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This study, conducted on Acacia species (Acacia ehrenbergiana Hayne and Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana (Savi) Brenan) to determine their adaptive capacity to tolerate drought and suitability for reforestation, revealed that leaf water potential (ψ) decreased in both the species with increase in drought intensity. With increase in the intensity of drought, vessel diameter increased in A. ehrenbergiana, causing a significant decline in vessel frequency mm?2 of the transverse wood surface, while it decreased in A. tortilis, leading to a crowded vessel population. Vessel-wall thickness, in conjunction with inter-vessel pit membrane thickness, showed a positive correlation with drought stress in both the species. Ray dimensions generally decreased in A. ehrenbergiana but increased in A. tortilis under increasing degree of drought. The transverse fiber-wall area decreased in A. ehrenbergiana, thus lowering the density (r = 0.996) and enhancing the vulnerability of wood (r = ?0.979) under the drought stress, but increased in A. tortilis, causing a high density (r = ?0.979) and low vulnerability of wood (r = 0.869), under the same set of conditions. Correlation of wood density with vulnerability index was stronger in A. ehrenbergiana (r = ?0.993) than in A. tortilis (r = ?0.753). Diameters and thickness of inter-vessel pit membrane were linearly correlated with increasing intensity of drought in both the species, but its area fraction per vessel segment increased due to water stress in A. ehrenbergiana and decreased in A. tortilis. This study indicated that, on the whole, A. tortilis has a greater capacity to tolerate the harshness of drought than A. ehrenbergiana.  相似文献   

Cambial activity in Zygophyllum dumosum Boiss.—a dominantdesert shrub in Israel—was investigated. Cambial activityin young plants seems to be greatly affected by water supply,while cambial activity in old specimens was found to be moreendogenously controlled. A late-summer cambial dormancy wasobserved under field conditions even in plants that were irrigated.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted in a greenhouse using the 15N isotope dilution method and two reference plants, Parkia biglobosa and Tamarindus indica to estimate nitrogen fixed in four Acacia species: A raddiana, A. senegal, A. seyal and Faidherbia albida (synonym Acacia albida). For the reference plants, the 15N enrichments in leaves, stems and roots were similar. With the fixing plants, leaves and stems had similar 15N enrichments; they were higher than the 15N enrichment of roots. The amounts of nitrogen fixed at 5 months after planting were similar using either reference plant. Estimates of the percentage of N derived from fixation (%Ndfa) for the above ground parts, in contrast to %Ndfa in roots, were similar to those for the whole plant. However, none of the individual plant parts estimated accurately total N fixed in the whole plant, and excluding the roots resulted in at least 30% underestimation of the amounts of N fixed. Between species, differences in N2 fixation were observed, both for %Ndfa and total N fixed. For %Ndfa, the best were A. seyal (average, 63%) and A. raddiana (average, 62%), being at least twice the %Ndfa in A. senegal and F. albida. Because of its very high N content, A. seyal was clearly the best in total N fixed, fixing 1.62 g N plant–1 compared to an average of 0.48 g N plant–1 for the other Acacia species. Our results show the wide variability existing between Acacia species in terms of both %Ndfa and total N fixed: A. seyal was classified as having a high N2 fixing potential (NFP) while the other Acacia species had a low NFP.  相似文献   

Isolated stem segments of Pinus silvestris L. produce new xylem in sterile culture for 5 weeks if sucrose and IAA are present in the medium. The response of cambium varies in the course of the season and along the tree stem. The cambium is more sensitive in spring and in the stem portion closer to tree apex than later in the season and closer to the stem base. Spring initiation of cambial activity in adult pine trees under natural conditions could not be correlated with any consistent concentration gradient of natural auxin extracted from the cambial region. Thus, the relation between concentration of auxin and the activity of cambium is complex and involves changes of cambial responsivity. Interaction with gibberellic acid or kinetin and changing concentration of sucrose were studied during the season, but none of these substances alone appeared to be responsible for the observed variation in cambial response to auxin.  相似文献   

构树形成层活动中内源IAA的变化及其结合蛋白的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构树(Broussonetia papyrifera (L.)Vent.)形成层活动周期中用酶联免疫吸附法测定了形成层区域的内源IAA浓度的变化,并用自行发展的免疫荧光检测方法测定了由此处生活细胞制得的原生质体中IAA结合蛋白的分布。结果表明,形成层旺盛形成未成熟木质部和未成熟韧皮部时期,内源IAA急剧增加,当这些细胞分化成熟时IAA浓度降低,并维持在一定范围内。IAA结合蛋白主要分布于质膜、胞质、核膜及核质中。  相似文献   

Many populations of native Acacia raddiana trees in ephemeral riverbeds in the Negev desert are suffering from high mortality. Road-building techniques that cut off water to trees in downstream populations and the pumping of aquifers for agriculture have been mooted as causes of this mortality. We studied the water relations of nine isolated populations of these trees using a pressure chamber and stable carbon isotopes in order to determine whether current water stress could be the cause of this mortality. High mortality populations had more negative water potentials, lower relative water contents, and lower cell water volumes at full turgor than low mortality populations. Thus, mortality is correlated with current inter-population differences in water stress. However, there was no difference in water potentials between trees upstream and downstream of roads. Furthermore, greater water stress in trees after a dry winter than in the previous summer indicates that these trees are largely drawing on surface floods for water. Thus, road-building practices and aquifer pumping are unlikely causes of current water stress. Hence, water stress is linked to mortality in these trees, although our results indicate that irregular water stress (perhaps in drought years only) is probably the cause of this mortality.  相似文献   

A collection of rhizobia isolated from Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana from various sites in the North and South of Sahara was analyzed for their diversity at both taxonomic and symbiotic levels. On the basis of whole cell protein (SDS-PAGE) and 16S rDNA sequence analysis, most of the strains were found to belong to the Sinorhizobium and Mesorhizobium genera where they may represent several different genospecies. Despite their chromosomal diversity, most A. tortilis Mesorhizobium and Sinorhizobium symbionts exhibited very similar symbiotic characters. Nodulation tests showed that the strains belong to the Acacia-Leucaena-Prosopis nodulation group, although mainly forming non-fixing nodules on species other than A. tortilis. Most of the strains tested responded similarly to flavonoid nod gene inducers, as estimated by using heterologous nodA-lacZ fusions. Thin layer chromatography analysis of the Nod factors synthesized by overproducing strains showed that most of the strains exhibited similar profiles. The structures of Nod factors produced by four different Sinorhizobium sp. strains were determined and found to be similar to other Acacia-Prosopis-Leucaena nodulating rhizobia of the Sinorhizobium-Mesorhizobium-Rhizobium branch. They are chitopentamers, N-methylated and N-acylated by common fatty acids at the terminal non reducing sugar. The molecules can also be 6-O sulfated at the reducing end and carbamoylated at the non reducing end. The phylogenetic analysis of available NodA sequences, including new sequences from A. tortilis strains, confirmed the clustering of the NodA sequences of members of the Acacia-Prosopis-Leucaena nodulation group.  相似文献   

Short-term Effects of Some Chemicals on Cambial Activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aqueous solutions of indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA), 1-naphthyl-aceticacid (NAA), 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), gibberellicacid (GA), 6-furfuryl-aminopurine (FAP), myo-inositol, and sucrosewere applied singly and in mixtures to the apical ends of disbuddedstem segments of willow. After 4 weeks all substances had hadsome effect on differentiation of xylem from cambial derivatives.The production of potential xylem cells, as well as their differentiationwere most markedly enhanced when IAA, GA, and FAP were appliedtogether, although the response was further augmented by additionof inositol or sucrose. The action of the substances when appliedas mixtures was often synergistic. This means that it is difficultto assess the role of different chemicals in xylem productionby extrapolation from experiments involving the applicationof single substances.  相似文献   

Intra-annual density fluctuations (IADFs) are anatomical features formed in response to changes in the environmental conditions within the growing season. These anatomical features are commonly observed in Mediterranean pines, being more frequent in younger and wider tree rings. However, the process behind IADF formation is still unknown. Weekly monitoring of cambial activity and wood formation would fill this void. Although studies describing cambial activity and wood formation have become frequent, this knowledge is still fragmentary in the Mediterranean region. Here we present data from the monitoring of cambial activity and wood formation in two diameter classes of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.), over two years, in order to test: (i) whether the differences in stem diameter in an even-aged stand were due to timings and/or rates of xylogenesis; (ii) if IADFs were more common in large trees; and (iii) if their formation is triggered by cambial resumption after the summer drought. Larger trees showed higher rates of cell production and longer growing seasons, due to an earlier start and later end of xylogenesis. When a drier winter occurs, larger trees were more affected, probably limiting xylogenesis in the summer months. In both diameter classes a latewood IADF was formed in 2012 in response to late-September precipitation, confirming that the timing of the precipitation event after the summer drought is crucial in determining the resumption of cambial activity and whether or not an IADF is formed. It was the first time that the formation of a latewood IADF was monitored at a weekly time scale in maritime pine. The capacity of maritime pine to adjust cambial activity to the current environmental conditions represents a valuable strategy under the future climate change conditions.  相似文献   

Acacia trees (Leguminosae) in the Negev desert of Israel are in substantial danger of extinction as a result of high mortality, caused by anthropogenically induced water stress and very low recruitment, which is highly negatively affected by bruchid beetle infestation. Intensive seed infestation (up to 97%) by bruchids on Acacia species in the Negev desert has been described. We hypothesized that water‐stressed trees would be less able to produce secondary defense compounds in their seeds to decrease seed herbivory and hence suffer higher infestation. Thus, there should be a negative correlation between the beetle's fitness and the tree's physiological state. We further hypothesized the mechanism of the correlation to be maternal effects on beetle quality. Thus, beetles whose mothers were reared on seeds of trees in a poor state should have higher fitness, regardless of the quality of the seeds in which they were reared. We reared F1 generation Caryedon palaestinicus Southgate (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) in seeds of Acacia raddiana Savi (Leguminosae) trees in good and in poor physiological state. We then conducted a reciprocal infestation experiment enabling females to lay on seeds from both sources. We found maternal effects on offspring number but not on body mass. The major effect was the limited survival of maternal beetles on trees in good physiological state. However, contrary to our prediction, C. palaestinicus developing in seeds from Acacia raddiana in good physiological state had significantly higher body mass.  相似文献   

A Radiological Method for the Determination of Cambial Activity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

There is definitely seasonal activity in cambial growth in the trunk of Hevea brasi- liensis planted on Hainan Island and the cambial growth ceases during leaf-fail and leaf-absent period simultaneously with lower temperature and dries. The sieve elements founction for one-half year to two years. The variation in conducting-phloem thicknesses in a year is not significant and the conducting-phloem retains in about the same thickness during leaf-fall and leaf-absent period as that during the other periods in a year.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology - We found that the regulation of apoplastic invertase (ApInv) activity in the cambial growth period in Karelian birch (Betula pendula var. carelica) is...  相似文献   

A collection of rhizobia isolated from Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana nodules from various arid soils in Tunisia was analyzed for their diversity at both taxonomic and symbiotic levels. The isolates were found to be phenotypically diverse. The majority of the isolates tolerated 3% NaCl and grew at 40 °C. Genetic characterization emphasized that most of the strains (42/50) belong to the genus Ensifer, particularly the species Ensifer meliloti, Ensifer garamanticus, and Ensifer numidicus. Symbiotic properties of isolates showed diversity in their capacity to nodulate their host plant and to fix atmospheric nitrogen. The most effective isolates were closely related to E. garamanticus. Nodulation tests showed that 3 strains belonging to Mesorhizobium genus failed to renodulate their host plant, which is surprising for symbiotic rhizobia. Furthermore, our results support the presence of non-nodulating endophytic bacteria belonging to the Acinetobacter genus in legume nodules.  相似文献   

Vascular cambium in Guayule, a rubber producing Mexican shrubof Asteraceae family is non-storied. Cambial activity variesperiodically, and the vascular cambium and its immediate derivativesdo not contain rubber. However, as the xylem and phloem parenchymacells derived from the vascular cambium age, rubber depositionstarts from the cell periphery along the walls and later towardstheir cell lumen. Though the sieve tubes and companion cellsof phloem contain no rubber, all parenchyma cells of xylem andphloem, show the presence of rubber, though its amount varies.However, certain lignified xylem ray cells and lignified pithcells are devoid of rubber accumulation. Microfluorescence studiesshow that the epithelial, phloem ray parenchyma, cortical andpith cells, in descending order, have the highest to lowestrubber content. The size and number of rubber particles observedin the parenchyma cells are greatest during the period of cambialdormancy than in an active cambial period Cambium, guayule, rubber  相似文献   

Methods of sampling and sections preparaction were the same as reported previously. Except that sampling was made at monthly intervals between May 20 and July 30, then at 7–14 day-intervals between July 30 and October 14, and then at monthly intervals between October 14 and March 25 in the next year. The stored starch in various tissues was stained with PAS reaction. During active period of cambium in Broussonetia papyrifera after July 30, the cell layers of immature xylem and phloem decreased progressively, and the formation of mature xylem and phloem increased rapidly. The formation of late wood started early in August, formation of xylem ceased after September 5, followed by ceasation of phloem formation about 1.5 months later. Increasing and decreasing of stored starch were closely related to the periodicity of cambial activity during the year. Starch grains decreased progressively after cambial activity was resumed in early spring until they disappeared in all the stem tissues. Then, starch accumulated progressively again after cambial activity slowed down, particularly after the ceasation of xylem formation. However, after the formation of phloem had ceased, the stored starch once again disappeared progressively until the end of December, and accumulated again. Such changes might be related to the transition of cambium activity involving two periods of dormancy.  相似文献   

Seeds of Acacia tortilis (Forsskal) Hayne ssp. raddiana (Save) Brenan, a savannah tree of great potential for forestry and an excellent browse for game and livestock, is heavily infested by the bruchid beetle Bruchidius raddianae Anton & Delobel. The development from egg to beetle, and the various development stages were investigated using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The adult B. raddianae lays eggs on the green pod in the autumn. The first instar larva hatches from five to seven weeks and develops outside the host seed. From the second instar onwards development took place inside the host seed. Pupation takes about three weeks, late in the summer. The beetle of B. raddianae is univoltine and the newly emerged adult makes an exit hole to leave the seed. During the development from first instar lava to imago, all embryonic tissue is destroyed. This results in a weakness of its soil seed stock, which reduces the possibilities of natural regeneration of the species.  相似文献   

Abstract: Post-embryonic development is controlled by two types of meristems: apical and lateral. There has been considerable progress recently in understanding the function of root and shoot apical meristems at the molecular level. Knowledge of analogous processes in the lateral, or secondary, meristems, i.e. the vascular cambium or cork cambium, is, however, rudimentary. This is despite the fact that much of the diversity in the plant kingdom is based on the differential functions of these meristems, emphasizing the importance of lateral meristems in the development of different plant forms. The vascular cambium is particularly important for woody plants, but it also plays an important role during the development of various herbaceous species, such as Arabidopsis thaliana. In this review, we focus on the two basic functions of cambial activity: cell proliferation and pattern formation.  相似文献   

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