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Coronary artery ligation in beagle dogs led to an abnormal platelet response that may be similar to that observed in patients with ischemic heart disease. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) obtained from these animals was markedly more responsive to collagen induced platelet aggregation than was PRP obtained from control animals which had undergone similar surgery but without having had a coronary artery ligated. Platelet sensitivity was followed after ligation for periods up to four months. The peak response to collagen occurred three weeks following surgery, remained high for three additional weeks and then gradually returned toward normal over the ensuing ten weeks. Crossover experiments employing platelets and platelet poor plasma (PPP) from ligated and control animals demonstrated that this observation was due to a plasma factor abnormality. Further studies established that BL-3459 and certain other inhibitors of platelet aggregation were capable of normalizing this exaggerated response to collagen.  相似文献   

Platelets were activated with freezing/thawing and thrombin stimulation, and platelet microparticles generated following platelet activation were isolated with ultracentrifugation. The effects of platelet microparticles on platelet activation were studied with annexin V assay, protein tyrosine phosphorylation, and platelet aggregation. Freezing-induced platelet microparticles decreased but thrombin-induced platelet microparticles increased platelet annexin V binding and aggregation. Freshly washed platelets were cryopreserved using epinephrine and dimethyl sulfoxide (Me(2)SO) as combined cryoprotectants, and stimulated with thrombin-induced platelet microparticles. Following incubation of thrombin-induced platelet microparticles, the reaction time of platelets to agonists decreased but the percentages of aggregation increased, such as washed platelets from 44% +/- 30 to 92% +/- 7, p < 0.001, and cryopreserved platelets from 66% +/- 10 to 77% +/- 7, p < 0.02. By increasing platelet aggregability, platelet microparticles recovered after thrombin stimulation improved platelet function for transfusion. A 53-kDa platelet microparticle protein showed little phosphorylation if it was released from resting platelets or platelets stimulated with ADP, epinephrine, propyl gallate or dephosphorylation if it was derived from ionophore A 23187-stimulated platelets. However, the same protein released from frozen platelets showed significant tyrosine phosphorylation. Since a microparticle protein with 53 kDa was compatible with protein tyrosine phosphatase-1B (PTP-1B), its phosphorylation suggests the inhibition of enzyme activity. The microparticle proteins derived from thrombin-stimulated platelets were significantly phosphorylated at 64 kDa and pp60c-src, suggesting that the activation of tyrosine kinases represents a possible mechanism of thrombin-induced platelet microparticles to improve platelet aggregation.  相似文献   

Addition of arachidonic acid to human platelet rich plasma caused a reversible aggregation, which was greatly decreased after aspirin ingestion. ADP induced a greater aggregation, which was only slightly decreased after aspirin ingestion. When PRP was incubated with arachidonic acid for 2 or 6 min before the addition of ADP, the ADP-induced aggregation was greatly decreased. This decrease was not changed by aspirin ingestion.The present study indicates that arachidonic acid is metabolized in human platelets not only to aggregatory compounds but also to anti-aggregatory compound(s). The formation of the latter compound is not inhibited by aspirin.  相似文献   

Six healthy non-obese probands without medical therapy and history of disease were tested. In all of them platelet aggregability with addition of human recombinant adiponectin in different concentrations (100; 75; 50 and 25 ng/l) were measured. It is concluded that increased level of adiponectin has no significant antiaggregation effect on platelets from individuals without hypoadiponectinemia.  相似文献   

Human platelet aggregation induced by ADP was studied after incubation with urea, methylguanidine, creatinine and oxalic acid. Oxalic acid significantly (p < 0.05) inhibits human thrombocyte aggregation. Physiopathological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The epidemiological analysis of infectious morbidity for recent years has been made and the main nosological forms existing in Angola (malaria, tuberculosis, lepra, African trypanosomiasis, plague, intestinal diseases, etc.) have been briefly characterized on the basis of primary medical reports and the data provided by the literature and experimental work. This analysis creates the necessary prerequisites which enable the local public health organs to determine the regularities of the epidemic process, thus making it possible to take rational prophylactic measures and to organize proper epidemiological supervision.  相似文献   

The influences of experimental hypercholesterolemia in the rabbit on platelet-vessel wall interactions have been studied by evaluating the aggregatory response of platelet rich plasma (PRP) to arachidonic acid (AA) stimulation and levels of 6-keto-PGF in PRP from normal (N) and hypercholesterolemic (HC) animals prior and after perfusion through the corresponding aortas. In addition, the responses of N PRP to aggregation after perfusion through HC aortas and those of HC PRP perfused through N aortas, and the platelet response to the inhibitors effect of exogenous prostocyclin have been evaluated. The data indicate that in HC rabbits, on one side platelets aew hyperreactive to AA and less sensitive to the inhibitory activity of prostocyclin and, on the other, the antiaggregatory activity and prostacyclin production of vessel walls is higher, suggesting compensatory mechanisms in the haemostatic balance.  相似文献   

Rats, acclimatized on a control diet, were fed for 60 days with diets, supplemented with 10% fat of either marine Hilsa fish (Hilsa ilisa) or fresh-water Chital fish (Notopterus chitala). The percentage of eicosapentaenoic acid in chital oil diet was 0.57 times that of the hilsa oil diet, but the eicosapentaenoic to arachidonic acid ratio in the latter (4.08) was 3.2 times that of the former (1.27). Otherwise these two diets were comparable in respect to total saturated, monounsaturated and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid contents. Results showed that of the two only hilsa oil diet could significantly lower platelet aggregability and in vitro thromboxane production, through replacement of arachidonic acid in platelet phospholipid by eicosapentaenoic acid. The antithrombic criteria of the oil seems to be a combination of low arachidonic acid content and high eicosapentaenoic to arachidonic acid ratio.  相似文献   

The influences of experimental hypercholesterolemia in the rabbit on platelet-vessel wall interactions have been studied by evaluating the aggregatory response of platelet rich plasma (PRP) to arachidonic acid (AA) stimulation and levels of 6-keto-PGF1 alpha in PRP from normal (N) and hypercholesterolemic (HC) animals prior and after perfusion through the corresponding aortas. In addition, the responses of N PRP to aggregation after perfusion through HC aortas and those of HC PRP perfused through N aortas, and the platelet response to the inhibitory effect of exogenous prostacyclin have been evaluated. The data indicate that in HC rabbits, on one side platelets are hyperreactive to AA and less sensitive to the inhibitory activity of prostacyclin and, on the other, the antiaggregatory activity and prostacyclin production of vessel walls is higher, suggesting compensatory mechanisms in the haemostatic balance.  相似文献   

The results of the epidemiological analysis of the morbidity rate in meningococcal infection for 1976-1984 are presented. The maximum rise of morbidity rate, equal to 14.4 per 100000 of population, was observed in 1983. Primarily, the rise of morbidity rate in 1979 was induced by meningococci of two serogroups: C (44.6%) and B (36.4%). The vaccinal prophylaxis of the population, carried out in 1979 with the use of polysaccharide vaccine A + C, did not affect morbidity caused by group B meningococci. The isolation rate of these organisms reached 98.7% from patients and 81.0% from carriers. The characteristic feature of the epidemic process of meningococcal infection in Cuba was a considerable increase in the number of patients under 1 year of age and the absence of seasonal fluctuations in morbidity rate.  相似文献   

目的分析青岛地区新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)的流行病学特征。方法纳入青岛市自2020年1月21日至3月3日所有COVID-19确诊病例(n=60),收集患者基本信息和流行病学资料,分析易感人群、传播模式、基本繁殖数、疫情进展及其与防控措施的相关性。结果 60例确诊患者包括27例输入性病例和33例本地感染病例。本地感染者以女性为主,占69.7%,显著高于输入性病例(37.0%)(χ~2=6.400,P=0.011)。本地共发生三代传播,发病例数逐代减少。青岛地区总病例R0值为1.49。本地一代、二代和三代的R0值分别为1.38、1.53、1.56。传播模式由家庭聚集性向密切接触转换。结论青岛地区本地传播病例女性易感,日新增病例总体呈波浪式下降趋势,目前疫情已基本得到控制,应进一步做好分区分级精准防控,加强对外来人员的隔离观察,防止出现疫情反弹。  相似文献   

The prophylaxis of purulent omphalitis is an urgent problem of epidemiology and obstetrics. A high morbidity rate in omphalitis and umbilical sepsis has been noted after the treatment of the umbilical bed by commonly used methods. As revealed in our investigations, two new treatment methods have proved to be highly effective for this purpose: treatment with the preparation Narine-phi containing the metabolic products of lactobacterial strain 317/402 Narine and treatment with the film-forming preparation Lifuzol. Both methods have made it possible to achieve a significant decrease in the contamination of the umbilical bed of newborns by hospital microorganisms and in morbidity rate in purulent omphalitis as compared with those in the control group.  相似文献   

Physiological characteristics of platelet serotonin (5-HT) levels in rats of Wistar origin were investigated by use of a recently developed method. By comparison of populations of male and female rats (N = 281) similar unimodal frequency distributions, with a tendency to higher values in females (1.61 vs. 1.70 micrograms 5HT/mg platelet protein; p less than 0.01), were found. For a group of 55 animals, monitored twice for this parameter within a week interval, a remarkable intraindividual constancy in time, the mean difference between two determinations being 5.5%, was shown. No age-dependence could be demonstrated for platelet serotonin concentrations in 5- to 30-week-old rats, nor were there significant circadian or seasonal oscillations.  相似文献   

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