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视觉图像辨认眼动中的Top-down信息处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在视觉图像辨认过程中,眼球不是均匀地扫描全幅图像,而是通过一系列快速的眼球跳动来改变注视点位置,有选择地通过注视停顿来采集图象中的关键信息。通过实验对不同图像刺激时的眼动轨迹进行记录与分析,发现:(1)对于简单的几何图形,眼动注视停顿主要集中在图像中几何特征之处,亦即与周围不同的奇异点上;(2)对复杂图象刺激,眼动注视点位置决定于受试者的已有概念模型及其兴趣所在;(3)对中文单字进行辩认时,其眼动模式也是取决于受试者对该单字的知识(也即概念模型)。以上结果提示,视觉图象辨认主要是通过自上而下(top-down)的信息处理方式才完成.由中枢控制眼球运动,将注视点落到中枢决定的图形奇点上来,通过注视停顿对中枢认为的关键信息之处进行抽提,以实现辨认。这种处理方式不是只取决于输入的图像信息,也不必对目标图像的每个象素进行处理,而只需对图象中少量的关键信息部位进行重点的检测和处理,从而提高了图象信息处理的能力及效率。  相似文献   

用运动文字的阅读眼动实验来研究运动图像识别与眼动控制的关系,并与一般OKN眼动及一般正常阅读进行对比,探讨了速度及位置信息处理与内容信息处理的关系.实验结果表明;(1)一般正常文字阅读的眼动是Saccades眼动与注视停顿;运动文字识别阅读的眼动中没有注视停顿,而是快、慢交替的OKN眼动,在其慢相期间即运动文字与视网膜相对静止期间采集内容信息进行处理,慢相期间既处理文字内容信息又处理运动速度信息,说明对运动速度与内容信息的处理是并行的.(2)在运动文字运动速度高达80°/s以上时,已不能阅读甚至不能识别单字意义,但仍可产生OKN眼动;这一方面证实阅读速度的受限不在于眼球运动的跟踪能力,而在于高级识别中枢的解码速度,另一方面也说明OKN眼动不是在识别后才产生,而是进行运动图象识别的必要条件.(3)运动文字识别阅读的速度不低于一般正常文字阅读的速度.本文的结果还证实OKN眼动的快相眼动有别于Foveating Saccades.  相似文献   

视觉信息处理:阅读中文和英文时眼动模式的对比研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
文字阅读是一个复杂的视觉模式识别过程,虽然客观测量阅读过程中的脑的活动比较困难,但用记录分析阅读中由脑部控制的眼球活动来研究脑的信息处理特点却是可行的.本文采用两种不同结构的文字——以空间图象为基础的方块汉字和以发音序列为基础的横行英文——作为输入,用红外眼动仪测量阅读时的眼动曲线,再由计算机分析其异同.结果表明:1)阅读注视时程对中文及英文分别为0.260及0.265秒;2)阅读辨认跨度对中文及英文分别为1.7及1.8信息单位.由两者的相似性提示我们:整段理解阅读信息处理能力决定于神经系统高级阅读中枢的解码速率.  相似文献   

清醒猴纹状皮层(V1)神经元与注视位置相关的活动   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李朝义  郭昆 《生理学报》1997,49(3):299-306
用单细胞记录方法,研究了不同眼注视位置对清醒猴初级视皮层(V1)神经元自发活动的影响。实验前训练两只猴注视一个小光点,并使注视点在屏幕上顺序移动25个位置。我们观察到:(1)52%的初级视皮层神经元发放频率受眼位置调制,存在着一个能引起细胞最大发放的“注射野”;当注视点位于该细胞的注射野内时,发放频率明显增强。(2)大多数神经元的注视野位于感受野的外侧,多数在对侧视野范围内。(3)受眼位置影响的神  相似文献   

微眼动是视觉注视过程中幅度最大、速度最快的眼动,可以消除由于神经系统适应性而产生的视觉衰退现象,在视觉信息处理过程中发挥着重要作用.基于微眼动与视觉感知功能的相关性,设计实验研究猕猴完成显性、隐性注意任务以及不同难度显性注意任务时,视觉注视情况下微眼动的差异.通过对不同难度显性注意任务下微眼动的参数进行比较,发现随着任务难度的增加,微眼动的幅度、速率和频率都被抑制.另一方面,对比不同类型的视觉感知任务(显性注意和隐性注意),发现在相似的实验范式下,隐性注意对微眼动的频率有明显的抑制作用,但幅度和频率没有得到一致的结果,这表明视觉注意任务类型的不同或将导致猕猴完成任务的策略不同.这些工作将为今后进一步研究微眼动产生的神经机制以及视觉注意过程中眼动的作用机制奠定良好的基础.  相似文献   

近年来许多研究发现,小脑作为运动控制的主要脑区,除参与运动控制外也与孤独症、精神分裂症、奖励相关的认知功能和社会行为有关,因此小脑相关研究越来越受到重视。研究小脑参与运动学习和运动控制的神经机制是神经科学中最重要的课题之一。眼睛运动的肌肉协调和生物运动特征比其他类型的运动更简单,这使眼动成为研究小脑在运动控制中作用的理想模型。作为收集外界信息的主要方式之一,视觉对日常生活至关重要。为确保清晰视觉,3种主要类型的眼动(眼跳、平滑追随眼动(SPEM)和注视)需受小脑的精确控制,以确保静止或移动的物体保持在视小凹的中心。异常眼动可导致视力障碍,并可作为诊断各种疾病的临床指标。因此,眼动控制研究具有重要的医学和生物学意义。虽然对小脑皮层和顶核在调节眼动中的作用有基本了解,但眼动动力学编码的确切神经机制,尤其是小脑顶核控制追随眼动和注视的神经机制仍不清楚。本综述总结了目前小脑在运动和认知等方面的主要研究问题与小脑相关研究的潜在应用价值,以及近年来有关小脑控制眼动的相关文献,并深入探讨了利用单细胞记录和线性回归模型分析小脑皮层和顶核同一神经元同时参与控制不同类型的眼动,而不同类型眼动的不同动力学参数编码原则不同。此外,基于检测微眼跳的研究结果,我们讨论了小脑顶核参与控制视觉注视的可能神经机制。最后,讨论了最近技术进步给小脑研究带来的新机遇,为今后与小脑相关的研究和脑控义肢的优化控制(例如通过单独改善运动参数优化义肢控制)提供了新思路。  相似文献   

对人的心理学研究结果显示,对比度检测学习可提高学习者对视觉刺激的对比敏感度,但其潜在的神经机制尚不清楚。该研究用二选一(two-alternative forced choice)方法训练3只猫(Felis catus)通过单眼进行对比度检测学习,发现每只猫对视觉刺激的对比敏感度随着训练而显著提高。该学习效果虽然对训练眼有明显的特异性,但部分学习效果可以传递给非训练眼,提示对比度检测学习可能会引起双眼信息汇聚前后的视觉中枢的神经可塑性。另外,猫视觉对比敏感度的提高主要发生在训练刺激的空间频率附近,表明对比度检测学习具有一定的空间频率选择性。该研究结果显示,猫对视觉刺激的对比度检测学习表现出与人类相似的特性,因此可以作为模式动物来研究人类学习诱导的视觉对比敏感度升高的神经机制。  相似文献   

研究动物的行为反应是神经生理学的基础,采用神经系统较为简单的低等动物(如两栖类动物等)来研究视觉形成与背景之间的关系,特别是探讨一些与视觉反应有关的神经生理基础就成为入手之处.简单描述了研究蟾蜍视觉形成与背景关系的实验方法,通过使用示波器记录了蟾蜍视觉中枢(视顶盖)与所视目标之间的电生理活动。  相似文献   

目的:探讨实验材料性质和专业背景等因素对四卡片推理问题解决的影响。方法:使用ASL-504眼动记录仪,以16名大学生为被试,采用2(材料性质)×2(专业)的二因素被试间设计。结果:材料性质主效应不显著,但材料性质在相对注视时间、相对注视次数和瞳孔直径上呈现显著差异;专业因素主效应显著,专业因素在平均注视时间和平均眼跳距离上差异显著,二因素交互作用不显著;"如果子句"和"那么子句"在所有眼动指标上不存在显著差异。结论:(1)抽象程度高的材料在理解四卡片问题时需要更多的加工,包括条件句及其组成部分;(2)不同专业背景对理解条件句有不同的影响;(3)条件句各组成部分在理解时得到同等重要的加工。  相似文献   

无眼动条件下中文阅读的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
设计了计算机控制的中文阅读材料的不同显示方式,并对各种阅读过程中的徙动波形进行记录和分析。实验结果表明,无眼动的阅读速度较正常有眼动高,分别为853字/分和640字/分。通过固定窗口显示方式和知动窗口显示方式条件下中文阅读的比较,排除了强迫阅读的因素,说明有无眼动是产生阅读速度差异的主要原因;根据以上实验结果,可得出结论,在有眼动的情况下,除了saccade抑制影响阅读和识别外,主要的因素在于高级中枢对位置信号的处理,眼动的驱动控制及运动过程影响了高级中枢对阅读内容和识别内容的解码速率。无眼动阅读的速度主要受到高级中枢解码速率和记忆的影响,而不是周边视觉系统的限制。实验结果还表明,在无眼动的情况下,周边信息对阅读不仅不起帮助作用,反而起到干扰作用。  相似文献   

Wood is widely accepted as a human-friendly material. Many people use a large amount of wood in their living space. However, information on why and how humans are affected by wood is insubstantial. Understanding what a person is focusing on when looking at wood is an important first step in solving the above problem. The manner and style of our wood observation can be extracted directly by using an eye-tracker. The purpose of this study is to characterize the distribution pattern of eye fixation pauses in observing wood including many knots. Fifty-five kinds of wood panel images were prepared as visual stimuli. Various sizes of knots appeared on most of them. Twenty subjects observed these images for about 20 seconds per image freely with the eye-tracker on their heads. Their eye movements were recorded as eyemarks during the observations, and many eye fixation pauses on each image were extracted for each subject. To express the distribution pattern of the eye fixation pauses quantitatively, two numerical indexes, the aspect ratio and the rate of expansion, were proposed in this study. The former index indicated the overall shape of the distribution, and the latter corresponded to the size of the observation area. Based on the relationships between these indexes, the distribution patterns were classified into three types.  相似文献   

1. Voluntary saccadic eye movements were made toward flashes of light on the horizontal meridian, whose duration and distance from the point of fixation were varied; eye movements were measured using d.c.-electrooculography.—2. Targets within 10°–15° eccentricity are usually reached by one saccadic eye movement. When the eyes turn toward targets of more than 10°–15° eccentricity, the first saccadic eye movement falls short of the target by an angle usually not exceeding 10°. The presence of the image of the target off the fovea (visual error signal) subsequent to such an undershoot elicits, after a short interval, corrective saccades (usually one) which place the image of the target on the fovea. In the absence of a visual error signal, the probability of occurrence of corrective saccades is low, but it increases with greater target eccentricities. These observations suggest that there are different, eccentricity-dependent modes of programming saccadic eye movements.—3. Saccadic eye movements appear to be programmed in retinal coordinates. This conclusion is based on the observations that, irrespective of the initial position of the eyes in the orbit, a) there are different programming modes for eye movements to targets within and beyond 10°–15° from the fixation point, and b_ the maximum velocity of saccadic eye movements is always reached at 25° to 30° target eccentricity. —4. Distributions of latency and intersaccadic interval (ISI) are frequently multimodal, with a separation between modes of 30 to 40 msec. These observations suggest that saccadic eye movements are produced by mechanisms which, at a frequency of 30 Hz, process visual information. —5. Corrective saccades may occur after extremely short intervals (30 to 60 msec) regardless of whether or not a visual error signal is present; the eyes may not even come to a complete stop during these very short intersaccadic intervals. It is suggested that these corrective saccades are triggered by errors in the programming of the initial saccadic eye movements, and not by a visual error signal. —6. The exitence of different, eccentricity-dependent programming modes of saccadic eye movements, is further supported by anatomical, physiological, psychophysical, and neuropathological observations that suggest a dissociation of visual functions dependent on retinal eccentricity. Saccadic eye movements to targets more eccentric than 10°–15° appear to be executed by a mechanism involving the superior colliculus (perhaps independent of the visual cortex), whereas saccadic eye movements to less eccentric targets appear to depend on a mechanism involving the geniculo-cortical pathway (perhaps in collaboration with the superior colliculus).  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been considerable interest in visual attention models (saliency map of visual attention). These models can be used to predict eye fixation locations, and thus will have many applications in various fields which leads to obtain better performance in machine vision systems. Most of these models need to be improved because they are based on bottom-up computation that does not consider top-down image semantic contents and often does not match actual eye fixation locations. In this study, we recorded the eye movements (i.e., fixations) of fourteen individuals who viewed images which consist natural (e.g., landscape, animal) and man-made (e.g., building, vehicles) scenes. We extracted the fixation locations of eye movements in two image categories. After extraction of the fixation areas (a patch around each fixation location), characteristics of these areas were evaluated as compared to non-fixation areas. The extracted features in each patch included the orientation and spatial frequency. After feature extraction phase, different statistical classifiers were trained for prediction of eye fixation locations by these features. This study connects eye-tracking results to automatic prediction of saliency regions of the images. The results showed that it is possible to predict the eye fixation locations by using of the image patches around subjects’ fixation points.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that saccadic eye movements correlate positively with perceptual alternations in binocular rivalry, presumably because the foveal image changes resulting from saccades, rather than the eye movement themselves, cause switches in awareness. Recently, however, we found evidence that retinal image shifts elicit so-called onset rivalry and not percept switches as such. These findings raise the interesting question whether onset rivalry may account for correlations between saccades and percept switches.We therefore studied binocular rivalry when subjects made eye movements across a visual stimulus and compared it with the rivalry in a ‘replay’ condition in which subjects maintained fixation while the same retinal displacements were reproduced by stimulus displacements on the screen. We used dichoptic random-dot motion stimuli viewed through a stereoscope, and measured eye and eyelid movements with scleral search-coils.Positive correlations between retinal image shifts and perceptual switches were observed for both saccades and stimulus jumps, but only for switches towards the subjects'' preferred eye at stimulus onset. A similar asymmetry was observed for blink-induced stimulus interruptions. Moreover, for saccades, amplitude appeared crucial as the positive correlation persisted for small stimulus jumps, but not for small saccades (amplitudes < 1°). These findings corroborate our tenet that saccades elicit a form of onset rivalry, and that rivalry is modulated by extra-retinal eye movement signals.  相似文献   



Fixational saccades shift the foveal image to counteract visual fading related to neural adaptation. Drifts are slow eye movements between two adjacent fixational saccades. We quantified fixational saccades and asked whether their changes could be attributed to pathologic drifts seen in amblyopia, one of the most common causes of blindness in childhood.


Thirty-six pediatric subjects with varying severity of amblyopia and eleven healthy age-matched controls held their gaze on a visual target. Eye movements were measured with high-resolution video-oculography during fellow eye-viewing and amblyopic eye-viewing conditions. Fixational saccades and drifts were analyzed in the amblyopic and fellow eye and compared with controls.


We found an increase in the amplitude with decreased frequency of fixational saccades in children with amblyopia. These alterations in fixational eye movements correlated with the severity of their amblyopia. There was also an increase in eye position variance during drifts in amblyopes. There was no correlation between the eye position variance or the eye velocity during ocular drifts and the amplitude of subsequent fixational saccade. Our findings suggest that abnormalities in fixational saccades in amblyopia are independent of the ocular drift.


This investigation of amblyopia in pediatric age group quantitatively characterizes the fixation instability. Impaired properties of fixational saccades could be the consequence of abnormal processing and reorganization of the visual system in amblyopia. Paucity in the visual feedback during amblyopic eye-viewing condition can attribute to the increased eye position variance and drift velocity.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that A.I., a subject who has total ophthalmoplegia, resulting in a lack of eye movements, used her head to orientate in a qualitatively similar way to eye-based orientating of control subjects. We used four classic eye-movement paradigms and measured A.I.''s head movements while she performed the tasks. These paradigms were (i) the gap paradigm, (ii) the remote-distractor effect, (iii) the anti-saccade paradigm, and (iv) tests of saccadic suppression. In all cases, A.I.''s head saccades were qualitatively similar to previously reported eye-movement data. We conclude that A.I.''s head movements are probably controlled by the same neural mechanisms that control eye movements in unimpaired subjects.  相似文献   

We investigated coordinated movements between the eyes and head (“eye-head coordination”) in relation to vision for action. Several studies have measured eye and head movements during a single gaze shift, focusing on the mechanisms of motor control during eye-head coordination. However, in everyday life, gaze shifts occur sequentially and are accompanied by movements of the head and body. Under such conditions, visual cognitive processing influences eye movements and might also influence eye-head coordination because sequential gaze shifts include cycles of visual processing (fixation) and data acquisition (gaze shifts). In the present study, we examined how the eyes and head move in coordination during visual search in a large visual field. Subjects moved their eyes, head, and body without restriction inside a 360° visual display system. We found patterns of eye-head coordination that differed those observed in single gaze-shift studies. First, we frequently observed multiple saccades during one continuous head movement, and the contribution of head movement to gaze shifts increased as the number of saccades increased. This relationship between head movements and sequential gaze shifts suggests eye-head coordination over several saccade-fixation sequences; this could be related to cognitive processing because saccade-fixation cycles are the result of visual cognitive processing. Second, distribution bias of eye position during gaze fixation was highly correlated with head orientation. The distribution peak of eye position was biased in the same direction as head orientation. This influence of head orientation suggests that eye-head coordination is involved in gaze fixation, when the visual system processes retinal information. This further supports the role of eye-head coordination in visual cognitive processing.  相似文献   

Mazer JA  Gallant JL 《Neuron》2003,40(6):1241-1250
Natural exploration of complex visual scenes depends on saccadic eye movements toward important locations. Saccade targeting is thought to be mediated by a retinotopic map that represents the locations of salient features. In this report, we demonstrate that extrastriate ventral area V4 contains a retinotopic salience map that guides exploratory eye movements during a naturalistic free viewing visual search task. In more than half of recorded cells, visually driven activity is enhanced prior to saccades that move the fovea toward the location previously occupied by a neuron's spatial receptive field. This correlation suggests that bottom-up processing in V4 influences the oculomotor planning process. Half of the neurons also exhibit top-down modulation of visual responses that depends on search target identity but not visual stimulation. Convergence of bottom-up and top-down processing streams in area V4 results in an adaptive, dynamic map of salience that guides oculomotor planning during natural vision.  相似文献   

Siebold A  van Zoest W  Donk M 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e23552
The goal of the current study was to investigate how salience-driven and goal-driven processes unfold during visual search over multiple eye movements. Eye movements were recorded while observers searched for a target, which was located on (Experiment 1) or defined as (Experiment 2) a specific orientation singleton. This singleton could either be the most, medium, or least salient element in the display. Results were analyzed as a function of response time separately for initial and second eye movements. Irrespective of the search task, initial saccades elicited shortly after the onset of the search display were primarily salience-driven whereas initial saccades elicited after approximately 250 ms were completely unaffected by salience. Initial saccades were increasingly guided in line with task requirements with increasing response times. Second saccades were completely unaffected by salience and were consistently goal-driven, irrespective of response time. These results suggest that stimulus-salience affects the visual system only briefly after a visual image enters the brain and has no effect thereafter.  相似文献   

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