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The androecium in Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt. is described.There are three free bithecous stamens each with a single vascularstrand. Cucurbitaceae, Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt., androecium, free bithecous stamens  相似文献   

Lignite fossil flowers (including pollen) and isolated stamens of probable hamamelidalean (possible hamamelidaceous) affinities from the upper Cretaceous (Late Santonian or Early Campanian) of Sweden are described. The flowers are 6–7-merous with probably a double perianth, one whorl of stamens and (2-?)3 carpels. The stamens are disporangiate; each theca opens by a valve towards the centre of the flower. Pollen is tricolpate, tectate-columellate and reticulate; the endexine is lamellated in the apertural region. The gynoecium has free styles and a syncarpous ovary. In the one flower that was serially sectioned the ovary is either non-functional or development of the few (2?) ovules is retarded.  相似文献   

对浙江省石竹科Caryophyllaceae一新变种闭花拟漆姑草(Spergulariamarinavat.cleistogama)进行了描述和绘图。与原变种的主要区别在于本变种托叶三角状卵形,萼片宽度不等,花瓣0~4枚,有的花瓣变为雄蕊,闭锁,雌蕊具0.2~0.3nlm的柄,雄蕊5~7枚,蒴果为宿存的花萼所包被,种子扁平,卵形。  相似文献   

Spergularia marina var. cleistogama, a new variety of Caryophyllaceae from Zhejiang Province, China is described and illustrated. It is similar to S.marina var. marina, but differs by having triangular ovate stipules, unequally width of sepals, and 0-4 petals, a few of which may change into stamens. It is also characterized by its cleistogamous flowers, pistils with 0.2-0.3mm long gynophores, 5-7 stamens, capsules wrapped with persistent calyxes, and ovate, flat seeds.  相似文献   

Fossil angiospermous stamens with in situ pollen from the Turonian (ca. 90 million years before present, Late Cretaceous) of New Jersey are described and assigned to the Chloranthaceae. The fossil stamens, which are three-parted and bear two bisporangiate thecae on the central lobe and one bisporangiate theca on each lateral lobe, are indistinguishable from stamens of several extant species of Chloranthus. The pollen is spheroidal, 13–18 μm in diameter, with a reticulate exine and apparently elongate/elliptical apertures. The pollen is similar to that in extant Chloranthus in grain size, shape, exine sculpture, and aperture structure. Like pollen of some extant species of Chloranthus, aperture number in the fossil pollen appears to be variable. Because fossil pistillate chloranthoid reproductive structures have not been found at this locality it is unknown whether the fossil stamens described here were borne on the side of the ovary, as in extant Chloranthus, or in another arrangement. The three-parted stamen of Chloranthus is unique in angiosperms and there has been considerable debate concerning the origin and evolutionary significance of the structure. Uncertainty as to whether the three-parted stamen represents a synapomorphy for the genus or a retained plesiomorphy in angiosperms is the primary reason why these fossil stamens are not assigned to the extant genus Chloranthus.  相似文献   

对浙江省石竹科Caryophyllaceae一新变种闭花拟漆姑草(Spergularia marina var. cleistogama) 进行了描述和绘图。与原变种的主要区别在于本变种托叶三角状卵形,萼片宽度不等,花瓣0~4枚,有的花瓣变为雄蕊,闭锁,雌蕊具0.2~0.3mm的柄,雄蕊5~7枚,蒴果为宿存的花萼所包被,种子扁平,卵形。  相似文献   

Marked floral zygomorphy and a reduced number of petals and/or stamens are the character traits that distinguish the taxa described (species of Afzelia, Berlinia, Gilbertiodendron, Macrolobium, Neochevalierodendron, Paramacrolobium, Phyllocarpus, and Tetraberlinia). All have an "Omega"-shaped floral apex after bracteole initiation, bracteoles large when initiated, helical sepal initiation, unidirectional petal initiation (simultaneous in Afzelia, not determinable in Tetraberlinia), and unidirectional stamen initiation. Floral zygomorphy is expressed primarily by one petal being much larger than the others and by suppression of several of the stamens. Five petals are initiated in all; suppression begins in late development. Either two petals (Neochevalierodendron, Phyllocarpus) or four petals (Afzelia, Berlinia, Macrolobium, Tetraberlinia) are suppressed. All ten stamens are initiated; at midstage, suppression begins in either three stamens (Afzelia) or seven stamens (Gilbertiodendron, Macrolobium, Paramacrolobium). Other expressions of zygomorphy may include diadelphy, stamen filament connation late in development, or displacement of the carpel from a central position to the adaxial side of the hypanthium. There is no loss of organs similar to that which occurs in some other Detarieae.  相似文献   

UHL  N. W.; MOORE  H. E.  JR 《Annals of botany》1980,45(1):57-75
Floral organogensis is described for six polyandrous generarepresenting borassoid, caryotoid, ceroxyloid, inarteoid, andgeonomoid major groups of palms. In all, three sepals and threepetals arise from dome-shaped floral apices in alternate pseudo-whorls.After petal inception, the floral apex expands in a differentway in each major group. Different numbers and arrangementsof stamens develop in antesepalous (AS) and antepetalous (AP)positions Primary pnmordia are sometimes distinct, and stamenpnmordia vary in form In borassoid and caryotoid palms, AS whorlsalways consist of three stamens, but several stamens arise inthe lower, wider AP positions Ceroxylon is characterized bylarge primary primordia with two to three stamens developingopposite each petal and, in species with more than 12 stamens,two to three also opposite each sepal. Several stamens ariseon distinctive truncate, AS primordia in a definite patternthat is repeated in AP positions in inarteoid palms In polyandrousgeonomoid genera, stamens arise in AS and AP arcs on a flattrilobed floral apex. Previous work has shown similarities instamen inception in arecoid genera to that in borassoid andcaryotoid palms, and centrifugal initiation in all phytelephantoidpalms. All polyandrous taxa, except phytelephantoid palms, exhibita basic tnmery. The different patterns of apical expansion andstamen arrangement indicate that polyandry has arisen separatelyin each major group of palms. The mode of apical expansion andthe form of the primordia appear to depend on pressures imposedon the floral apices, suggesting that specialization of inflorescencebracts and perianth segments preceded the evolution of polyandry.Correlations of vasculature with developmental patterns areindicated. Lodoicea maldivica (Gmelin) Persoon, Caryota mitis Loureiro, Ceroxylon alpinum Bonpland ex DeCandolle, Socratea exorrhiza (Martius) H. Wendland, Wettima castanea Moore and Dransfield, Welfia georgii H. Wendland ex Burret, palms, androecium, stamen development  相似文献   

Floral development and vascular anatomy are investigated in Peganum harmala, emphasizing its unusual androccium with 15 stamens. Sepals arise successively; petals emerge simultaneously with five antesepalous stamens. The five stamen pairs arise in the space between the petals and the antesepalous stamens. The gynoecium arises from three carpel primordia with evidence of two reduced carpels. Placentae are axile and each bears two double rows of ovules. A weakly developed nectary surrounds the base of the ovary. The antepetalous stamen traces diverge from a common supply to petals and sepal laterals, independent of the antesepalous stamen traces. The androecium of Peganum is described as a derived obdiploste-monous form, differing from the complex haplostemonous androecium of Nitraria. “Congenital dédoublement” cannot adequately explain the origin of the paired antepetalous stamens; two stamens can arise either by the splitting of a common primordium or independently, and both ways of inception are best understood as extremes of a gradation. The systematic position of Peganum is discussed in relation to other Zygophyllaceae using a cladistic analysis with Ptelea (Rutaceae) and Quassia (Simaroubaceae) as outgroups. The basal division in the Zygophyllaceae is between Peganum and the rest of the family.  相似文献   

The new species Blakea bocatorena is described from Bocas del Toro province in Panama. It is only the third species to be described in the genus that has foliaceous appendages on the sepals. The other two species with these sepal appendages are B. calycosa and B. tuberculata. Blakea bocatorena differs from the latter two species in that it has white petals and a type of herkogamy in which the style is opposite the stamens and results in a zygomorphic flower. In B. calycosa and B. tuberculata, the larger petals are pink-magenta and tuberculate with the stamens encircling the exserted style resulting in a radially symmetric herkogamous flower.  相似文献   

In many ornithophilous Loranthaceae pollination is accompanied by an explosive opening of the flowers, and diverse mechanisms have evolved in different genera to bring this about. These are described for the African genera Erianthemum, Englerina, Tapinanthus, Globimetula, Vanwykia and Plicosepalus. In many genera tensions within the stamens cause the tubular corolla to split along the petal junctions to form window-like fenestrae. The flowers are pollinated mainly by sunbirds which insert their beaks through the fenestrae in search of the abundant nectar. This action causes the tube to split and the stamens to coil inwards explosively. In Globimetula and many species of Tapinanthus pigment is secreted along the edges of the specialized petal segments of the head, the spathulae. Probing along these secretory junctions causes the spathulae to reflex; further probing splits the corolla tube, and allows the stamens to coil inwards explosively. In Globimetula reflexure of the petals exposes the central column of stamens, between which secondary fenestrae are developed. In Plicosepalus curvature of the corolla tube is connected with a more specialized fenestral structure; flower opening is not explosive, and the open flowers continue to be visited regularly by sunbirds. In Vanwykia an early stage in the development of explosive flower-opening is found.  相似文献   

Localization of the stamens can be approached by a preliminary distinction between two characters, oligomery and polymery, occurring in two different groups of taxa, respectively the oligomerous complex and the polymerous complex. Oligomery is described by four character states standing in a close semophyletic relationship: diplostemony, obdiplostemony, haplostemony and obhaplostemony. Each character state is analysed for its distribution and systematic value. Diplostemony is the synapomorphic character state for the oligomerous line and has arisen once from a polymerous ancestor or in parallel in different lines. Obdiplostemony arises ontogenetically in three different ways. Loss of one whorl leads either to obhaplostemony, or haplostemony; both character states are believed to represent evolutionary steps of no-return. Secondary increases and reductions of the stamens within a whorl are seen as expressions of the intrinsic variability of the character states and should not be homologized with them. Stamen numbers can be increased by the building-up of complex primordia or by secondary receptacular growth. Reductions of stamens affect one or two whorls of stamens and are caused by lack of space, interactions with the gynoecium and zygomorphy. The distribution of the different character states of oligomery is presented on Dahlgrenograms and the androecia of a number of families and their relationships are discussed. The interactions between oligomery and polymery are analysed as guidelines for a global phylogeny of the Magnoliatae.  相似文献   

Waltheria laxa , sp. nov., is described from near Mogadishu in south-central Somalia. The species seems to be unique in the mainly neotropical genus Waltheria in its free stamens. It is also unusual in its comparatively long-pedicelled flowers with a distinctly stipitate ovary.  相似文献   

Some abnormalities in the androecial structure and behaviour withinVulpia sect.Vulpia are described. These features help to trace the evolutionary history of cleistogamous taxa with a single micranthous stamen from chasmogamous taxa with three macranthous stamens.  相似文献   

Floral ontogeny is described and documented using scanning electron microscopy in Myroxylon balsamum and Castanospermum australe, representatives respectively of Polhill's Myroxylon and Angylocalyx groups (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae), groups exhibiting relatively unspecialized flower structure for the tribe Sophoreae. Both are woody tropical trees with axillary or terminal racemes or panicles. Bracteoles are present in both Myroxylon and Castanospermum. Flowers are initiated singly in bract axils, which are produced in acropetal order by the inflorescence apical meristem. The flower structure of both includes a broad calyx tube, five petals lacking any fusion (only the vexillary distinctive), ten free homogeneous stamens in two whorls, and a long-stipitate carpel. The two taxa are alike in early organogenetic stages with essentially acropetal order of initiation: sepals, petals, outer stamens plus carpel, inner stamens. Within each whorl the order is unidirectional from the abaxial side. They are alike through middevelopment with one exception. There is accelerated vexillar enlargement in Castanospermum by middevelopment, not found in Myroxylon. Both have a hypanthium, which forms late in development. In both, large flower size, exserted stamens, and hypanthium are adaptations to bird-pollination. Differences between the two that are manifested in late development include strongly zygomorphic calyx and petal color change over time (Castanospermum), stamens sagittate and apiculate with some basal filament fusion (Myroxylon), stigma form differences, and fruit form.  相似文献   

This paper reports the bisexual structure of the flowers of Pterocarya stenoptera. The bisexual flowers are borne at the end of a leafy shoot of the current year in many-flowered terminal pendulous catkins. They have the same structure as the general female ones. Each flower grows in the axil of a bract, with a pair of bracteoles and four small perianths. Each flower has two or three carpels in the centre of the flower, and upon them there are two or three styles with stigmas on the inner face. They differ from the general female ones in that each of them contains 4-6 stamens, forming a single whorl. The stamens alternates with, or is opposite to, the perianth elements. Sometimes they contain 8 (-10) stamens, forming two whorls, with 6 in the outer whorl and 2 (-4) in the inner whorl, and in this case the pistil in the bisexual flower of terminal catkins often becomes a rudiment. It is interesting that we have also found bisexual flowers in another tree, which are borne in lateral male catkins. They have the same structure as general male ones, and the pistils are often represented by a rudiment. Manning (1940) points out that some female flowers of Pterocarya stenoptera and P. fraxinifolia occasionally have stamens ( ? ) opposite the sepals. In P. stenoptera we have found that both the stamens and the stigmas of bisexual flowers are functional. They are capable of producing functional fruits. This is the same case as in Myrica Gale described by Davey and Gibson (1917). Rendle (1952) points out that in the male flowers of Platycarya the pistils often appeared as a rudiment. He considers, however, the male flowers derived from the bisexual flowers with an indefinite number of stamens. The rudimentary pistils of lateral male catkins in P. stenoptera we found are just the same as the ones found in Platycarya by Rendle. The discovery of the bisexual flowers in P. stenoptera may prove that the unisexual flowers of the present-day Juglandaceae are derived from ancestors with bisexual flowers.This tends to support the hypothesis that Cycadicae is the possible ancestor of the angiosperms.  相似文献   

A new kind of stylar polymorphism, provisionally called inversostyly, is described. The polymorphism occurs in Hemimeris racemosa (Scrophulariaceae), a common annual herb of the Cape region of South Africa. Most populations are dimorphic for style orientation: the style alternates with the two stamens and is deflected either upwards or downwards. Thus, there is reciprocal placement of the style and stamens in a vertical plane in zygomorphic flowers. The flowers are symmetrical, and the floral parts do not vary in length. All flowers on a given plant are of the same stylar orientation. Pollination is by specialized oil-collecting bees (Rediviva spp.), which carry the pollen of the two morphs separately in discrete anterior or posterior locations on the underside of the body. Most inversostylous populations have a slightly higher proportion of the style-down morph, and this bias increases with decreasing pollinator abundance. In contrast with inversostylous populations, all individuals in homostylous populations of H. racemosa have the style and the stamens clustered together in the down position and high levels of autogamous seed set. Homostylous populations of H. racemosa, as well as the homostylous species Hemimeris sabulosa, occur where oil-collecting bees are less abundant.  相似文献   

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