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The process of keratinocyte differentiation was analyzed in the regenerating epidermis of the lizard Anolis carolinensis, where the genes coding for beta‐proteins (beta‐keratins) are known. The regenerating epidermis forms all epidermal layers found in normal scales (Oberhäutchen‐, beta‐, mesos‐, and alpha‐layer). Three specific proteins representing the larger families of beta‐proteins, glycine‐rich (HgG5, 28% glycine, 3.6% cysteine), glycine‐cysteine medium‐rich (HgGC10, 13% glycine, 14.5% cysteine), and glycine‐cysteine rich (HgGC3, 30.4% glycine, 8.7% cysteine) have been immunolocalized at the ultrastructural level. HgG5 is only present in differentiating beta‐cells, a weak or no labeling is observed in Oberhäutchen and is absent in alpha‐cells. The protein is located in the pale corneous material forming the compact beta‐layer but is absent in mature Oberhäutchen cells. HgGC10 is present among beta‐packets in Oberhäutchen and beta‐cells but disappears in more compact and electron‐pale corneous material. The labeling disappears in mesos‐cells and is present with variable intensity in alpha‐cells, whereas lacunar and clear‐cells are low labeled to unlabeled. HgGC3 is sparse or absent in beta‐cells but is lightly present in the darker corneous material of differentiating and mature alpha‐cells, lacunar‐cells, and clear‐cells. The study suggests that while glycine‐rich proteins (electron‐pale) are specifically used for building the resistant and hydrophobic beta‐layer, cysteine–glycine rich proteins (electron‐denser) are used to form the pliable corneous material present in the Oberhäutchen and alpha‐cells. The differential accumulation of beta‐proteins on the alpha‐keratin cytoskeleton scaffold and not the alternance of beta‐ with alpha‐keratins allow the differentiation of different epidermal layers. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Lizard epidermis is made of beta‐ and alpha‐layers. Using Western blot tested antibodies, the ultrastructural immunolocalization of specific keratin‐associated beta‐proteins in the epidermis of different lizard species reveals that glycine‐rich beta‐proteins (HgG5) localize in the beta‐layer, while glycine–cysteine‐medium‐rich beta‐proteins (HgGC10) are present in oberhautchen and alpha‐layers. This suggests a new explanation for the formation of different epidermal layers during the shedding cycle in lepidosaurian epidermis instead of an alternance between beta‐keratins and alpha‐keratins. It is proposed that different sets of genes coding for specific beta‐proteins are activated in keratinocytes during the renewal phase of the shedding cycle. Initially, glycine–cysteine‐medium‐rich beta‐proteins with hydrophilic and elastic properties accumulate over alpha‐keratins in the oberhautchen but are replaced in the next cell layer with glycine‐rich hydrophobic beta‐proteins forming a resistant, stiff, and hydrophobic beta‐layer. The synthesis of glycine‐rich proteins terminates in mesos and alpha‐cells where these proteins are replaced with glycine–cysteine‐rich beta‐proteins. The pattern of beta‐protein deposition onto a scaffold of intermediate filament keratins is typical for keratin‐associated proteins and the association between alpha‐keratins and specific keratin‐associated beta‐proteins during the renewal phase of the shedding cycle gives rise to epidermal layers possessing different structural, mechanical, and texture properties.  相似文献   

Immunolocalization of beta‐proteins in the epidermis of the soft‐shelled turtle explains the lack of formation of hard corneous material, Acta Zoologica, Stockholm. The corneous layer of soft‐shelled turtles derives from the accumulation of higher ratio of alpha‐keratins versus beta‐proteins as indicated by gene expression, microscopic, immunocytochemical and Western blotting analysis. Type I and II beta‐proteins of 14–16 kDa, indicated as Tu2 and Tu17, accumulate in the thick and hard corneous layer of the hard‐shelled turtle, but only type II is present in the thinner corneous layer of the soft‐shelled turtle. The presence of proline–proline and proline–cysteine–hinge dipeptides in the beta‐sheet region of all type II beta‐proteins so far isolated from the epidermis of soft‐shelled turtles might impede the formation of beta‐filaments and of the hard corneous material. Western blot analysis suggests that beta‐proteins are low to absent in the corneous layer. The ultrastructural immunolocalization of Tu2 and Tu17 beta‐proteins shows indeed that a diffuse labelling is seen among the numerous alpha‐keratin filaments present in the precorneous and corneous layers of the soft epidermis and that no dense corneous material is formed. Double‐labelling experiments confirm that alpha‐keratin prevails on beta‐proteins. The present observations support the hypothesis that the soft material detected in soft‐shelled turtles derives from the prevalent activation of genes producing type II beta‐proteins and high levels of alpha‐keratins.  相似文献   

The localization of specific keratin‐associated beta‐proteins (formerly referred to as beta‐keratins) in the embryonic epidermis of lizards is not known. Two specific keratin‐associated beta‐proteins of the epidermis, one representing the glycine‐rich subfamily (HgG5) and the other the glycine‐cysteine medium‐rich subfamily (HgGC10), have been immunolocalized at the ultrastructural level in the lizard Anolis lineatopus. The periderm and granulated subperiderm are most immunonegative for these proteins. HgG5 is low to absent in theOberhäutchen layer while is present in the forming beta‐layer, and disappears in mesos‐ and alpha‐layers. Instead, HgGC10 is present in the Oberhäutchen, beta‐, and also in the following alpha‐layers, and specifically accumulates in the developing adhesive setae but not in the surrounding cells of the clear layer. Therefore, setae and their terminal spatulae that adhere to surfaces allowing these lizards to walk vertically contain cysteine–glycine rich proteins. The study suggests that, like in adult and regenerating epidermis, the HgGC10 protein is not only accumulated in cells of the beta‐layer but also in those forming the alpha‐layer. This small protein therefore is implicated in resistance, flexibility, and stretching of the epidermal layers. It is also hypothesized that the charges of these proteins may influence adhesion of the setae of pad lamellae. Conversely, glycine‐rich beta‐proteins like HgG5 give rise to the dense, hydrophobic, and chromophobic corneous material of the resistant beta‐layer. This result suggests that the differential accumulation of keratin‐associated beta‐proteins over the alpha‐keratin network determines differences in properties of the stratified layers of the epidermis of lizards. J. Morphol. 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies of morphological integration can provide insight into developmental patterns, even in extinct taxa known only from skeletal remains, thus making them an important tool for studies of evolutionary development. However, interpreting patterns of integration and assessing their significance for organismal evolution requires detailed understanding of the developmental interactions that shape integration and how those interactions change through ontogeny. Thus far, relatively little comparative data have been produced for this important topic, and the data that do exist are overwhelmingly from humans and their close relatives or from laboratory models such as mice. Here, we compare data on shape, variance and integration through postnatal ontogeny for a placental mammal, the least shrew, Cryptotis parva, and a marsupial mammal, the gray short-tailed opossum, Monodelphis domestica. Cranial variance decreased dramatically from early to late ontogeny in Cryptotis, but remained stable through ontogeny in Monodelphis, potentially reflecting functional constraints related to the short gestation and early ossification of oral bones in marsupials. Both Cryptotis and Monodelphis showed significant changes in cranial integration through ontogeny, with a mixture of increased, decreased and stable levels of integration in different cranial regions. Of particular note is that Monodelphis showed an unambiguous decrease in integration of the oral region through ontogeny, potentially relating to their early ossification. Selection at different stages of development may have markedly different effects if patterns of integration change substantially through ontogeny. Our results suggest that high integration of the oral region combined with functional constraints for suckling during early postnatal ontogeny may drive the stagnant variance observed in Monodelphis and potentially other marsupials.  相似文献   

At the protein level, the P1 protamine is the predominant form of mammalian protamine, present in all mammalian spermatozoa analyzed to date. An additional variant, the P2 protamine, has been detected only in spermatozoa of the mouse, hamster and human. Southern blot analysis of a group of restriction enzyme-digested mammalian DNAs has revealed the presence of sequences homologous to the P1 and the P2 mouse protamine genes in diverse species. In agreement with protein studies, nucleotide sequences homologous to the mouse P1 protamine cDNA are widespread, being present in the genomic DNAs of human, rat, dog, ram, horse, bull, hamster, baboon, flying fox (megabat), microbat, boar, North American opossum, and wallaby. Although we detect genomic sequences with strong homology to the mouse protamine 2 cDNA in rat and hamster, we also find weaker but reproducible hybridization to the genomic DNA of human, boar, dog, bull, microbat, wallaby, and platypus. With the exception of the human, the P2 protamine has not been detected in the spermatozoa of these latter species.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting is widespread in eutherian mammals. Marsupial mammals also have genomic imprinting, but in fewer loci. It has long been thought that genomic imprinting is somehow related to placentation and/or viviparity in mammals, although neither is restricted to mammals. Most imprinted genes are expressed in the placenta. There is no evidence for genomic imprinting in the egg-laying monotreme mammals, despite their short-lived placenta that transfers nutrients from mother to embryo. Post natal genomic imprinting also occurs, especially in the brain. However, little attention has been paid to the primary source of nutrition in the neonate in all mammals, the mammary gland. Differentially methylated regions (DMRs) play an important role as imprinting control centres in each imprinted region which usually comprises both paternally and maternally expressed genes (PEGs and MEGs). The DMR is established in the male or female germline (the gDMR). Comprehensive comparative genome studies demonstrated that two imprinted regions, PEG10 and IGF2-H19, are conserved in both marsupials and eutherians and that PEG10 and H19 DMRs emerged in the therian ancestor at least 160 Ma, indicating the ancestral origin of genomic imprinting during therian mammal evolution. Importantly, these regions are known to be deeply involved in placental and embryonic growth. It appears that most maternal gDMRs are always associated with imprinting in eutherian mammals, but emerged at differing times during mammalian evolution. Thus, genomic imprinting could evolve from a defence mechanism against transposable elements that depended on DNA methylation established in germ cells.  相似文献   

The fine structure of hairs in the most ancient extant mammals, the monotremes, is not known. The present study analyzes the ultrastructure and immunocytochemistry for keratins, trichohyalin, and transglutaminase in monotreme hairs and compares their distribution with that present in hairs of the other mammals. The overall ultrastructure of the hair and the distribution of keratins is similar to that of marsupial and placental hairs. Acidic and basic keratins mostly localize in the outer root sheath. The inner root sheath (IRS) comprises 4-8 cell layers in most hairs and forms a tile-like sheath around the hair shaft. No cytological distinction between the Henle and Huxley layers is seen as cells become cornified about at the same time. Externally to the last cornified IRS cells (homologous to the Henle layer), the companion layer contains numerous bundles of keratin. Occasionally, some granules in the companion layer show immunoreactivity for the trichohyalin antibody. This further suggests that the IRS in monotremes is ill-defined, as the companion layer of placental hairs studied so far does not express trichohyalin. A cross-reactivity with an antibody against sheep trichohyalin is present in the IRS of monotremes, suggesting conserved epitopes across mammalian trichohyalin. Trichohyalin granules in the IRS consist of a framework of immunolabeled coarse filaments of 10-12 nm. The latter assume a parallel orientation and lose the immunoreactivity in fully cornified cells. Transglutaminase immunolabeling is diffuse among trichohyalin granules and among the parallel 10-12 nm filaments of maturing inner root cells. Transglutaminase is present where its substrate, trichohyalin, is modified as matrix protein. Cornification of IRS is different from that of hair fiber cuticle and from that of the cornified layer of the epidermis above the follicle. The different consistency among cuticle, IRS, and corneous layer of the epidermis determines separation between hair fiber, IRS, and epidermis. This allows the hair to exit on the epidermal surface after shedding from the IRS and epidermis. Based on comparative studies of reptilian and mammalian skin, a speculative hypothesis on the evolution of the IRS and hairs from the skin of synapsid reptiles is presented.  相似文献   

The process of keratinization in apteric avian epidermis and in scutate scales of some avian species has been studied by autoradiography for histidine and immunohistochemistry for keratins and other epidermal proteins. Acidic or basic alpha-keratins are present in basal, spinosus, and transitional layers, but are not seen in the corneous layer. Keratinization-specific alpha-keratins (AE2-positive) are observed in the corneous layer of apteric epidermis but not in that of scutate scales, which contain mainly beta-keratin. Alpha-keratin bundles accumulate along the plasma membrane of transitional cells of apteric epidermis. In contrast to the situation in scutate scales, in the transitional layer and in the lowermost part of the corneous layer of apteric epidermis, filaggrin-like, loricrin-like, and transglutaminase immunoreactivities are present. The lack of isopeptide bond immunoreactivity suggests that undetectable isopeptide bonds are present in avian keratinocytes. Using immunogold ultrastructural immunocytochemistry a low but localized loricrin-like and, less, filaggrin-like labeling is seen over round-oval granules or vesicles among keratin bundles of upper spinosus and transitional keratinocytes of apteric epidermis. Filaggrin-and loricrin-labeling are absent in alpha-keratin bundles localized along the plasma membrane and in the corneous layer, formerly considered keratohyalin. Using ultrastructural autoradiography for tritiated histidine, occasional trace grains are seen among these alpha-keratin bundles. A different mechanism of redistribution of matrix and corneous cell envelope proteins probably operates in avian keratinocytes as compared to that of mammals. Keratin bundles are compacted around the lipid-core of apteric epidermis keratinocytes, which do not form complex chemico/mechanical-resistant corneous cell envelopes as in mammalian keratinocytes. These observations suggest that low amounts of matrix proteins are present among keratin bundles of avian keratinocytes and that keratohyalin granules are absent.  相似文献   

The claw of lizards is largely composed of beta‐keratins, also referred to as keratin‐associated beta‐proteins. Recently, we have reported that the genome of the lizard Anolis carolinensis contains alpha keratin genes homologous to hair keratins typical of hairs and claws of mammals. Molecular and immunohistochemical studies demonstrated that two hair keratin homologs named hard acid keratin 1 (HA1) and hard basic keratin 1 (HB1) are expressed in keratinocytes forming the claws of A. carolinensis. Here, we extended the immunocytochemical localization of the novel reptilian keratins to the ultrastructural level. After sectioning, claws were subjected to immunogold labeling using antibodies against HA1, HB1, and, for comparison, beta‐keratins. Electron microscopy showed that the randomly organized network of tonofilaments in basal and suprabasal keratinocytes becomes organized in long and parallel bundles of keratin in precorneous layers, resembling cortical cells of hairs. Entering the cornified part of the claw, the elongated corneous cells fuse and accumulate corneous material. HA1 and HB1 are absent in the basal layer and lower spinosus layers of the claw and are expressed in the upper and precorneous layers, including the elongating corneocytes. The labeling for alpha‐keratin was loosely associated with filament structures forming the fibrous framework of the claws. The ultrastructural distribution pattern of hard alpha‐keratins resembled that of beta‐keratins, which is compatible with the hypothesis of an interaction during claw morphogenesis. The data on the ultrastructural localization of hair keratin homologs facilitate a comparison of lizard claws and mammalian hard epidermal appendages containing hair keratins. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Histochemical and TEM analysis of the epidermis of Sphenodon punctatus confirms previous histological studies showing that skin-shedding in this relic species involves the periodic production and loss of epidermal generations, as has been well documented in the related Squamata. The generations are basically similar to those that have been described in the latter, and their formation involves a cyclic alternation between beta- and alpha-keratogenesis. The six differences from the previously described squamate condition revealed by this study include: 1) the absence of a well-defined shedding complex; 2) the persistence of plasma membranes throughout the mature beta-layer, including the oberhautchen; 3) the concomitant presence of lipogenic lamellar bodies and PAS-positive mucous granules in most presumptive alpha-keratinizing cells; 4) the presence of the secreted contents of these organelles in the intercellular domains of the three derived tissues, the homologues of the squamate mesos, alpha-, and lacunar cells; 5) the paucity of lamellated lipid deposits in such domains; 6) the presence of keratohyalin-like granules (KHLG) in the presumptive lacunar, clear, and oberhautchen cells. In toto, the absence of many of the precisely definable, different pathways of cytogenesis discernible during squamate epidermal generation production might be interpreted as primitive for lepidosaurs. However, when the evolutionary significance of each of the six differences listed is evaluated separately, it becomes clear that the epidermis of S. punctatus possesses primitive amniote, shared and derived lepidosaurian, and some unique characters. This evaluation further elucidates the concept of a lepidosaurian epidermal generation as a derived manifestation of the sauropsid synapomorphy of vertical alternation of keratin synthesis and shows that further study of keratinocyte differentiation in the tuatara may contribute to our understanding of the origin and evolution of beta-keratinization in sauropsid amniotes.  相似文献   

Little is known about specific proteins involved in keratinization of the epidermis of snakes. The presence of histidine-rich molecules, sulfur, keratins, loricrin, transglutaminase, and isopeptide-bonds have been studied by ultrastructural autoradiography, X-ray microanalysis, and immunohistochemistry in the epidermis of snakes. Shedding takes place along a shedding complex, which is composed of two layers, the clear and the oberhautchen layers. The remaining epidermis comprises different layers, some of which contain beta-keratins and others alpha-keratins. Weak loricrin, transglutaminase, and sometimes also iso-peptide-bond immunoreactivities are seen in some cells, lacunar cells, of the alpha-layer. Tritiated histidine is mainly incorporated in the shedding complex, especially in dense beta-keratin filaments in cells of the oberhautchen layer and to a small amount in cells of the clear layer. This suggests the presence of histidine-rich, matrix proteins among beta-keratin bundles. The latter contain sulfur and are weakly immunolabeled for beta-keratin at the beginning of differentiation of oberhautchen cells. After merging with beta cells, the dense beta-keratin filaments of oberhautchen cells become immunopositive for beta-keratin. The uptake of histidine decreases in beta cells, where little dense matrix material is present, while pale beta-keratin filaments increase. During maturation, little histidine labeling remains in electron-dense areas of the beta layer and in those of oberhautchen spinulae. Some roundish dense granules of oberhautchen cells rich in sulfur are negative to antibodies for alpha-keratin, beta-keratin, and loricrin. The granules eventually merge with beta-keratin, and probably contribute to the formation of the resistant matrix of oberhautchen cells. In conclusion, beta-keratin, histidine-rich, and sulfur-rich proteins contribute to form snake microornamentations.  相似文献   

The fine structure and cornification of marsupial hairs are unknown. The distribution of keratins, trichohyalin, and transglutaminase in marsupial hairs was studied here for the first time by electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry. The localization of acidic and basic keratins in marsupial hairs is similar to that of hairs in placental mammals, and the keratins are mainly localized in the outer root sheath and surrounding epidermis. Marsupial trichohyalin in both medulla and inner root sheath (IRS) cross-reacts with a trichohyalin antibody that recognizes trichohyalin across placental species, indicating a common epitope(s) among mammalian trichohyalin. Roundish to irregular trichohyalin granules are composed of a network of immunolabeled 10-15-nm-thick coarse filaments within an amorphous matrix in which a weak labeling for transglutaminases is present. This suggests that the enzyme, and its substrate trichohyalin, are associated in mature granules. Transglutaminase labeling mainly occurs in condensing chromatin of mature cells of the outer and inner root sheaths, suggesting formation of the nuclear envelope connected with terminal differentiation of these cells. In mature Huxley or Henle layers the filaments lose the immunolabeling for trichohyalin when they are reoriented into parallel rows linked by short bridges, thus suggesting that the filaments with their reactive epitopes are chemically modified during cornification, as seen in the IRS of hairs of placental mammals. The Huxley layer probably acts as a cushion, absorbing the tensions connected with the distalward movement of the growing hair fiber. Variations in stratification of the Huxley layer are probably related to the diameter of the hair shaft. The cytoplasmic and junctional connections between cells of the Huxley layer and the companion layer and the outer root sheath enhance the grip of the IRS and hair fiber within the follicle. The role of cells of the IRS in sculpturing the fiber cuticle and in the mechanism of shedding that allows the exit of hair on the epidermal surface in mammals are discussed.  相似文献   

The isolation of genes for alpha‐keratins and keratin‐associated beta‐proteins (formerly beta‐keratins) has allowed the production of epitope‐specific antibodies for localizing these proteins during the process of cornification epidermis of reptilian sauropsids. The antibodies are directed toward proteins in the alpha‐keratin range (40–70 kDa) or beta‐protein range (10–30 kDa) of most reptilian sauropsids. The ultrastructural immunogold study shows the localization of acidic alpha‐proteins in suprabasal and precorneous epidermal layers in lizard, snake, tuatara, crocodile, and turtle while keratin‐associated beta‐proteins are localized in precorneous and corneous layers. This late activation of the synthesis of keratin‐associated beta‐proteins is typical for keratin‐associated and corneous proteins in mammalian epidermis (involucrin, filaggrin, loricrin) or hair (tyrosine‐rich or sulfur‐rich proteins). In turtles and crocodilians epidermis, keratin‐associated beta‐proteins are synthesized in upper spinosus and precorneous layers and accumulate in the corneous layer. The complex stratification of lepidosaurian epidermis derives from the deposition of specific glycine‐rich versus cysteine‐glycine‐rich keratin‐associated beta‐proteins in cells sequentially produced from the basal layer and not from the alternation of beta‐ with alpha‐keratins. The process gives rise to Oberhäutchen, beta‐, mesos‐, and alpha‐layers during the shedding cycle of lizards and snakes. Differently from fish, amphibian, and mammalian keratin‐associated proteins (KAPs) of the epidermis, the keratin‐associated beta‐proteins of sauropsids are capable to form filaments of 3–4 nm which give rise to an X‐ray beta‐pattern as a consequence of the presence of a beta‐pleated central region of high homology, which seems to be absent in KAPs of the other vertebrates. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Immunolocalization of glycine‐rich and cysteine–glycine‐medium‐rich beta‐proteins (Beta‐keratins) in snake epidermis indicates a different distribution between beta‐ and alpha‐layers. Acta Zoologica, Stockholm. The epidermis of snakes consists of hard beta‐keratin layers alternated with softer and pliable alpha‐keratin layers. Using Western blot, light and ultrastructural immunolocalization, we have analyzed the distribution of two specific beta‐proteins (formerly beta‐keratins) in the epidermis of snakes. The study indicates that the antibody HgG5, recognizing glycine‐rich beta‐proteins of 12–15 kDa, is poorly or not reactive with the beta‐layer of snake epidermis. This suggests that glycine‐rich proteins similar to those present in lizards are altered during maturation of the beta‐layer. Conversely, a glycine–cysteine‐medium‐rich beta‐protein (HgGC10) of 10–12 kDa is present in beta‐ and alpha‐layers, but it is reduced or disappears in precorneous and suprabasal cells destined to give rise to beta‐ and alpha‐cells. Together with the previous studies on reptilian epidermis, the present results suggest that beta‐proteins rich in glycine mainly accumulate on a scaffold of alpha‐keratin producing a resistant and hydrophobic beta‐layer. Conversely, beta‐proteins lower in glycine but higher in cysteine accumulate on alpha‐keratin filaments present in beta‐ and alpha‐layers producing resistant but more pliable layers.  相似文献   

During epidermal differentiation in mammals, keratins and keratin-associated matrix proteins rich in histidine are synthesized to produce a corneous layer. Little is known about interkeratin proteins in nonmammalian vertebrates, especially in reptiles. Using ultrastructural autoradiography after injection of tritiated proline or histidine, the cytological process of synthesis of beta-keratin and interkeratin material was studied during differentiation of the epidermis of lizards. Proline is mainly incorporated in newly synthesized beta-keratin in beta-cells, and less in oberhautchen cells. Labeling is mainly seen among ribosomes within 30 min postinjection and appears in beta-keratin packets or long filaments 1-3 h later. Beta-keratin appears as an electron-pale matrix material that completely replaces alpha-keratin filaments in cells of the beta-layer. Tritiated histidine is mainly incorporated into keratohyalin-like granules of the clear layer, in dense keratin bundles of the oberhautchen layer, and also in dense keratin filaments of the alpha and lacunar layer. The detailed ultrastructural study shows that histidine-labeling is localized over a dense amorphous material associated with keratin filaments or in keratohyalin-like granules. Large keratohyalin-like granules take up labeled material at 5-22 h postinjection of tritiated histidine. This suggests that histidine is utilized for the synthesis of keratins and keratin-associated matrix material in alpha-keratinizing cells and in oberhautchen cells. As oberhautchen cells fuse with subjacent beta-cells to form a syncytium, two changes occur : incorporation of tritiated histidine, but uptake of proline increases. The incorporation of tritiated histidine in oberhautchen cells lowers after merging with cells of the beta-layer, whereas instead proline uptake increases. In beta-cells histidine-labeling is lower and randomly distributed over the cytoplasm and beta-keratin filaments. Thus, change in histidine uptake somehow indicates the transition from alpha- to beta-keratogenesis. This study indicates that a functional stratum corneum in the epidermis of amniotes originates only after the association of matrix and corneous cell envelope proteins with the original keratin scaffold of keratinocytes.  相似文献   

The process of cornification in the shell and non-shelled areas of the epidermis of the turtle Chrysemys picta was analyzed by light and ultrastructural immunohistochemistry for keratins, filaggrin and loricrin. Beta-keratin (hard keratin) was only present in the corneus layer of the plastron and carapace. The use of a beta-keratin antibody, developed against a specific chick scale beta-keratin, demonstrated that avian and reptilian hard keratins share common amino acid sequences. In both, shelled and non-shelled epidermis, acidic alpha keratin (AE1 positive) was limited to tonofilament bundles of the basal and suprabasal layer, while basic keratin (AE3 positive) was present in basal, suprabasal, and less intensely, pre-corneus layers, but tended to disappear in the corneus layer. The AE2 antibody, which in mammalian epidermis recognizes specific keratins of cornification, did not stain turtle shell but only the corneus layer of non-shelled (soft) epidermis. Two and four hours after an injection of tritiated histidine, the labelling was evenly distributed over the whole epidermis of both shelled and non-shelled areas, but was absent from the stratum corneum. In the areas of growth at the margin of the scutes of the shell, the labelling increased in precorneus layers. This suggests that histidine uptake is only related to shell growth and not to the production of a histidine-rich protein involved in keratinization. No filaggrin-like and loricrin-like immunoreactivity was seen in the carapace or plastron epidermis. However, in both proteins, some immunoreactivity was found in the transitional layer and in the lower level of the corneus layer of non-shelled areas. Loricrin- and filaggrin-like labelling was seen in small organelles (0.05-0.3 mum) among keratin bundles, identified with mucous-like granules and vesicular bodies. These organelles, present only in non-shelled epidermis, were more frequent along the border with the corneus layer, and labelling was low to absent in mature keratinocytes. This may be due to epitope masking or degradation. The immunolabelling for filaggrin was seen instead in the extracellular space among mature keratinocytes, over a material previously identified as mucus. The possibility that this labelling identified some epitopes derived from degraded portions of a filaggrin-like molecule is discussed. The present study suggests that proteins with some filaggrin- and loricrin-immunoreactivity are present in alpha-keratinocytes but not in beta-keratin cells of the shell.  相似文献   

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