extracellular signals.These findings suggest that antisense EGFR either directly or indirectly regulates Ca^2 storage in endoplasmic reticulum,thereby enhances apoptosis in the human hepatoma cells.  相似文献   

Zhang RG  Wang XW  Yuan JH  Guo LX  Xie H 《Cell research》2000,10(1):71-77
A non-radioisotopic,quantitative TRAP-based telomerase activity assay was established mainly by using SYBR Green-I staining instead of radioisotope.Comparing with conventional radioisotope based method,it was better in reproducibility and accuracy.Using this method,we found telomerase activities were absent in normal human liver cells,while detected in all of four human hepatoma cell lines (BEL-7404,SMMC-7721,QGY-07903 and HCCM) without significant differences.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTelomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex that plays a critical role in telomeremaintenance and cellular immortality. Telomerase has been considered as tumordiagnostic marker and potential target for cancer therapyll, 2]. A sensitive, reliableand quantitative assay is of high interest in this field. The development of a very sensitive Telomeric Repeat Amplification Protocol (TRAP) for measuring telomerajseactivity in cell extracts has been proved to be an important tool for…  相似文献   

FUTAO  YONGHUAXU 《Cell research》1994,4(2):145-153
Epidermal growth factor(EGF) induced intracellular free calcium ([Ca^2 ]i) response was studied in fura-2- or fluo-3-loaded human hepatoma cells of BEL-7404 cell line.Single cell[Ca^2 ]i analysis and [Ca^2 ]i measurement in cell populations revealed that EGF triggered a rapid[Ca^2 ]i increase in the dose-dependent and time-dependent manner.Pretreatment of cells with an endoplasmic reticulum(ER) Ca^2 -ATPase inhibitor,thapsigargin(TG) at 100nM concentration for 20 min,completely abolished EGF-induced [Ca^2 ]i increase,and chelating extracellular calcium by excess EGTA partially inhibited the increase.Furthermore,the expression of antisense EGF receptor sequence in BEL-7404 cells suppressed the [Ca^2 ]i response to EGF.The results suggest that EGF receptor-mediated [Ca^2 ]i increase in the human hepatoma cells is essentially dependent on the Ca^2 storage in ER.  相似文献   

A recombinant plasmid containing a full length human epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) cDNA sequence in antisense orientation was transferred into cells of a human liver carcinoma cell line BEL-7404. Compared with the control cell clone JX-0 transferred with the vector plasmid and the parent BEL-7404 cells, the antisense EGFR transferred cell clone JX-1 showed a decreased EGFR gene expression and reduced significantly the growth potential either in anchorage-dependent or anchorage-independent growth. Furthermore, JX-1 cells appeared to be distinctly dependent on serum concentration for monolayer growth. The results suggested that antisense EGFR could partly block the EGFR gene expression and reverse the malignant growth properties of human liver carcinoma cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Mad protein has been shown as an antagonist of cMyc protein in some cell lines.The effect of Mad protein to the malignant phenotype of human hepatoma BEL-7404 cell line was investigated experimentally.An eukarryotic vector pCDNA Ⅲ containing full ORF fragment of mad cDNA was transfected into targeted cells.Under G418 selection,stable Mad-overexpressed cells were cloned.Studies on the effect of Mad over-expression in cell proliferation and cell cycle revealed that cell morphology of the Mad-overexpressed BEL-7404-M1 cells was significantly different from the parent and control vector transfected cells.DNA synthesis,cell proliferation and anchorage-independent growth in soft-agar of the madtransfected cells were partially inhibited in comparison to control cells.Flos cytometry analysis indicated that mad over-expression might block more transfectant cells at G0/G1 phase,resulting in the retardation of cell proliferation.RT-PCR detected a marked inhibition of the expression of cdc25A,an important regulator gene of G0/G1 to S phase in cell cycle.It was also found that Mad protein overexpression could greatly suppress p53-mediated apoptosis in BEL-74040M1 cells in the absence of serume.Thus,Mad proteins may function as a negative regulator antagonizing c-Myc activity in the control of cell growth and apoptosis in human hepatocellular carcinoma BEL-7404 cells.  相似文献   

端粒是真核细胞染色体末端的重复DNA序列 ,其生物学功能是防止染色体DNA降解、末端融合、非正常重组和染色体的缺失[1] .由于存在“末端复制问题” ,随着老化人体细胞端粒重复序列长度不断缩短 ,但在生殖细胞中由于端粒酶的存在 ,端粒序列并不缩短 .端粒酶是由蛋白质和RNA构成的核蛋白 ,是依赖RNA的DNA聚合酶 ,在DNA3’端合成端粒重复序列[2 ] .研究表明 ,在 85 %~ 95 %的人肿瘤细胞中可以检测到端粒酶的活性[3 ,4 ] ,而在正常体细胞中除生殖细胞和造血干细胞等极少数细胞中存在端粒酶活性外 ,均检测不到端粒酶活性 ,这…  相似文献   

Effects of thapsigargin,an inhibitor of Ca^2 -ATPase in surface of endoplasmic reticulum,on apoptotic cell death were studied in human hepatoma cells of BEL-7404 cell line by using both flow cytometry and electron microscopy.Propidium iodide staining and flow cytometry revealed that in the serum-free condition,thapsigargin increased the rate of apoptosis of BEL-7404 cells in a dose-dependent manner.Prolongation of the period of serum-free condition enhanced the apoptosis induced by thapsigargin treatment.Morphological observation with electron microscope further demonstrated that chromatin condensation and fragmentation,apoptotic bodies existed in TG-treated cells,supporting that thapsigargin is a potent activator of apoptosis in the cells.  相似文献   

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