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An account is given of experiments and observations made to discover the factors that decide whether the bees use a particular cell for brood-rearing, storing honey or storing pollen. The implications are discussed in relation to the overall pattern of food storage and brood-rearing in the colony.  相似文献   

Abstract. Cohorts of worker honey bees from a single parental hive, cross-fostered into colonies which differed in population and other colony parameters, were assessed for activities of enzymes involved in metabolic detoxication. Activities of glutathione S-transferase and mixed-function oxidase enzymes were negatively correlated with foster colony population, but positively correlated with the ratio of larvae (brood)/adult workers. Worker bees which had begun foraging had enzyme activity levels higher than any found in bees which were still performing in-hive duties. Elevated levels of detoxifying enzymes in colonies with low populations and high ratios of larvae/adults may be a protective mechanism to prevent poisoning of larvae by toxins brought to the colony by foragers.  相似文献   

(1) In midgut dry weight (tissue plus contents) of worker bees we found a representative parameter for pollen consumption. Midguts of bees of successive ages were analyzed and correlated with various parameters. The relative proportions of sugar, protein and water were either constant or negatively correlated with midgut weight. Only the relative pollen weight (percent of midgut dry weight) increased. (2) To investigate the influence of different levels of brood on pollen consumption of individual bees, midgut dry weights from 2 normally breeding control colonies and 2 brood-reduced experimental colonies were analyzed. In bees from control colonies the pollen consumption increased up to the nursing age (3-10d), remained on an elevated level in middle-aged-bees (10-18d) and decreased relatively sharply towards the foraging ages (>21d). When queens were caged in the experimental colonies, the following decline of brood cells affected the consumption of pollen differently. After 6 days of caging, with a reduction of open brood only, no effect was seen. After 15 days, and even more pronounced after 23 days when no brood was present, the pollen consumption in young and middle-aged (10, 14, 18d) worker bees was significantly reduced, while it was clearly elevated in older bees. We discuss pollen consumption as an adaptation to reduced necessity to nurse brood in young and middle-aged bees, and to enhance life span in older animals.  相似文献   

1.  The overall rate of feeding at 28°C bears an inverse relationship to size; the time course of feeding appears to be size-independent and shows a decline with increase in time.
2.  Absorption efficiency is independent of size.
3.  The rates of absorption and conversion and conversion efficiency are inversely related to size.
4.  The rate of feeding is reflected on the rates of absorption and conversion.

We studied pollen consumption, head weight, hypopharyngeal gland (HPG) acini diameter, and protein synthesis and transfer in honeybee workers reared in colonies with normal and with decreasing amounts of brood. We found that head fresh weight is correlated with size of the glands and that pollen consumption is positively correlated with gland development. An effect of brood on size of the glands could be confirmed, but was not as profound as in previous studies. Similarly, no difference in the amount of protein synthesized or transferred in workers living under the two brood conditions was found. We suspect this is due to the fact that HPGs also supply food to young bees and in our study young bees were always present while in previous studies, colonies often lacked both brood and young bees.  相似文献   

蜜蜂巢房大小影响狄斯瓦螨的繁殖行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在具有相同类型幼虫的雄蜂和工蜂巢房中,人工接入狄斯瓦螨Varroa destructorAnderson&Trueman,比较巢房大小不同,对于螨繁殖的影响。结果显示:狄斯瓦螨在具有工蜂幼虫的工蜂房(WW)中的繁殖率为94.4%,而在具有工蜂幼虫的雄蜂房(WD)中繁殖率只有27.7%,差异极显著。在具有工蜂幼虫的工蜂房中,每只雌螨产出后代的平均数为3.35±1.56只;在具有工蜂幼虫的雄蜂房中每只雌螨产出后代的平均数为0.49±0.93只,差异极显著。表明:在具有相同类型幼虫存在的情况下,狄斯瓦螨喜欢较小的巢房,狄斯瓦螨在较小巢房中的繁殖能力明显高于较大的巢房。  相似文献   

Honeybee, Apis mellifera, colonies replace their queens by constructing many queen cells and then eliminating supernumerary queens until only one remains. The ages of the queens and the variation in their reproductive potential are important factors in the outcome of such events. Selection would favour colonies that requeen as quickly as possible to minimize the brood hiatus, therefore selecting for queens reared from older larvae. Conversely, reproductive potential (queen 'quality') is maximized by rearing queens from younger larvae. This potential trade-off was tested during two phases of queen replacement, namely queen rearing and polygyny reduction. Our results suggest that queen age is a significant element during both queen rearing and polygyny reduction, whereas queen quality, at least to the magnitude tested in this experiment, has little impact on the outcome of either process. The rate of queen replacement therefore appears to be an important factor in the honeybee life cycle, and further mechanisms of potential importance during this life history transition are discussed. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

This study was achieved in a private apiary located in a banana farm in Sa El Hagar, Basioun, Gharbia, Egypt from August 15, 2019 to May 25, 2020, including the banana (Musa sp., Musaceae) flow season (August and September) and extend to Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L., Fabaceae) flow season (May). The study aimed to evaluate the effect of confining the queen during the banana flow season on the brood rearing, honey yield, and activation of worker's ovaries. Also, we determined the negative impact of caging the queen during the banana flow season on the activity of the colony in brood rearing, storing pollen, and honey yield after releasing the queen on 5 October, extending to the next flow season in May. The obtained results showed that the honeybee colonies with the caged queen produced significantly more honey yield and less brood production than the free queen ones during the banana flow season. Also, the caging of the queen did not affect the colony strength after releasing the queen despite the partial development of the ovaries of some workers, but they did not lay eggs. In addition, releasing the queens suppressed the ovaries of the laying workers. It can be concluded that caging the queen during the banana flow season helps the colonies to produce more honey yield without effect on the colony strength after releasing the queen despite the ovaries development of few workers without egg-laying.  相似文献   

八角茴香精油防治蜂螨的蜂群效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究在蜂群中测定了八角茴香精油对西方蜜蜂大蜂螨和小蜂螨的杀螨效果。结果表明:应用八角茴香精油一个疗程后,大蜂螨的巢房寄生率由用药前的7.17%下降到1.93%,蜂体寄生率由用药前的4.13%下降到了1%,与氟氯苯氰菊酯组差异不显著;小蜂螨巢房寄生率由用药前的7.65%下降到3.4%,与升华硫组差异不显著;且八角茴香精油不会引起蜂群群势下降。可见,八角茴香精油在防治蜜蜂大、小蜂螨的应用上具有很大潜力。  相似文献   

Summary Deterioration in foraging conditions discourages foraging relatively more from large than from small colonies.
Résumé Une détérioration des conditions de butinage décourage relativement plus le butinage chez les fortes colonies que chez les petites.

《Insect Biochemistry》1986,16(3):479-482
The sterols of the organs (hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands and honey stomachs) involved in worker and queen honey bee brood food production, royal jelly and intact nurse bees were analyzed to obtain information on the selective transfer of specific sterols from one generation to the next. No appreciable increase in the percentage of 24-methylenecholesterol, relative to the total sterols isolated from intact honey bee (Apis mellifera L.), prepupae or adults, was found in the hypopharyngeal or mandibular glands or the honey stomachs from nurse bees reared in colonies fed a chemically-defined diet supplemented with 24-methylenecholesterol. The sterols of these organs contained higher levels of cholesterol than did the sterols of whole body extracts. The other major sterols, sitosterol and isofucosterol, occurred at relative concentrations comparable to whole body extracts. Also, there were higher levels of cholesterol in the sterols from glandular tissues of nurse bees maintained on pollen and sucrose solution than in sterols isolated from intact insects. In a separate study, royal jelly collected over a 6-day period had much higher relative percentages of 24-methylenecholesterol and lower levels of sitosterol and isofucosterol than did the pollen fed to these colonies. The sterols of nurse bees in the latter study had an intermediate concentration of 24-methylenecholesterol. The significance of these findings relative to the unique selective transfer of specific sterols from the diet or from endogenous sterol pools of the nurse bees from generation to generation in the honey bee is discussed.  相似文献   

Diaptomus pallidus individuals were raised in the laboratory at three temperatures (15, 20, and 25°C) and fed an alfalfa and trout-food diet ad libitum. Data were taken on the development times of the egg, naupliar, and each copepodid stage and the brood sizes of field animals acclimated to the test conditions.The results indicated D. pallidus does not have a temperature range over which its development rate is nearly constant as earlier reported. Rather, the development rate is temperature dependent within the experimental range. Broods produced at 20°C and 25°C were significantly smaller than those produced at 15°C but not significantly different from each other.  相似文献   

Within the size range found in the field for the scissortail sergeant Abudefduf sexfasciatus , there was no correlation between the number of cannibalized eggs and total brood size. Very small broods were fully cannibalized. In a manipulation experiment, males were provided with broods of one of three standardized sizes: at the two extremes and in the middle of the range of naturally occurring broods. Brood size had no effect on partial filial cannibalism, but parental effort increased with increasing brood size. Field correlates and the manipulation experiment showed that the cost of cannibalism in terms of current reproductive success decreased significantly with increasing brood size. Contrary to expectations, there was no relationship between male size and the incidence of cannibalism. No preference for younger eggs was found either from field correlates or from a manipulative experiment in which males were provided with an equal number of young and old eggs at the beginning of the parental phase.  相似文献   

The response of Asian honeybee (Apis cerana Fabr.) colonies toward the introduced worker brood of the European honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) infested with the parasitic mite Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans was investigated. When no mites were present, 40% of the healthy open brood and 3% of the healthy capped brood of the European honeybees were rejected by the Asian honeybee colonies. When the brood was infested, brood rejection was significantly higher for open (P < 0.05) and capped broods (P < 0.01). The brood removal activity decreased with time. The quantity of brood removed was also correlated with mite infestation level for open (r2 = 0.933) and sealed broods (r2 = 0.918). The feasibility of using heterospecific colonies to control Varroa mite is unclear and is discussed from behavioral and ecological points of view.  相似文献   

To study experimentally the relation between zooplankton and phytoplankton, laboratory cultures of Daphnia hyalina Leydig were set up. The combined influence of food quality and quantity on growth, birth-rate and longevity was measured. The effect of seven different food regimes was tested. Natural unfiltered lake water from the eutrophic lake Tjeukemeer was used in one regime. The food value of the natural unfiltered lake water appeared to be relatively low, which was most likely caused by the abundance of large sized algae in the lake water.  相似文献   

Food availability is a major component of habitat quality. For bumblebee field colonies, it is unknown to what extent reproductive success is limited by food availability relative to other factors such as parasites. To assess the importance of food availability, we carried out a field experiment in the Quebec City area, Canada, in 1999 and 2000, using 45 colonies of Bombus impatiens and B. ternarius . Colonies whose nectar and pollen supplies were increased regularly throughout the season reached larger sizes (in number of workers) and had a higher reproductive success than controls, by 51% and 86% respectively. In particular, food supplementation increased the number of males produced and the probability of producing gynes (young queens). The sex ratio was highly skewed in favour of males overall, and the relative proportion of gynes increased with food supplementation in B. ternarius , but not in B. impatiens . These results suggest that colonies ensure reproduction by producing some males and, given the opportunity (sufficient food availability), will produce gynes. Possible reasons for the increased success of food supplemented colonies are explored. However, despite some clear advantages of having larger food supplies such as the build-up of larger worker populations, food supplementation did not appear to help colonies defend themselves against macroparasites because experimental and control colonies experienced similar levels of parasitism by Psithyrus , Fannia canicularis , Brachicoma devia and Vitula edmandsae .  相似文献   

Africanized honey bees (Apis mellifera, Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Brazil are tolerant of infestations with the exotic ectoparasitic mite, Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae), while the European honey bees used in apiculture throughout most of the world are severely affected. Africanized honey bees are normally kept in hives with both naturally built small width brood cells and with brood cells made from European-sized foundation, yet we know that comb cell size has an effect on varroa reproductive behavior. Three types (sizes) of brood combs were placed in each of six Africanized honey bee colonies: new (self-built) Africanized comb, new Italian comb (that the bees made from Italian-sized commercial foundation), and new Carniolan comb (built naturally by Carniolan bees). About 100 cells of each type were analyzed in each colony. The Africanized comb cells were significantly smaller in (inner) width (4.84 mm) than the European-sized comb cells (5.16 and 5.27 mm for Italian and Carniolan cells, respectively). The brood cell infestation rates (percentage cells infested) were significantly higher in the Carniolan-sized comb cells (19.3%) than in the Italian and Africanized cells (13.9 and 10.3%, respectively). The Carniolan-sized cells also had a significantly larger number of invading adult female mites per 100 brood cells (24.4) than did the Italian-sized cells (17.7) and the natural-sized Africanized worker brood cells (15.6). European-sized worker brood cells were always more infested than the Africanized worker brood cells in the same colony. There was a highly significant correlation (P<0.01) between cell width and the rate of infestation with varroa in four of the six colonies. The small width comb cells produced by Africanized honey bees may have a role in the ability of these bees to tolerate infestations by Varroa destructor, furthermore it appears that natural-sized comb cells are superior to over-sized comb cells for disease resistance.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption of the honeybee Apis mellifera ligustica was measured as a function of the flow rate supply of sucrose solution at an automatic feeder located inside a respirometric chamber. Trained bees freely entered the respirometric chamber and collected the sucrose solution supplied. The mean value of the O2 consumption rate per visit increased with the sucrose flow rate, and for a given flow rate, with increasing locomotor activity. However, when no locomotor activity was displayed, O2 consumption also increased with increasing nectar flow rate. Crop load attained at the end of the visit showed a positive relationship with the nectar flow rate; however, for a given flow rate, O2 consumption showed either no correlation or a negative one with the final crop load attained. It is concluded that the energy expenditure of the foraging bee is controlled by a motivational drive whose intensity depends on the reward rate at the food source. Accepted: 30 July 1996  相似文献   

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