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Hematodinium sp. is a parasitic dinoflagellate that infects and kills blue crabs Callinectes sapidus. Periodic outbreaks of dinoflagellate infections with subsequent high host mortalities prompted a study of the epizootiology and distribution of the crab pathogen. Hemolymph samples from over 13000 crabs were assessed for infections over 8 yr. Moderate to high prevalences were found at several locations along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. In the coastal bays of Maryland and Virginia, prevalence followed a seasonal pattern, with a sharp peak in late autumn. Infections were significantly more prevalent in crabs measuring less than 30 mm carapace width; host sex did not influence prevalence. Prevalences were highest in crabs collected from salinities of 26 to 30%o; no infected crabs were found in salinities below 11%o. Intensity of infection did not vary among crab sizes, molt stages, or sexes. Naturally and experimentally infected crabs died over 35 and 55 d in captivity, with a mean time to death of approximately 13 and 42 d, respectively. Several other crustaceans, including gammaridean amphipods, xanthid (mud) crabs, and the green crab Carcinus maenus, were found with Hematodinium-like infections. Considering its widespread distribution and high pathogenicity, we suggest that Hematodinium sp. represents a significant threat to blue crab populations in high salinity estuaries along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the USA.  相似文献   

Hematodinium spp. are parasitic dinoflagellates of marine crustaceans. Outbreaks of Hematodinium sp. have impacted commercial landings of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus in the coastal bays of Virginia and Maryland (USA), with seasonal peaks in prevalence reaching 85%. The life cycle and transmission routes of the parasite in blue crabs are poorly understood. Cannibalism and waterborne transmission may be routes of transmission, although little conclusive evidence has been reported for these modes. We examined cannibalism as a route by a series of experiments wherein we repeatedly fed adult and juvenile crabs the tissues of crabs infected with Hematodinium. In each experiment, feeding was done 3 times over the course of 1 wk. Only 2 of 120 crabs were infected within 7 to 9 d after feeding, and these 2 were likely infected prior to the experimental exposures. Crabs inoculated with hemolymph from infected donors served as positive controls. They developed infections over 11 to 21 d, indicating that the Hematodinium sp. used in the cannibalism trials was infectious at the time of inoculation. Because amphipods also harbor Hematodinium-like infections, we fed tissues of infected crabs to the estuarine amphipod Leptocheirus plumulosus. Hematodinium DNA was detected in amphipods shortly after feeding, but not in animals held for longer periods, nor was it observed in histological preparations. Amphipods did not obtain infections by scavenging infected crab tissues. Our results show that Hematodinium sp. is not effectively transmitted through ingestion of diseased tissues, indicating that cannibalism may not be a major route of transmission for Hematodinium sp. in blue crabs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Environmental clone libraries constructed using small subunit ribosomal RNA (rRNA) or other gene-specific primers have become the standard molecular approach for identifying microorganisms directly from their environment. This technique includes an initial polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification step of a phylogenetically useful marker gene using universal primers. Although it is acknowledged that such primers introduce biases, there have been few studies if any to date systematically examining such bias in eukaryotic microbes. We investigated some implications of such bias by constructing clone libraries using several universal primer pairs targeting rRNA genes. Firstly, we constructed artificial libraries using a known mix of small cultured pelagic arctic algae with representatives from five major lineages and secondly we investigated environmental samples using several primer pairs. No primer pair retrieved all of the original algae in the artificial clone libraries and all showed a favorable bias toward the dinoflagellate Polarella glacialis and a bias against the prasinophyte Micromonas and a pennate diatom. Several other species were retrieved by only one primer pair tested. Despite this, sequences from nine environmental libraries were diverse and contained representatives from all major eukaryotic clades expected in marine samples. Further, libraries from the same sample grouped together using Bray–Curtis clustering, irrespective of primer pairs. We conclude that environmental PCR-based techniques are sufficient to compare samples, but the total diversity will probably always be underestimated and relative abundance estimates should be treated with caution.  相似文献   

Comparison of 18S ribosomal RNA gene sequences between diverse bivalve species, including eight scallop species, allowed the design of an 18S rRNA targeted oligonucleotide probe (BS-1364) that was specific for scallops belonging to the genus Argopecten (bay and calico scallops). The high sequence similarity of the 18S rRNA gene between Argopecten irradians and Argopecten gibbus (98.8%) prevented the design of an A. irradians species-specific probe. Hybridization studies using amplified 18S rDNA from a diverse collection of bivalve species demonstrated that the specificity of the digoxygenin-labeled probe was consistent with the predicted specificity indicated by sequence comparison. Hybridization studies using laboratory-spawned bay scallop veligers indicated that a single veliger could be detected by probe hybridization in a blot format, and that probe hybridization signal was proportional (r 2= .99) to the abundance of veligers. Methods for rRNA extraction and blotting were developed that allowed bay scallop veligers to be specifically and quantitatively identified in natural plankton samples. Preliminary studies conducted in Tampa Bay, Florida, suggest that introduced scallops can successfully spawn and produce veligers under in situ conditions. The Argopecten-specific probe and methods developed in this study provide the means to study the production and fate of bay scallop larvae in nature and provide evidence that scallops introduced into Tampa Bay have the potential for successful reproduction and enhancement of scallop stocks. Received January 25, 1999; accepted May 7, 1999.  相似文献   

Recently, we described a novel denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) approach useful for initial detection and identification of crustacean parasites. Because this approach utilizes general primers targeted to conserved regions of the 18S rRNA gene, a priori genetic sequence information on eukaryotic parasites is not required. This distinction provides a significant advantage over specifically targeted PCR assays that do not allow for the detection of unknown or unsuspected parasites. However, initial field evaluations of the DHPLC assay suggested that because of PCR-biased amplification of dominant host genes it was not possible to detect relatively rare parasite genes in infected crab tissue. Here, we describe the use of a peptide nucleic acid (PNA) PCR hybridization blocking probe in association with DHPLC (PNA-PCR DHPLC) to overcome inherent PCR bias associated with amplification of rare target genes by use of generic primers. This approach was utilized to detect infection of blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) by the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium sp. Evaluation of 76 crabs caught in Wassaw Sound, GA, indicated a 97% correspondence between detection of the parasite by use of a specific PCR diagnostic assay and that by use of PNA-PCR DHPLC. During these studies, we discovered one crab with an association with a previously undescribed protist symbiont. Phylogenetic analysis of the amplified symbiont 18S rRNA gene indicated that it is most closely related to the free-living kinetoplastid parasite Procryptobia sorokini. To our knowledge, this is the first report of this parasite group in a decapod crab and of this organism exhibiting a presumably parasitic life history.  相似文献   

Patent Hematodinium infections of the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus can be detected with a morphological method (pleopod diagnosis), but this fails to identify low-level haemolymph (sub-patent) and any tissue-based (latent) infections. The current study describes the development and application of an immunoassay for the detection of antigens of the parasite Hematodinium in the Norway lobster N. norvegicus. Infected tissue and haemolymph samples were detected as multiple-band reactions to a polyclonal antibody (anti-Hematodinium). The sensitivity limit of the method was 204 parasites mm(-3), approximately 10 times more sensitive than the pleopod diagnosis method. Use of the immunoassay on tissue samples taken from catches in the Clyde Sea area, Scotland, UK, showed that the pleopod method considerably under-diagnosed infection prevalence in the early part of the season, though this under-diagnosis decreased as infected lobsters in the field progressed from latent and sub-patent to patent infections. However, the immunoassay failed to detect any infected lobsters during the summer months, suggesting that infection may not be carried over from one season to the next. The data presented suggest that this immunoassay allows for the accurate estimation of Hematodinium infection prevalence in the field and should be employed, where possible, for the routine monitoring of infection prevalence in N. norvegicus.  相似文献   

Hematodinium sp. infections are relatively common in some American blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) populations in estuaries of the western Atlantic Ocean. Outbreaks of disease caused by Hematodinium sp. can be extensive and can cause substantial mortalities in blue crab populations in high salinities. We examined several species of crustaceans to determine if the same species of Hematodinium that infects C. sapidus is found in other crustaceans from the same localities. Over a 2-yr period, 1,829 crustaceans were collected from the Delmarva Peninsula, Virginia, examined for the presence of infections. A portion of the first internal transcribed spacer (ITS1) region of the ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene complex from Hematodinium sp. was amplified and sequences were compared among 35 individual crustaceans putatively infected with the parasite, as determined by microscopic examination, and 4 crustaceans putatively infected based only on PCR analysis. Of the 18 crustacean species examined, 5 were infected with Hematodinium sp. after microscopic examination and PCR analysis, including 3 new host records, and an additional species was positive only via PCR analysis. The ITS1 rRNA sequences of Hematodinium sp. from the infected crustaceans were highly similar to each other and to that reported from C. sapidus (>98%). The similarity among these ITS1 sequences and similarities in the histopathology of infected hosts is evidence that the same species of Hematodinium found in C. sapidus infects a broad range of crustaceans along the Delmarva Peninsula. Our data indicate that the species of Hematodinium found in blue crabs from estuaries along the east coast of North America is a host generalist, capable of infecting hosts in different families within the Order Decapoda. Additionally, evidence indicates that it may be capable of infecting crustaceans within the Order Amphipoda.  相似文献   

Three multiplex polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) targeted on Bifidobacterium and related species were designed to identify human species. The selected primers yielded amplified products of various sizes, each specific for a species. Three to four pairs were gathered in one PCR reaction and their specificity under multiplex conditions was confirmed using DNA from 26 reference strains. Using this technique on unidentified faecal strains, B. bifidum, B. longum and B. breve species were commonly recovered in infants while B. adolescentis, B. catenulatum/B. pseudocatenulatum continuum and B. longum species were predominant in adults. Thus, a single PCR can provide the assignment of a strain to one these species, reducing the number of PCR reactions and hands-on time for the identification of human isolates of bifidobacteria. Moreover, this technique is also applicable for the in situ detection of bifidobacteria in DNA extracts from human stools.  相似文献   

The parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium sp. parasitizes blue crabs along the Atlantic seaboard of the United States. Infections in blue crabs have only been reported from waters where salinity is >11 practical salinity units (psu). Blue crabs maintain a hyperosmotic internal concentration at low salinities (0-5 psu), roughly comparable to 24 psu, and should be capable of maintaining an infection in low-salinity waters even if Hematodinium spp. cells are intolerant of low salinities. We tested this notion by observing the effect of low salinity on the progression of disease in crabs experimentally infected with the parasite. Blue crabs were acclimated to 5 psu or 30 psu salinity treatments. They were inoculated with Hematodinium sp. and necropsied 3, 7, 10, and 15 days post-inoculation. The low-salinity treatment did not have an effect on the proliferation of Hematodinium sp. infections in blue crabs; moreover, a greater proportion of infections in crabs in the low-salinity treatment developed dinospore stages than did those in the high-salinity treatment, indicating that salinity may affect the development of the parasite. However, dinospores from in vitro cultures rapidly became inactive when held in salinities <15 psu. Our experiments indicate that Hematodinium spp. can develop in blue crabs at low salinities, but that the parasite is incapable of transmission in this environment, which explains the lack of natural infections in crabs at low salinities.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic 5S rRNA hybridizes specifically with 18S rRNA in vitro to form a stable intermolecular RNA:RNA hybrid. We have used 5S rRNA/18S rRNA fragment hybridization studies coupled with ribonuclease digestion and primer extension/chain termination analysis of 5S rRNA:18S rRNA hybrids to more completely map those mouse 5S rRNA and 18S rRNA sequences responsible for duplex formation. Fragment hybridization analysis has defined a 5'-terminal region of 5S rRNA (nucleotides 6-27) which base-pairs with two independent sequences in 18S rRNA designated Regions 1 (nucleotides 1157-1180) and 2 (nucleotides 1324-1339). Ribonuclease digestion of isolated 5S rRNA:18S rRNA hybrids with both single-strand- and double-strand-specific nucleases supports the involvement of this 5'-terminal 5S rRNA sequence in 18S rRNA hybridization. Primer extension/chain termination analysis of isolated 5S rRNA:18S rRNA hybrids confirms the base-pairing of 5S rRNA to the designated Regions 1 and 2 of 18S rRNA. Using these results, 5S rRNA:18S rRNA intermolecular hybrid structures are proposed. Comparative sequence analysis revealed the conservation of these hybrid structures in higher eukaryotes and the same but smaller core hybrid structures in lower eukaryotes and prokaryotes. This suggests that the 5S rRNA:16S/18S rRNA hybrids have been conserved in evolution for ribosome function.  相似文献   

5'-Cleavage site of D. melanogaster 18 S rRNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A Simeone  E Boncinelli 《FEBS letters》1984,167(2):249-253
We determined the nucleotide sequence of the DNA region around the 5'-terminus of 18 S rRNA in two cloned rDNA gene units of Drosophila melanogaster. The 5'-base is within a sequence CATTATT which is present also at the 3'-terminus of the 18 S rRNA coding region. In this case it is known that the situation is CATTA3' . TT. With various methods we determined that the precise 5'-cleavage site is CATT . 5'ATT.  相似文献   

Hematodinium sp. is a parasitic dinoflagellate reported to cause disease and death in a variety of crustacean species including the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus). However, because of difficulties in the culture of Hematodinium sp. associated with blue crabs, little is known about its life cycle or mode of transmission. Here, we report the first detection of this organism outside of a metazoan host and provide evidence that this life stage can act as an infective agent. Observations of dinospores in crab hemolymph samples suggest that dinospores may be responsible for waterborne disease transmission. Additionally, we developed and validated a quantitative Real Time PCR assay for the detection of Hematodinium sp. inside and outside of a host organism that will be useful for future investigations of Hematodinium biology and Hematodinium sp.-infection etiology. Based on the observations of a free-living form of Hematodinium sp. and the association of this parasite with a widespread epizootic in blue crab populations, we propose that Hematodinium sp. be considered a Harmful Algal Bloom species.  相似文献   

mRNA analogues-derivatives of oligoribonucleotides consisting of two different codons and bearing an aryl azide group at the 5'-phosphates-were crosslinked to human 80S ribosomes by UV-irradiation of the various model complexes obtained in the presence of the cognate tRNAs. Three sequences, namely pUUUGUU (coding for Phe and Val), pUUCUAAA (first triplet coding for Phe and second being stop-codon), and pGUGUUU (coding for Val and Phe), have been used. Sequences of 18S rRNA containing nucleotides crosslinked to the mRNA analogues were examined by hydrolysis with RNase H in the presence of various cDNA probes. Crosslinked nucleotides were identified by primer extension. In all cases, only nucleotide G-1207 (equivalent to G-926 in Escherichia coli 16S rRNA) has been detected as crosslinked. Crosslinking of the mRNA analogues to the large ribosomal subunit was negligible.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first molecular phylogenetic analysis of the phylum Ctenophora, by use of 18S ribosomal RNA sequences from most of the major taxa. The ctenophores form a distinct monophyletic group that, based on this gene phylogeny, is most closely related to the cnidarians. Our results suggest that the ancestral ctenophore was tentaculate and cydippid-like and that the presently recognized order Cydippida forms a polyphyletic group. The other ctenophore orders that we studied (Lobata, Beroida, and Platyctenida) are secondarily derived from cydippid-like ancestors, a conclusion that is also supported by developmental and morphological data. The very short evolutionary distances between characterized ctenophore 18S rRNA gene sequences suggests that extant ctenophores are derived from a recent common ancestor. This has important consequences for future studies and for an understanding of the evolution of the metazoans.  相似文献   

Bifidobacteria are one of the most common bacterial types found in the intestines of humans and other animals and may be used as indicators of human fecal pollution. The presence of nine human-related Bifidobacterium species was analyzed in human and animal wastewater samples of different origins by using species-specific primers based on 16S rRNA sequences. Only B. adolescentis and B. dentium were found exclusively in human sewage. A multiplex PCR approach with strain-specific primers was developed. The method showed a sensitivity threshold of 10 cells/ml. This new molecular method could provide useful information for the characterization of fecal pollution sources.  相似文献   

Pleistophora finisterrensis n. sp. is a microsporidian parasite of the hypoaxial musculature of the blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou (Risso). Foci of infection are between 3 and 6 mm in length and have no evident effects on adjacent muscle fibres. We found only a single type of spore (uninucleate, with mean dimensions of 4×2 µm in fresh preparations), contained within sporophorous vesicles (mean diameter 19 µm in fresh preparations; 150–250 spores per vesicle). All of the development stages of this microsporidian are monokaryotic. The meronts are initially uninucleate and bounded by a plasmalemma. Towards the end of merogony, meronts are multinucleate plasmodia with a well-defined surface coat. Sporogony is polysporous, with multinucleate sporonts, which likewise have a well-defined surface coat (about 130 nm thick), dividing by plasmotomy to give rise to uninucleate sporoblasts. The polar tube is isofilar and consists of 8–9 turns in the posterior half of spore. The polaroplast is made up of an anterior lamellar part and a posterior vesicular part.  相似文献   

Methylation of ribose sugars at the 2′-OH group is one of the major chemical modifications in rRNA, and is catalyzed by snoRNA directed C/D box snoRNPs. Previous biochemical and computational analyses of the C/D box snoRNAs have identified and mapped a large number of 2′-OH ribose methylations in rRNAs. In the present study, we systematically analyzed ribose methylations of 18S rRNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, using mung bean nuclease protection assay and RP-HPLC. Unexpectedly, we identified a hitherto unknown ribose methylation at position G562 in the helix 18 of 5′ central domain of yeast 18S rRNA. Furthermore, we identified snR40 as being responsible to guide snoRNP complex to catalyze G562 ribose methylation, which makes it only second snoRNA known so far to target three ribose methylation sites: Gm562, Gm1271 in 18S rRNA, and Um898 in 25S rRNA. Our sequence and mutational analysis of snR40 revealed that snR40 uses the same D′ box and methylation guide sequence for both Gm562 and Gm1271 methylation. With the identification of Gm562 and its corresponding snoRNA, complete set of ribose methylations of 18S rRNA and their corresponding snoRNAs have finally been established opening great prospects to understand the physiological function of these modifications.  相似文献   

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