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生物多样性信息系统建设的现状及CBIS简介   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
为了实现生物多样性保护和持续利用,履行《生物多样性公约》,各国政府及组织建立了大量的生物多样性信息(数据库)系统,为保护和利用的决策提供科学的支持。信息技术特别是计算机网络的发展为生物多样性信息系统的建设提供了强有力的工具和基础,使全球化的信息共享成为可能。本文简要介绍了国际上几个著名的生物多样性信息系统的建设目的、内容、现状和特点,并对国内生物多样性信息系统建设的代表——中国生物多样性信息系统(CBIS)做了介绍。  相似文献   

生物多样性研究及其问题   总被引:62,自引:6,他引:56  
岳天祥 《生态学报》2001,21(3):462-467
围绕生物多样性主要有3个理论问题需要进一步深入研究,(1)生物多样性与生态系统稳定性的关系:本世纪70年代以前,生态学家普遍认为,稳定性随生物多样性增加而提高;自70年代初一些理论生态学家向这一普遍看法提出挑战以来,在物种多样性层次出现了观点截然不同的两大阵营;(2)生物多样性和土地生产力的关系:达尔文(1872)的研究表明,生物多样性有利于土地生产力的提高,这一结论已被许多国家运用于指导农业实践;然而,本世纪70年代以来,一些生态学家向达尔文的这一观点提出了异议;(3)生物多样性与景观连通性:本世纪90年代以来,一些景观生态学家认为,景观连通性与生物多样性有正相关关系,但目前为数不多的研究还不能肯定这一结论的正确性。通过总结生物多样性的研究历史,发现,以上的急诊和结论基于27种不同的分析模型;并且这些模型中的大多数在理论上是不完善的,认为,运用理论上合理的模型、有关概念的统一正确定义和全面系统的实验对以上急诊和结论进行更进一步的论证与实证是必要的。  相似文献   

《中国21世纪议程》与生物多样性保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王葆青 《生物多样性》1995,3(4):227-230
《中国21世纪议程》与生物多样性保护王葆青(国家科委社发司,北京100864)我很高兴参加首届全国生物多样性保护与持续利用研讨会。众所周知,《21世纪议程》和《生物多样性公约》都是1992年联合国环发大会通过的两个重要文件,受到国际社会的广泛关注。继...  相似文献   

泛函连接网络计算软件及其在生物多样性研究中的应用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
针对农田生物多样性分析的需要,研制出泛函连接网络(FLANN)计算软件。该软件由7个Java类和1个HTML文件组成,是一种Internet在线计算工具,可运行于多种操作系统和Web浏览器上,并在各种类型的PC及工作站上使用,可读取多种类型的数据库文件。对水稻田昆虫生物多样性的两组取样调查数据Zmar18和Zapr15,用生物多样性工具软件LUMP和非监督分类-离差平方和聚类法进行统计归纳及分类,分别划分为21个和20个功能群,各包含60个样本。以FLANN计算软件对昆虫生物多样性进行了模式分类分析。结果表明,泛函连接网络的模式分类及预测与实际测查结果吻合良好。泛函连接网络Internet在线计算软件的应用可促进生物多样性数据采集和分析的规范化,有利于数据和信息共享,也为形成高度的生物多样性智能分析系统提供了一种工具。  相似文献   

浅述生物多样性的价值及其保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐明了生物多样性的概念与含义,以及生物多样性3个层次之间的相互关系。探讨了生物多样性的价值及保护问题。针对中国(或)世界生物多样性目前现状及存在的问题提出合理建议,为生物多样性的可持续利用与发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

中国实施2020年全球生物多样性目标的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对日益严峻的生物多样性丧失形势,国际社会于2010年通过了《生物多样性战略计划》(2011-2020年)。该战略计划确定了2020年全球生物多样性目标。采用“压力-状态-惠益-响应”模型,建立了评估2020年目标进展的指标体系。该指标体系包括生物多样性现状、生态系统服务、压力和响应4个方面,涉及17个一级指标、42个二级指标。研究表明,除目标2、16和18因缺乏相应指标无法评估外,目标1、3、4、5、7、10、11、14、15、17、19、20的相关评估指标均有不同程度的改善,表明这些目标的实施正沿着正确的轨道推进,特别是目标3(鼓励措施)、目标5(减少生境退化和丧失)、目标11(强化保护区系统和有效管理)、目标14(恢复和保障重要生态系统服务)、目标15(增强生态系统的复原力和碳储量)进展较大;但目标5中的草原生态系统保护,目标6(可持续渔业)、目标8(控制环境污染)、目标9(防治外来入侵物种)、目标12(保护受威胁物种)、目标13(保护遗传资源)的相关评估指标大多呈现恶化的趋势,表明虽然已开展了大量工作,但尚需采取更加有效的策略和措施才能实现这些目标。今后应进一步开发生物多样性价值、可持续消费、生态退化、农林渔业对生物多样性的影响、气候变化对生物多样性的影响、保护区的生态代表性和管理有效性、遗传资源和相关传统知识的获取与惠益分享等方面的指标,更加重视生态功能和生物多样性的恢复,重视濒危物种和遗传资源的保护以及外来入侵物种的防控。  相似文献   

氮沉降对森林生物多样性的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
鲁显楷  莫江明  董少峰 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5532-5548
从3个方面论述了氮沉降对森林生物多样性影响:(1)森林植物多样性,包括乔木层植物、林下层植物和隐花植物;(2)土壤微生物多样性,主要是细菌和真菌;(3)森林动物多样性:主要包括地下土壤动物和地上草食动物。综合来看,氮沉降改变了物种组成,过量氮沉降降低了生物多样性。同时,也对氮沉降影响生物多样性的机理进行了分析。最后,还探讨了当前在氮沉降对森林生物多样性影响的研究方面存在的问题以及今后研究的方向。  相似文献   

生物多样性价值的经济学处理:一些理论障碍及其克服   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
徐嵩龄 《生物多样性》2001,9(3):310-318
本文首先对国际生态经济学界围绕“世界生态系统功能价值计量”的方法学论争进行短简的评价,接着阐述了生物多样性价值的新的概念框架,并据此就生物多样性价值计量中尚未得到关注的问题(生物多样性价值的可计算性,价值计量方法的恰当性,价值分量的可加性和可解析性,价值误差测算)提出解决思路,本文最后讨论了两个保护经济学问题方法学构架,其一是生物多样性破坏的经济损失计算,其二是生物多样性保护工程的成本-效益体质与成本-效果分析。  相似文献   

《生物多样性公约》介绍(之一)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
《生物多样性公约》介绍(之一)白长波(国家环保局国际合作司,北京100035)生物多样性公约》(英文为ConventiononBiologicalDiversity,以下简称《公约》)按其结构来划分,共分为三个部分:序言部分、42项条款和两个附件。同...  相似文献   

再论生物多样性与生态系统的稳定性   总被引:75,自引:1,他引:74  
王国宏 《生物多样性》2002,10(1):126-134
本文在简述生物多样性与生态系统稳定性研究动态的基础上,从生物多样性和稳定性的概念出发,指出忽视多样性和稳定性的生物组织层次可能是造成观点纷争的根源之一。特定生物组织层次的稳定性可能更多地与该层次的多样性特征相关,探讨多样性和稳定性的关系应从不同的生物组织层次上进行,抗动是生态系统多样性与稳定性关系悖论中的重要因子,如果根据扰动的性质,把生态系统(或其他组织层次)区分为受非正常外力干扰和受环境因子时间异质性波动干扰2类系统,稳定性的4个内涵可以理解为:对于受非正常外力干扰的系统而言,抵抗力和恢复力是稳定性适宜的测度指标;对于受环境因子时间异质性波动干扰和系统而言。利用持久性和变异性衡量系统的稳定性则更具实际意义。结合对群落和种群层次多样性与稳定性相关机制的初步讨论,本文认为;在特定的前提下,多样性可以导致稳定性。  相似文献   

生物多样性信息学研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物多样性信息学是一门蓬勃发展的新学科。它将现代的信息技术带入生物多样性及其相关学科的研究领域。它在生物多样性基础数据的数字化、模型工具和各种工具软件的开发、数据整合, 以及全球、地区和国家尺度生物多样性信息网络等多个方面的发展, 向我们展示了未来在全球范围内自由、免费共享生物多样性数据和信息, 以及人们行动起来共同关注、调查与监测野外生物多样性的前景。目前, 已有大量数字化的物种编目、标本馆标本、多媒体影像、研究文献等生物多样性基础信息可以通过互联网检索和利用。其中, 最值得关注的是一些成功的国际性研究项目, 如物种2000、全球生物多样性信息网络、生命条形码以及网络生命大百科全书。这些项目的成功不仅体现在对大量基础信息和数据的发布, 而且它们通过与生物多样性信息标准TDWG(Biodiversity Information Standards: TDWG)的合作, 推动了达尔文核心标准(Darwin Core)等一些重要的生物多样性信息标准的应用, 以及地区和国家性生物多样性信息节点的建立, 这些都为将来全球范围生物多样性信息的共享和数据交换奠定了重要基础。在数字化信息的基础上, 研究人员也开发了一些在特定研究领域应用的数据挖掘和模型工具, 例如基于数字化标本的地理分布预测工具MAXENT, 分类学专家知识管理的LifeDesk。公民科学理念的发展则向我们展示了公众和科学爱好者广泛参与以互联网为基础的生物多样性信息学研究活动。因此, 生物多样性信息学的发展前景广阔, 它将为我们实现全球保护战略目标, 应对生物多样性危机, 解决全球气候变化条件下生物多样性资源管理和利用建立坚实的信息基础。  相似文献   

Biological knowledge can be inferred from three major levels of information: molecules, organisms and ecologies. Bioinformatics is an established field that has made significant advances in the development of systems and techniques to organize contemporary molecular data; biodiversity informatics is an emerging discipline that strives to develop methods to organize knowledge at the organismal level extending back to the earliest dates of recorded natural history. Furthermore, while bioinformatics studies generally focus on detailed examinations of key 'model' organisms, biodiversity informatics aims to develop over-arching hypotheses that span the entire tree of life. Biodiversity informatics is presented here as a discipline that unifies biological information from a range of contemporary and historical sources across the spectrum of life using organisms as the linking thread. The present review primarily focuses on the use of organism names as a universal metadata element to link and integrate biodiversity data across a range of data sources.  相似文献   

This article uses content analysis to review policies and relevant documents that promote or hinder the generation and use of biodiversity data in Eastern Africa. The review found that all countries in the region are committed to international and regional conventions that emphasize the protection and conservation of biodiversity. Some of the other drivers for biodiversity informatics include countries’ national biodiversity related policies although there are few, which highlight the need for biodiversity data management systems. However, the existing policies are deficient in terms of policies for biodiversity data management. Suggestions to ensure the success of biodiversity informatics in East Africa include: (i) Avoiding overlaps but promoting complementarities within and/or between different institutions and stakeholders involved in biodiversity conservation; (ii) Putting in place clear, complete and simple policy documents pertaining to biodiversity data management.  相似文献   

农田边界生物多样性与边界属性相互关系研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
农田边界 (田埂fieldboundary)可定义为农田(作物田块 )间过渡带 (ecotone) [4 ] 。不同类型农田边界所包含的景观要素不同。农田边界包括的景观要素有树篱、防护林、草带、墙、篱笆、沟渠、道路、作物边界带等。半自然生境的农田边界是重要的动植物栖息地和扩散廊道[6] ,而农田边界的生物多样性和物种的扩散 ,又受边界结构属性、农作系统及农作措施和区域景观结构及动态的影响[1,7] 。随着人口的增加和农业集约化的发展 ,农业景观中非生产性(半自然生境 )用地面积逐渐减少 ,在一定程度上引起生物多样性下降及影响农田…  相似文献   

Traditionally, many irrigation ponds supplied water to paddy fields, but most of these ponds have disappeared through improvements in irrigation systems. The aim of this study was to assess the ecological functions (especially biodiversity conservation) of irrigation ponds by using benthic macroinvertebrates that inhabit paddy fields. This study was conducted in Hwaseong‐si, Yesan‐gun, Hongseong‐gun, Uljin‐gun and Damyang‐gun, Korea. Benthic macroinvertebrates were collected using a quadrat sampler from August to September for three years (2010–2012) in paddy fields with and without an irrigation pond. In the comparisons between two paddy field types (paddy fields with and without an irrigation pond) for species richness and densities of benthic macroinvertebrates, the species richness and densities were higher in the paddy fields with a pond than in the paddy fields without a pond (P < 0.001). Biodiversity enhancement effect degree (BEED) of the irrigation pond showed positive values in all survey regions. There were no significant differences among the survey regions. BEED showed positive values in all taxonomic groups (excluding Crustacea) and were not significantly different among taxonomic groups. The BEED values for non‐insects, passive dispersers, were relatively higher than for insects, active dispersers. The results indicate that BEED is related to the dispersal abilities of each taxonomic group and an irrigation pond increases biodiversity in a paddy field in all regions. Therefore, the irrigation pond is one method that can be immediately applied in paddy fields in order to improve the biodiversity of agricultural ecosystems.  相似文献   

Using data from biodiversity informatics resources, Dallas et al. (Ecol. Lett., 20, 2017, 1526–1533) suggested limited relationships between climate and local abundance among several taxonomic groups. Investigation of a subset of these data suggests that their results may be misleading due to inappropriate application of the biodiversity data.  相似文献   

The massive development of biodiversity related information systems over the WWW (World Wide Web) has created much excitement in recent years. These arrays of new data sources are counterbalanced by the difficulty in knowing their location and nature. However, biologists and computer scientists have started to pull together in a rising tide of coherence and organization to address this issue. The fledging field of biodiversity informatics is expected to deliver major advances that could turn the WWW into a giant global biodiversity information system. The present paper briefly reviews the databases in preserving the biodiversity data.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Intensive agricultural practices drive biodiversity loss with potentially drastic consequences for ecosystem services. To advance conservation and production goals, agricultural practices should be compatible with biodiversity. Traditional or less intensive systems (i.e. with fewer agrochemicals, less mechanisation, more crop species) such as shaded coffee and cacao agroforests are highlighted for their ability to provide a refuge for biodiversity and may also enhance certain ecosystem functions (i.e. predation).
2. Ants are an important predator group in tropical agroforestry systems. Generally, ant biodiversity declines with coffee and cacao intensification yet the literature lacks a summary of the known mechanisms for ant declines and how this diversity loss may affect the role of ants as predators.
3. Here, how shaded coffee and cacao agroforestry systems protect biodiversity and may preserve related ecosystem functions is discussed in the context of ants as predators. Specifically, the relationships between biodiversity and predation, links between agriculture and conservation, patterns and mechanisms for ant diversity loss with agricultural intensification, importance of ants as control agents of pests and fungal diseases, and whether ant diversity may influence the functional role of ants as predators are addressed. Furthermore, because of the importance of homopteran-tending by ants in the ecological and agricultural literature, as well as to the success of ants as predators, the costs and benefits of promoting ants in agroforests are discussed.
4. Especially where the diversity of ants and other predators is high, as in traditional agroforestry systems, both agroecosystem function and conservation goals will be advanced by biodiversity protection.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the generation and use of biodiversity data and their associated specimen objects have been primarily the purview of individuals and small research groups. While deposition of data and specimens in herbaria and other repositories has long been the norm, throughout most of their history, these resources have been accessible only to a small community of specialists. Through recent concerted efforts, primarily at the level of national and international governmental agencies over the last two decades, the pace of biodiversity data accumulation has accelerated, and a wider array of biodiversity scientists has gained access to this massive accumulation of resources, applying them to an ever-widening compass of research pursuits. We review how these new resources and increasing access to them are affecting the landscape of biodiversity research in plants today, focusing on new applications across evolution, ecology, and other fields that have been enabled specifically by the availability of these data and the global scope that was previously beyond the reach of individual investigators. We give an overview of recent advances organized along three lines: broad-scale analyses of distributional data and spatial information, phylogenetic research circumscribing large clades with comprehensive taxon sampling, and data sets derived from improved accessibility of biodiversity literature. We also review synergies between large data resources and more traditional data collection paradigms, describe shortfalls and how to overcome them, and reflect on the future of plant biodiversity analyses in light of increasing linkages between data types and scientists in our field.  相似文献   

The biodiversity sciences represent the disciplines of whole-organism biology, including systematics, ecology, population biology, behaviour and the fields of comparative biology. The biodiversity sciences are critically important to society because it is knowledge of whole-organisms that is essential for managing and conserving the world's species. Because of an acceleration in environmental degradation and global biodiversity loss in recent decades, the need for the biodiversity sciences has never been more urgent. Yet, biodiversity science is not well supported relative to other fields of science, and thus the need for knowledge about organisms and their environment is far outstripping biologists' ability to provide it. National and international capacity for biodiversity science must therefore be increased substantially. Each nation should establish a national biodiversity research programme coordinated across all government agencies. An international biodiversity research programme should also be established, perhaps with an organizational structure that parallels the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme. Biodiversity scientists must assume a leadership role in educating the public and bringing about policy changes that will enhance our understanding of the world's species and their ecosystems.  相似文献   

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