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The progressive accumulation of β-amyloid (Aβ) in senile plaques and in the cerebral vasculature is the hallmark of Alzheimer disease and related disorders. Impaired clearance of Aβ from the brain likely contributes to the prevalent sporadic form of Alzheimer disease. Several major pathways for Aβ clearance include receptor-mediated cellular uptake, blood-brain barrier transport, and direct proteolytic degradation. Myelin basic protein (MBP) is the major structural protein component of myelin and plays a functional role in the formation and maintenance of the myelin sheath. MBP possesses endogenous serine proteinase activity and can undergo autocatalytic cleavage liberating distinct fragments. Recently, we showed that MBP binds Aβ and inhibits Aβ fibril formation (Hoos, M. D., Ahmed, M., Smith, S. O., and Van Nostrand, W. E. (2007) J. Biol. Chem. 282, 9952–9961; Hoos, M. D., Ahmed, M., Smith, S. O., and Van Nostrand, W. E. (2009) Biochemistry 48, 4720–4727). Here we show that Aβ40 and Aβ42 peptides are degraded by purified human brain MBP and recombinant human MBP, but not an MBP fragment that lacks autolytic activity. MBP-mediated Aβ degradation is inhibited by serine proteinase inhibitors. Similarly, Cos-1 cells expressing MBP degrade exogenous Aβ40 and Aβ42. In addition, we demonstrate that purified MBP also degrades assembled fibrillar Aβ in vitro. Mass spectrometry analysis identified distinct degradation products generated from Aβ digestion by MBP. Lastly, we demonstrate in situ that purified MBP can degrade parenchymal amyloid plaques as well as cerebral vascular amyloid that form in brain tissue of Aβ precursor protein transgenic mice. Together, these findings indicate that purified MBP possesses Aβ degrading activity in vitro.The progressive accumulation of β-amyloid (Aβ)3 in senile/neuritic plaques and the cerebral vasculature is the hallmark of Alzheimer disease (AD) and is widely used in the pathological diagnosis of the disease. Aβ is generated by proteolytic cleavage of amyloid precursor protein (APP) by β-secretase and γ-secretase (1, 2). The main species of Aβ are 40 and 42 amino acids in length. Aβ42 is much more amyloidogenic than Aβ40 because of its two additional hydrophobic amino acids at the carboxyl-terminal end of the peptide (3). The Aβ42 peptide is the predominant form in senile plaques, forming a β-sheet structure, which is insoluble and resistant to proteolysis.Although increased production of Aβ has been implicated in the onset of familial forms of AD, it has been hypothesized that the more common sporadic forms of AD may be caused by the impaired clearance of Aβ peptides from the CNS. Several major pathways for Aβ clearance have been proposed including receptor-mediated cellular uptake, blood-brain barrier transport into the circulation, and direct proteolytic degradation (46). In the latter case, several proteinases or peptidases have been identified that are capable of degrading Aβ, including neprilysin (7, 8), insulin-degrading enzyme (9), the urokinase/tissue plasminogen activator-plasmin system (10), endothelin-converting enzyme (11), angiotensin-converting enzyme (12), gelatinase A (matrix metalloproteinase-2) (13, 14), gelatinase B (matrix metalloproteinase-9) (15), and acylpeptide hydrolase (16). Each of these enzymes has been shown to cleave Aβ peptides at multiple sites (5). However, only neprilysin, insulin-degrading enzyme, endothelin-converting enzyme, and matrix metalloproteinase-9 have been shown to have a significant role in regulating Aβ levels in the brains of experimental animal models (8, 17, 18).The “classic” myelin basic proteins (MBP) are major structural components of myelin sheaths accounting for 30% of total myelin protein. There are four different major isoforms generated from alternative splicing with molecular masses of 17.3, 18.5, 20.2, and 21.5 kDa. The 18.5-kDa variant, composed of 180 amino acids including 19 Arg and 12 Lys basic residues, is most abundant in mature myelin (19). One of the major functions of MBP is to hold together the cytoplasmic leaflets of myelin membranes to maintain proper compaction of the myelin sheath through the electrostatic interaction between the positive Arg and Lys residues of MBP and the negatively charged phosphate groups of the membrane lipid (20). MBP plays an important role in the pathology of multiple sclerosis, which is an autoimmune disease characterized by demyelination within white matter (21). Recently, it was reported that purified MBP exhibits autocleavage activity, generating distinct peptide fragments (22). In this study, serine 151 was reported as the active site serine residue involved in autocatalysis.In the early stages of AD, appreciable and diffuse myelin breakdown in the white matter is observed (23). Also, in white matter regions there are much fewer fibrillar amyloid deposits than are commonly found in gray matter regions. Recently, our laboratory has shown that MBP strongly interacts with Aβ peptides and prevents their assembly into mature amyloid fibrils (24, 25). Through the course of these studies we observed that upon longer incubations the levels of Aβ peptides were reduced upon treatment with MBP. In light of this observation, coupled with the report that MBP possesses proteolytic activity, we hypothesized that MBP may degrade Aβ peptides. In the present study, we show that purified human brain MBP and recombinantly expressed human MBP can degrade soluble Aβ40 and Aβ42 peptides in vitro. Purified MBP also degraded fibrillar Aβ in vitro. Mass spectrometry analysis identified distinct degradation products generated from soluble and fibrillar Aβ digestion by MBP. Furthermore, purified MBP degraded parenchymal and vascular fibrillar amyloid deposits in situ in the brain tissue of APP transgenic mice. Together, these findings indicate that purified MBP possesses Aβ degrading activity in vitro.  相似文献   

Accumulation of amyloid β-protein (Aβ) into brain parenchymal plaques and the cerebral vasculature is a pathological feature of Alzheimer disease and related disorders. Aβ peptides readily form β-sheet-containing oligomers and fibrils. Previously, we reported a strong interaction between myelin basic protein (MBP) and Aβ peptides that resulted in potent inhibition of fibril assembly (Hoos, M. D., Ahmed, M., Smith, S. O., and Van Nostrand, W. E. (2007) J. Biol. Chem. 282, 9952–9961; Hoos, M. D., Ahmed, M., Smith, S. O., and Van Nostrand, W. E. (2009) Biochemistry 48, 4720–4727). MBP is recognized as a highly post-translationally modified protein. In the present study, we demonstrate that human MBP purified from either brain or a bacterial recombinant expression system comparably bound to Aβ and inhibited Aβ fibril assembly indicating that post-translational modifications are not required for this activity. We also show that purified mouse brain MBP and recombinantly expressed mouse MBP similarly inhibited Aβ fibril formation. Through a combination of biochemical and ultrastructural techniques, we demonstrate that the binding site for Aβ is located in the N-terminal 64 amino acids of MBP and that a stable peptide (MBP1) comprising these residues was sufficient to inhibit Aβ fibrillogenesis. Under conditions comparable with those used for Aβ, the fibrillar assembly of amylin, another amyloidogenic peptide, was not inhibited by MBP1, although MBP1 still bound to it. This observation suggests that the potent inhibitory effect of MBP on fibril formation is not general to amyloidogenic peptides. Finally, MBP1 could prevent the cytotoxic effects of Aβ in primary cortical neurons. Our findings suggest that inhibition of Aβ fibril assembly by MBP, mediated through its N-terminal domain, could play a role in influencing amyloid formation in Alzheimer disease brain and corresponding mouse models.  相似文献   

Neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that patients with Alzheimer’s disease presented disconnection syndrome. However, little is known about the alterations of interhemispheric functional interactions and underlying structural connectivity in the AD patients. In this study, we combined resting-state functional MRI and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to investigate interhemispheric functional and structural connectivity in 16 AD, 16 mild cognitive impairment (MCI), as well as 16 cognitive normal healthy subjects (CN). The pattern of the resting state interhemispheric functional connectivity was measured with a voxel-mirrored homotopic connectivity (VMHC) method. Decreased VMHC was observed in AD and MCI subjects in anterior brain regions including the prefrontal cortices and subcortical regions with a pattern of AD<MCI<CN. Increased VMHC was observed in MCI subjects in posterior brain regions with patterns of AD/CN < MCI (sensorimotor cortex) and AD < CN/MCI (occipital gyrus). DTI analysis showed the most significant difference among the three cohorts was the fractional anisotropy in the genu of corpus callosum, which was positively associated with the VMHC of prefrontal and subcortical regions. Across all the three cohorts, the diffusion parameters in the genu of corpus callosum and VMHC in the above brain regions had significant correlation with the cognitive performance. These results demonstrate that there are specific patterns of interhemispheric functional connectivity changes in the AD and MCI, which can be significantly correlated with the integrity changes in the midline white matter structures. These results suggest that VMHC can be used as a biomarker for the degeneration of the interhemispheric connectivity in AD.  相似文献   

Neurochemical Research - The solute carrier 8 (SLC8) family of sodium–calcium exchangers (NCXs) functions as an essential regulatory system that couples opposite fluxes of sodium and calcium...  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of neurodegenerative diseases in humans, characterized by the progressive accumulation and aggregation of amyloid-β peptides (Aβ) in brain regions subserving memory and cognition. These 39-43 amino acids long peptides are generated by the sequential proteolytic cleavages of the amyloid-β precursor protein (APP) by β- and γ-secretases, with the latter being the founding member of a new class of intramembrane-cleaving proteases (I-CliPs) characterized by their intramembranous catalytic residues hydrolyzing the peptide bonds within the transmembrane regions of their respective substrates. These proteases include the S2P family of metalloproteases, the Rhomboid family of serine proteases, and two aspartyl proteases: the signal peptide peptidase (SPP) and γ-secretase. In sharp contrast to Rhomboid and SPP that function as a single component, γ-secretase is a multi-component protease with complex assembly, maturation and activation processes. Recently, two low-resolution three-dimensional structures of γ-secretase and three high-resolution structures of the GlpG rhomboid protease have been obtained almost simultaneously by different laboratories. Although these proteases are unrelated by sequence or evolution, they seem to share common functional and structural mechanisms explaining how they catalyze intramembrane proteolysis. Indeed, a water-containing chamber in the catalytic cores of both γ-secretase and GlpG rhomboid provides the hydrophilic environment required for proteolysis and a lateral gating mechanism controls substrate access to the active site. The studies that have identified and characterized the structural determinants critical for the assembly and activity of the γ-secretase complex are reviewed here.  相似文献   

Highlights? Two structures of the RGS2-Gαq complex were determined by X-ray crystallography ? RGS2 binds Gαq in a manner distinct from how other RGS proteins bind Gαi/o ? In its distinct pose, RGS2 forms extensive contacts with the α-helical domain of Gαq ? Helical domain contacts contribute to binding affinity and GAP potency of RGS2  相似文献   


Carbohydrates are biomolecules abundantly available in nature. They are found in bewildering types ranging from simple sugars through oligo- and polysaccharides to glycoconjugates and saccharide complexes, each exhibiting characteristic bio-physiological and/or nutritional functions both in in vivo and in vitro systems. For example, their presence or inclusion in food dictates the texture (body) and gives desirable customer appeal (satisfaction), or their inclusion in the diet offers beneficial effects of great therapeutic value. Thus, carbohydrates are integrally involved in a multitude of biological functions such as regulation of the immune system, cellular signaling (communication), cell malignancy, antiinfection responses, host-pathogen interactions, etc. If starch is considered the major energy storage carbohydrate, the gums/mucilages and other non-starch carbohydrates are of structural significance. The most investigated properties of starch are its gelatinization and melting behavior, especially during food processing. This has led to the development of the food polymer science approach, which has enabled a new interpretive and experimental frame work for the study of the plasticizing influence of simple molecules such as water, sugars, etc. on food systems that are kinetically constrained. Starch, although considered fully digestible, has been challenged, and starch is found to be partly indigestible in the GI tract of humans. This fraction of starch-resisting digestion in vivo is known as resistant starch (RS). The latter, due to its excellent fermentative capacity in the gut, especially yielding butyric acid is considered a new tool for the creation of fiber-rich foods, which are of nutraceutical importance. By a careful control of the processing conditions the content of RS, a man-made fiber, can be increased to as high as 30%. Arabinoxylans are the major endospermic cell wall polysaccharides of cereals. In wheat they are found complexed with ferulic acid esters, which after oxidative coupling in vivo mediated by H2O2 and peroxidases or even by photochemical means give cross linked diferuloyl derivatives. The latter confer strength and extensibility to the cell wall and offer resistance for digestibility by ruminants. They also help blocking of the ingress of pathogens. The ester bound ferulic acid after oxidation in vivo generates reactive oxygen species that contribute to the fragmentation of non-starch polysaccharides (hemicelluloses), and thereby reduces the product viscosity, a property seen during long-term storage of rice. In plant tissues, the arabinogalactans are implicated in such diverse functions as cell-cell adhesion, nutrition of growing pollen tubes, response to microbial infections, and also as markers of identity expressed in the terminal sequences of saccharide chains.  相似文献   

In addition to a conventional relaxed state, a fraction of myosins in the cardiac muscle exists in a low-energy consuming super-relaxed (SRX) state, which is kept as a reserve pool that may be engaged under sustained increased cardiac demand. The conventional relaxed and the super-relaxed states are widely assumed to correspond to a structure where myosin heads are in an open configuration, free to interact with actin, and a closed configuration, inhibiting binding to actin, respectively. Disruption of the myosin SRX population is an emerging model in different heart diseases, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which results in excessive muscle contraction, and stabilizing them using myosin inhibitors is budding as an attractive therapeutic strategy. Here we examined the structure–function relationships of two myosin ATPase inhibitors, mavacamten and para-nitroblebbistatin, and found that binding of mavacamten at a site different than para-nitroblebbistatin populates myosin into the SRX state. Para-nitroblebbistatin, binding to a distal pocket to the myosin lever arm near the nucleotide-binding site, does not affect the usual myosin SRX state but instead appears to render myosin into a new, perhaps much more inhibited, ‘ultra-relaxed’ state. X-ray scattering-based rigid body modeling shows that both mavacamten and para-nitroblebbistatin induce novel conformations in human β-cardiac heavy meromyosin that diverge significantly from the hypothetical open and closed states, and furthermore, mavacamten treatment causes greater compaction than para-nitroblebbistatin. Taken together, we conclude that mavacamten and para-nitroblebbistatin stabilize myosin in different structural states, and such states may give rise to different functional energy-sparing states.  相似文献   

Elucidating the principles governing anesthetic-protein interactions requires structural determinations at high resolutions not yet achieved with ion channels. Protein kinase C (PKC) activity is modulated by general anesthetics. We solved the structure of the phorbol-binding domain (C1B) of PKCδ complexed with an ether (methoxymethylcycloprane) and with an alcohol (cyclopropylmethanol) at 1.36-Å resolution. The cyclopropane rings of both agents displace a single water molecule in a surface pocket adjacent to the phorbol-binding site, making van der Waals contacts with the backbone and/or side chains of residues Asn-237 to Ser-240. Surprisingly, two water molecules anchored in a hydrogen-bonded chain between Thr-242 and Lys-260 impart elasticity to one side of the binding pocket. The cyclopropane ring takes part in π-acceptor hydrogen bonds with the amide of Met-239. There is a crucial hydrogen bond between the oxygen atoms of the anesthetics and the hydroxyl of Tyr-236. A Tyr-236-Phe mutation results in loss of binding. Thus, both van der Waals interactions and hydrogen-bonding are essential for binding to occur. Ethanol failed to bind because it is too short to benefit from both interactions. Cyclopropylmethanol inhibited phorbol-ester-induced PKCδ activity, but failed to do so in PKCδ containing the Tyr-236-Phe mutation.  相似文献   

Managing oil spill residues washing onto sandy beaches is a common worldwide environmental problem. In this study, we have analyzed the first-arrival oil spill residues collected from two Gulf of Mexico (GOM) beach systems following two recent oil spills: the 2014 Galveston Bay (GB) oil spill, and the 2010 Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill. This is the first study to provide field observations and chemical characterization data for the 2014 GB oil spill. Here we compare the physical and chemical characteristics of GB oil spill samples with DWH oil spill samples and present their similarities and differences. Our field observations indicate that both oil spills had similar shoreline deposition patterns; however, their physical and chemical characteristics differed considerably. We highlight these differences, discuss their implications, and interpret GB data in light of lessons learned from previously published DWH oil spill studies. These analyses are further used to assess the long-term fate of GB oil spill residues and their potential environmental impacts.  相似文献   

The myelin basic protein gene (MBP) can confer the susceptibility to multiple sclerosis, because its protein product is the main protein component of myelin of the central nervous system and a potential autoimmune antigen in the disease. A possible association of multiple sclerosis with alleles and genotypes of a microsatellite repeat (TGGA) n , located to the 5 side from the first exon of MBP in ethnic Russians (126 patients with definite multiple sclerosis and 142 healthy controls from Central Russia) was analyzed in a case–control study. Upon separation of the tetranucleotide repeat amplification products in 1.5% agarose gel, one can see two distinct bands that can be analyzed as two allele groups (A and B). The distribution of allele A and B group frequencies as well as phenotype frequency of alleles B and genotype frequency of A/A differs significantly in multiple sclerosis patients and healthy controls. Alleles A and genotype A/A are associated with multiple sclerosis. We also analyzed the association of multiple sclerosis with combined bearing of alleles and genotypes A and B of MBP and groups of alleles of the DRB1 gene of the major histocompatibility complex that correspond to serological specificities DR1-DR18. The comparison of subgroups of multiple sclerosis patients and healthy individuals, stratified according to HLA-DRB1 phenotypes, has shown a reliable increase in the phenotype frequency of allele B in healthy individuals and the genotype A/A frequency in patients, only among DR4- and DR5-positive individuals. No significant difference was found in the MBP allele and genotype distribution between multiple sclerosis patients and healthy individuals in combined groups of (DR4,DR5)-negative individuals, i.e., in the group of carriers of any phenotype except DR4 and DR5. Thus, MBP or some other nearby gene is involved in the multiple sclerosis development in Russians, predominantly (or exclusively) among DR4 and DR5 carriers. In this case, without stratification of analyzed individuals by the MBP alleles, multiple sclerosis is associated only with DR2(15), but not DR4 and DR5 alleles of DRB1. The results obtained are in favor of the genetic heterogeneity of multiple sclerosis, and suggest the possibility of epistatic interactions between the MBP and DRB1 genes.  相似文献   

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