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The relationship between surface myoelectric signal parameters and the level of voluntary or electrically elicited contractions was studied in 32 experiments on the tibialis anterior muscle of 22 healthy human subjects. Contractions were performed at 20 and 80% of the maximum voluntary contraction torque. Two levels of stimulation current were used, yielding, respectively, a maximum M wave and an M wave approximately 30% of the maximum. A four-bar electrode probe was used to detect single- and double-differential signals from which mean and median frequency of the power spectrum and average muscle fiber conduction velocity were estimated. Measurements obtained from voluntary contractions showed a positive correlation between contraction levels and both conduction velocity and spectral parameters. Conduction velocity increased by 21.2 +/- 10.9% when voluntary contraction level increased from 20 to 80% of the maximal value. Spectral parameters increased by similar amounts. Tetanic electrical stimulation was applied to a muscle motor point for 20 s via surface electrodes. Rectangular current pulses with 0.1-ms width and frequencies of 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 Hz were used. Four types of behavior were observed with increasing stimulation level: 1) the two spectral parameters and conduction velocity both increased with stimulation in 15 experiments, 2) the two spectral parameters decreased and conduction velocity increased in 8 experiments, 3) the two spectral parameters and conduction velocity both decreased in 6 experiments, and 4) the two spectral parameters increased and conduction velocity decreased in 3 experiments. Conduction velocity increased with increasing stimulation current in 72% of the experiments, indicating a recruitment order similar to that of voluntary contractions, although it decreased in the other 28% of the cases, indicating a reverse order of recruitment. Contrary to what is observed in direct stimulation of nerves, motor units are not in general recruited in reverse order of size during electrical stimulation of a muscle motor point. This discrepancy may be the result of geometric factors or a lack of correlation between axonal branch diameter and the diameter of the parent motoneuron axon. Changes of conduction velocity and spectral parameters in opposite directions may be the result of the combined effect of the motor unit recruitment order and of the different tissue filtering function associated with the geometric location of the recruited motor units within the muscle.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to elucidate the electrophysiological manifestations of selective fast motor unit (MU) activation by electrical stimulation (ES) of knee extensor muscles. In six male subjects, test contraction measurement at 40% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) was performed before and at every 5 min (5, 10, 15 and 20 min) during 20-min low intensity intermittent exercise of either ES or voluntary contractions (VC) at 10% MVC (5-s isometric contraction and 5-s rest cycles). Both isolated intramuscular MU spikes obtained from three sets of bipolar fine-wire electrodes and surface electromyogram (EMG) were simultaneously recorded and were analyzed by means of a computer-aided intramuscular spike amplitude-frequency analysis and frequency power spectral analysis, respectively. Results indicated that mean MU spike amplitude, particularly those MUs with relatively large amplitude, was significantly reduced while those MUs with small spike amplitude increased their firing rate during the 40% MVC test contraction after the ES. This was accompanied by the increased amplitude of surface EMG (rmsEMG). However, no such significant changes in the intramuscular and surface EMGs were observed after VC. These findings indicated differential MU activation patterns in terms of MU recruitment and rate coding characteristics during ES and VC, respectively. Our data strongly suggest the possibility of "an inverse size principle" of MU recruitment during ES.  相似文献   

To elucidate the changes in neuro-muscular function during strength training and detraining, five male subjects underwent progressive isotonic strength training of their calf muscles three times a week for 8 weeks with additional detraining for the same periods. Electrically evoked twitch contractions were induced in the triceps surae muscles of each subject every 4 weeks during the training and detraining periods. At the same time, maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVC) and the maximal girth of the calf (MGC) were measured. During the training period, MVC increased significantly from 98.4 to 129.6 Nm (31.7%, P less than 0.01) for the first 4 weeks of training but MGC showed little increase. Neither of the changes correlated with each other. Twitch contraction parameters, i.e. maximal twitch torque (Pt), maximal rate of torque development (max dT/dt) and rate of relaxation (relax dT/dt) showed no statistical change. During detraining, on the contrary, a large and significant increase (22.5%, P less than 0.01) was observed in max dT/dt without any changes in Pt and relax dT/dt. The MVC/Pt showed both significant increases during training and decreases during detraining. Our data suggest that short term strength training as employed in the present study does not induce changes in the contractile properties of the muscle during training, but may significantly affect the rate of force development during the subsequent detraining period, indicating the possible existence of complex post-training muscle adaptation.  相似文献   

Blood pressure and heart rate changes during sustained isometric exercise were studied in 11 healthy male volunteers. The responses were measured during voluntary and involuntary contractions of the biceps brachii at 30% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), and the triceps surae at 30% and 50% MVC. Involuntary contractions were evoked by percutaneous electrical stimulation of the muscle. Measurements of the time to peak tension of maximal twitch showed the biceps brachii (67.0 +/- 7.9 ms) muscle to be rapidly contracting, and the triceps surae (118.0 +/- 10.5 ms) to be slow contracting. The systolic and diastolic blood pressures increased linearly throughout the contractions, and systolic blood pressure increased more rapidly than diastolic. There was no significant difference in response to stimulated or voluntary contractions, nor was there any significant difference between the responses to contractions of the calf or arm muscles at the same relative tension. In contrast the heart rate rose to a higher level (P less than 0.01) in the biceps brachii than the triceps surae at given % MVC, and during voluntary compared with the electrically evoked contractions in the two muscle groups. It was concluded that the arterial blood pressure response to isometric contractions, unlike heart rate, is primarily due to a reflex arising within the active muscles (cf. Hultman and Sj?holm 1982) which is associated with relative tension but independent of contraction time and muscle mass.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that motor units in human medial gastrocnemius (MG), activated during standing, occupy relatively small territories along the muscle’s longitudinal axis. Such organisation provides potential for different motor tasks to produce differing regional patterns of activity. Here, we investigate whether postural control and nerve electrical stimulation produce equal longitudinal activation patterns in MG. Myoelectric activity, at different proximal–distal locations of MG, was recorded using a linear electrode array. To ensure differences in signal amplitude between channels did not result from local, morphological factors two experimental protocols were completed: (i) quiet standing; (ii) electrical stimulation of the tibial nerve. Averaged, rectified values (ARVs) were calculated for each channel in each condition. The distribution of signals along electrode channels was described using linear regression and differences between protocols at each channel determined as the ratio between mean ARV from standing: stimulation protocols. Ratio values changed systematically across electrode channels in seven (of eight) participants, with larger values in distal channels. The distribution of ARV along MG therefore differed between experimental conditions. Compared to fibres of units activated during MG nerve stimulation, units activated during standing may have a tendency to be more highly represented in the distal muscle portion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether surface electromyography (EMG) assessment of myoelectric manifestations of muscle fatigue is capable of detecting differences between the vastus lateralis and medialis muscles which are consistent with the results of previous biopsy studies. Surface EMG signals were recorded from the vastus medialis longus (VML), vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles during isometric knee extension contractions at 60% and 80% of the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) for 10 s and 60 s, respectively. Initial values and rate of change of mean frequency (MNF), average rectified value (ARV) and conduction velocity (CV) of the EMG signal were calculated. Comparisons between the two force levels revealed that the initial values of MNF for the VL muscle were greater at 80% MVC compared to 60% MVC (P < 0.01). Comparisons between the vasti muscles demonstrated lower initial values of CV for VMO compared to VL at 60% MVC (P < 0.01) and lower than VML and VL at 80% MVC (P < 0.01). In addition, initial values of MNF were higher for VL with respect to both VML and VMO at 80% MVC (P < 0.01) and initial estimates of ARV were higher for VMO compared to VML at both force levels (P < 0.01 at 60% MVC and P < 0.05 at 80% MVC). For the sustained contraction at 80% MVC, VL demonstrated a greater decrease in CV over time compared to VMO (P < 0.05).These findings suggest that surface EMG signals and their time course during sustained isometric contractions may be useful to non-invasively describe functional differences between the vasti muscles.  相似文献   

The force-length relationship is a basic property of skeletal muscle. Knowledge of this relationship is necessary for most analyses of human movement, and in simulation models predicting movement control strategies. Studies on animal muscles have shown that force-length relationships for sub-maximal contractions are not related through a simple scaling procedure to the relationship for maximal contractions. Furthermore, potentiation might produce a shift of sub-maximal relative to maximal force-length relationships. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that human force-elbow angle relationships for sub-maximal unpotentiated contractions are shifted to larger elbow angles (i.e. larger muscle lengths) compared to the relationship for maximal voluntary contractions (MVC), and that this shift is reduced, or even abolished, for sub-maximal potentiated contractions. Force-elbow angle relationships (48-160 degrees) were obtained from healthy subjects (n=13). At each of nine tested elbow angles, the test set consisted of a single twitch (ST(pre)) and a doublet twitch (DT(pre)) stimulation of m. biceps brachii, followed by an MVC, followed by another single twitch (ST(post)) and a doublet twitch (DT(post)) stimulation. The single and doublet twitches induced sub-maximal contractions. The force-elbow angle relationships for the pre-MVC (unpotentiated) twitch contractions were shifted to larger angles compared to those obtained for MVC. The force-elbow angle relationships for the post-MVC (potentiated) twitch contractions were shifted to smaller angles compared to those obtained for the unpotentiated twitch contractions. These results support the idea that the shift to larger muscle lengths for the sub-maximal, unpotentiated force-length relationships relative to the relationship for maximal contractions may be caused by a length-dependent Ca(2+) sensitivity that may be offset, at least in part, by potentiation.  相似文献   

The reliability of voluntary and electrically stimulated isometric contractions of m. quadriceps femoris of male participants (n = 10; age 30 ± 8 years; height 1.79 ± 0.05 m; body mass 79.4 ± 8.3 kg) was investigated using ratio limits of agreement (LoA) on a time scale common to examine recovery from muscle damaging exercise. No systematic changes in reliability occurred over time (baseline versus 2, 24, 48, and 72 h). Maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and interpolated twitch technique (ITT) showed no mean bias (P > 0.05) with 95% LoA of ±12.7 and ±5.4, respectively. Resting twitch and potentiated doublet peak force showed no mean bias (P > 0.05). However, 95% LoA were smaller for the doublet (±13.9) than the twitch (±32.0). Twitch and doublet rates showed similar trends. Ratio of low (20 Hz) to high (50 Hz) frequency forces showed no mean bias (P > 0.05) and 95% LoA of (±9.2). However, there was significant mean bias (P < 0.05) and wider 95% LoA for peak force, contraction and relaxation parameters of the low and high frequency forces. In conclusion, MVC, ITT, potentiated doublet and the ratio of low to high frequency forces are recommended to most reliably examine functional muscle recovery between 2 and 72 h after damaging exercise.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate differences in myoelectric responses to fatigue development between cases with chronic neck-shoulder pain (n=10) and healthy controls (n=10) during a low force level sustained contraction. Subjects performed a 15-min isometric shoulder elevation at a force level of 40 N (sustained contraction), preceded and followed by a step contraction, consisting of five force levels from 20 to 100 N. EMG recordings were made with a two-dimensional electrode array on the upper trapezius of the dominant side. Root-mean-square (RMS(G)), median power frequency (FMED(G)), conduction velocity (CV), number of motor unit action potentials per second (MUAP Rate) and MUAP shape properties were estimated. Changes over time and differences between the groups were statistically evaluated with a linear mixed model. During the sustained contraction, cases showed less increase in RMS(G) than controls (controls: 58.5%, cases: 33.0%). FMED(G) and CV decreased in controls (FMED(G): -6.3%, CV: -5.3%) and stayed constant (FMED(G)) or slightly increased (CV, 3.15%) in cases. Overall, cases showed a less pronounced myoelectric response to the fatiguing task than controls, which may be related to additional recruitment of higher-threshold MUs. A possible explanation might be that cases were already (chronically) fatigued before the experiment started.  相似文献   

Magnetic and electrical stimulation at different levels of the neuraxis show that supraspinal and spinal factors limit force production in maximal isometric efforts ("central fatigue"). In sustained maximal contractions, motoneurons become less responsive to synaptic input and descending drive becomes suboptimal. Exercise-induced activity in group III and IV muscle afferents acts supraspinally to limit motor cortical output but does not alter motor cortical responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation. "Central" and "peripheral" fatigue develop more slowly during submaximal exercise. In sustained submaximal contractions, central fatigue occurs in brief maximal efforts even with a weak ongoing contraction (<15% maximum). The presence of central fatigue when much of the available motor pathway is not engaged suggests that afferent inputs contribute to reduce voluntary activation. Small-diameter muscle afferents are likely to be activated by local activity even in sustained weak contractions. During such contractions, it is difficult to measure central fatigue, which is best demonstrated in maximal efforts. To show central fatigue in submaximal contractions, changes in motor unit firing and force output need to be characterized simultaneously. Increasing central drive recruits new motor units, but the way this occurs is likely to depend on properties of the motoneurons and the inputs they receive in the task. It is unclear whether such factors impair force production for a set level of descending drive and thus represent central fatigue. The best indication that central fatigue is important during submaximal tasks is the disproportionate increase in subjects' perceived effort when maintaining a low target force.  相似文献   

Soundmyogram (SMG) and electromyogram signals were recorded simultaneously from the relatively fast medial gastrocnemius (MG) and slow soleus (SOL) during voluntary and electrically induced contractions. Using a spike-triggered averaging technique, the averaged elementary sound and corresponding MU spikes were also obtained from about 35 different MUs identified. The rms-SMG of MG increased as a function of force (P < 0.01). On the contrary, these values for SOL increased up to 60% MVC (P < 0.01), but decreased at 80% MVC. The relationship between the peak to peak amplitude of SMG and MU spike indicated significant positive correlations (r = 0.631 to approximately 0.657, P < 0.01). During electrical stimulation at 5 Hz, the SMG power spectral peak frequency (PF) was matched with stimulation frequency in both muscles. At higher stimulation frequencies, e.g., > 15 Hz, only in the MG was SMG-PF synchronized with stimulation frequency; the slow SOL did not show such synchronization. Our data suggest that the SMG frequency components might reflect active motor unit firing rates, and that the SMG amplitude depends upon mechanical properties of contraction, muscle fiber composition, and firing rate during voluntary and electrically induced contractions.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle voluntary contractions (VC) and electrical stimulations (ES) were compared in eight healthy men. High-energy phosphates and myoglobin oxygenation were simultaneously monitored in the quadriceps by interleaved (1)H- and (31)P-NMR spectroscopy. For the VC protocol, subjects performed five or six bouts of 5 min with a workload increment of 10% of maximal voluntary torque (MVT) at each step. The ES protocol consisted of a 13-min exercise with a load corresponding to 10% MVT. For both protocols, exercise consisted of 6-s isometric contractions and 6-s rest cycles. For an identical mechanical level (10% MVT), ES induced larger changes than VC in the P(i)-to-phosphocreatine ratio [1.38 +/- 1.14 (ES) vs. 0.13 +/- 0.04 (VC)], pH [6.69 +/- 0.11 (ES) vs. 7.04 +/- 0.07 (VC)] and myoglobin desaturation [43 +/- 15.9 (ES) vs. 6.1 +/- 4.6% (VC)]. ES activated the muscle facing the NMR coil to a greater extent than did VCs when evaluated under identical technical conditions. This metabolic pattern can be interpreted in terms of specific temporal and spatial muscle cell recruitment. Furthermore, at identical levels of energy charge, the muscle was more acidotic and cytoplasm appeared more oxygenated during ES than during VC. These results are in accordance with a preferential recruitment of type II fibers and a relative muscle hyperperfusion during ES.  相似文献   

Responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation in human subjects (n = 9) were studied during series of intermittent isometric maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) of the elbow. Stimuli were given during MVCs in four fatigue protocols with different duty cycles. As maximal voluntary torque fell during each protocol, the torque increment evoked by cortical stimulation increased from approximately 1.5 to 7% of ongoing torque. Thus "supraspinal" fatigue developed in each protocol. The motor evoked potential (MEP) and silent period in the elbow flexor muscles also changed. The silent period lengthened by 20-75 ms (lowest to highest duty cycle protocol) and recovered significantly with a 5-s rest. The MEP increased in area by >50% in all protocols and recovered significantly with 10 s, but not 5 s, of rest. These changes are similar to those during sustained MVC. The central fatigue demonstrated by the torque increments evoked by the stimuli did not parallel the changes in the electromyogram responses. This suggests that part of the fatigue developed during intermittent exercise is "upstream" of the motor cortex.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate if low-frequency fatigue (LFF) dependent on the duration of repeated muscle contractions and to compare LFF in voluntary and electrically induced exercise. Male subjects performed three 9-min periods of repeated isometric knee extensions at 40% maximal voluntary contraction with contraction plus relaxation periods of 30 plus 60 s, 15 plus 30 s and 5 plus 10 s in protocols 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The same exercise protocols were repeated using feedback-controlled electrical stimulation at 40% maximal tetanic torque. Before and 15 min after each exercise period, knee extension torque at 1, 7, 10, 15, 20, 50 and 100 Hz was assessed. During voluntary exercise, electromyogram root mean square (EMGrms) of the vastus lateralis muscle was evaluated. The 20-Hz torque:100-Hz torque (20:100 Hz torque) ratio was reduced more after electrically induced than after voluntary exercise (P < 0.05). During electrically induced exercise, the decrease in 20:100 Hz torque ratio was gradually (P < 0.05) reduced as the individual contractions shortened. During voluntary exercise, the decrease in 20:100 Hz torque ratio and the increase in EMGrms were greater in protocol 1 (P < 0.01) than in protocols 2 and 3, which did not differ from each other. In conclusion, our results showed that LFF is dependent on the duration of individual muscle contractions during repetitive isometric exercise and that the electrically induced exercise produced a more pronounced LFF compared to voluntary exercise of submaximal intensity. It is suggested that compensatory recruitment of faster-contracting motor units is an additional factor affecting the severity of LFF during voluntary exercise. Accepted: 5 November 1997  相似文献   

Our purpose was to characterize the relationship between EMG mean power frequency (MPF) or median frequency (MF) and rate of torque development in voluntary ballistic and electrically elicited isometric contractions. Twenty-three healthy adults participated in two sets of experiments performed on elbow flexor muscles. For Experiment 1, subjects were asked to generate voluntary ballistic contractions by reaching four different target torque levels (20, 40, 60 and 100% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)) as fast as they could. For Experiment 2, electrical (M-waves) and mechanical (twitches) responses to electrical stimulation of the nerves supplying the biceps brachii and brachioradialis muscles were recorded with the subjects at rest and with a background isometric contraction of 15% MVC. MPF, MF and rate of torque development (% MVC/s) were calculated for both voluntary and elicited contractions. Significant positive correlations were observed between MPF and rate of torque development for the voluntary contractions, whereas significant negative correlations were observed between the two variables for elicited contractions. This suggests that factors other than muscle fiber composition influence the frequency content of EMG signals and/or the rate of torque development, and that the effect of these factors will vary between voluntary and elicited contractions.  相似文献   

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